Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth

In 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.9% and food stamp use was 27 million. Today, unemployment is claimed to be 4.9% but food stamp use is well over 40 million. If all the jobs that have claimed to be created have been, why are so many more on food stamps?
Seems like the job creators have found the market can support low wages if the taxpayer helps with food stamps

So, should we continue to support low wage workers or make the job creators do it

We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

You're mistaken
In 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.9% and food stamp use was 27 million. Today, unemployment is claimed to be 4.9% but food stamp use is well over 40 million. If all the jobs that have claimed to be created have been, why are so many more on food stamps?
Seems like the job creators have found the market can support low wages if the taxpayer helps with food stamps

So, should we continue to support low wage workers or make the job creators do it

We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

Blacks, as a whole, having lower level skills and less education has an impact on blacks, as a whole, being employed.
In 2006, the unemployment rate was 4.9% and food stamp use was 27 million. Today, unemployment is claimed to be 4.9% but food stamp use is well over 40 million. If all the jobs that have claimed to be created have been, why are so many more on food stamps?
Seems like the job creators have found the market can support low wages if the taxpayer helps with food stamps

So, should we continue to support low wage workers or make the job creators do it

We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
Seems like the job creators have found the market can support low wages if the taxpayer helps with food stamps

So, should we continue to support low wage workers or make the job creators do it

We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities
We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities

Since that time the educational level for blacks has declined, the bastard birth rate has gone up, the crime rate has gone up compared to other groups. It's amazing how the results of other things that can cause employment to go down actually occur when certain choices are made.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities

Since that time the educational level for blacks has declined, the bastard birth rate has gone up, the crime rate has gone up compared to other groups. It's amazing how the results of other things that can cause employment to go down actually occur when certain choices are made.
Looks like an issue of cause and effect

Once manufacturing left our cities, blacks were left behind to fend for themselves. Crime, social degradation and declining education was the result
We should leave businesses alone and do away with things like food stamps. Because a worker offers low skills doesn't mean the taxpayers should offset their poor work ability.

By the way, since you want to blame job creators, blame Obama. You are the one giving him credit for having created millions of jobs.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities

In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

Yup. And when you price unskilled blacks out of the labor force, fewer of them get jobs in manufacturing, or any other sector.

Yep, kept us out of recession.

Every spring for eight long years we heard the same song from Democrats.


Thank you

We have had quite a recovery

15 million private sector jobs added, $50 trillion in national wealth. strongest dollar in decades, stock market almost tripled
Call me when Obama exceeds the one million jobs (good paying too) added in ONE MONTH under Reagan.
Wages down, quality of life down, home ownership down, $9 Trillion in debt added, 43 million Americans requiring aid to put food on the table, 94 million Americans not working.

Socialist utopia.

Reagan is dead...so is the 1980s

Obama did move from negative 770,000 jobs to consistent employment above 200,000 that is a million jobs a month

Stop with the 94 million Americans not working crap, you get slapped down on that every time you post it but you just don't learn do you?
Reagan is dead...so is the 1980s

Yeah, Russia thinks it's 1970.

Tell us why 43 million Americans require aid to put food on the table in your glorious economy.

Trump says the economy is bad because of all the jobs that have gone overseas. Why are you blaming Obama for that?

That would be Clinton's fault for signing NAFTA.
Call me when Obama exceeds the one million jobs (good paying too) added in ONE MONTH under Reagan.
Wages down, quality of life down, home ownership down, $9 Trillion in debt added, 43 million Americans requiring aid to put food on the table, 94 million Americans not working.

Socialist utopia.

Reagan is dead...so is the 1980s

Obama did move from negative 770,000 jobs to consistent employment above 200,000 that is a million jobs a month

Stop with the 94 million Americans not working crap, you get slapped down on that every time you post it but you just don't learn do you?
Reagan is dead...so is the 1980s

Yeah, Russia thinks it's 1970.

Tell us why 43 million Americans require aid to put food on the table in your glorious economy.

Stagnant wages + an increase in the poverty guidelines every year = more people qualify for benefits.

We have move from manufacturing economy to an investor/service economy.
Stagnant wages and 43 million Americans requiring aid to put food on the table.

Obamanomics is a socialist paradise.

The NSLP is also tied to the poverty income rates, so, every year more and more kid get free (130% above poverty level) and reduced meals (180% of the poverty level) at school.

Specifically, what has Obama done that made wages stagnate?

Put so many bullshit regulations on small businesses that the cost prevents them from giving their employees a raise.
Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities

Since that time the educational level for blacks has declined, the bastard birth rate has gone up, the crime rate has gone up compared to other groups. It's amazing how the results of other things that can cause employment to go down actually occur when certain choices are made.
Looks like an issue of cause and effect

Once manufacturing left our cities, blacks were left behind to fend for themselves. Crime, social degradation and declining education was the result
Obama knows, as do many politicians, that a thriving middle class is not good for the D party. As such, he has done much to harm those in the middle class.

Possibly the greatest harm he committed is the enormous growth of the regulatory state. Regulations harm small business and reduce employment. Obama is a record setter on all things BAD.

The All-Time Regulation Record
Team Obama has hit 600 major rules, and 50 more may follow.
The progressive explanation for the slowest economic recovery in nearly 70 years is that expansions after financial crises are always like this. There appears to be no statute of limitations on this excuse, which is especially convenient every four years. But those who want more than a political rationalization might look to the all-time presidential record of costly regulation set by the Obama Administration.

That’s the news from a report to be released soon showing that President Obama’s regulators have completed their 600th major rule. A major rule imposes costs of more than $100 million. For those keeping score, that’s an average of 81 big ones a year, or roughly one every three days the government is open. Who says our bureaucracies are inefficient?

The two George W. Bush terms were no deregulatory prize, contrary to progressive myth, having pushed out 496 major rules. These included such charms as rules to implement Sarbanes-Oxley and the expansion of Medicare. But Team Obama has already exceeded that by 20%, with 100 new major rules in the last year, and this crowd still has six long months to go.
The All-Time Regulation RecordThe All-Time Regulation Record
No statement on the black President and his failure with food stamps?

No statement on Obama extending troops in an area you said was an unnecessary war?
If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Because that was what they were tasked to do

Remember the rising tide raising all boats? Well it only raised the yachts
We were promised more jobs, higher pay and more prosperity if we cut taxes and deregulated

They just kept the money

Since unemployment is down, that means more jobs have been created and people are now making money instead of living off taxpayers. That means not just the yachts were raised. The problem is you want the dingy raised to the same level as the yacht despite the yacht captain having more skills and knowledge that the one rowing with an oar.

More jobs have been created but those jobs no longer provide the wages and benefits they did Pre-Reagan. There was a time more jobs meant higher wages to compete....they no longer do
The job creators have figured out how to take their profit before they pay a wage rather than pay your employees and see what profit is left

The percent of profit going to employees has dropped significantly since we adopted Reaganomics

You really are more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?

NOT a penny of net profit goes to an employee unless they are part of a profit sharing plan.

Reaganomics has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the massively failed Obamanomics.
Obamanomics. I told you this would happen 8 years ago.

We just got another extremely disappointing GDP number. It was being projected that U.S. GDP would grow by 2.5 percent during the second quarter of 2016, but instead it only grew by just 1.2 percent. In addition, the Census Bureau announced that GDP growth for the first quarter of 2016 had been revised down from 1.1 percent to 0.8 percent. What this means is that the U.S. economy is just barely hanging on by its fingernails from falling into a recession. As Zero Hedge has pointed out, the “average annual growth rate during the current business cycle remains the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949″. This is not what a recovery looks like.

In addition, Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent. Every other president in American history, even the really bad ones, had at least one year when U.S. GDP grew by at least 3 percent. But this has not happened under Obama even though he has had two terms in the White House.

Barack Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge
Yea but something like 80 straight months of job growth.

Republicans can't say Obama isn't great. Hes just not great enough.

America sucked under GOP rule. Tom delay and Dennis hastert ruined the middle class, and little boys assholes
80 straight months of job growth? On what planet?
And blaming a Republican Congress for ruining the economy while praising Obama - mind boggling.
Jobs were fleeing the country in 2009 and Republicans obstructed from day one still Obama got it done.

Don't praise Mike pence in Indiana and not give Obama credit

Don't give credit to Obama for lowering the unemployment rate without blaming him for the 15 million more still on food stamps than when Bush has the same unemployment rate.
I thought you blame anyone not working for their own woes.

A lot of those unemployed people in Michigan are black detroiters.

While Rick Snyder is taking credit for Michigan's recovery, why isn't he taking blame for a states problems? You give Obama blame but Snyder none. Intellectually dishonest much?

Tell me you hypocrite, what do you want the federal government to do? Should they bring back affirmative action to make sure companies are staying diverse? No blacks or Muslims work at my company.
have the same LOWER number on food stamps as Bush did at the same level of unemployment? I thought you guys said he was good.
The number of people on food stamps went up under Bush and has been rising for 15 years

Blame the job creators[/QUOTE]

Wow, you really are astonishing.

"The number of people on food stamps went up under Bush and has been rising for 15 years" if I am quoting you correctly.

The countries population has grown with both new births, legal and ILLEGAL immigrants.

So be real...for a change. Share with us the increase or decrease in the RATE of people on food stamps.

As you know, the 1996 Welfare Reform Act was signed by President Clinton. It was a massive success. That successful Welfare Reform Act was gutted by now Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama in 2009 with his failed trillion dollar stimulus plan.

If you refuse to acknowledge these things, I see no point in you being here.
Well lets do that then

Let Obama get some legislation allowing him to force job creators to trickle down more of their profits.
If they are unwilling to do so, they can pay higher taxes to offset those record food stamps

You mean pay those who have little to no skills more than those skills are worth? Not how it works. Let those with little to no skills do something for what they want instead of sticking out their paws and demanding it be given to them for nothing.
But wait! The people you are talking about are the same ones trumps making empty promises to.

Is this your official position on white uneducated blue collar? This is important

I mentioned nothing about white.

Trump offers a way for those to do better for themselves. As long as Democrats are willing to provide them with more than they could earn working, they'll vote Democrat because it's easy for someone that doesn't want to do better to take a handout.
Nonsense. You don't value workers.

Let me know when the GOP nominates a black, woman, Hispanic, etc. Anything other than a old rich white dude

I value WORKERS that earn their way because they have skills that allow them to do so. I don't value ANYONE that won't earn their way then complains that the rest of the people owe them a living.
Who are the uneducated blue collar workers who lost their high paying manufacturing job to globalization and have given up looking for work or are now working for less?

Let's be honest. The blue collar uneducated are the people you are talking about when you say you don't want to pay someone more than they are worth. They have little to no skills. If they didn't they wouldn't still be hurting.

And they wouldn't have lost their good paying jobs if your masters didn't want Chinese and Mexican wages in order to maximize shareholder profits
Obamanomics. I told you this would happen 8 years ago.

We just got another extremely disappointing GDP number. It was being projected that U.S. GDP would grow by 2.5 percent during the second quarter of 2016, but instead it only grew by just 1.2 percent. In addition, the Census Bureau announced that GDP growth for the first quarter of 2016 had been revised down from 1.1 percent to 0.8 percent. What this means is that the U.S. economy is just barely hanging on by its fingernails from falling into a recession. As Zero Hedge has pointed out, the “average annual growth rate during the current business cycle remains the weakest of any expansion since at least 1949″. This is not what a recovery looks like.

In addition, Barack Obama remains solidly on track to be the only president in all of U.S. history to never have a single year when the economy grew by at least 3 percent. Every other president in American history, even the really bad ones, had at least one year when U.S. GDP grew by at least 3 percent. But this has not happened under Obama even though he has had two terms in the White House.

Barack Obama Will Be The Only President In History To Never Have A Year Of 3% GDP Growth | Zero Hedge
Yea but something like 80 straight months of job growth.

Republicans can't say Obama isn't great. Hes just not great enough.

America sucked under GOP rule. Tom delay and Dennis hastert ruined the middle class, and little boys assholes
80 straight months of job growth? On what planet?
And blaming a Republican Congress for ruining the economy while praising Obama - mind boggling.
Jobs were fleeing the country in 2009 and Republicans obstructed from day one still Obama got it done.

Don't praise Mike pence in Indiana and not give Obama credit

Don't give credit to Obama for lowering the unemployment rate without blaming him for the 15 million more still on food stamps than when Bush has the same unemployment rate.
I thought you blame anyone not working for their own woes.

A lot of those unemployed people in Michigan are black detroiters.

While Rick Snyder is taking credit for Michigan's recovery, why isn't he taking blame for a states problems? You give Obama blame but Snyder none. Intellectually dishonest much?

Tell me you hypocrite, what do you want the federal government to do? Should they bring back affirmative action to make sure companies are staying diverse? No blacks or Muslims work at my company.
The nations GDP growth over the last 7+ years has sucked ass...
We have added $50 trillion to our nations wealth under Obama. That is not funny money made by printing more money....if it was, we would see run away inflation and a worthless dollar

Instead, we have the strongest dollar in decades and low inflation


Do you even know what the chart below is about?

If you are concerned with the number of people on food stamps, you need to go after the job creators

They are making record profits and it has not trickled down. Taxpayer makes up the difference

Why the job creators. They're paying people what their skills are worth. You blame the wrong people. An employer shouldn't pay someone more than what they offer in return is worth. The worker should provide higher level skills if they want more.
Because that was what they were tasked to do

Remember the rising tide raising all boats? Well it only raised the yachts
We were promised more jobs, higher pay and more prosperity if we cut taxes and deregulated

They just kept the money

Since unemployment is down, that means more jobs have been created and people are now making money instead of living off taxpayers. That means not just the yachts were raised. The problem is you want the dingy raised to the same level as the yacht despite the yacht captain having more skills and knowledge that the one rowing with an oar.

More jobs have been created but those jobs no longer provide the wages and benefits they did Pre-Reagan. There was a time more jobs meant higher wages to compete....they no longer do
The job creators have figured out how to take their profit before they pay a wage rather than pay your employees and see what profit is left

The percent of profit going to employees has dropped significantly since we adopted Reaganomics

You really are more than a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?

NOT a penny of net profit goes to an employee unless they are part of a profit sharing plan.

Reaganomics has nothing, whatsoever, to do with the massively failed Obamanomics.
Reaganomics shifted the salary structure. It did not happen overnight but 35 years of deregulation, an unsustainable tax rate, union busting and sweetheart deals for the rich have placed the worker right where conservatives want them

Powerless and afraid
Forcing employers to pay a minimum wage has done wonders for black unemployment.
Let's do more of that.
We have had minimum wages for 70 years. It has no impact on black unemployment

In a study of over 600,000 data points, focusing on 16 to 24-year-old males without a high school diploma, the Employment Policies Institute found that every 10 percent increase in a federal or state minimum wage decreased black youth employment by 6.5 percent.

Black teenage unemployment was roughly equal to their white counterparts in 1948, but has since diverged sharply away from whites. The same is true for the labor force participation of black teenagers.

US History Shows the Minimum Wage Has Harmed the Black Community
In 1948, the U.S. Was the leading manufacturer in the world. Nobody was even close. Blacks benefitted from ample jobs

As the world caught up with the U.S. In the 70s and 80s, blacks were the first to be cast aside as manufacturing abandoned the big cities

Since that time the educational level for blacks has declined, the bastard birth rate has gone up, the crime rate has gone up compared to other groups. It's amazing how the results of other things that can cause employment to go down actually occur when certain choices are made.
Looks like an issue of cause and effect

Once manufacturing left our cities, blacks were left behind to fend for themselves. Crime, social degradation and declining education was the result

Thank you democrats and unions

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