Obama worst foreign policy president ever

Foreign policy may not be a popularity contest but it does involve diplomacy. Alienate the rest of the world and you won't achieve anything except less business, less strategic help and less favours. It doesn't take a genius.

So you and Obama don't care that you've alienated our closest allies (England and Israel) but you are concerned about "alienating" rogues nations like Iran? Man, if that's not vintage liberal "logic".

You're doing a pretty good job of alienating the British with your personal outbursts.

Except I'm not a world leader, stupid. I would have zero impact on England if people like you would stick to message boards in your own damn nation and not worry about what US citizens are saying about US politics.
So, you would have the US stay in Iraq, invade Syria and Iran, and pretend that Palestinians don't exist and have no right to their land. Got it. Sounds like a great plan :thup:

No. I would properly finish the job in Iraq. If that's done already, then I would move out. If it's not, then I would stay in.

I would stay the hell out of Syria's business. Trading a dictator for muslim radicals is jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire.

Until the palestinians can act like humans instead of animals, I would absolutely pretend like they don't exist.

That is NOT their land. The UN granted that to Israel about 70 years ago. If anyone has a problem with it, they need to go before the UN and work it out civilally. Not kill Israeli babies for something that had nothing to do with and know nothing about. Only you would defend logic so flawed and vicious.

But it's perfectly okay by you that the Zionists kill Palestinian babies, then?

We should stay out of the whole fucking region, and take that 900 billion we spend on expensive toys and invest it in new energy technologies.

Or we would do that, if the Koch brothers didn't have our politics by the balls.

No, we shouldn't "stay out of the whole fucking region". That idiot mentality is what lead to 9/11. I know you don't care that 3,000 innocent Americans were viciously slaughtered that day, but the rest of America does.

And George Soros and the idiot Hollywood elite have more power, influence, and money invested in Washington than 10,000 Koch brothers ever could or would. Stop crying because your on the wrong side of the facts.
It is funny watching an idiot ramble on about stuff over its head. :eusa_whistle:

It's like watching a drunk laying in his own piss and vomit yelling at people walking by.

Couldn't have put it better myself. The fact is, I don't think Obama is 'letting' Iran build a bomb. He's just not going to invade. Trust me, if the USA invaded Iran they'd do it alone and probably get a kicking. Iran is not Iraq or Afghanistan, it's a lot more powerful and a lot better trained. Plus I doubt the Russians or the Chinese would allow it. As powerful as the neocons think the USA is, they can't bully Russia or China like they can bully most other countries.
Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!
Mitt Romney went to europe to tour while the olympics were on.

He insulted leaders during the Olympics.

He took a perfect situtation to make a good impression and gaffed his way into idiocy.

you people are insane

Insulting foreign Olympic committees versus allowing a terrorist madman to build nuclear weapons.

Mmmm, gee, let me think here - which one is worse? Wow, this is a tough one here.

The only insane one is YOU and your ignorant fucking allegiance to Obama under any and all circumstances.

If Iran wants to build nuclear weapons, their ain't much we are going to be able to do about it.

Frankly, what you need to do is look at it from Iran's point of view.

Saddam gave up his nukes, and now he's dead.
Khadafy gave up his nukes, and now he's dead.
Pakistan kept its nukes, and the whole world is pretty much kissing its ass.
North Korea got a nuke, and the whole world is kissing their asses as well. Pretty much propping up their failed economy with food aid to keep it behaved.

For Iran, having a nuke means the rest of the world won't bully it anymore.

Yeah, because Iran has been sooooo "bullied" by the rest of the world. Spoken like a true idiot liberal Dumbocrat.

Let's look at the truth, instead of the JoeB. communist propaganda:

Saddam Hussein slaughtered thousands with chemical weapons (ie WMD's). Saddam Hussein tortured thousands (so much for the liberal "human rights" cause, uh?). Saddam Hussein invaded nations (Iran, Kuwait). For these atrocities that rival only the worst of the worst in world history (Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, etc.), he was given the opportunity to step down by the American people. He chose not to. His loss. So what did America do? Kill him? Nope, we captured him and turned him over to the Iraqi people who then executed him. That's right, he was executed by his own nation. Hardly a world "bullying" issue as asshole JoeB. would lead you to believe.

Had communist JoeB. graduated high school, he would now that the former leader of Libya is spelled Muammar Gaddafi and not Khadafy (I've seen this name butchered before, but never with Kh.... :lol:). And what happened to Muammar Gaddafi? Without ANY intervention by America, he was over thrown and executed by his own people. Um, how exactly would having nukes have helped here JoeB.? While they were over running his own palace, would he have nuked his own palace? There really is no bounds to your stupidity or lack of rational thought, is there JoeB.?

The US just invaded Pakistan and executed Osama Bin Laden right under their nose. And they were/are PISSED about that. Hardly "kissing their ass", wouldn't you say?

North Korea has been ostracized by the world and has major sanctions against them. JoeB. is flat out lying about providing food, because the exact opposite is actually happening (he has to lie though because he's on the wrong side).
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Uh, you're called names like idiot, dumbfuck, etc because they describe you.

You say stupid stuff everytime you show up here.

Claiming Iran with nuclear weapons is no big deal should mean you get some kind of physical harm for being so stupid....like maybe removing parts of your brain to "neuter" you.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!
So idiot, what's your point?

He is fucking up everything. :eusa_whistle:

His Porkulus package and Obamacare has made the economy worse.

His ass kissing of the Russians, Chinese and muslim world has made the US a joke around the world.

Most Americans are oblvious to anything not affecting their daily life. They have no clue why a missile defense in Europe is good for them in the long run, they would rather have that money spent on them via welfare checks.

They are just idiots like you, Iran with nukes is no big deal to them just like that UBL guy back in the 90s....

Translating that claim into votes for Obama 13 months from now may be difficult, however. The latest Associated Press-GfK poll confirmed that Americans still place far greater emphasis on domestic issues, especially the economy, than on foreign matters, including the war on terrorism.

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As powerful as the neocons think the USA is, they can't bully Russia or China like they can bully most other countries.

Really? Tell that to Ronald Reagan, who looked the former Soviet Union in the eye, spit in their face, and they collapsed under the pressure without us firing a single shot.

Reagan didn't appease anyone. Hell, he didn't even use diplomatic language. He flat out referred to them as "the evil empire" on the global stages. Under Ronald Reagan, the U.S.S.R. collapsed, turned to Democracy & Capitalism, and became our ally. Under Obama, they've rebuilt a communist empire and become our mortal enemy again. That's what weakness does - empowers your enemy. Thanks for undoing 50+ years of hard work in 3 years Barack. But then again, Barack hates the US more than Putin does, so there is no surprise here.
He didn't insult you. He was talking to his audience at home, it had jack shit to do with the UK. And, he was right, was he not? There was a clusterfuck with the security company, G4S.... and your military and police forces from around the UK had to step in and provide the security, did they not?

He spoke the truth. That's never insulting.... but it might hurt a tad. Regardless, his remarks were to play to his home audience... and it worked. Tim Stanley at the Telegraph wrote a very good article about it.

Security was fine. I was there. He made out it was going to be a disaster. But then the biggest city in the EU is just as easy to organise as Salt Lake City. The guy's an idiot.

Did the London Olympics have 16 billion from the feds to make it a success story?
First of all, you call Romney an "idiot" yet in two posts of yours that I've read so far, you've spelled favor "favour" and organize "organise" - so who is the real fucking idiot? It's pretty clear you are one of the typical uneducated socialists of England.
Queen's English, you dummy

Second, England's own leadership is the one who came out and said that security was a cluster fuck and that the private security company contracted to provide the security came up over 1,000 personnel shy of the proper number. So don't sit there like an asshole, deny the truth, and claim that "security was fine".

Did london have 16 billion in fed money to make it a success story?
As powerful as the neocons think the USA is, they can't bully Russia or China like they can bully most other countries.

Really? Tell that to Ronald Reagan, who looked the former Soviet Union in the eye, spit in their face, and they collapsed under the pressure without us firing a single shot.

Reagan didn't appease anyone. Hell, he didn't even use diplomatic language. He flat out referred to them as "the evil empire" on the global stages. Under Ronald Reagan, the U.S.S.R. collapsed, turned to Democracy & Capitalism, and became our ally. Under Obama, they've rebuilt a communist empire and become our mortal enemy again. That's what weakness does - empowers your enemy. Thanks for undoing 50+ years of hard work in 3 years Barack. But then again, Barack hates the US more than Putin does, so there is no surprise here.

So now the USA has influence to who is elected president of Russia, who knew?
As powerful as the neocons think the USA is, they can't bully Russia or China like they can bully most other countries.

Really? Tell that to Ronald Reagan, who looked the former Soviet Union in the eye, spit in their face, and they collapsed under the pressure without us firing a single shot.

Reagan didn't appease anyone. Hell, he didn't even use diplomatic language. He flat out referred to them as "the evil empire" on the global stages. Under Ronald Reagan, the U.S.S.R. collapsed, turned to Democracy & Capitalism, and became our ally. Under Obama, they've rebuilt a communist empire and become our mortal enemy again. That's what weakness does - empowers your enemy. Thanks for undoing 50+ years of hard work in 3 years Barack. But then again, Barack hates the US more than Putin does, so there is no surprise here.

Ronald Raygun was a rhino?
So idiot, what's your point?

He is fucking up everything. :eusa_whistle:

His Porkulus package and Obamacare has made the economy worse.

His ass kissing of the Russians, Chinese and muslim world has made the US a joke around the world.

Translating that claim into votes for Obama 13 months from now may be difficult, however. The latest Associated Press-GfK poll confirmed that Americans still place far greater emphasis on domestic issues, especially the economy, than on foreign matters, including the war on terrorism.


Are you able to articulate what you mean without using generlized or meaningless words?
Can you be more specific?
Try using quotes or articles to back up your point?
Uh, you're called names like idiot, dumbfuck, etc because they describe you.

You say stupid stuff everytime you show up here.

Claiming Iran with nuclear weapons is no big deal should mean you get some kind of physical harm for being so stupid....like maybe removing parts of your brain to "neuter" you.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

Try it, You just think you are a bad azz online, I doubt you have the nutz to say it to my face. Don't worry i won't report you for ur infraction.
I'd kick your limp dick ass until you quit moving.

Uh, you're called names like idiot, dumbfuck, etc because they describe you.

You say stupid stuff everytime you show up here.

Claiming Iran with nuclear weapons is no big deal should mean you get some kind of physical harm for being so stupid....like maybe removing parts of your brain to "neuter" you.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

Try it, You just think you are a bad azz online, I doubt you have the nutz to say it to my face. Don't worry i won't report you for ur infraction.
You're too stupid to follow along.

So idiot, what's your point?

He is fucking up everything. :eusa_whistle:

His Porkulus package and Obamacare has made the economy worse.

His ass kissing of the Russians, Chinese and muslim world has made the US a joke around the world.

Are you able to articulate what you mean without using generlized or meaningless words?
Can you be more specific?
Try using quotes or articles to back up your point?
Uh, you're called names like idiot, dumbfuck, etc because they describe you.

You say stupid stuff everytime you show up here.

Claiming Iran with nuclear weapons is no big deal should mean you get some kind of physical harm for being so stupid....like maybe removing parts of your brain to "neuter" you.

Rabbit is correct, the neo con's can't come up with coherent defense and refute it so they stick to name calling. What a shocker!

It is no big deal. Like I said Pakistan,India,Russia,UK,France,China,North Korea,Israel all have nukes or are trying to get them yet I don't see you throwing a hissy fit over them having nukes..why is that? Maybe its because none of them is an enemy of Israel and Israel is the one's that want Iran taken out so it should be Israel that does so and leaves the US out of it. A nuclear Iran is no more a threat to the United States than a nuclear Pakistan,India,UK,and France is. You only think it is because once the media gets in its head something it beats it till its a dead horse. You show me 1 reason why a nuclear Iran is a threat to our country and I will reconsider my position on it. I watched the U.S. beat the war drums against Iraq and that ended up with thousands of dead U.S. soldiers for no fucking reason. Israel is a trouble maker in the middle east its like the younger sibling that is always tattling on its older siblings and the older siblings are about ready to beat the shit out of the younger sibling and rightfully so. We had no enemies in the middle east until Israel set up its little terrorist state smack dab in the middle of numerous Arab countries which in its self was just asking for trouble.
Wow, great logic...idiot.

Since the Israel has nukes....Iran should have nukes. :cuckoo: You should be locked up in a mental ward and shocked until your brain is fried chicken meat.

I don't recall Israel telling the world they will wipe Country ________ off the face of the Earth. Please tell us, psycho.

As for those other countries getting nukes...Russia stole our technology thanks to left-wing scum like you, then one of those spies went to China and helped them. The Chinese helped the Pakistanis. Today we see China, Pakistan and Russia helping Iran get nukes....of course, a dumbfuck like you doesn't see a pattern.

It is no big deal. Like I said Pakistan,India,Russia,UK,France,China,North Korea,Israel all have nukes or are trying to get them yet I don't see you throwing a hissy fit over them having nukes..why is that? Maybe its because none of them is an enemy of Israel and Israel is the one's that want Iran taken out so it should be Israel that does so and leaves the US out of it. A nuclear Iran is no more a threat to the United States than a nuclear Pakistan,India,UK,and France is. You only think it is because once the media gets in its head something it beats it till its a dead horse. You show me 1 reason why a nuclear Iran is a threat to our country and I will reconsider my position on it. I watched the U.S. beat the war drums against Iraq and that ended up with thousands of dead U.S. soldiers for no fucking reason. Israel is a trouble maker in the middle east its like the younger sibling that is always tattling on its older siblings and the older siblings are about ready to beat the shit out of the younger sibling and rightfully so. We had no enemies in the middle east until Israel set up its little terrorist state smack dab in the middle of numerous Arab countries which in its self was just asking for trouble.

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