Obama worst foreign policy president ever

So now the USA has influence to who is elected president of Russia, who knew?

It wouldn't matter who is elected president if Obama stood up like a real US president and provided real US leadership.

Furthermore, if you think the US doesn't have "influence" on every single election in the world, you are one naive S.O.B. (our black ops for things such as rigging elctions in other nations are legendary and well documented).

Further still, Russia doesn't "elect" their president any more or Putin wouldn't be in there (I've told you in the past I have respect for you, but now I'm really starting to wonder if you really aren't naive)...
Provided real US leadership..you mean attacking nations that have done nothing wrong to us? Wow you got a real fucked up definition of leadership.
Wow, great logic...idiot.

Since the Israel has nukes....Iran should have nukes. :cuckoo: You should be locked up in a mental ward and shocked until your brain is fried chicken meat.

I don't recall Israel telling the world they will wipe Country ________ off the face of the Earth. Please tell us, psycho.

As for those other countries getting nukes...Russia stole our technology thanks to left-wing scum like you, then one of those spies went to China and helped them. The Chinese helped the Pakistanis. Today we see China, Pakistan and Russia helping Iran get nukes....of course, a dumbfuck like you doesn't see a pattern.

It is no big deal. Like I said Pakistan,India,Russia,UK,France,China,North Korea,Israel all have nukes or are trying to get them yet I don't see you throwing a hissy fit over them having nukes..why is that? Maybe its because none of them is an enemy of Israel and Israel is the one's that want Iran taken out so it should be Israel that does so and leaves the US out of it. A nuclear Iran is no more a threat to the United States than a nuclear Pakistan,India,UK,and France is. You only think it is because once the media gets in its head something it beats it till its a dead horse. You show me 1 reason why a nuclear Iran is a threat to our country and I will reconsider my position on it. I watched the U.S. beat the war drums against Iraq and that ended up with thousands of dead U.S. soldiers for no fucking reason. Israel is a trouble maker in the middle east its like the younger sibling that is always tattling on its older siblings and the older siblings are about ready to beat the shit out of the younger sibling and rightfully so. We had no enemies in the middle east until Israel set up its little terrorist state smack dab in the middle of numerous Arab countries which in its self was just asking for trouble.

1. You didn't read my entire reply
2. His quote was taken out of context by the media
3. Israel was having David Pollard steal our secret's and sending them to Israel they also attacked the USS Liberty
4. I do see a pattern. Wanna know what it is? NONE OF THOSE FUCKING COUNTRIES HAVE ATTACKED US! You are a fucking idiot.
Like I said, we need to drill holes in your head to remove you from society.

China attacks us every day via cyber attacks, dumbfuck.

Oh, you found someone that spied for Israel....hmmm, you claim Russia and China haven't done worse? Go fucking kill yourself.

Also, Pakistan hid UBL under our nose so they're not our friend either.

So you support Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China over Israel, enough said you piece of shit.

I gurantee China, Iran and Russia would attack us with nukes if they felt they could do it without getting nukes lobbed back at them. Pakistan is iff-iffy kinda like you being a sane person is iffy-iffy. In the end, Israel will never attack the USA with nukes....

Wow, great logic...idiot.

Since the Israel has nukes....Iran should have nukes. :cuckoo: You should be locked up in a mental ward and shocked until your brain is fried chicken meat.

I don't recall Israel telling the world they will wipe Country ________ off the face of the Earth. Please tell us, psycho.

As for those other countries getting nukes...Russia stole our technology thanks to left-wing scum like you, then one of those spies went to China and helped them. The Chinese helped the Pakistanis. Today we see China, Pakistan and Russia helping Iran get nukes....of course, a dumbfuck like you doesn't see a pattern.

It is no big deal. Like I said Pakistan,India,Russia,UK,France,China,North Korea,Israel all have nukes or are trying to get them yet I don't see you throwing a hissy fit over them having nukes..why is that? Maybe its because none of them is an enemy of Israel and Israel is the one's that want Iran taken out so it should be Israel that does so and leaves the US out of it. A nuclear Iran is no more a threat to the United States than a nuclear Pakistan,India,UK,and France is. You only think it is because once the media gets in its head something it beats it till its a dead horse. You show me 1 reason why a nuclear Iran is a threat to our country and I will reconsider my position on it. I watched the U.S. beat the war drums against Iraq and that ended up with thousands of dead U.S. soldiers for no fucking reason. Israel is a trouble maker in the middle east its like the younger sibling that is always tattling on its older siblings and the older siblings are about ready to beat the shit out of the younger sibling and rightfully so. We had no enemies in the middle east until Israel set up its little terrorist state smack dab in the middle of numerous Arab countries which in its self was just asking for trouble.

1. You didn't read my entire reply
2. His quote was taken out of context by the media
3. Israel was having David Pollard steal our secret's and sending them to Israel they also attacked the USS Liberty
4. I do see a pattern. Wanna know what it is? NONE OF THOSE FUCKING COUNTRIES HAVE ATTACKED US! You are a fucking idiot.
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4. I do see a pattern. Wanna know what it is? NONE OF THOSE FUCKING COUNTRIES HAVE ATTACKED US! You are a fucking idiot.

This is why you are too ignorant to participate in a conversation on an issue such as this. Waiting until after a nation has attacked us is too late, stupid. It would be like locking your door after your wife had been brutally raped and murdered (which is the logic of you people). Once we've been attacked and American's are dead, it's too late.

True security, whether your home or national, is pro-active, not reactive. It does no one any good to close the barn door after the horses have already run away. Please, you're clearly not informed enough to be in this discussion, move on before you embarass yourself any further.
Obama foreign policy...................

Speak softly and give them the stick........
Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.
What happened to US foreign relations last time there was a republican president? The entire world hated them. They started illegal wars abroad and whipped up fear and hysteria at home, two classic far right tactics. What happened when Obama came in? He won the Nobel peace prize. But of course, the rest of the world is wrong and the American right wing neo fascists are correct.
You didn't need to ramble on that long to show you're an idiot. Keep it to 1 sentence.

We pretty much know you put Israel as a bigger threat to the US and world peace than Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea....maybe throw in islamic terrorists too.

Now, go kill yourself.

Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.
Obama winning the nobel is a joke. The man has murdered U.S. civilians with drone attacks,he has attacked civilians with drones,he extended the war in Afghanistan even longer. Ugh...he ain't no damn better than Bush IMO.
You didn't need to ramble on that long to show you're an idiot. Keep it to 1 sentence.

We pretty much know you put Israel as a bigger threat to the US and world peace than Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea....maybe throw in islamic terrorists too.

Now, go kill yourself.

Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.

I know the logic and common sense I speak must be giving you one hell of a headache...you can't even come up with a logical refute! How pathetic.Oh and the U.S. is the only problem with world peace because it thinks it needs to attack every country it doesn't agree with or is some threat to Israel. Nations can manage their own battles what the U.S. needs is a good ass whipping and put back in place as just another country in the world.
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The yellow tooth idiot shows up....

What happened to US foreign relations last time there was a republican president? The entire world hated them. They started illegal wars abroad and whipped up fear and hysteria at home, two classic far right tactics. What happened when Obama came in? He won the Nobel peace prize. But of course, the rest of the world is wrong and the American right wing neo fascists are correct.
You're so stupid that you thanked the idiot Brit about a post praising Obamination, then you attacked him in the following post.

You are just insane....and I will never waste my time with you again.

You didn't need to ramble on that long to show you're an idiot. Keep it to 1 sentence.

We pretty much know you put Israel as a bigger threat to the US and world peace than Russia, China, Pakistan, Iran and North Korea....maybe throw in islamic terrorists too.

Now, go kill yourself.

Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.

I know the logic and common sense I speak must be giving you one hell of a headache...you can't even come up with a logical refute! How pathetic.
Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

The yellow tooth idiot shows up....

What happened to US foreign relations last time there was a republican president? The entire world hated them. They started illegal wars abroad and whipped up fear and hysteria at home, two classic far right tactics. What happened when Obama came in? He won the Nobel peace prize. But of course, the rest of the world is wrong and the American right wing neo fascists are correct.

Personal insults just make you look stupid. It doesn't impress anyone and it doesn't upset me. It's completely pointless. You're just making your position look like one supported by retards.
He says he isn't going to waste his time on me anymore....in other words he can't beat me in a debate and he damn well knows it.
You post stupid stuff so many times here, that we get hand cramps typing a response so the best option is to just tell you off and for you to leave.

You're the drunk that goes to the bar each night and gets your ass whopped by the bouncers, eventually they just give up and laugh at you or kick your ass before you step foot in the bar to get it over with.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

The yellow tooth idiot shows up....

What happened to US foreign relations last time there was a republican president? The entire world hated them. They started illegal wars abroad and whipped up fear and hysteria at home, two classic far right tactics. What happened when Obama came in? He won the Nobel peace prize. But of course, the rest of the world is wrong and the American right wing neo fascists are correct.

Personal insults just make you look stupid. It doesn't impress anyone and it doesn't upset me. It's completely pointless. You're just making your position look like one supported by retards.
You post stupid stuff so many times here, that we get hand cramps typing a response so the best option is to just tell you off and for you to leave.

You're the drunk that goes to the bar each night and gets your ass whopped by the bouncers, eventually they just give up and laugh at you or kick your ass before you step foot in the bar to get it over with.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

The yellow tooth idiot shows up....

Personal insults just make you look stupid. It doesn't impress anyone and it doesn't upset me. It's completely pointless. You're just making your position look like one supported by retards.

You're just proving my point.

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