Obama won BECAUSE of his race

Romney failed in four years as a governor. His record was so bad he dared not run again

He didn't run again because he was aiming for higher office. Everyone in the Bay State knew that. Maybe you should try knowing what the fuck you are talking about before you post some ignorant, lefty nonsense.
Wow...the not so veiled racism comes out every time something goes Obama's(and thereby the working and middle class's) way. You guys can try to hide it, but sooner or later leopards always show their spots.

Observing realities about how Obama was in the right place at the right time when Democrats were looking for a star and our 24-hour-media were hoping for an epic story is "not so veiled racism"? Sure. :thup:

Isn't the not-so-veiled race hustling wearing you out yet?
Romney failed in four years as a governor. His record was so bad he dared not run again

He didn't run again because he was aiming for higher office. Everyone in the Bay State knew that. Maybe you should try knowing what the fuck you are talking about before you post some ignorant, lefty nonsense.

Yea ...a 34% approval rating will convince you that you need another job
Wow...the not so veiled racism comes out every time something goes Obama's(and thereby the working and middle class's) way. You guys can try to hide it, but sooner or later leopards always show their spots.

Where's the racism? SHow me where I said he was unqualified because of his race. My position is he unqualified no matter what his race. YOURS, apparently is that he was qualified BECAUSE of his skin color. There is no other logical reason. No one outside of Mickey D's would have ever heard of a white guy named barack obama.
Any person with his qualifications - or lack there of -that was a male white person would be laughed off the stage

Ya... If he hadn't been the best orator that has come along in half a century he would just be another loser U S Senator. Chrisst sakes!! Anybody can set a Senate seat out of a CrackerJack box... for cryin out loud.. Dudes pathetic. He wasn't even a quitter half term Alaska Gubner = to a city council member in any small town in the Continental US. The guy prolly wouldn't have been elected dog catcher in Chicago if he hadn'ta lucked into the White House.

There is nothing exceptional about him other than his complexion.
He's bright, but there are probably 5 million US citizens with a higher IQ, He's a reasonable speaker, as long as the teleprompter is working well.
The only thing exceptional about barack obama is (He's) "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Were he white, he'd be just another guy with a sociology degree flipping burgers at a McDonald's in Honolulu.

Where would Mitt Romney be if his daddy wasnt Governor?
Who does that? The only people I ever see here quoting him and referring to him (endlessly) are the liberals who think it is some great accomplishment to fling some shit at their boogeyman.
His mindless parrots use the same words or phrases he invents, .
How would YOU know that unless YOU listen often enough to fucking memorize his speech patterns? Face it, you are obsessed.
And there it is again. You can't criticize your MessiahRushie if you don't listen to him, but if you do listen then you are obsessed. A critic is wrong whether you listen or not, so don't you dare criticize the MessiahRushie! :cuckoo:
HilaRY was a much better candidate . So I agree that if Obama was not black he would not have got the nomination , Hilary would have. I for one would have preferred Hilary over Obama any day.

Obama beat Hilary because of Oprah.
Romney failed in four years as a governor. His record was so bad he dared not run again

He didn't run again because he was aiming for higher office. Everyone in the Bay State knew that. Maybe you should try knowing what the fuck you are talking about before you post some ignorant, lefty nonsense.

Yea ...a 34% approval rating will convince you that you need another job

Have you ever even visited Massachusetts? You are talking out your ass. His approval rating was low because everyone knew he was looking for the next step and had no intention of running again.
Ya... If he hadn't been the best orator that has come along in half a century he would just be another loser U S Senator. Chrisst sakes!! Anybody can set a Senate seat out of a CrackerJack box... for cryin out loud.. Dudes pathetic. He wasn't even a quitter half term Alaska Gubner = to a city council member in any small town in the Continental US. The guy prolly wouldn't have been elected dog catcher in Chicago if he hadn'ta lucked into the White House.

There is nothing exceptional about him other than his complexion.
He's bright, but there are probably 5 million US citizens with a higher IQ, He's a reasonable speaker, as long as the teleprompter is working well.
The only thing exceptional about barack obama is (He's) "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Were he white, he'd be just another guy with a sociology degree flipping burgers at a McDonald's in Honolulu.

Where would Mitt Romney be if his daddy wasnt Governor?

On an even footing with everyone else. Maybe he would have been exceptional, maybe not, but he certainly would not have the conservatives hanging on his every empty platitude because he was a clean articulate, good looking white guy.
He didn't run again because he was aiming for higher office. Everyone in the Bay State knew that. Maybe you should try knowing what the fuck you are talking about before you post some ignorant, lefty nonsense.

Yea ...a 34% approval rating will convince you that you need another job

Have you ever even visited Massachusetts? You are talking out your ass. His approval rating was low because everyone knew he was looking for the next step and had no intention of running again.

Sure it was...

That's why Romney cannot even win his own state
There is nothing exceptional about him other than his complexion.
He's bright, but there are probably 5 million US citizens with a higher IQ, He's a reasonable speaker, as long as the teleprompter is working well.
The only thing exceptional about barack obama is (He's) "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Were he white, he'd be just another guy with a sociology degree flipping burgers at a McDonald's in Honolulu.

Where would Mitt Romney be if his daddy wasnt Governor?

On an even footing with everyone else. Maybe he would have been exceptional, maybe not, but he certainly would not have the conservatives hanging on his every empty platitude because he was a clean articulate, good looking white guy.

So Mitt got buy on his charm and personality?

There is nothing exceptional about him other than his complexion.
He's bright, but there are probably 5 million US citizens with a higher IQ, He's a reasonable speaker, as long as the teleprompter is working well.
The only thing exceptional about barack obama is (He's) "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man."
Were he white, he'd be just another guy with a sociology degree flipping burgers at a McDonald's in Honolulu.

Where would Mitt Romney be if his daddy wasnt Governor?

On an even footing with everyone else. Maybe he would have been exceptional, maybe not, but he certainly would not have the conservatives hanging on his every empty platitude because he was a clean articulate, good looking white guy.

Where would Mitt Romney be if his daddy wasnt Governor?

On an even footing with everyone else. Maybe he would have been exceptional, maybe not, but he certainly would not have the conservatives hanging on his every empty platitude because he was a clean articulate, good looking white guy.

So Mitt got buy on his charm and personality?

On his bucks? Of course. He got a leg up in part on his father's name and money. Along the way he held executive positions in both private sector and government and saved a disastrous Olympics. He is a successful man with proven executive experience regardless of how he started out.
Now, after 3 1/2 years, barack obama has the same length of public sector experience, but that experience is in large part, as a failure.
4 years ago, you bought the hopey changey bullshit but now, America has his record right there in the open. He should be very afraid. Unlike his friends, scholarly papers, theses , transcripts etc. his record for the last 3 and 1/2 years is not a secret.
On an even footing with everyone else. Maybe he would have been exceptional, maybe not, but he certainly would not have the conservatives hanging on his every empty platitude because he was a clean articulate, good looking white guy.

So Mitt got buy on his charm and personality?

On his bucks? Of course. He got a leg up in part on his father's name and money. Along the way he held executive positions in both private sector and government and saved a disastrous Olympics. He is a successful man with proven executive experience regardless of how he started out.
Now, after 3 1/2 years, barack obama has the same length of public sector experience, but that experience is in large part, as a failure.
4 years ago, you bought the hopey changey bullshit but now, America has his record right there in the open. He should be very afraid. Unlike his friends, scholarly papers, theses , transcripts etc. his record for the last 3 and 1/2 years is not a secret.

President Obama has 16 years of public sector experience
Mitt Romney failed in his four years

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