Every time Obama wins, America loses. Those who used to be able to afford insurance have Walmartcare now. Quality care goes to those driving Cadillacs. But this trophy is going to drain this country dry. Obamacare is fiscally unsustainable.
Very few here have quality care, hence the problem. And all that is needed is Basic Care, for all citizens, the rest is on you. Clear now?
President Obama just won on Obamacare. Big time.

And the wingnuts can't stand it, even though they are secretly thanking the court for saving them from having to do anything for the American people.

Republicans noisily outraged — and quietly relieved — over court decision

""Democrat Chief Justice John Roberts"" had the common sense line of the decision:

"“Socialist lead Congress"" passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them. If at all possible we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter,” Roberts wrote.​

Conservatism is a dying ideology. The sooner, the better.

Yo, read your post, I corrected you and the Democrat writer! You sound like your comrades, let daddy Obama hand you everything from the working men and women, sorry asses!!! You got your hand-out until 2016!!!

Ahahahaha riiiight because Obamacare has been such a win for Democrats during the last several elections lmao you libs are nothing if not funny! :laugh:
"Roberts explicitly blessed the law’s sweeping system for guaranteeing coverage, noting that the model succeeded where previous attempts had failed. And although many Republicans kept up their rhetorical attacks in the ruling’s immediate aftermath, the prospects that the GOP would take away coverage from the more than 20 million Americans who have come to rely on the law have all but evaporated.”
how many times are you going to beat that dead horse?
Forced to by a product because you are alive,yet you don't think that isn't an affront to ones liberty??
You people have your head collectively up all your ass's.
no body is forcing you to buy anything .. you don't want health care fine with me just don't crowd up the emergency rooms,w3ith the stupid and the stubborn.
conservative are the last people who should be talking about an affront to liberty.
Conservative news sources never told people that pre-ObamaCare health care was a state protected monopoly created by decades of lobbying pressure. We wouldn't know a free or competitive market if it bit us in the ass.
President Obama just won on Obamacare. Big time.

And the wingnuts can't stand it, even though they are secretly thanking the court for saving them from having to do anything for the American people.

Republicans noisily outraged — and quietly relieved — over court decision

Chief Justice John Roberts had the common sense line of the decision:

“Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them. If at all possible we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter,” Roberts wrote.​

Conservatism is a dying ideology. The sooner, the better.

He won against the Republican desperate (and pathetic) action to defeat Obamacare. Yet Obamacare is not a victory.

(1) It has increased not decreased the cost of health insurance for the majority of Americans. Even with the subsidies, costs of coverage have gone up.
(2) Obamacare has hurt not helped the middle class.
(3) It made medical devices more expensive with that silly tax (the amendment expired).
(4) Obamacare is still based on the PPO methology of high deductibles and 20% co-pays. The 20% co-pays that bankrupts people.
(5) The small dent total number of uninsured isn't worth the cost.
Conservatives are right now holding a secret meeting to discuss the Great Calamity...

Conservative news sources never told people that pre-ObamaCare health care was a state protected monopoly created by decades of lobbying pressure. We wouldn't know a free or competitive market if it bit us in the ass.



President Obama just won on Obamacare. Big time.

And the wingnuts can't stand it, even though they are secretly thanking the court for saving them from having to do anything for the American people.

Republicans noisily outraged — and quietly relieved — over court decision

Chief Justice John Roberts had the common sense line of the decision:

“Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them. If at all possible we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter,” Roberts wrote.​

Conservatism is a dying ideology. The sooner, the better.
Yeah, idiots embracing socialism, and the scotus just screwed freedom. Retards.
Go lick your asshole. #Butthurt
You are not only a retarded commie, you must be a sick faggot also. Asshole.
His intimidation won big time. The Supreme Court doesn't rule in favor of the people. They don't. The rule on whats more politically expedient for the current administration.

I can't be surprised though. I am expecting them to uphold gay marriage too. So, revel in it.


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