Obamacare Cover Girl Revealed -- And No, She Hasn't Signed Up...

the fact that she never even thought to be enrolled means that she either has insurance from employer or earns too much and does not want to be hosed.
amazing. they couldn't even pick an american citizen to be the poster face. what a sales pitch
And not even a citizen !

Of all the people that they could have used for this, and they don't even use an American.

My god it's the Keystone Cops who are in charge.

You can't make this shit up !

I wouldn't be so quick to pin it on 'Keystone Cops' incompetence. A Non-Citizen was likely used intentionally. A 'Come on in Illegals, we gots lots of Freebies here for ya!' message.

It's possible she was chosen specifically for that reason, but I'm still inclined to believe it's that these people simply don't know what the fuck they're doing.

I hear ya, it's that too. But lets be real, with all the Millions & Millions of U.S. Citizens to choose from, they choose a Non-Citizen to be the face of their debacle? I just can't accept that as coincidence or incompetence. It was clearly a calculated move.
I wonder if she is on food stamps and has Section 8 housing??

The immigrants 'American Dream'......... :cool:

if she lives in this country legally, works and pay taxes - why shouldn't she be able to be insured?

Thru a government subsidized and funded overbloated government program?? No

Should she go and freely spend it and buy it for herself without government intervention or assistance?? Yes

is it subsidized for you?

how do you know she does not have more than 65K per year or whatever the limit for their family will be? the cut-off is pretty low - if the single earning more than 46K is considered rich and will go unsubsidized.

guys, you are being idiotic in this dimension - the girl is legal, nobody knows how much she earns per year, and the whole obamacare is actually designed to lure the ones which do not have to be subsidized - or force them into that.

I hate obamacare and want it repealed, but hitting the wrong point is not going to help to do it.

Do I know what the person makes?? NO... hence why I phrased my statement as I did... if it is subsidized etc in a government program, she should not get shit... (nor should anyone for that matter, but that is a different argument)... should she be allowed to go on the open market and buy what she wants?? Yep

And I said nothing of her being 'illegal'...
Splitting hairs about her legal status is not worth it. She is legal.

what is interesting is she was not paid. that is sleazy. and she hasn't got her benefit from it either. which is ridiculous.
Thru a government subsidized and funded overbloated government program?? No

Should she go and freely spend it and buy it for herself without government intervention or assistance?? Yes

is it subsidized for you?

how do you know she does not have more than 65K per year or whatever the limit for their family will be? the cut-off is pretty low - if the single earning more than 46K is considered rich and will go unsubsidized.

guys, you are being idiotic in this dimension - the girl is legal, nobody knows how much she earns per year, and the whole obamacare is actually designed to lure the ones which do not have to be subsidized - or force them into that.

I hate obamacare and want it repealed, but hitting the wrong point is not going to help to do it.

Do I know what the person makes?? NO... hence why I phrased my statement as I did... if it is subsidized etc in a government program, she should not get shit... (nor should anyone for that matter, but that is a different argument)... should she be allowed to go on the open market and buy what she wants?? Yep

And I said nothing of her being 'illegal'...

well, that is a totally different angle - and that is about the law not her in particular. I don't think it should be subsidized for anybody as well - but I also think the whole disaster should be dumped and the real healthcare reform should be implemented.

which should start with tort reform across the board and EMTALA reform as well.
Splitting hairs about her legal status is not worth it. She is legal.

what is interesting is she was not paid. that is sleazy. and she hasn't got her benefit from it either. which is ridiculous.

It's all sleazy. She is legal, but she is not a U.S. Citizen. But why use a Non-Citizen? It's very devious.
Splitting hairs about her legal status is not worth it. She is legal.

what is interesting is she was not paid. that is sleazy. and she hasn't got her benefit from it either. which is ridiculous.

It's all sleazy. She is legal, but she is not a U.S. Citizen. But why use a Non-Citizen? It's very devious.

because the employer usually is not concerned about citizenship status - if you are a permanent resident - that is totally sufficient for ANY job ( except elected officials)
Splitting hairs about her legal status is not worth it. She is legal.

what is interesting is she was not paid. that is sleazy. and she hasn't got her benefit from it either. which is ridiculous.

It's all sleazy. She is legal, but she is not a U.S. Citizen. But why use a Non-Citizen? It's very devious.

because the employer usually is not concerned about citizenship status - if you are a permanent resident - that is totally sufficient for ANY job ( except elected officials)

No shortage of U.S. Citizens. Why go out of the way to find a Non-Citizen to be the face? Definitely a calculated move.

The face of the ill-fated launch of ObamaCare belongs to a Maryland woman who didn't earn a dime for her trouble and, despite being eligible, hasn't even tried to enroll in the president's signature health insurance program.

In exclusive comments to ABC News, the smiling brunette identified only as “Adriana,” who previously adorned the Affordable Care Act’s website, said cruel comments online linking her to the website's well-chronicled problems amounted to cyberbullying. A married mom from Maryland, she became known as "Glitch Girl," and several spoofs photoshopped the expression on her face to go with satirical versions of the site.

“I mean, I don’t know why people should hate me because it’s just a photo,” Adriana, who is a Colombian national applying for citizenship, told ABC News. “I didn’t design the website. I didn’t make it fail, so I don’t think they should have any reasons to hate me.

“They have nothing else to do but hide behind the computer,” Adriana said. “They’re cyberbullying … I’m here to stand up for myself and defend myself and let people know the truth.”

When Healthcare.gov launched on Oct. 1, offering Americans health insurance via federally-operated exchanges, it was Adriana’s smiling face that greeted visitors of the website. Her identity instantly became the target of reporters nationwide, particularly after White House officials refused to divulge her name. And as frustration with the maligned website mounted, she was quickly mocked online as “Glitch Girl” and became fodder for late-night comedians.

Adriana’s saga began when she emailed a contact at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services — the agency responsible for the rollout of the Affordable Care Act — about having photographs of her and her relatives taken in exchange for allowing the photos to be used to market the new health care law. She was not paid, ABC News reports...

ObamaCare cover girl revealed -- and she has not signed up | Fox News

Good Lord, she's not American, probably cannot read, has no idea what Obamacare is. Thus is a farce from the opening page of the website till you get stuck in cyberland, never to be seen again! Only in A-mer-i-ca! Thank you Obama!

The face of the ill-fated launch of ObamaCare belongs to a Maryland woman who didn't earn a dime for her trouble and, despite being eligible, hasn't even tried to enroll in the president's signature health insurance program.

In exclusive comments to ABC News, the smiling brunette identified only as “Adriana,” who previously adorned the Affordable Care Act’s website, said cruel comments online linking her to the website's well-chronicled problems amounted to cyberbullying. A married mom from Maryland, she became known as "Glitch Girl," and several spoofs photoshopped the expression on her face to go with satirical versions of the site.

“I mean, I don’t know why people should hate me because it’s just a photo,” Adriana, who is a Colombian national applying for citizenship, told ABC News. “I didn’t design the website. I didn’t make it fail, so I don’t think they should have any reasons to hate me.

“They have nothing else to do but hide behind the computer,” Adriana said. “They’re cyberbullying … I’m here to stand up for myself and defend myself and let people know the truth.”

When Healthcare.gov launched on Oct. 1, offering Americans health insurance via federally-operated exchanges, it was Adriana’s smiling face that greeted visitors of the website. Her identity instantly became the target of reporters nationwide, particularly after White House officials refused to divulge her name. And as frustration with the maligned website mounted, she was quickly mocked online as “Glitch Girl” and became fodder for late-night comedians.

Adriana’s saga began when she emailed a contact at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services — the agency responsible for the rollout of the Affordable Care Act — about having photographs of her and her relatives taken in exchange for allowing the photos to be used to market the new health care law. She was not paid, ABC News reports...

ObamaCare cover girl revealed -- and she has not signed up | Fox News

Good Lord, she's not American, probably cannot read, has no idea what Obamacare is. Thus is a farce from the opening page of the website till you get stuck in cyberland, never to be seen again! Only in A-mer-i-ca! Thank you Obama!

Sadly i have to say, you just described the average Obamabot.
My 2 cents on this...

She is legal, fine, that is not the issue. Neither is the fact she is a non-citizen. This was about what she is going through because of what she did. Yeah, it sucks to be her right now. But hopefully what she has learned from this is what the word "association" means. She may know the English language, or not. But either way, I am sure there is a compatible word in her native tongue (if it is not English). Because of that, she gets what she deserves. I may feel bad for what she is going through, but I do not feel sorry for what she is going through. She made a choice at that time, and it turned out to be a mistake.


(OK, maybe 4 cents)
It's all sleazy. She is legal, but she is not a U.S. Citizen. But why use a Non-Citizen? It's very devious.

because the employer usually is not concerned about citizenship status - if you are a permanent resident - that is totally sufficient for ANY job ( except elected officials)

No shortage of U.S. Citizens. Why go out of the way to find a Non-Citizen to be the face? Definitely a calculated move.

where I work there is an extreme shortage for US citizens - our whole group has only ONE American born US citizen ( all others are naturalized ones )

nobody goes out of the way. the employer just chooses from those who are eligible and apply.
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because the employer usually is not concerned about citizenship status - if you are a permanent resident - that is totally sufficient for ANY job ( except elected officials)

No shortage of U.S. Citizens. Why go out of the way to find a Non-Citizen to be the face? Definitely a calculated move.

where I work there is an extreme shortage for US citizens - our whole group has only ONE American born US citizen ( all others are naturalized ones )

nobody goes out of the way. the employer just chooses from those who are eligible and apply.

:lol: "extreme shortage for US citizens?" Do you work in China or something?

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