Obama will not sign GOP law to extend subsidies-Breaking

It is an obscure phrase that everyone but Republicans understood

It it gets whiped out...Those in the Red States will suffer
Republicans can do three things:

1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States

My money is on door #1

Here's what you're too stupid to understand...... dimocrap scum wrote the bill.

100% on their own. Not 99% or 99.9% -- 100% dimocrap scum.

Not one (1) Republican vote. While EVERY dimocrap scumbag in the Senate voted for it and NONE against it. None and None

And you think WE are going to get hurt?

News Flash, scumbag. Two elections have come and gone since you fucking morons tries to learn how to write Big Boy legislation and guess what, scumbag?

We PICKED UP Seats and Completely RULED in State Assemblies and Governors.

You people can't write a readable bill? Gotta always be playing fucking games?

Fuck you. You are going to get your asshole torn apart on this one.

believe it

And I am and have been for Mandatory Health Insurance for 40 .

YOu people? You're just fucking stupid. That's you're whole problem


Republicans can do three things:
1. Allow them to suffer
2. Clarify the wording
3. Put exchanges in Red States
My money is on door #1
Actually there is a fourth choice. Let the subsidies die and the smart states citizens are now out of reach for mandate penalties and obiecare restrictions.
You don't seem to understand.....

The Republicans didn't create the problem, Obama and the Democrats did.....

And the lawsuit was filed by private citizens (not the Republicans), and supported by a DEMOCRAT Attorney General....

But the Republicans get to fix Obama's mess, and it's on Obama if he wants to screw all those people!!!!!!!!!!! After all, the Republicans can't fix Obama and the Democrat's screwup unless Obama goes along with it...


Its only four words........would take them ten minutes

But they would rather deny subsidies to the citizens of Red States (as long as it would piss off Obama)
Why should the GOP< which was elected to repeal Obamacare, roll over for Obama? Why should they save his ass? If he wants the subsidies to continue he will sign the GOP bill, which does that.

Why should they "roll over" ??

This way they get to punish citizens in Red States....just to stick it to that Obama
Actually they wil be helping citizens in every state, replacing a failed broken program with something much better.
Given that they have had six years to propose something better and have yet to do so...I will have to call bullshit
They have proposed numerous things. Obozo threatens to veto all of it.
The only bullshit comes from you.
Why is it the GOP's responsibility to fix a bad Dimocrat bill? Please explain your logic?

Thanks. :)

Generally, it is your responsibility when YOUR constituents are suffering

But, I guess to Republicans it is more important to stick it to Obama

Then what will blue state Congressmen do for their constituents that are affected. How will they fix a bad bill they signed into Law?

Please be specific. :)

Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.

Its only four words........would take them ten minutes

But they would rather deny subsidies to the citizens of Red States (as long as it would piss off Obama)
Why should the GOP< which was elected to repeal Obamacare, roll over for Obama? Why should they save his ass? If he wants the subsidies to continue he will sign the GOP bill, which does that.

Why should they "roll over" ??

This way they get to punish citizens in Red States....just to stick it to that Obama
Actually they wil be helping citizens in every state, replacing a failed broken program with something much better.
Given that they have had six years to propose something better and have yet to do so...I will have to call bullshit
They have proposed numerous things. Obozo threatens to veto all of it.
The only bullshit comes from you.
More kill Obamacare bullshit?

I'm enthused
Generally, it is your responsibility when YOUR constituents are suffering

But, I guess to Republicans it is more important to stick it to Obama

Then what will blue state Congressmen do for their constituents that are affected. How will they fix a bad bill they signed into Law?

Please be specific. :)

Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that Obama will not sign a law effectively repealing Obamacare.

I think Republicans have him over a barrel on this one

Are you aware this is 100% a Dim bill and the Dims wrote a shit bill?


And blue states took advantage of the bill and accepted the federal money. They are seeing the benefits

It is the poor folks in Red States that will pay the price and lose their federal subsidies

Kentucky. Red state that set up their own exchange, took the subsidies and is doing awesome! The other red states are going to get pissed when they see how well KY is doing.

So they will not be affected by a potentially adverse SCOTUS ruling. What about all the blue States that will be hurt?

Who will be to blame then?

Thanks. :)
No they won't. They set up their own exchange.

You're welcome
Then what will blue state Congressmen do for their constituents that are affected. How will they fix a bad bill they signed into Law?

Please be specific. :)

Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?
I think Republicans have him over a barrel on this one

Are you aware this is 100% a Dim bill and the Dims wrote a shit bill?


And blue states took advantage of the bill and accepted the federal money. They are seeing the benefits

It is the poor folks in Red States that will pay the price and lose their federal subsidies

Kentucky. Red state that set up their own exchange, took the subsidies and is doing awesome! The other red states are going to get pissed when they see how well KY is doing.

So they will not be affected by a potentially adverse SCOTUS ruling. What about all the blue States that will be hurt?

Who will be to blame then?

Thanks. :)
No they won't. They set up their own exchange.

You're welcome
As usual you're wrong on the facts. Unless you think Ohio Pennsylvania and NJ are red states. And that doesnt count what happens with state exchanges like Hawaii's and Oregon's that blew up.
Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?
You mean offering something people already have?
Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?
You mean offering something people already have?
After the USSC strikes it down they wont have it.
Again, what is Obama offering in compromise?
Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?

Obama offered them the original ACA which gave them subsidies as long as they set up an exchange.

They'll still be able to do that.
Obama would not sign a bill which has other changes to the law which are completely unnecessary to fix the subsidies. The GOP would like to add a bunch of poison pills to such a fix, and then they will act all indignant and self-righteous when Obama refuses to sign it.

The American people aren't stupid enough to fall for that bullshit, but the GOP is retarded enough to think they will. Just like they were retarded enough to believe they wouldn't get most of the blame for a government shutdown.

They just never learn! Which goes without saying for retards, really.

(cue doom music)

BREAKINGBOMBSHELLALERT! Obamaz fucking you in the ass! Grab your piss cups, and stay tuned for a refill.

So what you are saying is Obama should ignore the people's representatives in congress?
Then what will blue state Congressmen do for their constituents that are affected. How will they fix a bad bill they signed into Law?

Please be specific. :)

Not aware of any blue states that are affected

Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?

There doesn't need to be a compromise if that part of the law is struck down. The original plan is all that is needed. Set up an exchange, get the subsidies.
Jesus Christ Libturds are stupid.

Pennsylvania...Maine....Michigan....Wisconsin...New Jersey...to name a few. All went for Obama.

Please fucking educate yourself. Oy vey....:eusa_wall:

Where States Stand on Exchanges State Refor u m
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?

Obama offered them the original ACA which gave them subsidies as long as they set up an exchange.

They'll still be able to do that.

What like Oregon that wasted $300 million of taxpayer money on theirs then scrapped it in failure?
Obama would not sign a bill which has other changes to the law which are completely unnecessary to fix the subsidies. The GOP would like to add a bunch of poison pills to such a fix, and then they will act all indignant and self-righteous when Obama refuses to sign it.

The American people aren't stupid enough to fall for that bullshit, but the GOP is retarded enough to think they will. Just like they were retarded enough to believe they wouldn't get most of the blame for a government shutdown.

They just never learn! Which goes without saying for retards, really.

(cue doom music)

BREAKINGBOMBSHELLALERT! Obamaz fucking you in the ass! Grab your piss cups, and stay tuned for a refill.

So what you are saying is Obama should ignore the people's representatives in congress?

I'm guess the 'people' in the states that lose their subsidies will want their states to set up exchanges.
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?

Obama offered them the original ACA which gave them subsidies as long as they set up an exchange.

They'll still be able to do that.

What like Oregon that wasted $300 million of taxpayer money on theirs then scrapped it in failure?

If they're too stupid to set up an exchange then they can go to the states smarter than they are and take some lessons.
And their Governors are Republicans who will have to explain why the people of that state are missing out on subsidies

You got some splain'in to do
Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?
You mean offering something people already have?
After the USSC strikes it down they wont have it.
Again, what is Obama offering in compromise?
So let's get this straight

Republicans take it away and then demand payback to allow the American people to get it back

Obama wouldnt compromise. End of explanation.
What have Republicans offered as their part of the compromise?
They've offered to extend subsidies. What has Obama offered?
You mean offering something people already have?
After the USSC strikes it down they wont have it.
Again, what is Obama offering in compromise?
So let's get this straight

Republicans take it away and then demand payback to allow the American people to get it back

No you havent gotten it straight.
Democrats did not provide subsidies on the federal exchange. They wrote the bill. They own this turd. The USSC will only be reading the law and applying what it says in black and white.
Again, what is Obama offering in compromise? Answer: Nothing. Because His Imperial Assness doesnt negotiate. Unless it's with Islamic terrorists.
Hawaii's also blew up. What will they do about that?
Democrats have sure left some shit for the GOP to clean up. But that's OK. We're used to it. And finally the adults can take charge.

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