Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Sure, but they still offer them don't they?...and I bet they either passed on those premiums to you, or the plans changed for 2014 offering lesser benefits and higher deductables. This trend has been going on since 1900.

The right is constantly citing changes in the insurance coverages, and blaming every one of them on Obamacare without doing the math.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Sure, but they still offer them don't they?...and I bet they either passed on those premiums to you, or the plans changed for 2014 offering lesser benefits and higher deductables. This trend has been going on since 1900.

The right is constantly citing changes in the insurance coverages, and blaming every one of them on Obamacare without doing the math.
Obama promised premiums would go down if Obama care was passed.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Sure, but they still offer them don't they?...and I bet they either passed on those premiums to you, or the plans changed for 2014 offering lesser benefits and higher deductables. This trend has been going on since 1900.

The right is constantly citing changes in the insurance coverages, and blaming every one of them on Obamacare without doing the math.

Obama said the average family would save $2500 a year under his plan or did you forget that?

Funny how you folks keep moving the goal post in order to justify the shit storm you created. That is the tactic of dishonest and dishonorable people.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Insurance across the board has risen and will continue to rise. The actuaries understand the bottom line. It IS because of OBarryCare. SOMEONE has to make up for the losses that these insurance companies are "suffering". I despise insurance companies - all of them.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Sure, but they still offer them don't they?...and I bet they either passed on those premiums to you, or the plans changed for 2014 offering lesser benefits and higher deductables. This trend has been going on since 1900.

The right is constantly citing changes in the insurance coverages, and blaming every one of them on Obamacare without doing the math.
Obama promised premiums would go down if Obama care was passed.

Indeed - and idiot Americans bought into this bullshit nonsense. When was the last time the government did ANYTHING that cost Americans LESS!?!?!?!?!?
ObamaCare promised to lower the cost of health care. Remember all those charts in 2009 comparing per capita spending on health care by country, and how we had the highest? This was supposed to convince us that ObamaCare was the way to go.

You don't hear or see those charts any more. Per capita spending is not going down, and ObamaCare will never make it go down.

So that was all a Big Lie.

However, it is a simple fact that the cost of health care was rising faster than inflation for decades. It is also a fact that the Republicans never once put a comprehensive plan on the table to solve this problem. Not even when they controlled all three branches of government. They did NOTHING to solve the problem. In fact, Bush and the GOP Congress enacted a trillion dollar medical government entitlement program for seniors. Blatant vote buying.

Therefore, to claim Walmart is dropping its part time employees from health insurance "because Obama" is total bullshit. In a Universe where ObamaCare never existed, Walmart would still be facing the identical problem of out of control rising health care costs.

Walmart isn't fucking over their part timers "because Obama". They are fucking them because NONE of our politicians did a fucking thing to solve the problem. Ever.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Insurance across the board has risen and will continue to rise. The actuaries understand the bottom line. It IS because of OBarryCare. SOMEONE has to make up for the losses that these insurance companies are "suffering". I despise insurance companies - all of them.
The insurance companies are not charity organizations. People do not want single payer Government healthcare, so we have insurance companies that are for profit.

What makes profit made by insurance companies something to despise?
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Insurance across the board has risen and will continue to rise. The actuaries understand the bottom line. It IS because of OBarryCare. SOMEONE has to make up for the losses that these insurance companies are "suffering". I despise insurance companies - all of them.
The insurance companies are not charity organizations. People do not want single payer Government healthcare, so we have insurance companies that are for profit.

What makes profit made by insurance companies something to despise?

No one ever intimated that they were. Take car insurance, for example. I have been paying my premium religiously, every month for the last 55 years. Never missed a payment. Let me be involved in a fender bender - my rates will rise. Why? In 55 years, I have never had a claim. Never once. Yet they will suddenly cancel me because of my "age" which is now 70. You want to cancel me? Fine. Refund my damned premiums.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Yup. Mine are going up by 30% all because of the ACA and I'm sure its the same across the country.

I will be paying more for my benefits and my tax dollar will be used to subsidize those who can't pay their own way.

Such a deal.
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

And did they prove to you that was the truth?
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?
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I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Sure, but they still offer them don't they?...and I bet they either passed on those premiums to you, or the plans changed for 2014 offering lesser benefits and higher deductables. This trend has been going on since 1900.

The right is constantly citing changes in the insurance coverages, and blaming every one of them on Obamacare without doing the math.

Obama said the average family would save $2500 a year under his plan or did you forget that?

Funny how you folks keep moving the goal post in order to justify the shit storm you created. That is the tactic of dishonest and dishonorable people.
I'm not moving anybody's goal post. I knew quite well that people would not save $2500 year, and knew very clearly that insurance companies would shift costs, reduce benefits, and get their money
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Insurance across the board has risen and will continue to rise. The actuaries understand the bottom line. It IS because of OBarryCare. SOMEONE has to make up for the losses that these insurance companies are "suffering". I despise insurance companies - all of them.
The insurance companies are not charity organizations. People do not want single payer Government healthcare, so we have insurance companies that are for profit.

What makes profit made by insurance companies something to despise?

No one ever intimated that they were. Take car insurance, for example. I have been paying my premium religiously, every month for the last 55 years. Never missed a payment. Let me be involved in a fender bender - my rates will rise. Why? In 55 years, I have never had a claim. Never once. Yet they will suddenly cancel me because of my "age" which is now 70. You want to cancel me? Fine. Refund my damned premiums.
You're now being cancelled because insuring people over 70 doesn't seem to be profitable. Perhaps you'd be happier with socialized (Gov't payer) car insurance?
I've said repeatedly don't work for Walmart. They are not a good company to work for. If they start losing employees en masse they will be forced to deal with it.
In the United states you can choose to work there or not, but in Obama's economy you may not have a choice.
I keep seeing stuff like this...and nobody is able to prove cause and effect between Obamacare and and job loss. It's just a talking point people seem to keep parrotting.

The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.

Yup. Mine are going up by 30% all because of the ACA and I'm sure its the same across the country.

I will be paying more for my benefits and my tax dollar will be used to subsidize those who can't pay their own way.

Such a deal.
But insurance companies were doing all of that before Obamcare...
I've read tons on this subject. Several (many) opinions agree. The burden of guilt is on the insurance companies. Insurance costs have risen because the insurance industry wanted them to rise not because ACA made them rise. Similar to the car insurance scenario mentioned here. Health insurance was increasing at warp speed BEFORE ACA was implemented, and nobody gave a damn or at least they never gave it this much attention. This is all about Obama not health insurance costs. Admit it.

Health Insurance rose 131% between 1999 and 2009.

Chart shows staggering rise in health insurance costs

where was the rage for 43 and the RW then ?
Well said.

I work in the medical insurance business, and I basically know more about Obamcare than all of the pundits who blather on TV. It's like eating nails listening to people parrott that BS
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.

2 things you need to ask yourself Lib....

1) Why was the 30 hour threshold written into the Law?
2) Why is the fine only $2000 per employee the don't offer coverage to?

Now I'm not being snarky,nor am I defending Walmart, these are serious questions.

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