ObamaCare by Morning; Six People Served


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Congress has stared too long into the abyss, and now the abyss is staring back at Congress. The flow of money to constituents buys votes and money and power, and God they love it so, they cannot break away from its trance. This serious psychopathology is known. They see that they are all running headlong off a cliff, but they cannot stop, and so it is all dumped on the next generation and dismissed as merely "kicking the can down the road".

They cannot know, endomed in Washington, that every taxpaying citizen in America would like to scream every time they hear that tired old...dead really...dead, but definitely not gone---"Hey, we're just kicking the can down the road again." Their singular, selfish calculation is whether the whole house of cards that they have built with their hypocritical machinations will hold up past the next election. That makes them dangerous.

And our President is Narcissus. He has caught his reflection in a pool of water and he so likes what he sees, that he cannot look away. He sees a Socialist's dream come true--control of health care in America---and everyone has acknowledged it is his progeny, by naming it after him. Obamacare. Obamacare. And he simply adores it---and he will never ever be able to see anything wrong with it, and, as he has just shown, with his calculated lies--he will do anything to protect it. And that makes him dangerous.

We are clearly lead by pimps and whores, and by the corrupt and the self-delusional and not a few sociopaths...but we keep electing them because they give us stuff.

Stuff costs.

These knaves and fools in Washington have hidden the costs by running up a 17 trillion dollar debt. It is so egregious a breach of their solemn duty to the people, that our children and grandchildren will be asking us why we didn't indict them all.

When the bill comes due.
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