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Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 million Jobs Created, Middle Class Incomes Up $3K

Bush would have LOVED a recession-free, steady growth record like that.

Under Obama job growth was four times of what BOTH Bushes combined managed to get.

Again how did Obama accomplish this?

Only in the idiotic world of liberal fantasy a anti business president could do it.


I don't think that is the question..

Why did this "anti-business" Usurper manage to do FAR better than two putatively "pro-bidness" POTUS?

Not only job creation, but also Equity Markets' performance...

You wanna see some truly gruesome numbers?

Obviously YOU NEVER heard of Quantitative Easing did you?
The Fed’s $3.5T QE purchases have generated almost half a trillion dollars for the US Treasury since 2009
View attachment 124141

The Fed's $3.5T QE purchases have generated almost half a trillion dollars for the US Treasury since 2009 • AEI

WHO is going to pay the $3 T in borrowings???


You cannot participate in a discussion of the need for, and results, of Quantitative Easing......you have no idea why it was done, what it hoped to achieve, and how it will be unwound....

That established, let me ask you.....

Are you suggesting that the record bull market under Obama was entirely the result of Federal Reserve Policy?
I'm not these people are!
Plus where are your links supporting your position???

Don’t Credit Obama with the Stock Boom, Credit the Fed and the International Economy
Stocks are booming, with the S&P and the Dow each near record highs. Does President Obama deserve the credit? The answer is: yes, but only some of it.
So who else is responsible for the market boom?
I’d give the Federal Reserve about 35-40 percent of the credit. Here’s why. The Fed, along with the Bush and Obama administrations, was an important actor in the bailouts. We tend to focus on TARP when looking back at the financial crises, but other, more obscure and underreported actions—the Fed’s guarantee of the commercial paper market, the Treasury’s guarantee of money-market funds, and the bailout of AIG—were just as important. Many of those were led by the Fed. And for the last several years, the Fed has attempted to goose the economy by keeping overnight interest rates at zero, and by purchasing bonds and mortgage-backed securities to push long-term rates down. These efforts at quantitative easing have helped stock markets in several intended and unintended ways
Don’t Credit Obama with the Stock Boom, Credit the Fed and the International Economy

Daniel Gross
11.13.13 2:20 PM ET

Do you think you might be one of the stupidest humans alive?

Then it goes on to reveal that this is an interview with Art Laffer, the architect of the Kansas Miracle........
furthermore, the article actually DOES give Obama credit....which you might have known had you actually read the whole thing...

The historical rule tends to hold that presidents get credit for bad things that happen on their watch and for the good things that happen on their watch. But in the case of the stock market, I’d give Obama only a small percentage of the credit for the market boom— say 15 to 20 percent. The most important thing the Obama administration did for the economy—and for the markets—was to reverse the free fall of late 2008 and early 2009, stop the panic, and create the conditions for growth. The administration’s implementation and management of TARP and the auto and financial sector rescues, which began under the prior administration, were vital—and largely effective.

The stimulus passed in 2009, even though it was too small, added meaningfully to economic growth in 2009 and 2010. The economy began to expand in 2009. And even though it has been jolted and threatened by political actions—by Republican brinksmanship, by Obama’s inability to forestall crises, and by needless austerity—the U.S. economy has chugged along in low gear, adding more than 7 million jobs since early 2010. That’s not bad, but it’s not the kind of underlying growth that should lead the stock market to boom as it has.

Who gave Obama 10 Trillion dollars? No one. His total policy contribution to deficit was about 1 trillion, if we exclude 2012 extension of Bush's tax cuts (which I don't presume you or Romney are against)

He didn't fix long term deficit issues, but he didn't exacerbate them the way you insinuate either. And as far as fixing, it wasn't for lack of trying - he always kept the Grand Bargain on the table but couldn't get Congressional support.

I'm not sure how you came up with $1 Trillion...
Here are the FACTS and source: Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Total Expenditures $28.303 Trillion (Included TARP payback of $708.3B. Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
Total Receipts 21.057 Trillion
Deficit $ 7.246 Trillion Deficits added to national debt!
Plus remember this includes total payback of TARP with (AGAIN remember GWB expenditures included over $600 Billion for TARP..
BUT Obama gets it all paid ($708.3B back plus $84.9B Profit!)

View attachment 124134
PLUS remember Obama's revenue included total payback of Tarp PLUS a $84.9 Billion profit!

Nonsense, just because Federal government ran deficit while Obama was in office doesn't mean Obama CAUSED all of them.

There is a persistent failure in politico talk to separate correlation from causation.

And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!
What you have far less of is a market.....

It's about the "Externalities", you see.....the costs so long overlooked.


View attachment 124135
Post the market share for coal circa 2008....then define "Externalities"...

Missing the point Are you?
Not at all....cause I'm not the one dodging....

markets for coal are crashing....as you would know if you looked at the decline in its market share for sources of energy.

The coal industry has not represented an economically significant share of employment for nearly half a century. There are more people employed in the renewable energy industry in the State of California than there are employed in coal mining in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.....

it is a bullshit issue, pushed by hucksters, on the credulous....

And if we stop the cooperate welfare to them.. what will happen?


We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K
Notice that she left out the 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that the FED created. Someone will HAVE to pay for that private DEBT. I am sure Janet Yellow will spring that surprise on President Trump sometime soon.

It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.
PRAVDA would be proud of the Commies of the liberal party today.

I call our modern day version of Pravda.... Progda.
It just fits....
Where do you get your information, Here?

Just, say, your top 3.....

From all over. I then make up my own mind based on evidence and past experience.
Just the top 3.....

Don't be ashamed......

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K

Obonzo is the only President in U.S. history to never have at least one year on 3% GDP growth. Your thread = Fail. :(
I'm not sure how you came up with $1 Trillion...
Here are the FACTS and source: Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Total Expenditures $28.303 Trillion (Included TARP payback of $708.3B. Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
Total Receipts 21.057 Trillion
Deficit $ 7.246 Trillion Deficits added to national debt!
Plus remember this includes total payback of TARP with (AGAIN remember GWB expenditures included over $600 Billion for TARP..
BUT Obama gets it all paid ($708.3B back plus $84.9B Profit!)

View attachment 124134
PLUS remember Obama's revenue included total payback of Tarp PLUS a $84.9 Billion profit!

Nonsense, just because Federal government ran deficit while Obama was in office doesn't mean Obama CAUSED all of them.

There is a persistent failure in politico talk to separate correlation from causation.

And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!

List the top 3 presidential terms with respect to private sector employment gains....

just the 3 top...
What you have far less of is a market.....

It's about the "Externalities", you see.....the costs so long overlooked.


View attachment 124135
Post the market share for coal circa 2008....then define "Externalities"...

Missing the point Are you?
Not at all....cause I'm not the one dodging....

markets for coal are crashing....as you would know if you looked at the decline in its market share for sources of energy.

The coal industry has not represented an economically significant share of employment for nearly half a century. There are more people employed in the renewable energy industry in the State of California than there are employed in coal mining in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.....

it is a bullshit issue, pushed by hucksters, on the credulous....

Because the left made it that way

Once againView attachment 124147
You don't have the slightest idea what is meant by "Externalities", do yo?

We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K

Obonzo is the only President in U.S. history to never have at least one year on 3% GDP growth. Your thread = Fail. :(
Remarkable how you morons all sing from the same Fractured Hymnal....

Go get your HelloKitty 4 Function calculator, credulous imbecile

Federal Reserve Economic Data
Link: Federal Reserve Economic Data | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Economic Research Division
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
A191RL1Q225SBEA Real Gross Domestic Product, Percent Change from Preceding Period, Quarterly, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate

2014-04-01 4.0
2014-07-01 5.0
2014-10-01 2.3
2015-01-01 2.0

Add these 4 numbers and divide by 4.........POST YOUR RESULT!

4 Consecutive quarters equal 1 year....

Then we will go into greater detail.
I'm not sure how you came up with $1 Trillion...
Here are the FACTS and source: Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Total Expenditures $28.303 Trillion (Included TARP payback of $708.3B. Bailout Scorecard | Eye on the Bailout | ProPublica
Total Receipts 21.057 Trillion
Deficit $ 7.246 Trillion Deficits added to national debt!
Plus remember this includes total payback of TARP with (AGAIN remember GWB expenditures included over $600 Billion for TARP..
BUT Obama gets it all paid ($708.3B back plus $84.9B Profit!)

View attachment 124134
PLUS remember Obama's revenue included total payback of Tarp PLUS a $84.9 Billion profit!

Nonsense, just because Federal government ran deficit while Obama was in office doesn't mean Obama CAUSED all of them.

There is a persistent failure in politico talk to separate correlation from causation.

And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!
WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes.

Another shameless lie.
Nonsense, just because Federal government ran deficit while Obama was in office doesn't mean Obama CAUSED all of them.

There is a persistent failure in politico talk to separate correlation from causation.

And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!

List the top 3 presidential terms with respect to private sector employment gains....

just the 3 top...

And just think how this anemic president's record for GDP growth the worst in modern history could have been if Obama wasn't so anti-business to want to
destroy 1,400 companies, put 450,000 people out of work... and actively work to kill jobs by encouraging foreign countries the USA will be their best consumers!
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
Worst. President. Ever: Obama First President EVER to Not Reach 3% GDP Growth
Again how did Obama accomplish this?

Only in the idiotic world of liberal fantasy a anti business president could do it.


I don't think that is the question..

Why did this "anti-business" Usurper manage to do FAR better than two putatively "pro-bidness" POTUS?

Not only job creation, but also Equity Markets' performance...

You wanna see some truly gruesome numbers?

Obviously YOU NEVER heard of Quantitative Easing did you?
The Fed’s $3.5T QE purchases have generated almost half a trillion dollars for the US Treasury since 2009
View attachment 124141

The Fed's $3.5T QE purchases have generated almost half a trillion dollars for the US Treasury since 2009 • AEI

WHO is going to pay the $3 T in borrowings???


You cannot participate in a discussion of the need for, and results, of Quantitative Easing......you have no idea why it was done, what it hoped to achieve, and how it will be unwound....

That established, let me ask you.....

Are you suggesting that the record bull market under Obama was entirely the result of Federal Reserve Policy?
I'm not these people are!
Plus where are your links supporting your position???

Don’t Credit Obama with the Stock Boom, Credit the Fed and the International Economy
Stocks are booming, with the S&P and the Dow each near record highs. Does President Obama deserve the credit? The answer is: yes, but only some of it.
So who else is responsible for the market boom?
I’d give the Federal Reserve about 35-40 percent of the credit. Here’s why. The Fed, along with the Bush and Obama administrations, was an important actor in the bailouts. We tend to focus on TARP when looking back at the financial crises, but other, more obscure and underreported actions—the Fed’s guarantee of the commercial paper market, the Treasury’s guarantee of money-market funds, and the bailout of AIG—were just as important. Many of those were led by the Fed. And for the last several years, the Fed has attempted to goose the economy by keeping overnight interest rates at zero, and by purchasing bonds and mortgage-backed securities to push long-term rates down. These efforts at quantitative easing have helped stock markets in several intended and unintended ways
Don’t Credit Obama with the Stock Boom, Credit the Fed and the International Economy

Daniel Gross
11.13.13 2:20 PM ET

Do you think you might be one of the stupidest humans alive?

Then it goes on to reveal that this is an interview with Art Laffer, the architect of the Kansas Miracle........
furthermore, the article actually DOES give Obama credit....which you might have known had you actually read the whole thing...

The historical rule tends to hold that presidents get credit for bad things that happen on their watch and for the good things that happen on their watch. But in the case of the stock market, I’d give Obama only a small percentage of the credit for the market boom— say 15 to 20 percent. The most important thing the Obama administration did for the economy—and for the markets—was to reverse the free fall of late 2008 and early 2009, stop the panic, and create the conditions for growth. The administration’s implementation and management of TARP and the auto and financial sector rescues, which began under the prior administration, were vital—and largely effective.

The stimulus passed in 2009, even though it was too small, added meaningfully to economic growth in 2009 and 2010. The economy began to expand in 2009. And even though it has been jolted and threatened by political actions—by Republican brinksmanship, by Obama’s inability to forestall crises, and by needless austerity—the U.S. economy has chugged along in low gear, adding more than 7 million jobs since early 2010. That’s not bad, but it’s not the kind of underlying growth that should lead the stock market to boom as it has.

It was the red States that saved Obama's ass.

Not that complicated..

Post the market share for coal circa 2008....then define "Externalities"...

Missing the point Are you?
Not at all....cause I'm not the one dodging....

markets for coal are crashing....as you would know if you looked at the decline in its market share for sources of energy.

The coal industry has not represented an economically significant share of employment for nearly half a century. There are more people employed in the renewable energy industry in the State of California than there are employed in coal mining in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.....

it is a bullshit issue, pushed by hucksters, on the credulous....

And if we stop the cooperate welfare to them.. what will happen?


We now have 7 full years of economic data since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA or “Obamacare”). So, as Republicans in Washington continue their relentless assault on the ACA, it’s a good time to take stock of how America actually fared in the Obamacare Economy.

Before turning to the facts, a reminder of the narrative that the GOP has been pushing about the ACA for so long:

“It will bankrupt our nation, and it will ruin our economy! … This health care law … is already destroying jobs in our country.” — John Boehner, 2011

“We now know that Obamacare has been one of the single biggest drags on job creation since early 2010.” — Mitch McConnell, 2012

“[T]his is going to blow a hole through the deficit even more than we had already thought.” — Paul Ryan, 2012

“Obamacare is directly responsible for destroying jobs and lowering wages for workers” — Senate Republican Policy Committee, 2014

“It is the biggest job-killer in this country.” — Ted Cruz, 2016

“Obamacare is devastating businesses." — Donald Trump, 2016

“Obamacare … this disastrous policy that's been killing jobs." — Mike Pence, 2016

Let’s tackle these false “job-killing, wage-reducing, deficit-busting” myths one by one:

The Obamacare Economy: 7 Years, 16 Million Jobs Created, Middle-Class Incomes Up $3K
Notice that she left out the 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that the FED created. Someone will HAVE to pay for that private DEBT. I am sure Janet Yellow will spring that surprise on President Trump sometime soon.

It has also allowed Washington to pay less for the money it borrows. US government debt, already more than $17.7 trillion, would be substantially higher if the Treasury had been forced to pay normal interest rates to lenders over the past six years.
PRAVDA would be proud of the Commies of the liberal party today.

I call our modern day version of Pravda.... Progda.
It just fits....
Where do you get your information, Here?

Just, say, your top 3.....

From all over. I then make up my own mind based on evidence and past experience.
Just the top 3.....

Don't be ashamed......

I really dont have a top three.
Nonsense, just because Federal government ran deficit while Obama was in office doesn't mean Obama CAUSED all of them.

There is a persistent failure in politico talk to separate correlation from causation.

And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!
WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes.

Another shameless lie.
What lie? There are 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 450,000 people and pay $100 billion.
What does "single payer" mean? Means federal government managing health care. What happens to those companies???? Those 450,000 employees? The $100 billion in taxes that are paid?
Post the market share for coal circa 2008....then define "Externalities"...

Missing the point Are you?
Not at all....cause I'm not the one dodging....

markets for coal are crashing....as you would know if you looked at the decline in its market share for sources of energy.

The coal industry has not represented an economically significant share of employment for nearly half a century. There are more people employed in the renewable energy industry in the State of California than there are employed in coal mining in the ENTIRE COUNTRY.....

it is a bullshit issue, pushed by hucksters, on the credulous....

And if we stop the cooperate welfare to them.. what will happen?

Notice that she left out the 4 trillion dollars of FAUX money that the FED created. Someone will HAVE to pay for that private DEBT. I am sure Janet Yellow will spring that surprise on President Trump sometime soon.

http://nypost.com/2014/10/12/obamas-4-trillion-gift-to-the-rich/ PRAVDA would be proud of the Commies of the liberal party today.

I call our modern day version of Pravda.... Progda.
It just fits....
Where do you get your information, Here?

Just, say, your top 3.....

From all over. I then make up my own mind based on evidence and past experience.
Just the top 3.....

Don't be ashamed......

I really dont have a top three.

So how about listing your primary sources of "evidence", Here?

Surely they are sources of much less embarrassment.....
And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!
WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes.

Another shameless lie.
What lie? There are 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 450,000 people and pay $100 billion.
What does "single payer" mean? Means federal government managing health care. What happens to those companies???? Those 450,000 employees? The $100 billion in taxes that are paid?

What happens to all the health care industry? Think any doctors want to be in practice if they can't make more then this?
According to this year's Medscape survey, the average compensation for specialists is $284,000 and for a primary care physician (PCP) is $195,000, which reflects a general modest trend upward, seen over the past few years.
Think all those physicians want to become federal employees?
Annual income up 3K!
Now I can pay my utilities and Auto Insurance, etc that went up more than 3K!
Show me that math, idiot.
You still living in your mom's basement?
Seriously, your bills haven't increased?
It's obvious you live at home.
Show me your math.....quit your damned stalling, imbecile....
I have to show you my bills?
Stop making a fool out of yourself.
I don't know one person in the burbs whose expenses haven't exceeded their income.
And yet, you are arguing that Obama caused the jobs growth.

What an idiot!

Dumbass, quote me please.

I am usually careful to say "under Obama" not "Obama caused" and I say it context of a response to some rightwing stupidity about how economy/jobs was bad under Obama.
Note how they never hesitate to insist that Obama killed jobs.....even when faced with the actual numbers....

Guess how much better employment would have been if Obama wasn't against capitalism, businesses, etc. by making direct statements like these AND
Since President Obama assumed office in 2009, the EPA has published over 3,900 rules, averaging almost 500 annually, and amounting to over 33,000 new pages in the Federal Register. The hearing highlighted growing concerns from states and affected entities about the mounting complexity, costs, and legality of EPA rules.

The compliance costs associated with EPA regulations under Obama number in the hundreds of billions and have grown by more than $50 billion in annual costs since Obama took office. Such high costs, especially those related to the energy sector, ripple throughout the economy, impacting GDP, killing thousands of jobs, and increasing the cost of consumer goods.
Nearly 4,000 EPA Regulations Issued Under President Obama

And then of course how many small businesses that employed less then 50 employees wanted to hire that 50th employee if they were then going to have to spend
thousands more in health insurance due to ACA... WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes. All of these efforts are certainly not encouraging businesses!
WHICH was again an effort by Obama to have a single payer system thus putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes.

Another shameless lie.
What lie? There are 1,400 health insurance companies that employ 450,000 people and pay $100 billion.
What does "single payer" mean? Means federal government managing health care. What happens to those companies???? Those 450,000 employees? The $100 billion in taxes that are paid?
putting 1,400 companies out of business
that employed 450,000 people while paying $100 billion a year in taxes.

The use of "that employed" suggests a "fait accompli"...

But, as you are only spamming, it doesn't matter, right?
When you're at rock bottom there's nowhere to go but up. The only question is how slow or fast the climb up will be.
Mickey Mouse could have been president & growth still would have occurred.
Obama's effect on the economy was like putting a restrictor plate on a dragster.

No amount of spin of cherry picking data changes that
Annual income up 3K!
Now I can pay my utilities and Auto Insurance, etc that went up more than 3K!
Show me that math, idiot.
You still living in your mom's basement?
Seriously, your bills haven't increased?
It's obvious you live at home.
Show me your math.....quit your damned stalling, imbecile....
I have to show you my bills?
Stop making a fool out of yourself.
I don't know one person in the burbs whose expenses haven't exceeded their income.
I don't give a shit about your bills (which YOU brought up).....I want so see your math.....which you are eager NOT to do....because we both know that you are lying....
When you're at rock bottom there's nowhere to go but up. The only question is how slow or fast the climb up will be.
Mickey Mouse could have been president & growth still would have occurred.
Obama's effect on the economy was like putting a restrictor plate on a dragster.

No amount of spin of cherry picking data changes that

Don't run headlong into my crosshairs........

Cause I'll make you post that "data"......

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