Obama will announce JOBS plan on Sept. 7--same time as GOP debate.

Will you watch Obama on new Jobs plan--or the GOP debate?

  • Obama new JOBS plan

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • GOP debate

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm sure most will watch the GOP debate. Besides, most righties don't care about jobs anyway, because they know Obama will get the credit.
Liberals are so pathetic. They had three years to announce a job plan, but wait until the economy is in the tank and do it during a Republican debate.

The American Taliban strikes again.
The dems' jobs plan is best analyzed by Boeing's spending $1-billion in SC and the admin-NLRB not allowing them to run it. Any exec who advocates US jobs will be instantly fired as a moron.
Obama is trying every trick in the book--planning to have all members of congress there on Sept. 7th to announce his new JOBS plan--cough-cough--new "spending plan" while at the same time the next Republican GOP debate will be aired.

So my question to you--which one are you going to watch---

Vote in above poll.

One Problem with his Plan. Well other than the fact that it is so Transparently Partisan and childish. Only the Speaker of the House can Sch a Joint Session of Congress. The President can not Have it on Demand on his Time Frame.

That said, What I think the Republicans should do is move their Debate, Let the President have his Forum, and then the Republicans can have their Debate and Tear apart his so called Jobs plan, which is going to be Nothing more than spending a shit load of more money on another Stimulus, and also point out how it was kinda of Childish and rather Partisan of him to have his Speech on the same day of a Debate that had been planned well before his announcement.

Dont forget the part ware bammer is going to get lots of infrastructure contracts for the union scum.

Are they shovel-ready?
They should move the debate until after the POTUS is done. Then the debaters can focus the entire debate on his "plan'. His record of failure would be front and center..... I like that....

I agree, The Republicans can come off as the bigger Men, Move their Debate, and then get to Tear apart his Jobs plan. Which Promises to be Nothing but more spending.

Agreed. Also he is the POTUS. He is entitled to respect. He is a prevaricating, calculating, whining crybaby (not to mention a total failure as President), but he is still the President. Move the debate up to 6PM PST. Then rip him to shreds.
Obama just caved and will deliver the speech * cough-cough* a different night. September 8th.
The speech will fall on the same night Texas Gov. Rick Perry makes his debut on the 2012 GOP debate stage. The Republican presidential field is set to take part in a debate, also scheduled to begin at 8 p.m., at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif.

Asked whether the speech was purposefully scheduled the same night as the Republican debate, White House press secretary Jay Carney said, “Of course not.”
I've got 2 words for Jay Carney: Bull shit!
I would love it if the MSM decided to not air his address, but in all likelyhood, FOX will broadcast the debate and everyone else will kiss obama's ass.
Watch what NBC does. They are a co-sponsor.
Who cares. Some of the networks will repeat it. Since the debate last about 2 hours, I doubt Obama will talk that long. I suspect FOX will carry it live.
Obama just caved and will deliver the speech * cough-cough* a different night. September 8th.

OMFG. He's such a wimpy milquetoast loser. He should of stood firm- He's the freakin' POTUS!!! Leadership is just a 10 letter word to this boob......what a wimp! :lol::lol::lol:
Obama just caved and will deliver the speech * cough-cough* a different night. September 8th.

That should deliver the highest ratings of any presidential speech in history, all he has to compete with then is the first NFL game of the season.
Who knew that this would be the one and only Republican candidate's debate? Why, with only fourteen months until election day, how will the Republicans ever get a word in edgewise?
Probably old NCIS re-runs. I prefer my fiction honestly packaged as fiction.

Will most likely be preempted by either the debate or the "no-new-jobs-this-term" announcement. You might want to warm up your DVD Player.


Nope, USA and Sleuth only run their re-runs, they don't pre-empt for liars and the scripted pissing matches
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and ONLY on Fox News- the Official GOP channel. also they tell Boner what to do...what a gd joke you
a-holes are.

LOL, I bet you never watched Foxnews EVER!!! Other than Hannity and O'Reilly they are taking a liberal turn! Wallace, Bier, Geraldo, etc are well left leaning. Beck is gone soon!

The Foxnews is the GOP network is well off. The focus of that is on Beck (who used to be on MSNBC and it soon off foxnews) and Hannity!

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