Obama worst foreign policy president ever

Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.

Again, vintage liberal "logic" here. Wait until it's too late, then try to take action. The same ignorant policies used during WWII, when we entered only after the axis of evil had taken over 50% of the world and killed a ton of our service men and women in Pearl Harbor.

Once Israel is gone, who do you think will be next genius? Once again, you're not informed enough to speak on this subject. Security is pro-active. Those 3,000 people who died on 9/11 could give a flying fuck what we are doing now to stop Al Qaeda. It's already too late for those men and women who will never see their children grow up, and for those children who died that day and will never get to grow up. You're a vintage ideological fuck-tard who thinks that hiding your head in the sand, "making love & not war", and using dumbocrat talking points like "don't be the world police" will actually solve very complex (not to mention very deadly) problems. You're a naive ideologue - just move along and let the informed adults discuss here.
He says he isn't going to waste his time on me anymore....in other words he can't beat me in a debate and he damn well knows it.

Well I'm absolutely annihilating you in this debate and exposing you for the fool that you are. So why don't you worry about me?
Obama winning the nobel is a joke. The man has murdered U.S. civilians with drone attacks,he has attacked civilians with drones,he extended the war in Afghanistan even longer. Ugh...he ain't no damn better than Bush IMO.
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Barack Obama.

But you knew that before you got here.
Speaking as a foreigner what Obama has done has made people hate the USA a little less.
Not if they lose money in American investments. Obama has pulled the carpet out from under the private sector in his push to federalize every aspect of public and private life, not to mention his push to destroy private enterprise.

He isn't going to make it through this election with anything but a pink slip from outraged American voters and taxpayers he intends to stiff next term.
Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.

Again, vintage liberal "logic" here. Wait until it's too late, then try to take action. The same ignorant policies used during WWII, when we entered only after the axis of evil had taken over 50% of the world and killed a ton of our service men and women in Pearl Harbor.

Once Israel is gone, who do you think will be next genius? Once again, you're not informed enough to speak on this subject. Security is pro-active. Those 3,000 people who died on 9/11 could give a flying fuck what we are doing now to stop Al Qaeda. It's already too late for those men and women who will never see their children grow up, and for those children who died that day and will never get to grow up. You're a vintage ideological fuck-tard who thinks that hiding your head in the sand, "making love & not war", and using dumbocrat talking points like "don't be the world police" will actually solve very complex (not to mention very deadly) problems. You're a naive ideologue - just move along and let the informed adults discuss here.

We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.
He says he isn't going to waste his time on me anymore....in other words he can't beat me in a debate and he damn well knows it.

Well I'm absolutely annihilating you in this debate and exposing you for the fool that you are. So why don't you worry about me?

Patting yourself on the back that's cute...you are the typical neo con idiot nothing more nothing less. I have listened to the idiotic tirades and lies from your kind for the past 2 decades.

Obama winning the nobel is a joke. The man has murdered U.S. civilians with drone attacks,he has attacked civilians with drones,he extended the war in Afghanistan even longer. Ugh...he ain't no damn better than Bush IMO.
A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Barack Obama.

But you knew that before you got here.

Once again do we really need to show a picture of the ballot? Do we? It has more than Obama and Willard on the ballot so therefore your idiotic argument has no merit. Nice try though. You enjoy wasting your vote on willard. Wasting the vote is voting for Romney seeing how he is Obama Lite.I am voting for something completely different from the 2 statists.
The Troll Party, just as Rottweiler, opines acts equally half-assed.

Nothing happened, no incidents, nothing.

And this, my friends, is what they call vintage idiot liberal "logic" at it's finest...

First of all, Romney made the statement BEFORE the military stepped in and when the government of England was agreeing with him.

Second, and more importantly, just because there were "no incidents" due to blind fucking luck, doesn't mean that security was handled properly. See, that's how liberals operate. Do everything half-assed and then, should you get lucky, make the claim that doing things half-assed is the way to do things based on that outcome.

There is a right way to do things, and a wrong way to do things, and regardless of the actual outcome of the olympics (ie lucky nothing happened), the security situation was an epic cluster-fuck. Period. End of story.
Obama worst foreign policy president ever

definition and explanation of "ally":

"to place in a friendly association with" as in countries, as demonstrated by administrations in earlier years; example:
Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Egypt, Argentina, Austrailia, Bahraih, Bangladesh, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigerm Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Portugal, Qatar, South Korea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Spain, Syria, United Arab Emerites,Japan, Germany. (Coalition Forces, 1990)
Stop giving nations a reason to attack us and we wouldn't have to worry about being attacked. IF we do get attacked then level the bastards. Flatten whatever country that decides to attack us. Until then stop trying to be a police man of the world let people be and things would be much calmer. Stop trying to get us to go to war for Israel again, if Iran is such a huge threat to Israel then Israel should attack them. They don't threaten us. And no berzerk those nations don't attack us because they have no reason to despite the constant fiddling with their countries,attacking civilians in Pakistan etc. Israel has attacked us before I didn't see us bombing them...in fact the president of the US tried to sink the ship but it was to late other ships knew about it and it was blown wide open. You 2 are such neo cons who think we are the worlds police how about you 2 horses asses go enlist in the military and get on the very front lines to attack Iran. Nothing more worthless than assholes who want to send men and women to die for some made up bullshit.

Again, vintage liberal "logic" here. Wait until it's too late, then try to take action. The same ignorant policies used during WWII, when we entered only after the axis of evil had taken over 50% of the world and killed a ton of our service men and women in Pearl Harbor.

Once Israel is gone, who do you think will be next genius? Once again, you're not informed enough to speak on this subject. Security is pro-active. Those 3,000 people who died on 9/11 could give a flying fuck what we are doing now to stop Al Qaeda. It's already too late for those men and women who will never see their children grow up, and for those children who died that day and will never get to grow up. You're a vintage ideological fuck-tard who thinks that hiding your head in the sand, "making love & not war", and using dumbocrat talking points like "don't be the world police" will actually solve very complex (not to mention very deadly) problems. You're a naive ideologue - just move along and let the informed adults discuss here.

We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.

Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

As for the Japonese ..they built up their military because they were attacked by Russia in WWI. They attacked us because it was inevitable. They are an island nation with few natural resources. They had to expand their territory to have access to oil and coal and steel. We were incidental to their expansion...in fact if we had helped make it possible for them to aquire resources we could have gained a valuable ally. Foolishly we forced them to see us as an enemy coming between them and their countries needs.
We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.

I don't care how much shit you want to shovel, I'll be right here cleaning it up with facts so that you don't confuse anyone who isn't sure. In fact, you just defeated yourself for me. I'm so glad you brought up "bases on 'holy muslim' territory". Because of the propaganda of the idiot liberal dumbocrat, your average person believes Al Qaeda hates us because of something we did to them.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden himself and Al Qaeda were our allies during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. We supplied them with the Stinger Missiles that essentially ended Russia's air superiority and that changed the momentum of the conflict. So what changed? Why did Bin Laden turn on us like a rabid pitt-bull?

Because after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the world coaltion to stop it came together, Saudi Arabia invited us (the US) to launch operations from their country. Bin Laden was outraged that American boots touched the soil of his native land.

This illustrates two things...

First, the mind set of these maniacs. We did NOTHING wrong. We were invited by a host nation, and we accepted. We didn't kill anyone. We didn't "interfere" with anything. We simply accepted a gracious offer during our efforts to stop another maniac. Bin Laden himself stated this was why he turned on the US after being our ally.

Second, what a stupid fuck-tard ignorant asshole Dissent is. He keeps trying to convince everyone that the US is evil and the cause of the problems because we "stick our nose" in other's business. We did no such thing with Al Qaeda. We assisted them in their time of need, we went to do the same thing for Kuwait (which the entire fucking planet agreed with), and then they turned on us for a completely irrational reason (ie our boots hit the ground in Saudi after being invited to do so by the government of the host nation). This is why I keep saying that Dissent needs to leave the converstation. He has no fucking clue what he is talking about, he doesn't understand the issue, and I've never seen anyone more ignorant about security than he is.

Notice he can't address the 3,000+ people who died on 9/11? They don't give a fuck what action we're taking against Al Qaeda now, because it's far too late. But people like Dissent are far too fucking stupid to comprehend that. They believe hiding your head in the sand and getting on all fours for your enemy is the way to avoid conflict. They don't understand even basic dog psychology (ie you show fear, you get bit bad - you show who the alpha male is in the room, you get an obedient animal in return). Go home son, leave this to the grown ups. You are way out of your league here, and you just proved that by defeating yourself by mentioning bases on foreign land.
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Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

For once, you are actually right (I'm speechless). But sadly, you have no idea why we were attacked (which is why you didn't mention it). Now go read my last post and learn something for once.
Dissent national security policy: Once all of your horses have run away, go close the barn door, and then pat yourself on the back. You won't have any horses left and thus you will lose your farm, but hey - at least you didn't trap any horses. :cuckoo:
We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.

I don't care how much shit you want to shovel, I'll be right here cleaning it up with facts so that you don't confuse anyone who isn't sure. In fact, you just defeated yourself for me. I'm so glad you brought up "bases on 'holy muslim' territory". Because of the propaganda of the idiot liberal dumbocrat, your average person believes Al Qaeda hates us because of something we did to them.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden himself and Al Qaeda were our allies during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. We supplied them with the Stinger Missiles that essentially ended Russia's air superiority and that changed the momentum of the conflict. So what changed? Why did Bin Laden turn on us like a rabid pitt-bull?

Because after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the world coaltion to stop it came together, Saudi Arabia invited us (the US) to launch operations from their country. Bin Laden was outraged that American boots touched the soil of his native land.

This illustrates two things...

First, the mind set of these maniacs. We did NOTHING wrong. We were invited by a host nation, and we accepted. We didn't kill anyone. We didn't "interfere" with anything. We simply accepted a gracious offer during our efforts to stop another maniac. Bin Laden himself stated this was why he turned on the US after being our ally.

Second, what a stupid fuck-tard ignorant asshole Dissent is. He keeps trying to convince everyone that the US is evil and the cause of the problems because we "stick our nose" in other's business. We did no such thing with Al Qaeda. We assisted them in their time of need, we went to do the same thing for Kuwait (which the entire fucking planet agreed with), and then they turned on us for a completely irrational reason (ie our boots hit the ground in Saudi after being invited to do so by the government of the host nation). This is why I keep saying that Dissent needs to leave the converstation. He has no fucking clue what he is talking about, he doesn't understand the issue, and I've never seen anyone more ignorant about security than he is.

Notice he can't address the 3,000+ people who died on 9/11? They don't give a fuck what action we're taking against Al Qaeda now, because it's far too late. But people like Dissent are far too fucking stupid to comprehend that. They believe hiding your head in the sand and getting on all fours for your enemy is the way to avoid conflict. They don't understand even basic dog psychology (ie you show fear, you get bit bad - you show who the alpha male is in the room, you get an obedient animal in return). Go home son, leave this to the grown ups. You are way out of your league here, and you just proved that by defeating yourself by mentioning bases on foreign land.

You tell me EVERYTHING I already knew numb nuts...9/11 was an inside job so whatever...just like Pearl Harbor just like OKC,Gulf of Tonkin,etc etc...The C.I.A. has been playing prop up the dictator since the early days of their life and it ain't changed. Ya piss people off they remember that and they will get their payback. No matter how long it takes.You are a dyed in the wool hardcore muslim hater and neo con. There is no talking sense to you.
Dissent national security policy: Once all of your horses have run away, go close the barn door, and then pat yourself on the back. You won't have any horses left and thus you will lose your farm, but hey - at least you didn't trap any horses. :cuckoo:

Actually my national security policy is that of Jefferson. No entangling alliances with anyone free and open dialogue with ALL. Oh that's right that's the same as Ron Paul as well. Imagine that.We have been told why we were attacked but does anyone listen? Not anyone in the government obviously..they are doomed to repeat history.
obama's done his bit to alienate the rest of the world too.

Yeah he has, but he's repaired a whole load of the damage caused by Bush.


But throw out those examples...............

I suspect you could be a parrot.

I am one of those foreigners. Trust me, Obama is a hell of lot more liked that Bush...by a country mile.....Not even close or in the same ball park.

This is just another partisan hack thread with nothing to back it up..
Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

For once, you are actually right (I'm speechless). But sadly, you have no idea why we were attacked (which is why you didn't mention it). Now go read my last post and learn something for once.

You got attacked due to your interventionist policies in the ME...
Yeah he has, but he's repaired a whole load of the damage caused by Bush.


But throw out those examples...............

I suspect you could be a parrot.

I am one of those foreigners. Trust me, Obama is a hell of lot more liked that Bush...by a country mile.....Not even close or in the same ball park.

This is just another partisan hack thread with nothing to back it up..

you mean it's a lie?

i'm shocked.
We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.

I don't care how much shit you want to shovel, I'll be right here cleaning it up with facts so that you don't confuse anyone who isn't sure. In fact, you just defeated yourself for me. I'm so glad you brought up "bases on 'holy muslim' territory". Because of the propaganda of the idiot liberal dumbocrat, your average person believes Al Qaeda hates us because of something we did to them.

In fact, Osama Bin Laden himself and Al Qaeda were our allies during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. We supplied them with the Stinger Missiles that essentially ended Russia's air superiority and that changed the momentum of the conflict. So what changed? Why did Bin Laden turn on us like a rabid pitt-bull?

Because after Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the world coaltion to stop it came together, Saudi Arabia invited us (the US) to launch operations from their country. Bin Laden was outraged that American boots touched the soil of his native land.

This illustrates two things...

First, the mind set of these maniacs. We did NOTHING wrong. We were invited by a host nation, and we accepted. We didn't kill anyone. We didn't "interfere" with anything. We simply accepted a gracious offer during our efforts to stop another maniac. Bin Laden himself stated this was why he turned on the US after being our ally.

Second, what a stupid fuck-tard ignorant asshole Dissent is. He keeps trying to convince everyone that the US is evil and the cause of the problems because we "stick our nose" in other's business. We did no such thing with Al Qaeda. We assisted them in their time of need, we went to do the same thing for Kuwait (which the entire fucking planet agreed with), and then they turned on us for a completely irrational reason (ie our boots hit the ground in Saudi after being invited to do so by the government of the host nation). This is why I keep saying that Dissent needs to leave the converstation. He has no fucking clue what he is talking about, he doesn't understand the issue, and I've never seen anyone more ignorant about security than he is.

Notice he can't address the 3,000+ people who died on 9/11? They don't give a fuck what action we're taking against Al Qaeda now, because it's far too late. But people like Dissent are far too fucking stupid to comprehend that. They believe hiding your head in the sand and getting on all fours for your enemy is the way to avoid conflict. They don't understand even basic dog psychology (ie you show fear, you get bit bad - you show who the alpha male is in the room, you get an obedient animal in return). Go home son, leave this to the grown ups. You are way out of your league here, and you just proved that by defeating yourself by mentioning bases on foreign land.

You tell me EVERYTHING I already knew numb nuts...9/11 was an inside job so whatever...just like Pearl Harbor just like OKC,Gulf of Tonkin,etc etc...The C.I.A. has been playing prop up the dictator since the early days of their life and it ain't changed. Ya piss people off they remember that and they will get their payback. No matter how long it takes.You are a dyed in the wool hardcore muslim hater and neo con. There is no talking sense to you.

"9/11 was an inside job"?!?! LMAO!!! Wow.... seek help young man, seek help :cuckoo:

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