Obama Weeps...

How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Get lost ya childish little snot, you're about one comment from ignore. Sick of your loon nonsense

Awwww did I hit a little close to home wh that Benghazi comment . It was dead on now wasn't it .

You are a real live example of prototypical right wing hypocrite .
Yeah, and the Communist/Progressive Press is falling all over itself worshipping the asshole. What a sad sham. What happened to the American Press?
The free American press is dead.

Apparently. Seeing all that shameful worship really was pretty shocking. I mean, he even used the Sandy Hook kids again. So messed up.

You righties are like trained seals. The press is going to highlight Obama's emotional display because he's never had one in over 7 years in office. Maybe you should YouTube the speech and get the preamble of shooting events he ticked off before he got to Sandy Hook.

He's an actor. And not even a good one. We all feel for children who lose their lives, but that doesn't mean we circumvent the Constitution and take law abiding Citizens' rights away. Him still exploiting the Sandy Hook kids for political gain is truly disgusting.
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Get lost ya childish little snot, you're about one comment from ignore. Sick of your loon nonsense

You reach meltdown so easily. Only takes one or two posts before you dissolve.
You should try sticking to stuff you can copy and paste, like PC on here.
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Get lost ya childish little snot, you're about one comment from ignore. Sick of your loon nonsense

Awwww did I hit a little close to home wh that Benghazi comment . It was dead on now wasn't it .

You are a real live example of prototypical right wing hypocrite .

No, Benghazi and this is apples and oranges, dumbass
Where were his tears and concern when in Chicago the city's record-setting gun violence / death rate rose EVERY WEEKEND this past year?
Hey dumbshit. He started crying when he said, "Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day."

Read your own link, idiot.

I suspect....strongly...that the FBI brought photos of the Sandy Hook massacre to Obama. The public just saw the parking lot of the school and parents in agony. Those alone were unforgettable images.

If America could have seen what those guns did to those little bodies, we would have pushed through better background checks and mental healthcare in a nanosecond.

Reminds me of Emmitt Till and his mother insisting on an open coffin so the world could see what they did to him

Oh yes, Emmett Till, son of a convicted rapist and murderer who was hanged in 1945....oddly the NAACP and the MSM don't seem to mention Emmett Till's Father....wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Louis Till - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What has this got to do with anything? Are you that fucked up?
So the kids should pay with their lives for the sins of their fathers?
Do you have even a grasp of simple basic rights under our laws?

"for the sins of their fathers"

As an Austrian, is this how you want to me respond? My German kin? Exactly, there are no sins, nothing to feel the need to apologise for.
Hey dumbshit. He started crying when he said, "Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day."

Read your own link, idiot.

I suspect....strongly...that the FBI brought photos of the Sandy Hook massacre to Obama. The public just saw the parking lot of the school and parents in agony. Those alone were unforgettable images.

If America could have seen what those guns did to those little bodies, we would have pushed through better background checks and mental healthcare in a nanosecond.

Reminds me of Emmitt Till and his mother insisting on an open coffin so the world could see what they did to him

Oh yes, Emmett Till, son of a convicted rapist and murderer who was hanged in 1945....oddly the NAACP and the MSM don't seem to mention Emmett Till's Father....wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Louis Till - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What has this got to do with anything? Are you that fucked up?
So the kids should pay with their lives for the sins of their fathers?
Do you have even a grasp of simple basic rights under our laws?

"for the sins of their fathers"

As an Austrian, is this how you want to me respond? My German kin? Exactly, there are no sins, nothing to feel the need to apologise for.

Sounds like your lederhosen are just a bit too tight.
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Get lost ya childish little snot, you're about one comment from ignore. Sick of your loon nonsense

Awwww did I hit a little close to home wh that Benghazi comment . It was dead on now wasn't it .

You are a real live example of prototypical right wing hypocrite .

No, Benghazi and this is apples and oranges, dumbass

Oh yes you are so right . Democrats are using dead KIDS! While the conservatives use dead ADULTS ! Oh yeah, totally apples n oranges !!

Playa please!
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Get lost ya childish little snot, you're about one comment from ignore. Sick of your loon nonsense

Awwww did I hit a little close to home wh that Benghazi comment . It was dead on now wasn't it .

You are a real live example of prototypical right wing hypocrite .

No, Benghazi and this is apples and oranges, dumbass

Oh yes you are so right . Democrats are using dead KIDS! While the conservatives use dead ADULTS ! Oh yeah, totally apples n oranges !!

Playa please!
"The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls for more rights for those vulnerable to gun violence"
Apparently he still hasn't figured out that they wouldn't be so damn "vulnerable" if they were armed or protected by other armed citizens. In typical gub'mint fashion President Pipsqueak wants to make it harder and more costly for law abiding citizens to acquire weapons while doing nothing to stop criminals from getting them. :rolleyes:
Man, another year of the Hussein Dictatorship? Can the country stand it? Yikes.
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Something? Anything? So, you don't mind that even Obama admits that nothing he is going to do would have stopped those children from being killed? You don't mind being ineffective as long as you can say "something" was done?

You're the worst that humanity has to offer.
I suspect....strongly...that the FBI brought photos of the Sandy Hook massacre to Obama. The public just saw the parking lot of the school and parents in agony. Those alone were unforgettable images.

If America could have seen what those guns did to those little bodies, we would have pushed through better background checks and mental healthcare in a nanosecond.

Reminds me of Emmitt Till and his mother insisting on an open coffin so the world could see what they did to him

Oh yes, Emmett Till, son of a convicted rapist and murderer who was hanged in 1945....oddly the NAACP and the MSM don't seem to mention Emmett Till's Father....wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Louis Till - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What has this got to do with anything? Are you that fucked up?
So the kids should pay with their lives for the sins of their fathers?
Do you have even a grasp of simple basic rights under our laws?

"for the sins of their fathers"

As an Austrian, is this how you want to me respond? My German kin? Exactly, there are no sins, nothing to feel the need to apologise for.

Sounds like your lederhosen are just a bit too tight.

Lol, I can't stand Lederhosen, neither can I stand Schuhplattlertanz and Schuhplattler, although it dates from at least 3000 BC.

I'm far too sophisticated for all that sort of thing :smoke:
You must give him credit. He knew he had no cogent verbal argument for his I'll stop gun violence shtick. So he prepared, like an actor. Before the performance, er, speech, he rolled into a fetal ball. Then, when the cameras were ready, so was he.

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