Obama will announce JOBS plan on Sept. 7--same time as GOP debate.

Will you watch Obama on new Jobs plan--or the GOP debate?

  • Obama new JOBS plan

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • GOP debate

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
someone should hack his teleprompter.

They can't, he takes them everywhere he goes.


$let me be clear.jpg

Let me be clear--this is all the tea party and Bush's fault---:lol: Look he's even got his teleprompters on the ladder.
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I'm focused like a laser on jobs, we see Green Shoots from Green Jobs initiative, we need a balanced approach that has millionaire and billionaires pay their fair share and end tax breaks to oil companies that made billions and corporate jets too, we will declare Jihad on Bank ATMS and airport kiosks that have slowed our recovery and we will work with you to invest the 2,500% you're saving since you switched to ObamaCare

Speaking of that? Remember the Solar Company that Obama touted/visited for Green Energy? It closed it's doors...TODAY

Solar company that received Obama administration backing closes its doors

What is it with this guy? Every business he touts goes under. He speaks of the economy? The market tanks...it's the kiss of death for everything he touches.

A California-based solar company that received a $535 million loan guarantee from the Obama administration announced Wednesday that it will shut down.

The company, Solyndra Inc., said Wednesday it would suspend its manufacturing operations and lay off 1,100 employees effective immediately. The company said it intends to file a petition for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.

“Regulatory and policy uncertainties in recent months created significant near-term excess supply and price erosion,” Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison said in a statement. “Raising incremental capital in this environment was not possible. This was an unexpected outcome and is most unfortunate.”

More wasted taxpayer funds folks...And this guy wants to bore us on the 7th with MORE of the same? NO THANK YOU.
Gonna give a little prop to Rick Perry on this one.

Perry announced during the last debate. Maybe Obama is lifting a little Texas Cowboy politics.

Which isn't at all a bad thing.


Thank you for admitting Obama is nothing but a political tool, dividing at every possible chance he can... Best part is most of the country sees it and most of the country HAS turned from Obama and over the next year many more will.

Political tool? Naw.

In a polticial environment? Yeah.

High time he stopped playing nice.
Here is the link:

Fannie, Freddie Takeover Could Be Key To Obama Jobs Plan | FoxNews.com

Obama may be talking about Fannie/Freddie to loan money to risky borrower's.
in other words a complete takeover of another segment of the private sector.


Yeah--it's sounds like it's a repeat of what created this economic disaster in the 1st place. Now instead of mortgage brokers making bad loans it will be the Federal Government--:lol:

Just think? Mortgaged homes that can't be sold now will be SECTION 8 housing...
The speech will fall on the same night Texas Gov. Rick Perry makes his debut on the 2012 GOP debate stage. The Republican presidential field is set to take part in a debate, also scheduled to begin at 8 p.m., at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif.

Asked whether the speech was purposefully scheduled the same night as the Republican debate, White House press secretary Jay Carney said, “Of course not.”
I've got 2 words for Jay Carney: Bull shit!
I would love it if the MSM decided to not air his address, but in all likelyhood, FOX will broadcast the debate and everyone else will kiss obama's ass.
Watch what NBC does. They are a co-sponsor.

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I have sent Speaker Boehner and email asking that he refuse to convene a joint session at the same time as the previously scheduled debate..
Obama is trying every trick in the book--planning to have all members of congress there on Sept. 7th to announce his new JOBS plan--cough-cough--new "spending plan" while at the same time the next Republican GOP debate will be aired.

So my question to you--which one are you going to watch---

Vote in above poll.

move the debate to the 8th then they can all debate the new plan ;)
Probably old NCIS re-runs. I prefer my fiction honestly packaged as fiction.
A jobs plan of substance in which an opportunity to sway independents / moderates might find value in maximum market exposure for the message. Not sure the value is in the audience I need to reach most being tuned into their own self-interested programming.
A jobs plan of substance in which an opportunity to sway independents / moderates might find value in maximum market exposure for the message. Not sure the value is in the audience I need to reach most being tuned into their own self-interested programming.
How about getting rid of regulations and practicing pure old-fashioned American-Style commerce and Capitalism?

Sound good?

Is Liberty too much to ask?
A jobs plan of substance in which an opportunity to sway independents / moderates might find value in maximum market exposure for the message. Not sure the value is in the audience I need to reach most being tuned into their own self-interested programming.
How about getting rid of regulations and practicing pure old-fashioned American-Style commerce and Capitalism?

Sound good?

Is Liberty too much to ask?


Sounds good.

Liberty as well as the market require a certain aspect of regulatory oversight in order to funtion, however.
meh..........hardly anybody is going to tune into Obama anyway. On jobs, nobody cares what he has to say at this point. Everyone and their brother know that he's going to call for taxes on the rich and some bogus stimulus crap..........
meh..........hardly anybody is going to tune into Obama anyway. On jobs, nobody cares what he has to say at this point. Everyone and their brother know that he's going to call for taxes on the rich and some bogus stimulus crap..........
And blame Bush. He already did it yesterday in a radio interview...
Good. It would give Republicans something to talk about that doesn't sound crazy.
I have never seen a President so in love with the media attention as this President.Thsi guy love the spotlight...Talk,talk,talk...this guy talks the talk that's for sure.

He goes on a bus tour to tell everyone that he doesn't have anything to say yet.
Getting tired of all the talk from this guy...Get back to me when he does something...
I have never seen a President so in love with the media attention as this President.Thsi guy love the spotlight...Talk,talk,talk...this guy talks the talk that's for sure.

He goes on a bus tour to tell everyone that he doesn't have anything to say yet.
Getting tired of all the talk from this guy...Get back to me when he does something...
And we were told that 'Tour' wasn't campaigning...:eusa_shhh:

And by the way those buses were flown to the Midwest for that tour. They did not drive there all the way from the District of Criminals...

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