Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

Obama would not sign a bill which has other changes to the law which are completely unnecessary to fix the subsidies. The GOP would like to add a bunch of poison pills to such a fix, and then they will act all indignant and self-righteous when Obama refuses to sign it.

The American people aren't stupid enough to fall for that bullshit, but the GOP is retarded enough to think they will. Just like they were retarded enough to believe they wouldn't get most of the blame for a government shutdown.

They just never learn! Which goes without saying for retards, really.

(cue doom music)

BREAKINGBOMBSHELLALERT! Obamaz fucking you in the ass! Grab your piss cups, and stay tuned for a refill.

So what you are saying is Obama should ignore the people's representatives in congress?

I'm guess the 'people' in the states that lose their subsidies will want their states to set up exchanges.
The State Gvts merely need to 'lease' their Exchange's program/set up from another running State exchange that is working, or get this....lease their exchange from the existing federal exchange for a buck or two.... to overcome it being a State exchange, and get the subsidies.
It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Here's what you're too stupid to understand...... dimocrap scum wrote the bill.

100% on their own. Not 99% or 99.9% -- 100% dimocrap scum.

Not one (1) Republican vote. While EVERY dimocrap scumbag in the Senate voted for it and NONE against it. None and None

And you think WE are going to get hurt?

News Flash, scumbag. Two elections have come and gone since you fucking morons tries to learn how to write Big Boy legislation and guess what, scumbag?

We PICKED UP Seats and Completely RULED in State Assemblies and Governors.

You people can't write a readable bill? Gotta always be playing fucking games?

Fuck you. You are going to get your asshole torn apart on this one.

believe it

And I am and have been for Mandatory Health Insurance for 40 .

YOu people? You're just fucking stupid. That's you're whole problem


Republicans can do three things:
1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States
My money is on door #1

If the Dims wrote this piece of shit explain how the GOP is responsible for cleaning it up?

You do know it is 100% a Dim bill and Obummbler's signature achievement. :lol:
Why is it a piece of shit? Please give examples.
The Republicans helped him every step of the way. There is no opposition. Just an illusion of one. He's become a Tyrant in large part due to Republican collaboration.

I guess you missed the part where EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN VOTED AGAINST THE ACA?????

I hate liberturdians. Stupidest motherfuckers on earth.

dimocraps aren't even as bad as liberturdians. They're just mostly evil. liberturdians are fucking stupid. And traitors, to boot

John Roberts, a Republican Bush stooge, put it over the top. There is no opposition. Only poor dupes still believe there is. Boehner, McConnell, Bush, and Roberts are the traitors.
Tota Pucrappe- Just as stupid as their propaganda- for hater dupes ONLY.All their LAWS are DOA, just ridiculous, fantasies
The GOP could have passed a fix a long time ago, but preferred instead to create a constitutional crisis.

So is it really surprising they STILL won't pass a fix without adding a bunch of poison pills to create ANOTHER crisis?

Nope. Not surprising at all.

Party over country. Fuck all those people whose subsidies they are messing with. This is how you win votes!

Funny. Really funny. The bill was passed without one republican vote - and now, you claim the "republicans could have already fixed this mess".

Pubs won't vote for anything good or the country....especially with a black president. A disgrace.
No, the GOP "could defund Obamacare anytime they want" because Obama will not let them do it.

They could defund it in a major appropriation bill and force Obama to accept it or else shut down the government. However, that would require a little courage and the Republicans are not exactly known to have a backbone. It is always easier for them to give in than to stand up for conservative principles. Besides, what do they care? It is not their money.
[]My family and I were very successful in business. I believe in open market whenever possible and regulation of business whenever necessary to control folks like you when greed overloads your tiny mind. :lol:

If you believe in government regulation of business then you really don't believe in the free market. You believe in making other people adhere to your convoluted and destructive ideas of social justice. The greedy people are the ones that uses the filthy ass government to give them things they can't earn themselves, like higher minimal wages, subsidized healthcare and welfare.

John Roberts, a Republican Bush stooge, put it over the top. There is no opposition. Only poor dupes still believe there is. Boehner, McConnell, Bush, and Roberts are the traitors.

Justice Scalia said that the ruling was the worse decision ever made by the Court. I wonder if that idiot Roberts was high on pot that day?

The Republican House and now the Republican Senate ain't doing jackshit to defund the stupid bill.
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Then people with pre-existing conditions etc can't be covered. This is the only way it works without going single payer. NO MORE FREELOADERS
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Then people with pre-existing conditions etc can't be covered. This is the only way it works without going single payer. NO MORE FREELOADERS

So, not paying for someone else makes me a freeloader?

Yes folks, Franco really is that stupid.
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Then people with pre-existing conditions etc can't be covered. This is the only way it works without going single payer. NO MORE FREELOADERS

So, not paying for someone else makes me a freeloader?

Yes folks, Franco really is that stupid.
You already WERE paying for the uninsured, dingbat, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Now they get cheaper preventive care and pay what they can, and transparent competition brings down costs. Talk about stupid lol. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.
Look, if people want health insurance just let them buy it on their own. They don't need a law compelling them to do it.
Then people with pre-existing conditions etc can't be covered. This is the only way it works without going single payer. NO MORE FREELOADERS

So, not paying for someone else makes me a freeloader?

Yes folks, Franco really is that stupid.
You already WERE paying for the uninsured, dingbat, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Now they get cheaper preventive care and pay what they can, and transparent competition brings down costs. Talk about stupid lol. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

You still cheering for Congress selling us out to the insurance industry?
Republicans can always shut down the government if Obama won't sign

Meanwhile, Obama could afford to wait. The Supreme Court decision would mostly affect those in stubborn Red States that refused to form exchanges....let them explain to their citizens why they lost out

They lost out because the idiot Dims wrote a shit bill. The folks will know exactly who to blame. This abortion is 100% on Obama, Reid, and Pelosi.
hard boiled eggs here!

I absolutely agree. However, we live in a country where the folks don't know what they had for breakfast this morning (unless it's posted on twitter). People believe what the MSM (in the form of Yahoo news) tells them. They simply don't have the time (it takes time to play Call of Duty all day) to worry themselves with the future of the country.

Granola with banana chips and 2% milk. And you're an idiot.

See? I remembered 2 things.

Egg salad for lunch. too lazy to mix in tuna.
hot dogs with onions!

You already WERE paying for the uninsured, dingbat, just in the stupidest, cruelest way possible. Now they get cheaper preventive care and pay what they can, and transparent competition brings down costs. Talk about stupid lol. Change the channel, brainwashed functional moron.

Insurance is a pool. You pay in when you don't need and you take it out when you do. The rates should reflect the balance for the members of the pool.

However, because of the filthy ass government requiring medical facilities to treat patients for free that runs up the cost for the paying customers and hence higher rates.

On top of that you have the filthy ass government mandating the requirements of the insurance like to provide birth control and cover preexisting condition even when they didn't pay in.

The government needs to just simply stay out of the business of health care. Like everything else they touch they fuck it up and run up the cost.

The free market will produce the best and cheapest health care for Americans not government mandates.
You far right reactionaries don't seem to get the point: it's four words. It's not a hard fix. And the electorate WILL blame the GOP if it does not get fixed.

You hardliners don't get it: most of America really dislikes the far right. The electorate dislikes you more than Obama.

Guess who it gets blamed?

Another far left drone showing they do not understand anything they post other than religious dogma.

Yep! That is why Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are the minority in Congress now..

You can not fix something that was built broken and does not have a solid foundation.

Silly far left drones!
IN the states that have not set up their own exchanges if scotus kills the aca then taxes in those states will rise so much that only the rich can afford care.

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