Obamacare: A massive tax hike disguised as health insurance cost increases


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
I've said before that Obamacare is basically a wealth-redistribution scheme, using "health care" as its excuse. In fact, it's simply a tax increase. A mandatory one, inevitably.

And coming at the worst possible time for the American people as they did their way out one of the longest recessions in living memory.


Blog: Common Core third grade book goes full Dear Leader on Obama

Common Core third grade book goes full Dear Leader on Obama

by Thomas Lifson
November 27, 2013

.... it is becoming clear that Obama's two terms will be regarded as a failed presidency. His "signature achievement," Obamacare, is a mess, and it won't be fixed by any of the remedies proposed. The website problems are the least of it. The Big Lie on keeping your insurance and keeping your doctor now looks as though it will reach about half the population of the United States, once employers start dumping their insurance.

It is axiomatic that a president who screws over half the population of the country in the most personal way cannot be regarded tenderly by history. By in effect imposing a massive tax increase disguised as health insurance cost increases, after promising that health care costs would go down, he risks what I have dubbed the Obamacare Recession hitting the country hard next year. Families are going to have cut spending on all sorts of discretionary purchases, restaurants, hard goods producers, housing, and almost all other sectors of the economy are going to be hit hard.

Then there is the matter of families losing their trusted physicians and access to first rate treatments. Cancer patients and others with life threatening illnesses are going to die. Obama lied, people died. The formerly sycophantic media cannot ignore these stories, for they will be legion, they are compelling, and people are interested in them. The old media monopoly is shattered. The blogosphere, Fox News, and social media will spread these compelling human tragedies no matter how assiduously the New York Times averts its gaze.
Wasn't one of Obama's main promises, that he would not raise taxes on the middle class in his first term?

And wasn't Obamacare passed, and signed by him, in 2010, which was in his first term?

And didn't he then swear up and down before the Supreme Court, that the Mandate wasn't a penalty, but a TAX?

Oh, well.....
The ACA is a bad republican inspired law. Obama is a tepid right of center president. He's throwing untold dollars at privately held health insurance companies at the public's expense and I don't like it one bit. It's barely better than doing nothing at all.

We needed an FDR and we got Reagan-lite.
The ACA is a bad republican inspired law. Obama is a tepid right of center president. He's throwing untold dollars at privately held health insurance companies at the public's expense and I don't like it one bit. It's barely better than doing nothing at all.

We needed an FDR and we got Reagan-lite.

Best laugh of the day!

Keep it up - America needs a little laughter.
I have been saying this from day one.
Any "insurance" that has a $10,000 deductable, with a 40% copay after that is NOT insurance...that is a donation. But since it is forced - it is absolutely a tax. Only the government isn't getting the revenue from it. Good time to be in the health insurance business. Take a look at the major insurance companies stock values this year.
Best laugh of the day!

Keep it up - America needs a little laughter.

Whenever a liberal gets elected, there are always a few armchair socialists who can't resist playing "I'm more left than you are" and thumping their chests. Seems to be the only hobby they have.
The ACA is a bad republican inspired law. Obama is a tepid right of center president. He's throwing untold dollars at privately held health insurance companies at the public's expense and I don't like it one bit. It's barely better than doing nothing at all.

We needed an FDR and we got Reagan-lite.

Best laugh of the day!

Keep it up - America needs a little laughter.

What makes Obama anything but a right of center politician?

Let's see, he's implemented a healthcare plan created by the Heritage foundation--his signature political achievement no less, threatened to cut social security, bailed out wall street, jailed no one from wall street, offered no regulation of wall street, expanded domestic spying, increased illegal drone killings in Pakistan / middle east, re-upped the illegal war in Afghanistan, reupped the Bush tax cuts, and that's off the top of my head.

Do you want me to list any more? Do you want me to compare him to, oh say Reagan and his exhortations to save Soc. Sec., which he did and it was the right thing to do.

How anyone can paint Obama as a leftist no less a socialist is really a testimony to the efficacy of modern propaganda.
Best laugh of the day!

Keep it up - America needs a little laughter.

Whenever a liberal gets elected, there are always a few armchair socialists who can't resist playing "I'm more left than you are" and thumping their chests. Seems to be the only hobby they have.
Instead of making off the cuff anecdotal observations that nobody but you and your friends really care about, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and prove Obama is a liberal president?

I just supplied a laundry list of presidential actions / omissons that paint him as a right of center politician.
Well, that's the main criticism of Obamacare all along, assuming you can accept the govt has the power to establish a minimum level of insurance that all must have or pay a tax penalty for passing the potential cost of their care on to the rest of us. (which was a gop idea to begin with btw)

All middle class entitlement programs till now have provided some benefit to everyone in the middle class. With obamacare, some middle class citizens will pay more for basically the same coverage.

That's why old establishment gopers, like Haley Barbour, have been telling the TP to shut the hell up. Forget all this Ayn Rand bullcrap about govt having no responsibility. Tax healthcare providers and provide funds for high risk patients and give the working poor tax credits. It's not rocket science ... unless you're a moonbat.
I have been saying this from day one.
Any "insurance" that has a $10,000 deductable, with a 40% copay after that is NOT insurance...that is a donation. But since it is forced - it is absolutely a tax. Only the government isn't getting the revenue from it. Good time to be in the health insurance business. Take a look at the major insurance companies stock values this year.

Exactly!! With $10,000 and up deductibles, it's like having no insurance except now we get to pay up to three times as much each year just to have the crappy policy.

People have doctors that they've trusted for years. And the liberals are telling us that it's the law, so tough shit. Then they claim they will force us into something better. What will be the best part, having a new doctor you may not like, paying triple what you are now for a policy, out of pocket expenses for the first $10,000 each year or driving longer to get to a doctor appointment because your local physicians aren't covered by the new insurance?
I have been saying this from day one.
Any "insurance" that has a $10,000 deductable, with a 40% copay after that is NOT insurance...that is a donation. But since it is forced - it is absolutely a tax. Only the government isn't getting the revenue from it. Good time to be in the health insurance business. Take a look at the major insurance companies stock values this year.

Exactly!! With $10,000 and up deductibles, it's like having no insurance except now we get to pay up to three times as much each year just to have the crappy policy.

People have doctors that they've trusted for years. And the liberals are telling us that it's the law, so tough shit. Then they claim they will force us into something better. What will be the best part, having a new doctor you may not like, paying triple what you are now for a policy, out of pocket expenses for the first $10,000 each year or driving longer to get to a doctor appointment because your local physicians aren't covered by the new insurance?

Wait a sec. I'm no fan of obamacare, but are you saying youll still have the 10k deductable and the 40% copay under obamacare?
I have been saying this from day one.
Any "insurance" that has a $10,000 deductable, with a 40% copay after that is NOT insurance...that is a donation. But since it is forced - it is absolutely a tax. Only the government isn't getting the revenue from it. Good time to be in the health insurance business. Take a look at the major insurance companies stock values this year.

Exactly!! With $10,000 and up deductibles, it's like having no insurance except now we get to pay up to three times as much each year just to have the crappy policy.

People have doctors that they've trusted for years. And the liberals are telling us that it's the law, so tough shit. Then they claim they will force us into something better. What will be the best part, having a new doctor you may not like, paying triple what you are now for a policy, out of pocket expenses for the first $10,000 each year or driving longer to get to a doctor appointment because your local physicians aren't covered by the new insurance?

Consequences as it pertains to secondary effects of a policy, and mathematics...two things that liberals, and especially progressive (regressive) liberals just don't get. Liberals have a fascinating way of ignoring the fact they are wrong. You see, to a liberal factual error is trumped by there erroneous belief that they have a moral superiority.
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Obama is giving "liberal" a bad....no....make that "worse"....name. When the greatest success of a regime is that failure called "Obamacare" how much lower than their rep sink?
obamacare is "spreading the wealth" from the healthy middle and upper classes to the poor and sick.

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