Obama will Let Iran Have Nukes- Iran-Backed Militias Are Getting U.S. Weapons


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Forget it now. First, the stupid one, no, not Mooooochelle, but Odummy, is letting Iran pull his ass out of the fire like Putin did in Syria

We should bomb all of our equipment left over to dust. If Obama doesn't want to help Iraq, well he should just turn our equipment to dust.

But as of now, Obama sold us out to Iran. To no surprise, he is loathing for them to nuke Israel


Iran-Backed Militias Are Getting U.S. Weapons

U.S. weapons intended for Iraq’s beleaguered military are winding up in the possession of the country’s Shiite militias, according to U.S. lawmakers and senior officials in the Barack Obama administration. These sources say that the Baghdad government, which was granted $1.2 billion in training and equipment aid in the omnibus spending bill passed last month, is turning hardware over to Shiite militias that are heavily influenced by Iran and have been guilty of gross human-rights violations.

One senior administration official told us that the U.S. government is aware of this, but is caught in a dilemma. The flawed Iraqi security forces are unable to fight Islamic State without the aid of the militias, who are often trained and sometimes commanded by officers from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps. And yet, if the U.S. stopped sending arms to the Iraqi military, things would get even worse, with IS overrunning more of the country and committing human-rights horrors on a broader scale. The risk of not aiding them was greater than the risk of aiding them, the official said, adding that this didn't mean the administration was unconcerned about the risks involved.

Iran-Backed Militias Are Getting U.S. Weapons in Iraq - Bloomberg View
Forget it now. First, the stupid one, no, not Mooooochelle, but Odummy, is letting Iran pull his ass out of the fire like Putin did in Syria

We should bomb all of our equipment left over to dust. If Obama doesn't want to help Iraq, well he should just turn our equipment to dust.

But as of now, Obama sold us out to Iran. To no surprise, he is loathing for them to nuke Israel

First, it's kind of hypocritical for us to tell any country they can't have nukes. Especially given we were the only country to ever use them on people.

Second, it's not like we ever had any leverage to keep Iran from getting Nukes.

Third, there's really no advantage to Iran giving up their nukes. Saddam gave up his nukes. He ended up at the end of a rope. Khadafy gave up his nukes. He got shot in the alley like a dog.

Kim Jong Il died peacefully in his bed surrounded by his Korean Harem. He didn't give up his nukes.

Fourth- the Iranian Leadership is not suicidal. Even if they get a nuke, they know everyone else they might use them against has more.
Forget it now. First, the stupid one, no, not Mooooochelle, but Odummy, is letting Iran pull his ass out of the fire like Putin did in Syria

We should bomb all of our equipment left over to dust. If Obama doesn't want to help Iraq, well he should just turn our equipment to dust.

But as of now, Obama sold us out to Iran. To no surprise, he is loathing for them to nuke Israel

First, it's kind of hypocritical for us to tell any country they can't have nukes. Especially given we were the only country to ever use them on people.

Second, it's not like we ever had any leverage to keep Iran from getting Nukes.

Third, there's really no advantage to Iran giving up their nukes. Saddam gave up his nukes. He ended up at the end of a rope. Khadafy gave up his nukes. He got shot in the alley like a dog.

Kim Jong Il died peacefully in his bed surrounded by his Korean Harem. He didn't give up his nukes.

Fourth- the Iranian Leadership is not suicidal. Even if they get a nuke, they know everyone else they might use them against has more.

Wait, they're suicidal as hell Joe.

Wait, they're suicidal as hell Joe.

really? So they fought to the last man against Iraq? Oh, no, wait, they actually signed a PEACE TREATY with Iraq.

And that was the ONLY war Iran has been involved in since the Islamic Republic was formed in 1979. One someone else started.

In that same time, the US Has invaded, bombed or occupied 14 Islamic countries.

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