Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

A) Wal-Mart health care was a bad joke.
B) Most Wal-Mart workers make so little they can get free Medicaid NOW- except in red states...
C) If they make more than that, they can get insurance very cheaply on the exchanges.

So now their health care is dumped on the taxpayers and you call that great!!
They already were paying for it, just in the stupidest, most expensive, cruelest, most humiliating way- ER and no preventive care- with scams and no competition...think!
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
Your stupid law caused them to have to react. Before obiecare the employees had insurance. After obiecare they don't. How damn stupid do you have to be to not be able to follow that bouncing ball?

More victim blaming nonsense. "It's not Walmart's fault for being run by greedy Wrongpublican fucks, it's President Obama's fault for even trying to do something to make the lives of Walmart employees better in any way!"

I suppose when President Obama wears a skirt you deem too short, you'll claim that he's "asking for it" and "deserves to be raped," right conservatard? Ridiculous.
They are victims of obiecare! These people had insurance before and obiecare priced them out. obiecare took their hours from 40 to 30 and cost them healthcare coverage. These are the consequences of electing this idiot and the rest of the democrat's into office. obie didn't help them he hurt them and yet you assholes expect them to be grateful for it.

And if obie ever wore a short skirt you would see exactly what the rest of the world does. He has no balls.
Things are going as PLANNED by him

can you imagine having a President of your country who set OUT intentionally to HURT YOU the people he Represents.
Liberal shitheads should rejoice ... More folks going to be eligible for subsidized govt commie care.....
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.

Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
Oh sweetie. The race card is, uh like, soooo last year
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

When obama does something that's bad for this country it's never his fault.

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Obama's been a huge success.

Obamacare killing the private sector

46,000,000 American on food stamps

90,000,000 out of the work force

Ebola and a child killing virus in the USA

He may be the most Progressive president since FDR
you go a source for your foolish numbers??? didn't think so...
Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
Your stupid law caused them to have to react. Before obiecare the employees had insurance. After obiecare they don't. How damn stupid do you have to be to not be able to follow that bouncing ball?

More victim blaming nonsense. "It's not Walmart's fault for being run by greedy Wrongpublican fucks, it's President Obama's fault for even trying to do something to make the lives of Walmart employees better in any way!"

I suppose when President Obama wears a skirt you deem too short, you'll claim that he's "asking for it" and "deserves to be raped," right conservatard? Ridiculous.

Let me make this as plain as I can. You are a fucking idiot. Obamacare is raising premiums in America by nearly 40 percent. Wake the fuck up. IT DOES NOT WORK. Walmart is doing the only thing they can. They simply will NOT pass this rise in premiums on th their customers. It's called "Capitalism" you dumbass.
Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

ShootSpeeders thinks that giving impoverished Americans access to affordable healthcare is worse than the Sedition Act, which banned criticism of the government.

Proof that Wrongpublicans oppose President Obama due to his race (which, by the way, doesn't even exist--but I'll save that lesson for a later time) and not due to any substantive issues.

like ObamaCare is about giving people "affordable" health care.

they could always get that in one form or another before this fascist piece of crap called, OscamCare is what it really is
but you all don't mind MISLEADING the people in this country. you have no shame, honor or pride

The sad thing is that the person who posted this 'cartoon' probably doesn't even realize their own stupidity and the irony in the cartoon. Who posts a cartoon showing a bottle of 'racism' being served to a character labeled as 'white'? Idiotic and clueless!
Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

ShootSpeeders thinks that giving impoverished Americans access to affordable healthcare is worse than the Sedition Act, which banned criticism of the government.

Proof that Wrongpublicans oppose President Obama due to his race (which, by the way, doesn't even exist--but I'll save that lesson for a later time) and not due to any substantive issues.
I think it's time to up your meds
Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

ShootSpeeders thinks that giving impoverished Americans access to affordable healthcare is worse than the Sedition Act, which banned criticism of the government.

Proof that Wrongpublicans oppose President Obama due to his race (which, by the way, doesn't even exist--but I'll save that lesson for a later time) and not due to any substantive issues.

like ObamaCare is about giving people "affordable" health care.

they could always get that in one form or another before this fascist piece of crap called, OscamCare is what it really is
but you all don't mind MISLEADING the people in this country. you have no shame, honor or pride

Remember this: ANYTIME and I mean ANYTIME the government gets it's little grubby hands on ANYTHING - it becomes a bloated mess. There is absolutely NOTHING affordable about "OBarryCare", as the few who have it, are quickly finding out. ;)
Before obamacare they had insurance.
After obamacare they don't.
It is a government law that did this.
Liberals own this travesty.
Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

Walmart Cuts Health Care Coverage For Most Part-Timers In Wake Of Obamacare

oct 7 2014
NEW YORK (AP) — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to eliminate health insurance coverage for some of its part-time U.S. employees in a move aimed at controlling rising health care costs of the nation's largest private employer.

Wal-Mart told The Associated Press that starting Jan. 1, it will no longer offer health insurance to employees who work less than an average of 30 hours a week. The move affects 30,000 employees, or about 5 percent of Wal-Mart's total part-time workforce, but comes after the company already had scaled back the number of part-time workers who were eligible for health insurance coverage since 2011.
Did you read the article you posted?

Wal-Mart, which employs about 1.4 million full- and part-time U.S. workers, says about 1.2 million Wal-Mart workers and family members combined now participate in its health care plan. And that has had an impact on Wal-Mart's bottom line. Wal-Mart now expects the impact of higher health care costs to be about $500 million for the current fiscal year, or about $170 million higher than the original estimate of about $330 million that it gave in February.
Healthcare insurance costs for employers and employees have been rising for years prior to Obamacare

One thing Obamacare doesn't regulate...are the decisions employers make for employees who work less than 30 hours. Walmart is driving people who work less than 30 hours to the exchanges because of their bottom line. I find it an interesting contradiction in how people who oppose Obamacare, who normally espouse capitalism and self reliance, are not thrilled about large companies making fiscally conservative business decisions.

What would have made this situation much worse, is if they had no other way to get insurance after Wal Mart had to boot them off their commercial employer (non ACA) plans.
and WALMART wouldn't OF DONE this probably if it WASN'T BECAUSE of ObamaCare

so stop with the lame as excuses. this in one WAY TO DRIVE everyone onto ObamaCare. but you voted it so live with it
and WALMART wouldn't OF DONE this probably if it WASN'T BECAUSE of ObamaCare

so stop with the lame as excuses. this in one WAY TO DRIVE everyone onto ObamaCare. but you voted it so live with it
I didn't vote for Obama, and Wal Mart didn't kick it's part time workers off of it's health plan because of Obamacare, and that article doesn't state that.

It was a business decision because it affected their bottom line. Very few companies offer benefits to part time workers. And insurance coverage under employers has been getting worse every year since 1990.

You're not proving your case that Obamacare caused this decision, and Wal Mart isn't saying it was. If anything, the option of Obamacare for it's workers who got kicked off is enabling Wal Mart to operate more efficiently, and the employees have a option for healthcare they might not have had before.

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