Obama worst foreign policy president ever

That is not why we went to war with Iraq: stop lying.

Ok kook.

Oh, are you going to deny Saddam was paying the families of islamic suicide bombers attacking Israel? George Soros could be proud of your answer.....

OIF was part II of the first gulf war. We just went back to finish the job because Saddam violated UN resolutions without punishment and he was supporting terrorists attacking "the Jews" in Israel.

Strange you claim to be a Jew but didn't care Saddam was paying for suicide bombers to kill Jews in Israel.....nice try, liar.

Oh, Iran kidnapps and kills Jews, Christians and any muslims that aren't following their stone age mentality.

Saddam was an idiot. He was anti Israeli but that doesn't make him anti Jewish. But the USA had no business invading Iraq. The Iranians do not kill people because of their religion. That's simply not true. Whoever told you that is lying. I couldn't care less if you believe me or not, you can believe what you like.
None of which invalidates that the USA went to war, stupidly, over illegal WMDs.

UN resolutions don't count.

SH paying bombers of Israel families don't count.

The American people have not forgiven the GOP for the economy or foreign policy from 1994 to 2006, otherwise Bozo the Clown or his cousin UncensoredCoyete would be 15 points ahead of Obama today.

I hope Mrs. Romney pulls a miracle of a speech tonight.
Dissent national security policy: Once all of your horses have run away, go close the barn door, and then pat yourself on the back. You won't have any horses left and thus you will lose your farm, but hey - at least you didn't trap any horses. :cuckoo:

Actually my national security policy is that of Jefferson. No entangling alliances with anyone free and open dialogue with ALL. Oh that's right that's the same as Ron Paul as well. Imagine that.We have been told why we were attacked but does anyone listen? Not anyone in the government obviously..they are doomed to repeat history.

Sorry chief, while Ron Paul is a God when it comes to economic poiicy, he is a kook when it comes to national security. It's something he doesn't understand, which is why the American people were all for him until he opened his mouth on foreign policy. And then he got his ass handed to him and he was properly shown the door...
See the MSNBC headline listed above IDIOTS?!?!?

"Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq".

Sarin gas is a chemical weapon. It is a WMD you stupid people!!!!
See the MSNBC headline listed above IDIOTS?!?!?

"Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq".

Sarin gas is a chemical weapon. It is a WMD you stupid people!!!!

Ooooh, Chemical Weapons... The cutting edge weapon of 1914.

We didn't go to war over an old rusty Sarin shell.

We went to war because Saddam was building nukes and was getting ready to hand them off to Bin Laden.

Except he totally wasn't, and it only took 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 dead Iraqis to figure it out.

Is the world a better place because Saddam is taking a dirt nap? Yup.

But would we have gone to war because, "Hey, we think we might have missed a couple of Sarin shells!"
See the MSNBC headline listed above IDIOTS?!?!?

"Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq".

Sarin gas is a chemical weapon. It is a WMD you stupid people!!!!

Ooooh, Chemical Weapons... The cutting edge weapon of 1914.

We didn't go to war over an old rusty Sarin shell.

We went to war because Saddam was building nukes and was getting ready to hand them off to Bin Laden.

Except he totally wasn't, and it only took 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 dead Iraqis to figure it out.

Is the world a better place because Saddam is taking a dirt nap? Yup.

But would we have gone to war because, "Hey, we think we might have missed a couple of Sarin shells!"

Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...

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See the MSNBC headline listed above IDIOTS?!?!?

"Sarin-loaded bomb explodes in Iraq".

Sarin gas is a chemical weapon. It is a WMD you stupid people!!!!

Ooooh, Chemical Weapons... The cutting edge weapon of 1914.

We didn't go to war over an old rusty Sarin shell.

We went to war because Saddam was building nukes and was getting ready to hand them off to Bin Laden.

Except he totally wasn't, and it only took 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 dead Iraqis to figure it out.

Is the world a better place because Saddam is taking a dirt nap? Yup.

But would we have gone to war because, "Hey, we think we might have missed a couple of Sarin shells!"

Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...


The UN Shot down his request to go to war, so he didn't really convince them, either.

USMB won't show whatever you are holding up, but the fact is, if Bush said, "We know he doesn't have nukes, but he might have Sarin Shells" no one would have gone to war over that.
Ooooh, Chemical Weapons... The cutting edge weapon of 1914.

Ooooh, JoeB. lies... The cutting edge weapon of 1914 communists.

We didn't go to war over an old rusty Sarin shell.

We went to war over WMD's - and no amount of lying on your part will ever change that or convince the world otherwise. And chemical weapons are WMD's (just ask the 100,000 Kurds who were killed by it).

We went to war because Saddam was building nukes and was getting ready to hand them off to Bin Laden.

No, we didn't. We went because of the threat of WMD's (chemical, biological, and nuclear).

Except he totally wasn't, and it only took 5000 dead Americans and 100,000 dead Iraqis to figure it out.

Don't let the facts get in the way of your absurd communist ideology Joe:

"In a secret operation, the United States last month removed from Iraq nearly two tons of uranium and hundreds of highly radioactive items that could have been used in a so-called dirty bomb, the Energy Department disclosed Tuesday.

"The nuclear material was secured from Iraq's former nuclear research facility and airlifted out of the country to an undisclosed Energy Department laboratory for further analysis," the AP said.

"Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham described the previously undisclosed operation, which was concluded June 23, as 'a major achievement' in an attempt to 'keep potentially dangerous nuclear material out of the hands of terrorists.'"

NewsMax.com: Inside Cover Story

Is the world a better place because Saddam is taking a dirt nap? Yup.

For once, you said something accurate.

But would we have gone to war because, "Hey, we think we might have missed a couple of Sarin shells!"

What bothers you more Joe, the fact that you were wrong (and thus exposed as the fraud that you are) or the fact that Bush was right? :lol:
The UN Shot down his request to go to war, so he didn't really convince them, either.

USMB won't show whatever you are holding up, but the fact is, if Bush said, "We know he doesn't have nukes, but he might have Sarin Shells" no one would have gone to war over that.

Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...

The UN Shot down his request to go to war, so he didn't really convince them, either.

Wait, you mean France (the biggest pussies in the universe, who surrender their own nation everytime someone asks the to) and our mortal enemies Russia & China wouldn't get us approval to stop a madman from destabilizing the globe? Really? That is a shocking revelation JoeB.

Except that it isn't....
The UN Shot down his request to go to war, so he didn't really convince them, either.

USMB won't show whatever you are holding up, but the fact is, if Bush said, "We know he doesn't have nukes, but he might have Sarin Shells" no one would have gone to war over that.

Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...


that is supposed to be a symbol for a B weapon.

where are these B weapons?

and why is powell thinking of his speech as a blot on his reputation?
The UN Shot down his request to go to war, so he didn't really convince them, either.

USMB won't show whatever you are holding up, but the fact is, if Bush said, "We know he doesn't have nukes, but he might have Sarin Shells" no one would have gone to war over that.

Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...


that is supposed to be a symbol for a B weapon.

where are these B weapons?

and why is powell thinking of his speech as a blot on his reputation?

LMAO! First, all the radical left-wing nuts on this site tried to claim that we were only worried about nuclear weapons. I debunked that falsehood. Next, they tried to claim that chemical weapons are not WMD's. I debunked that falsehood. Now you're going to claim we were worried about biological weapons and didn't find them :lol:.

Make up your mind idiot liberal dumbocrats! You might all want to get together and get your story straight... :lol:
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Is that a nuclear warhead that Secretary of State Colin Powell is holding up before the UN? Perhaps communist JoeB, with his lies & propaganda, could clarify this for everyone since I just can't seem to tell if that is a nuclear warhead he is holding...


that is supposed to be a symbol for a B weapon.

where are these B weapons?

and why is powell thinking of his speech as a blot on his reputation?

LMAO! First, all the radical left-wing nuts on this site tried to claim that we were only worried about nuclear weapons. I debunked that falsehood. Next, they tried to claim that chemical weapons are not WMD's. I debunked that falsehood. Now you're going to claim we were worried about biological weapons and didn't find them :lol:.

Make up your mind idiot liberal dumbocrats! You might all want to get together and get your story straight... :lol:

do you know what colin is holding in the pic you posted?

you debunked nothing, btw.

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