Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.
single payer!!!! you communist ! lol!

John Roberts, a Republican Bush stooge, put it over the top. There is no opposition. Only poor dupes still believe there is. Boehner, McConnell, Bush, and Roberts are the traitors.

Justice Scalia said that the ruling was the worse decision ever made by the Court. I wonder if that idiot Roberts was high on pot that day?

The Republican House and now the Republican Senate ain't doing jackshit to defund the stupid bill.

The Bush's are corrupt frauds. So it makes sense Roberts is too. Just go down the list of things Obama wanted done. There's a check mark next to every single one of em. Yet most Republicans still believe their 'leaders' represent an opposition. It's just one small private Globalist Elite Club at this point.That's the sad reality.
It has never been a free market due to heavy Government regulation. The regulation and lack of tort reform is why the cost has been so high.

The Dems who passed the ACA knew this but didn't care. Hence, why none of those reforms were put into the final abortion that was Obummbler care.
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The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

Medicare is single payor and is going broke. In addition....25% of Medicare dollars are lost to fraud. No private business could survive run as inefficiently.

The program sucks.

Nothing the Government runs is worth a shit...(e.g. the Veterans Administration, the I.R.S....the Secret Service...the TSA...to name a few recent examples of massive Government incompetence and criminality).
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

Fucking idiot. I did hospital and physician contracting for years. The average HMO makes around a 3% profit margin if they're lucky.

Don't make me post yet more links making you look even more idiotic.

Stupid fuck. :rofl::rofl:
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.
The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.

Assumes facts not in evidence.

The "free market" that existed prior to the ACA was so expensive that tens of millions of Americans could not afford any coverage.

Even amongst those who could afford to pay the exorbitant premiums they were denied coverage because of bogus "pre-existing conditions".

There is no example of a "free market will produce the best and cheapest health care" anywhere in the world.

The reality is that healthcare is expensive and the only model that actually controls costs is the Single Payer system.

Unfortunately the Republicans obstructed that alternative and instead we have the Heritage Foundation ACA which is market based and requires full participation.

Single Payer eliminates the profit overhead of the HMO's which is why it is cheaper than the ACA. If you want the best system you need to eliminate the HMO's.

There was never a free market. There has always been government interference and that is what has driven up the cost. The friggin government will not even allow insurance plans to be sold across state lines as an example and that was long before the filthy ass ACA.

The cost caused by government regulations and interferences to the free market far, far exceeds the modest profits by insurance companies.

I don't mind paying an insurance company a profit to administer a pool where I get the heath care plan I want. That is far less than what the increased taxes would be in a government plan where I had to pay for the welfare queens and the social justice government requirements.

The government is what made the cost of health care insurance so expensive.

If you think that a government run Single Payer plan is going to cut down the cost of health care in this country then you are truly one of these stupid people that Gruber was talking about. Hell, the government can't even provide quality health care for veterans. Socialized medicine anywhere in the world has never come close to being as good as American relatively more free market health care.

The government needs to stay out of the business of telling Americans how to run their lives and what health insurance they must have. If the government leaves us alone and then the free market will provide the lowest health care cost. If you think that bureaucrats, elected by special interest groups, will provide you with better health care than the free market then you are the poster child for Jonathan Gruber's stupid American.

Medicare administrative overhead is 2%.

HMO profit and overhead is 20%.

The regulations exist because otherwise you be dosing yourself with snake oils that contain mercury and heroin.

If you want your children born without any limbs then go ahead and try to scrap the FDA. The rest of us have more sense and don't want that to happen to our children.

How does 45% for government overhead sound to you?

If we are lucky then maybe it will decrease to 20% by 2022.

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare study finds TheHill

Overhead costs exploding under ObamaCare, study finds

Five years after the passage of ObamaCare, there is one expense that’s still causing sticker shock across the healthcare industry: overhead costs.

The administrative costs for healthcare plans are expected to explode by more than a quarter of a trillion dollars over the next decade, according to a new study published by the Health Affairs blog.

The $270 billion in new costs, for both private insurance companies and government programs, will be “over and above what would have been expected had the law not been enacted,” one of the authors, David Himmelstein, wrote Wednesday.

Those costs will be particularly high this year, when overhead is expected to make up 45 percent of all federal spending related to the Affordable Care Act. By 2022, that ratio will decrease to about 20 percent of federal spending related to the law.
The study is based on data from both the government’s National Health Expenditure Projections and the Congressional Budget Office. Both authors are members of Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates for a single-payer system.

"This number – 22.5 percent of all new spending going into overheard – is shocking even to me, to be honest. It’s almost one out of every four dollars is just going to bureaucracy," the study's other author, Steffie Woolhandler, said Wednesday.

She said private insurers have been expanding their administrative overhead despite some regulations from the Obama administration to control those costs, such as the medical loss ratio, which requires a certain amount of premium dollars to be spent directly on healthcare. She argues that a better approach would be a type of Medicare-for-all system.

The extra administrative costs amount to the equivalent of $1,375 per newly insured person per year, the authors write.

Thanks for the post. Just keep in mind left-tards hate facts. :) I worked for United Healthcare for about 8 years. Administrative costs for HMO's Nationally is about 12%. So, per your post the private sector is at least twice as efficient as the Federal Government.

Yeah....that sounds about right. :lol:

Thanks for the informative post.
The Bush's are corrupt frauds. So it makes sense Roberts is too. Just go down the list of things Obama wanted done. There's a check mark next to every single one of em. Yet most Republicans still believe their 'leaders' represent an opposition. It's just one small private Globalist Elite Club at this point.That's the sad reality.

There are very few (if any) people in the business of government that I would trust to look after my interest as a citizen. That even includes Ron and Rand Paul and I voted for Ron.
The Bush's are corrupt frauds. So it makes sense Roberts is too. Just go down the list of things Obama wanted done. There's a check mark next to every single one of em. Yet most Republicans still believe their 'leaders' represent an opposition. It's just one small private Globalist Elite Club at this point.That's the sad reality.

There are very few (if any) people in the business of government that I would trust to look after my interest as a citizen. That even includes Ron and Rand Paul and I voted for Ron.

Indeed. Turning your choice in healthcare over to a "benign government agency" is a recipe for disaster. 18 trillion dollars in debt. THAT is their track record, regardless of the party involved. They are BOTH a bunch of corrupt assholes. Probably why the left idolizes them.
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Then people with pre-existing conditions etc can't be covered. This is the only way it works without going single payer. NO MORE FREELOADERS

So, not paying for someone else makes me a freeloader?

Yes folks, Franco really is that stupid.
You already WERE paying for the uninsured, dingbat, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Now they get cheaper preventive care and pay what they can, and transparent competition brings down costs. Talk about stupid lol. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

You still cheering for Congress selling us out to the insurance industry?
Within years they'll be non-profits, dingbat dupe.
IN the states that have not set up their own exchanges if scotus kills the aca then taxes in those states will rise so much that only the rich can afford care.
Who says they can't get exchanges? Where is intelligence, journalism, and honesty?

You already WERE paying for the uninsured, dingbat, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Now they get cheaper preventive care and pay what they can, and transparent competition brings down costs. Talk about stupid lol. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

Insurance is a pool. You pay in when you don't need and you take it out when you do. The rates should reflect the balance for the members of the pool.

However, because of the filthy ass government requiring medical facilities to treat patients for free that runs up the cost for the paying customers and hence higher rates.

On top of that you have the filthy ass government mandating the requirements of the insurance like to provide birth control and cover preexisting condition even when they didn't pay in.

The government needs to just simply stay out of the business of health care. Like everything else they touch they fuck it up and run up the cost.

The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.
Yeah, that worked great. lol

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