Obama worst foreign policy president ever

I am one of those foreigners. Trust me, Obama is a hell of lot more liked that Bush...by a country mile.....Not even close or in the same ball park.

you mean it's a lie? i'm shocked.

Look, I realize that Jillian was that girl who nobody asked to the prom, and now she's all scarred for life, etc. But I must ask again (and both of you, please try to remember that high school is over and you are adults now) - who the fuck cares how liked the US president is?!?! This is not a junior high popularity contest. The object is not to be "liked".

If the rest of the world (which practices Sharia Law and stones women to death for being raped) like Obama, it just proves what a shitty job he is doing. They like him because he's bowing to them like a little bitch.
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Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

For once, you are actually right (I'm speechless). But sadly, you have no idea why we were attacked (which is why you didn't mention it). Now go read my last post and learn something for once.

You got attacked due to your interventionist policies in the ME...

Uh, no... not at all. Once you again you highlight your ignorance in the matter. Bin Laden himself went on record you aboriginal fool. Go throw another shrimp on the barbie and have a Foster's since you clearly have no idea what you're talking about...
To all of you idiots who keep trying to convince yourselves that America's "meddling" is the cause of terrorism, take a look at some muslim on muslim horrific crimes in which the US was not involved on any level. So much for your ignorant theories, uh? Seems like these maniacs will attack us just for letting American women dance and for listening to music:

The Taliban beheaded 17 Afghan civilians yesterday because they were having a party with both men and women that included music and dancing, "activities the Taliban disapproves."
For once, you are actually right (I'm speechless). But sadly, you have no idea why we were attacked (which is why you didn't mention it). Now go read my last post and learn something for once.

You got attacked due to your interventionist policies in the ME...

Uh, no... not at all. Once you again you highlight your ignorance in the matter. Bin Laden himself went on record you aboriginal fool. Go throw another shrimp on the barbie and have a Foster's since you clearly have no idea what you're talking about...

Fuck you're a moron...you really are...

The above response, and your post that followed immediately, just show how much of an ignorant fool you are...
I am one of those foreigners. Trust me, Obama is a hell of lot more liked that Bush...by a country mile.....Not even close or in the same ball park.

you mean it's a lie? i'm shocked.

Look, I realize that Jillian was that girl who nobody asked to the prom, and now she's all scarred for life, etc. But I must ask again (and both of you, please try to remember that high school is over and you are adults now) - who the fuck cares how liked the US president is?!?! This is not a junior high popularity contest. The object is not to be "liked".

If the rest of the world (which practices Sharia Law and stones women to death for being raped) like Obama, it just proves what a shitty job he is doing. They like him because he's bowing to them like a little bitch.

Ok. His foreign policy is good. And we like it.

Feel better Munchkin..?
Yeah he has, but he's repaired a whole load of the damage caused by Bush.


But throw out those examples...............

I suspect you could be a parrot.

I am one of those foreigners. Trust me, Obama is a hell of lot more liked that Bush...by a country mile.....Not even close or in the same ball park...

Who the hell cares which of our presidents some nobody from some back-water, also-ran country "likes"? :confused:
To all of you idiots who keep trying to convince yourselves that America's "meddling" is the cause of terrorism, take a look at some muslim on muslim horrific crimes in which the US was not involved on any level. So much for your ignorant theories, uh? Seems like these maniacs will attack us just for letting American women dance and for listening to music:

The Taliban beheaded 17 Afghan civilians yesterday because they were having a party with both men and women that included music and dancing, "activities the Taliban disapproves."


Are you trying to claim that we weren't involved in "any level" on this? You mean other than occupying their country?

Again, this is an internal matter to them, it doesn't involve us.
Here's an alternative. Let's not keep insulting the countries who have stood shoulder to shoulder with us, and stop pandering to those who - no matter what we do - will always hate us.

Like Romney when he came to the UK and insulted us a few weeks ago.

Romney only told the truth and repeated what the British said anyway. Which is nothing like sending the bust of Winston Churchill back, giving the PM a cheap plastic model of a helicopter as an official present, giving a collection of DVDs that can't be used in England, or giving the Queen an IPod preloaded with obama speeches.

All wonderful testaments to the close relationship that obama has with the UK.

Do you ever fact-check the stuff you read before repeating it?
No...no need to answer that.
Oh I see what ya mean! How dare he! He hasn't attacked Iran or Syria,he backs the 1967 borders of Israel and pulled us out of Iraq. DAMN HIM!

Exactly! He sells out our ONLY ally in the middle east while backing the terrorist regime known as the palestinians. He wants to take Israel back to indefensible borders and reward terrorists for their actions of slaughtering innocent civilians, including children.

By the way, the "pulled us out of Iraq" talking point is hilarious. First of all, we are still very much in Iraq, stupid. Second, we've been in Iraq for over a decade. did you think we would stay there for 3,000 years? Obama just happened to be president when the initial objectives were completed. It is no credit to him on any level that the time frame just happened to occur well after a decade and when he just happened to be in office.

Just asking...do Saudi Arabia and Kuwait not count as allies?
Romney will electro-shock you neo-con dogs and put you in the kennel for the duration of his presidency. And he will make you clean up your own dog dung.

Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

For once, you are actually right (I'm speechless). But sadly, you have no idea why we were attacked (which is why you didn't mention it). Now go read my last post and learn something for once.
Again, vintage liberal "logic" here. Wait until it's too late, then try to take action. The same ignorant policies used during WWII, when we entered only after the axis of evil had taken over 50% of the world and killed a ton of our service men and women in Pearl Harbor.

Once Israel is gone, who do you think will be next genius? Once again, you're not informed enough to speak on this subject. Security is pro-active. Those 3,000 people who died on 9/11 could give a flying fuck what we are doing now to stop Al Qaeda. It's already too late for those men and women who will never see their children grow up, and for those children who died that day and will never get to grow up. You're a vintage ideological fuck-tard who thinks that hiding your head in the sand, "making love & not war", and using dumbocrat talking points like "don't be the world police" will actually solve very complex (not to mention very deadly) problems. You're a naive ideologue - just move along and let the informed adults discuss here.

We were attacked in Pearl Harbor because we were doing the same thing to the Japanese that we are doing to the Iranians now. Sanctions,Tariffs,trying to start a war pretty much. Oh there is also really good evidence that Roosevelt knew damn well that the Japanese were on their way to bomb Pearl Harbor and he let them do it so he had a reason to get involved in ww2 as we were already giving aid to England and letting them know the locations of uboats so they could destroy them,not much has changed in 60 years huh? You don't attack someone because you THINK they might attack you. You defend yourself against someone that has attacked you. Its just like you don't go out and shoot a thug because he MIGHT break into your home and kill you, but you do and can shoot the little shit if and when he does break in and tries to kill you. If we had a non interventionist foreign policy half the damn world wouldn't hate us but seeing how we have the complete opposite foreign policy they do hate us and because of that they attack us. You want them to like us for setting up bases on Holy Muslim territory? You want them to welcome us when we invade their countries to "free" them? We prop up dictators like Mubarak,Hussein,Pinochet among others. Of course these "terrorists" aren't going to be happy with us. Christ maybe you ought to find out WHY they attack us before running off at the mouth. It ain't because of our "freedom"...that's horseshit because we ain't that damn free.

Anyone that believes we got attacked on 9/11 because of our freedoms is a damned fool.

As for the Japonese ..they built up their military because they were attacked by Russia in WWI. They attacked us because it was inevitable. They are an island nation with few natural resources. They had to expand their territory to have access to oil and coal and steel. We were incidental to their expansion...in fact if we had helped make it possible for them to aquire resources we could have gained a valuable ally. Foolishly we forced them to see us as an enemy coming between them and their countries needs.

I stand corrected. I was informed that the Japonese were not atacked by Russia in WW1. That is true. I was being a lazy fuck and didn't look up the exact dates. Russo/Japan war was 1904-5. WW1 was 9 years later.
It's a bit rich criticising a guy but then not offering an alternative.

You haven't been here very long, have you?

No, here was me thinking that political debate was about trying to put your point of view across and bring others round to it. On here it's about screaming abuse at people who don't agree with you. I really have a genuine interest in why the American right take the view that they do. I'm open to being convinced to their ideas, but when your just called names and abused it just shows that it's all talk and no substance.
Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc are our allies. Our military is currently in all 3 of those countries for training purposes and other missions. All 3 countries agree Iran is a threat to region's stability.

We work with the Jews and Arabs to live together but we get blamed for any terrorism that bubbles up over the hatred of the Jews and non-muslims. We are the mediator in their fights but get blamed by losertarians and liberals for any conflict, hatred in the region.

Our work with both sides has created a peace in the region for DECADES. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc haven't had a large scale war with Israel. Of course, Israel being very strong and owning nukes kinda helps keep their neighbors from trying an all out war again like decades ago, but our work has helped too.

But of course the scumbags that resort to terrorism to attack us, Israel and the Arab leaders are blamed on us by insane people. :eusa_whistle:

Oh I see what ya mean! How dare he! He hasn't attacked Iran or Syria,he backs the 1967 borders of Israel and pulled us out of Iraq. DAMN HIM!

Exactly! He sells out our ONLY ally in the middle east while backing the terrorist regime known as the palestinians. He wants to take Israel back to indefensible borders and reward terrorists for their actions of slaughtering innocent civilians, including children.

By the way, the "pulled us out of Iraq" talking point is hilarious. First of all, we are still very much in Iraq, stupid. Second, we've been in Iraq for over a decade. did you think we would stay there for 3,000 years? Obama just happened to be president when the initial objectives were completed. It is no credit to him on any level that the time frame just happened to occur well after a decade and when he just happened to be in office.

Just asking...do Saudi Arabia and Kuwait not count as allies?
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Israel, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, etc are our allies. We our military is currently in all 3 of those countries for training purposes and other missions. All 3 countries agree Iran is a threat to region's stability.

We work with the Jews and Arabs to live together but we get blamed for any terrorism that bubbles up over the hatred of the Jews and non-muslims. We are the mediator in their fights but get blamed by losertarians and liberals for any conflict, hatred in the region.

Our work with both sides has created a peace in the region for DECADES. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, etc haven't had a large scale war with Israel. Of course, Israel being very strong and owning nukes kinda helps keep their neighbors from trying an all out war again like decades ago, but our work has helped too.

But of course the scumbags that resort to terrorism to attack us, Israel and the Arab leaders are blamed on us by insane people. :eusa_whistle:

Exactly! He sells out our ONLY ally in the middle east while backing the terrorist regime known as the palestinians. He wants to take Israel back to indefensible borders and reward terrorists for their actions of slaughtering innocent civilians, including children.

By the way, the "pulled us out of Iraq" talking point is hilarious. First of all, we are still very much in Iraq, stupid. Second, we've been in Iraq for over a decade. did you think we would stay there for 3,000 years? Obama just happened to be president when the initial objectives were completed. It is no credit to him on any level that the time frame just happened to occur well after a decade and when he just happened to be in office.

Just asking...do Saudi Arabia and Kuwait not count as allies?

Yet only 1 of those has attacked us....imagine that calling someone that commits a military act upon you,you call them an ally....talk about stupidity. Oh and why did the US allow members of the Bin Laden family to leave the US when all other planes were grounded? So much for SA being an ally as well....oh well...can't help a nation that refuses to see the truth in front of their eyes.
Why is Israel considered to be such a great ally to the US? What does the US actually get out of it? Genuine question. I was under the impression it was for Jewish votes and donations at home rather than any genuine strategic interest.
Hmmm idiot, why did the UK move the Jews back into Israel? :eusa_whistle:

The endless hatred of Jews and Christians by you left-wing scum is pathetic.

FYI idiot, most Jews vote Democrap in the USA because most of them are liberal on social issues, many are self-loathing idiots. So our defense of Israel doesn't swing elections for the GOP, it's called doing the right thing.

Why is Israel considered to be such a great ally to the US? What does the US actually get out of it? Genuine question. I was under the impression it was for Jewish votes and donations at home rather than any genuine strategic interest.
Berzerk should read these books.

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Israel-Lobby-U-S-Foreign-Policy/dp/0374531501/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346171589&sr=8-1&keywords=israel+controls+us+policy]Amazon.com: The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (9780374531508): John J. Mearsheimer, Stephen M. Walt: Books[/ame]
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Palestine-Peace-Apartheid-Jimmy-Carter/dp/0743285034/ref=pd_sim_b_2]Amazon.com: Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid (9780743285032): Jimmy Carter: Books[/ame]

Both I have read parts of I need to finish them but great books either way.

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