Obamacare enrollees must double to make budget projections work - WT


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Obamacare enrollees must double to make budget projections work - Washington Times

Will the individual mandate be enough to do the trick and double enrollees in one year?

Either way, if it starts hemorrhaging enough money or if the taxpayers getting a little fed up being 'mandated'--this isn't a dead issue, and will heat up again in the Spring.

We should keep running a platform of stopping this Frankenstein monster before it lurches into 2018. By that time I bet there will be enough Blue Team defections to participate in a repeal and replace agenda that addresses the merits. All the hot air about 'personal politics' will have been exhausted.

Maybe this is the way it should be. I was disappointed with Roberts in the big case a few years ago, but since he did squash the 'Commerce Clause' nonsense---maybe it's better for the electorate as a whole to have to be the ones to clean up the mess they made by lurching left in 2008 and letting those dimwits pass this monstrosity by "reconciliation." Live and learn, and next time they'll know better.

I think this will be a hot topic for Congressional races once again. Take stock next year of how much better your health care is next year, how much you're paying, and just exactly how much better it all is versus 6 years ago, America. Then make 2016 count.
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Is this another thread about how the ACA is going to have costs skyrocket NEXT year?

Because I've been hearing this for about five years straight, and healthcare costs have been at historically low inflation rates.
Is this another thread about how the ACA is going to have costs skyrocket NEXT year?

Because I've been hearing this for about five years straight, and healthcare costs have been at historically low inflation rates.
Health care expenditures and premium rates are different animals, aren't they? I'll give the Obama economy some credit...it's helped deflate health care costs!

But as for the rest of the credit some would like to give the ACA, the pied piper is coming to be paid....Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump by up to 51%

Just in time to impress some important points on to the swing vote before an election.
Is this another thread about how the ACA is going to have costs skyrocket NEXT year?

Because I've been hearing this for about five years straight, and healthcare costs have been at historically low inflation rates.
Health care expenditures and premium rates are different animals, aren't they? I'll give the Obama economy some credit...it's helped deflate health care costs!

But as for the rest of the credit some would like to give the ACA, the pied piper is coming to be paid....Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump by up to 51%

Just in time to impress some important points on to the swing vote before an election.
The headline is misleading.

If you read the article, the 51% is a projection of what insurers believe might happen next year if they whine long enough.
The headline is misleading.

If you read the article, the 51% is a projection of what insurers believe might happen next year if they whine long enough.
Guess we'll find out pretty soon how good the projection turns out to be!
In the meantime, why did the Washington Times look at only - to use their own words - "a handful of state-run exchanges"? Why not all of them? Skewing the data much?
Obamacare enrollees must double to make budget projections work - Washington Times

Will the individual mandate be enough to do the trick and double enrollees in one year?

Either way, if it starts hemorrhaging enough money or if the taxpayers getting a little fed up being 'mandated'--this isn't a dead issue, and will heat up again in the Spring.

We should keep running a platform of stopping this Frankenstein monster before it lurches into 2018. By that time I bet there will be enough Blue Team defections to participate in a repeal and replace agenda that addresses the merits. All the hot air about 'personal politics' will have been exhausted.

Maybe this is the way it should be. I was disappointed with Roberts in the big case a few years ago, but since he did squash the 'Commerce Clause' nonsense---maybe it's better for the electorate as a whole to have to be the ones to clean up the mess they made by lurching left in 2008 and letting those dimwits pass this monstrosity by "reconciliation." Live and learn, and next time they'll know better.

I think this will be a hot topic for Congressional races once again. Take stock next year of how much better your health care is next year, how much you're paying, and just exactly how much better it all is versus 6 years ago, America. Then make 2016 count.

But what does it all mean. People don't care about policy wonk shit
Is this another thread about how the ACA is going to have costs skyrocket NEXT year?

Because I've been hearing this for about five years straight, and healthcare costs have been at historically low inflation rates.
Health care expenditures and premium rates are different animals, aren't they? I'll give the Obama economy some credit...it's helped deflate health care costs!

But as for the rest of the credit some would like to give the ACA, the pied piper is coming to be paid....Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump by up to 51%

Just in time to impress some important points on to the swing vote before an election.

Your premises are based on attacking Obamacare, You couldn't care less if you tried to about contributing factors or the economy or truth
Stellar debate skills, guys. I find it pretty amusing how so many liberals find their own perceived intellectual superiority reducible to junior-high schoolchild taunts.

Anyone who wants to parse the cited article is welcome to read it and decide for themselves how slanted it is. We'll check back in in the Spring to see how those enrollment numbers shake out and consequently where the premiums followed.
Anyone who wants to parse the cited article is welcome to read it and decide for themselves how slanted it is.

We have. You haven't explained why you feel it's accurate, possibly because you don't understand the distinction between a projection and the current reality.

We'll check back in in the Spring to see how those enrollment numbers shake out and consequently where the premiums followed.

Yes, we will. You're welcome to join us.
They'll probably start sending out those 10, 000 NEWLY hired IRS brown shirts to go door to door to FORCE people into signing up next. Or the fascist pos is going to fail and they can't have that.

You get a knock at your door and they say it's IRS. well you know what to do
They'll probably start sending out those 10, 000 NEWLY hired IRS brown shirts to go door to door to FORCE people into signing up next. Or the fascist pos is going to fail and they can't have that.

You get a knock at your door and they say it's IRS. well you know what to do

Has this happened to you?
Come on, Arian...anything that you have to threaten people in order to get them to do it...generally isn't something good for them! That's just common sense.

If the ACA was a good thing for Middle Class America then you liberals wouldn't need the IRS to "enforce" it on them!
Come on, Arian...anything that you have to threaten people in order to get them to do it...generally isn't something good for them! That's just common sense.

If the ACA was a good thing for Middle Class America then you liberals wouldn't need the IRS to "enforce" it on them!

Did you feel the same way about your tax dollars going to fund the War to Get Saddam? Maybe you did. I wasn't here then, so I don't know.
You didn't approve of W's decision to enforce sanctions against Saddam so that makes the ACA good legislation? Really, Arian?
What does the war in Iraq have to do with the ACA?

It has to do with what people see as legitimate reasons for taxation.

Spend your tax dollars on invading other sovereign nations that are no threat to America? Cool!
Expand access to affordable health insurance to keep more Americans healthy? Oh, hell no!
Impose a penalty on people who think they're making a "political statement" by refusing to get health insurance? Authoritarianism!!!! Just like Hitler!!!!1

All I'm asking of you on the Left is to be honest with the American people about what your health care initiatives are going to cost and who's going to pay for them. If it's great for America...YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TO LIE ABOUT IT!!!

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