Obama Weeps...

Hey dumbshit. He started crying when he said, "Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day."

Read your own link, idiot.

I suspect....strongly...that the FBI brought photos of the Sandy Hook massacre to Obama. The public just saw the parking lot of the school and parents in agony. Those alone were unforgettable images.

If America could have seen what those guns did to those little bodies, we would have pushed through better background checks and mental healthcare in a nanosecond.

Reminds me of Emmitt Till and his mother insisting on an open coffin so the world could see what they did to him

Oh yes, Emmett Till, son of a convicted rapist and murderer who was hanged in 1945....oddly the NAACP and the MSM don't seem to mention Emmett Till's Father....wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Louis Till - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How could a fourteen year old boys father justify his being tortured and killed?

Are you really that sick of an individual?
My guess is Lucy is a Nazi. White Nationalist. I can smell their stench a mile away.

You forgot "pants shitter" and "piss drinker". Everybody with whom you hold disagreement is a pants shitting, piss drinking Nazi.

It's what you do....
I suspect....strongly...that the FBI brought photos of the Sandy Hook massacre to Obama. The public just saw the parking lot of the school and parents in agony. Those alone were unforgettable images.

If America could have seen what those guns did to those little bodies, we would have pushed through better background checks and mental healthcare in a nanosecond.

Reminds me of Emmitt Till and his mother insisting on an open coffin so the world could see what they did to him

Oh yes, Emmett Till, son of a convicted rapist and murderer who was hanged in 1945....oddly the NAACP and the MSM don't seem to mention Emmett Till's Father....wonder why? :rolleyes-41:

Louis Till - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How could a fourteen year old boys father justify his being tortured and killed?

Are you really that sick of an individual?
My guess is Lucy is a Nazi. White Nationalist. I can smell their stench a mile away.

You forgot "pants shitter" and "piss drinker". Everybody with whom you hold disagreement is a pants shitting, piss drinking Nazi.

It's what you do....
It goes without saying that Nazis are pants shitting piss drinkers.

And I meant it literally. Lucy is a Nazi/WN. I'd bet on it. They have a very specific telltale odor about them.
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Where were his tears and concern when in Chicago the city's record-setting gun violence / death rate rose EVERY WEEKEND this past year?
Hey dumbshit. He started crying when he said, "Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day."

Read your own link, idiot.

'And Oh by the way, it happens every day when Mexican Drug Cartels use the weapons I gave them to kill more innocent women and children....it just breaks my heart.....or WOULD...if I REALLY gave a shite!'
Where were his tears and concern when in Chicago the city's record-setting gun violence / death rate rose EVERY WEEKEND this past year?
Hey dumbshit. He started crying when he said, "Every time I think about those kids, it gets me mad. And by the way, it happens on the streets of Chicago every day."

Read your own link, idiot.

'And Oh by the way, it happens every day when Mexican Drug Cartels use the weapons I gave them to kill more innocent women and children....it just breaks my heart.....or WOULD...if I REALLY gave a shite!'
No matter how much you scramble, no matter how much smoke you emit from your ass, you can't cover up the fact you are an idiot, and that you didn't read your own link.

It does not surprise me you claim to have a degree in journalism. At all. You have the low intelligence and ignorance of that profession.
Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures

Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures

"The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls for more rights for those vulnerable to gun violence"

He's so full of shite!

Where are the tears for the 14 Americans who were killed by a terrorist he and his administration let come into this country because his 'thorough' background checks were supposed to leave us nothing but 'widows and orphans' to fear?! Where were his tears when he sent his Atty General out to threaten American citizens after the attack?

Where were the tears for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, another successful terrorist attack on US soil due to his lack of desire / effort to stop it after being warned about the terrorist brothers?

Where were the tears for the US servicemen and women who were gunned down by Maj Hassan when he declared the attack NOT to be a case of terrorism but of 'workplace violence'?

Where were his tears for the men he and his State Department abandoned and let needlessly die in Benghazi, when he stood with the mourning families and told them it was all because of a video...or about a month later when he all but apologized to Muslims around the world as he spoke before the UN, seemingly justifying the murder or Stevens and 3 others by again falsely blaming a video and declaring, 'The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam'?!

Where were his tears and concern when in Chicago the city's record-setting gun violence / death rate rose EVERY WEEKEND this past year?

You and Hillary can take your mock outrage and crocodile tears and shove 'em where the sun don't shine!

NONE of your EO rules would have or will prevent mass shootings or more of the successful terrorist attacks on US soil you continue to fail to prevent!
Crocodile tears, commander asshat only wants to control people he disagrees with... His puppet master's command so.

So He can stand up there putting on a show for all the bleeding hearts all he wants. But his bullshit executive orders will do nothing more than divide the country even more, likely that's what him and his puppet masters want.

Buy more guns and ammo...
No matter how much you scramble, no matter how much smoke you emit from your ass, you can't cover up the fact you are an idiot, and that you didn't read your own link.

Wow, that was really hurtful, g.... or it WOULD be if I didn't consider you to be an immature, ignorant, petulant child who is mentally under-developed and therefore must lash out at others emotionally for your own shortcomings, and if I gave a rat's ass what you think....which I don't.

By the way, Happy New Year!
Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures

Obama wipes away tears as he calls for new gun measures

"The president gets emotional as he remembers Sandy Hook victims and fiercely calls for more rights for those vulnerable to gun violence"

He's so full of shite!

Where are the tears for the 14 Americans who were killed by a terrorist he and his administration let come into this country because his 'thorough' background checks were supposed to leave us nothing but 'widows and orphans' to fear?! Where were his tears when he sent his Atty General out to threaten American citizens after the attack?

Where were the tears for the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, another successful terrorist attack on US soil due to his lack of desire / effort to stop it after being warned about the terrorist brothers?

Where were the tears for the US servicemen and women who were gunned down by Maj Hassan when he declared the attack NOT to be a case of terrorism but of 'workplace violence'?

Where were his tears for the men he and his State Department abandoned and let needlessly die in Benghazi, when he stood with the mourning families and told them it was all because of a video...or about a month later when he all but apologized to Muslims around the world as he spoke before the UN, seemingly justifying the murder or Stevens and 3 others by again falsely blaming a video and declaring, 'The future must not be left to those who slander the prophet of Islam'?!

Where were his tears and concern when in Chicago the city's record-setting gun violence / death rate rose EVERY WEEKEND this past year?

You and Hillary can take your mock outrage and crocodile tears and shove 'em where the sun don't shine!

NONE of your EO rules would have or will prevent mass shootings or more of the successful terrorist attacks on US soil you continue to fail to prevent!
Crocodile tears, commander asshat only wants to control people he disagrees with... His puppet master's command so.

So He can stand up there putting on a show for all the bleeding hearts all he wants. But his bullshit executive orders will do nothing more than divide the country even more, likely that's what him and his puppet masters want.

Buy more guns and ammo...

I agree. The tears were a nice touch.

Doubt he will weeps over all the killing of kids in the inner cities.

He's also writing law. He's a law professor yet doesn't seem to realize that his executive branch doesn't write law. Congress writes law.
Innocent children accidentally shot by gang bangers in our Obama decimated inner cities need tears too...
Barry does not understand the issue, all he cares about is his goal or should his puppet master's... Controlling people they disagree with.

Who can expect firearm owners to trust a career politician??
Did he not lie about Obamacare??
How long are the democrats going to use dead kids as props? Disgusting

Until SOMTHING is done .

By the way , I wouldn't be throwing stones . Conservatives have been rolling out Bengazhi for 5 years now .

Something? Anything? So, you don't mind that even Obama admits that nothing he is going to do would have stopped those children from being killed? You don't mind being ineffective as long as you can say "something" was done?

You're the worst that humanity has to offer.

How about we try and stop the next sandy hook?

Do righties look at terror attacks and say "nothing can be done !" . No . We poor billions into homeland security , pass laws like the patriot act , etc..

YOUR guy has already admitted that his actions WON'T stop the next Sandy Hook. It's overly emotional, knuckle-dragging reactionaries like you that has brought us to this point, where I will be punished though I've never done anything wrong, while those who are the problem will blithely continue to illegally obtain their firearms. You non-thinking emotional wrecks are ruining this nation. Stop it.
another fag like obama

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