Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor

Sorry, you are wrong...they under obamacare they decide what policies are acceptable, they will end up deciding who gets what treatment and when they get it...just as they do in all the other single payer countries....
we ha 20 million plus that didn't get any health care at all

Sorry, that's not true...they had inefficient healthcare because they went to the E.R. but fixing their healthcare needs did not require changing the whole system...as to losing everything...that can be addressed with better insurance policies...

what good is have health care if you don't have a pot to piss in.

What good is healthcare if it is healthcare by name only....that when you get sick you can't get actual health care....and have to wait for life saving procedures...
nobody in any country has ever had to wait for life saving procedures ... thats total. bull shit ... your just spouting non-sense
government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor

Sorry, you are wrong...they under obamacare they decide what policies are acceptable, they will end up deciding who gets what treatment and when they get it...just as they do in all the other single payer countries....
no they don't ... they don't ever decide what treatments you get ....the doctors decide that where you nut jobs get this crap from is beyond me.... are their certain requirements for health care providers ???yes there is .... the things that are required is adding more to the plan for less money to say they will end up deciding who gets what treatment is total bull shit
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Strange to me that it appears to be such a problem all of a sudden Health insurance has been around and available all of my life. I bought my first policy when I was eighteen and on minimum wage. I have never been without health insurance coverage. Most folks don't seen to mind purchasing automobile insurance coverage. For any man with a family, especially those with kids and subject to having kids, to not have insurance on himself and his family is absolutely insane. I made my premium payments when I was a young man starting a family and there were no federal taxpayer subsidies back then. I think it's more of a shirking of personal responsibilities more than anything else. It's just another "victim" mindset excuse.

so have I and still do .. heres the difference ..... I remember back then my health care cost back then was around 99 Dollars a month.... I had full coverage .... none of this co-pay crap ... none of this 1200 to 5000 dollar deductible crap .... I had dental, I had total coverage ... prior to that I was in the Air force I had full coverage and didn't pay a dime ....

back then it was affordable... before obama care I paid 550 dollars a month with a 5000 deductible... and I paid that up until now let me ask you this Mr. personal responsibilities .... what would you do if your health care went from 550 dollars a month to 1800 dollars a month .... or where you couldn't even buy health care at all because no provide would touch you .... what would Mr. personal responsibilities do .... what would Mr "Victim" mindset do???

The same thing I did before I had my heart attack. I never allowed my insurance to expire. I have had it since I was eighteen. I have never been uninsured.
government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor

Sorry, you are wrong...they under obamacare they decide what policies are acceptable, they will end up deciding who gets what treatment and when they get it...just as they do in all the other single payer countries....
no they don't ... they don't ever decide what treatments you get ....the doctors decide that where you nut jobs get this crap from is beyond me.... are their certain requirements for health care providers ???yes there is .... the things that are required is adding more to the plan for less money to say they will end up deciding who gets what treatment is total bull shit

They do indeed determine what a policy MUST cover for it be a "legal" policy.
That's why so many policies had to be canceled, they didn't Bammy's "mimimum" coverage standards.
no they don't ... they don't ever decide what treatments you get ....the doctors decide that where you nut jobs get this crap from is beyond me....

What a brazen lie. The doctors do NOT decide your treatment and never have. Even before obozocare, doctors had to ok your treatment with the insurance companies. THINK
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

What loophole? The "employers are allowed to shit all over part-timers" thing? Because if so, that's not a loophole, that's a cavernous gap left in the law due to Wrongpublican butthurt over poor people actually having health insurance, so President Obama and his allies had to leave that part of the workforce untouched.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.

Aaaand you somehow manage to rationalize this into yet another excuse to hate President Obama. Wonderful.

It is an Obomination. It needs to be scrapped as soon as possible. But i'm not letting Walmart off the hook. It doesn't give a shit about its workers. It truly is the epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It absolutely loves Obama's Obomination. It's taking full advantage. That's why i say to hell with em both.
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

What loophole? The "employers are allowed to shit all over part-timers" thing? Because if so, that's not a loophole, that's a cavernous gap left in the law due to Wrongpublican butthurt over poor people actually having health insurance, so President Obama and his allies had to leave that part of the workforce untouched.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.

Aaaand you somehow manage to rationalize this into yet another excuse to hate President Obama. Wonderful.

It is an Obomination. It needs to be scrapped as soon as possible. But i'm not letting Walmart off the hook. It doesn't give a shit about its workers. It truly is the epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It absolutely loves Obama's Obomination. It's taking full advantage. That's why i say to hell with em both.

But you will come back and buy from them because you can get what you need cheaper there, right? LOL!!
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

What loophole? The "employers are allowed to shit all over part-timers" thing? Because if so, that's not a loophole, that's a cavernous gap left in the law due to Wrongpublican butthurt over poor people actually having health insurance, so President Obama and his allies had to leave that part of the workforce untouched.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.

Aaaand you somehow manage to rationalize this into yet another excuse to hate President Obama. Wonderful.

Sad. Even Obamacare failed to insure against "stupid".
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

What loophole? The "employers are allowed to shit all over part-timers" thing? Because if so, that's not a loophole, that's a cavernous gap left in the law due to Wrongpublican butthurt over poor people actually having health insurance, so President Obama and his allies had to leave that part of the workforce untouched.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.

Aaaand you somehow manage to rationalize this into yet another excuse to hate President Obama. Wonderful.

It is an Obomination. It needs to be scrapped as soon as possible. But i'm not letting Walmart off the hook. It doesn't give a shit about its workers. It truly is the epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It absolutely loves Obama's Obomination. It's taking full advantage. That's why i say to hell with em both.

But you will come back and buy from them because you can get what you need cheaper there, right? LOL!!

Not me. I don't shop at Walmart. I avoid that dirty stinky mess. It's a Third World Hellhole. It's the furthest thing from being an enjoyable shopping experience. It's miserable. That, and i think their business practices are evil.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Single Payer ultimately means rationing by unelected bureaucrats and long waiting lines for treatment. That's one good reason to oppose it.
I think you're the typical conservative who has been duped into this Idea
rationing health care or this Idea waiting lines for treatment .... the only thing the government would do is process payment with single payer
as for treatment I personally know of people who now live in Canada because of the health care they get ... I have asked them "have they ever experienced long waiting lines for their health care ... they said no ... I know you'l come up with some person out there that will say differently

Individual experiences are meaningless when you're talking about the entire group. You're exactly right, we could stand here swapping "I knew this one guy" stories all day long, which is why I'm not playing that game. Rationing is inevitable, because we can't afford to give everything to everyone. That's not even controversial.
government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor

Sorry, you are wrong...they under obamacare they decide what policies are acceptable, they will end up deciding who gets what treatment and when they get it...just as they do in all the other single payer countries....
no they don't ... they don't ever decide what treatments you get ....the doctors decide that where you nut jobs get this crap from is beyond me.... are their certain requirements for health care providers ???yes there is .... the things that are required is adding more to the plan for less money to say they will end up deciding who gets what treatment is total bull shit

They do indeed determine what a policy MUST cover for it be a "legal" policy.
That's why so many policies had to be canceled, they didn't Bammy's "mimimum" coverage standards.
do you not comprehend what I wrote???? I said they have certain requirenents for a plan ... to say the obama care plan was less then they canceled plans spoke of is you being ignorant ... the reason they were canceled was they had less not more.... they didn't fit the minum ... and they should have been canceled
government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor

Sorry, you are wrong...they under obamacare they decide what policies are acceptable, they will end up deciding who gets what treatment and when they get it...just as they do in all the other single payer countries....
no they don't ... they don't ever decide what treatments you get ....the doctors decide that where you nut jobs get this crap from is beyond me.... are their certain requirements for health care providers ???yes there is .... the things that are required is adding more to the plan for less money to say they will end up deciding who gets what treatment is total bull shit

They do indeed determine what a policy MUST cover for it be a "legal" policy.
That's why so many policies had to be canceled, they didn't Bammy's "mimimum" coverage standards.
do you not comprehend what I wrote???? I said they have certain requirenents for a plan ... to say the obama care plan was less then they canceled plans spoke of is you being ignorant ... the reason they were canceled was they had less not more.... they didn't fit the minum ... and they should have been canceled

Not many comprehend what you write.

That's what I've been saying from the first day kid, you keep saying "nuh-uh".
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Obamacare is Un-American. At the very least, the Mandate has to go. And Walmart is Un-American too. The worst of the worst when it comes to Evil Corporations. They treat their workers horribly. I stopped shopping there a long time ago. Hopefully, more Americans will begin doing the same. Don't support evil.

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