Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
coming from a paid poster do you think anybody cars about your PSST?????
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad
This was the design of Obamacare.

Not sure why it surprises anyone, but as you can see the far left follows the programmed talking points..

Those who are on the receiving end of the subsidies, free Medicaid, SNAP, or other entitlement programs will always defend those programs. Why not? They are living off someone else's dollar.

This was all of the Democrats plan. Get more people on the (taxpayer) government dole and guess who they vote for? Obama is one evil sob
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
coming from a paid poster do you think anybody cars about your PSST?????

You need new material kid.
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Strange to me that it appears to be such a problem all of a sudden Health insurance has been around and available all of my life. I bought my first policy when I was eighteen and on minimum wage. I have never been without health insurance coverage. Most folks don't seen to mind purchasing automobile insurance coverage. For any man with a family, especially those with kids and subject to having kids, to not have insurance on himself and his family is absolutely insane. I made my premium payments when I was a young man starting a family and there were no federal taxpayer subsidies back then. I think it's more of a shirking of personal responsibilities more than anything else. It's just another "victim" mindset excuse.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Single Payer ultimately means rationing by unelected bureaucrats and long waiting lines for treatment. That's one good reason to oppose it.
Yeah well, i'm pretty sure Walmart isn't shedding any tears over dumping health insurance for its employees. Walmart is the absolute epitome of the 'Evil Corporation.' It doesn't give a rat's sack about its workers. So let's not get all mushy for Walmart over this. They've merely taken advantage of a loophole. They'll save $Millions.

What loophole? The "employers are allowed to shit all over part-timers" thing? Because if so, that's not a loophole, that's a cavernous gap left in the law due to Wrongpublican butthurt over poor people actually having health insurance, so President Obama and his allies had to leave that part of the workforce untouched.

However, that being said, Obamacare is a disastrous Obomination. It should be repealed immediately. I've said that from day one. It's a dismal situation. Gotta scrap it soon.

Aaaand you somehow manage to rationalize this into yet another excuse to hate President Obama. Wonderful.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Strange to me that it appears to be such a problem all of a sudden Health insurance has been around and available all of my life. I bought my first policy when I was eighteen and on minimum wage. I have never been without health insurance coverage. Most folks don't seen to mind purchasing automobile insurance coverage. For any man with a family, especially those with kids and subject to having kids, to not have insurance on himself and his family is absolutely insane. I made my premium payments when I was a young man starting a family and there were no federal taxpayer subsidies back then. I think it's more of a shirking of personal responsibilities more than anything else. It's just another "victim" mindset excuse.

so have I and still do .. heres the difference ..... I remember back then my health care cost back then was around 99 Dollars a month.... I had full coverage .... none of this co-pay crap ... none of this 1200 to 5000 dollar deductible crap .... I had dental, I had total coverage ... prior to that I was in the Air force I had full coverage and didn't pay a dime ....

back then it was affordable... before obama care I paid 550 dollars a month with a 5000 deductible... and I paid that up until now let me ask you this Mr. personal responsibilities .... what would you do if your health care went from 550 dollars a month to 1800 dollars a month .... or where you couldn't even buy health care at all because no provide would touch you .... what would Mr. personal responsibilities do .... what would Mr "Victim" mindset do???
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

The government can't do anything well...and because of that healthcare will get worse, not better under government control...in fact...you can trace the current problems with healthcare to government interference in the system...once government gets in control, as in single payer, then they will blow up the cost of healthcare, and then to deal with out of control costs, they will begin redefining when certain tests are allowed, who gets various medical procedures and at what age, and the whole system will start to turn to even worse crap...there will be death panels...unknown bureaucrats deciding which treatments are allowed for whom...

Look at healthcare around the world...beyond those hyping the NHS and other socialist systems...the somewhat successful ones have small populations with lots of wealth...but the other ones....really stink...
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

Single Payer ultimately means rationing by unelected bureaucrats and long waiting lines for treatment. That's one good reason to oppose it.
I think you're the typical conservative who has been duped into this Idea
rationing health care or this Idea waiting lines for treatment .... the only thing the government would do is process payment with single payer
as for treatment I personally know of people who now live in Canada because of the health care they get ... I have asked them "have they ever experienced long waiting lines for their health care ... they said no ... I know you'l come up with some person out there that will say differently
the only thing the government would do is process payment with single payer

Sorry, that just isn't true...they will set up what Dr.s can do because they will have to actually deal with the costs...are any of the people you know older...have they had serious illnesses? the NHS is on the verge of collapse...and Canada...we'll see...
Tens of thousands fled socialized Canadian medicine in 2013 The Daily Caller

In 2013, 41,838 Canadians went outside the country to get medical treatment, down from 42,173 people leaving the country in 2012. This is interesting since wait times for patients who had consulted with a specialist till the time they got actual treatment increased from 9.3 weeks in 2012 to 9.6 weeks in 2013.

According to the report, there are many reasons why someone would leave Canada to seek treatment. Including “because of a lack of available resources or the fact that some procedures or equipment are not provided in their home jurisdiction” as well as “concerns about quality, seeking out more advanced healthcare facilities, higher tech medicine, or better outcomes.”

And the problems with the National Health Service are pointed out here...

Happy Birthday To Great Britain s Increasingly Scandalous National Health Service - Forbes

Access to medical care is so poor in the NHS that the government was compelled to issue England’s 2010 “NHS Constitution” in which it was declared that no patient should wait beyond 18 weeks for treatment – four months – after GP referral. Defined as acceptable by bureaucrats who set them, such targets propagate the illusion of meeting quality standards despite seriously endangering their citizens, all of whom share an equally poor access to health care. Even given this extraordinarily long leash, the number of patients not being treated within that time soared by 43% to almost 30,000 last January.

BBC subsequently discovered that many patients initially assessed as needing surgery were later re-categorized by the hospital so that they could be removed from waiting lists to distort the already unconscionable delays. Royal College of Surgeons President Norman Williams, calling this “outrageous,” charged that hospitals are cutting their waiting lists by artificially raising thresholds.
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what I don't understand is why republicans are against single payer ... they never give a reason here on these post sites ... it always single payer Bad

The government can't do anything well...and because of that healthcare will get worse, not better under government control...in fact...you can trace the current problems with healthcare to government interference in the system...once government gets in control, as in single payer, then they will blow up the cost of healthcare, and then to deal with out of control costs, they will begin redefining when certain tests are allowed, who gets various medical procedures and at what age, and the whole system will start to turn to even worse crap...there will be death panels...unknown bureaucrats deciding which treatments are allowed for whom...

Look at healthcare around the world...beyond those hyping the NHS and other socialist systems...the somewhat successful ones have small populations with lots of wealth...but the other ones....really stink...
Its obvious you don't know anything about single payer and the government involvement ... the governments involvement has nothing to do with health care ... there job is to give the money to the hospitals and doctors nothing more ... they pay the bill...

lets look at your statement government can't do anything well ... I'll make it simple .... everybody saw what happen to banking here in this country... prior to 1999 we had a banking system that kept the banks whole by regulations .... regulations that republicans hated ... in 1999 Phil gramm passed a bill in the house and it got signed into law ... what we all know is it started removing certain regulations on the banking in this country.... the regulations that were previous a protection .... in 2003 they passed, they meaning, the republicans passed a bill that even removed more regulations of banking and we all know what happen then ... its never been government can't do anything well ... its always been our people in congress passing a program with regulations to protect the people involved ...then the congress removes these regulations giving the illusion that government can't do anything well ....

lets look at another plan that worked well until the government got their hands on it ... this time it was the dems that did this... all we hear these days is about social security and how it will fail because government can't do anything well ... here we have the government back in the late 1960's pass a new law ... that law took the social security trust fund into the general fund ... this allowed the government to borrow money out of our social security fund ... you want to see social security to stay solvent ???? take it out of the general fund and put it back where it was and you won't see a government program fail .... every time a program by the government works well we have some house member or some senate member screw it up ...
Its obvious you don't know anything about single payer and the government involvement ... the governments involvement has nothing to do with health care ... there job is to give the money to the hospitals and doctors nothing more ... they pay the bill...

Sorry...the government makes decisions about access...because they are the ones paying the bills...they have the same government types you are complaining about making decisions about treatments...you do realize that don't you...

Like obamacare...they set the rules on which policies you can have...and if your policy doesn't meet their standard..you lose it...you do know that...right?

. every time a program by the government works well we have some house member or some senate member screw it up ...

You just walked past the answer...government can't do anything well because of the people who run it...they are protected from any consequence of their actions so they have no reason to do things efficiently or effectively...nothing the government does is done well...or ever will be...that is why we can't let them control healthcare...
Obamacare is the worst law ever written.

Walmart Cuts Health Care Coverage For Most Part-Timers In Wake Of Obamacare

oct 7 2014
NEW YORK (AP) — Wal-Mart Stores Inc. plans to eliminate health insurance coverage for some of its part-time U.S. employees in a move aimed at controlling rising health care costs of the nation's largest private employer.

Wal-Mart told The Associated Press that starting Jan. 1, it will no longer offer health insurance to employees who work less than an average of 30 hours a week. The move affects 30,000 employees, or about 5 percent of Wal-Mart's total part-time workforce, but comes after the company already had scaled back the number of part-time workers who were eligible for health insurance coverage since 2011.

Title alone, Big Corp runs Big Politics. But titles like "Patriot Act" and " Right to Farm" are HARD to comprehend.

Tell me more about how Obama created this poverty and your ignorance of politicians as puppets.
Tens of thousands fled socialized Canadian medicine in 2013 The Daily Caller

In 2013, 41,838 Canadians went outside the country to get medical treatment, down from 42,173 people leaving the country in 2012. This is interesting since wait times for patients who had consulted with a specialist till the time they got actual treatment increased from 9.3 weeks in 2012 to 9.6 weeks in 2013.

According to the report, there are many reasons why someone would leave Canada to seek treatment. Including “because of a lack of available resources or the fact that some procedures or equipment are not provided in their home jurisdiction” as well as “concerns about quality, seeking out more advanced healthcare facilities, higher tech medicine, or better outcomes.”

And the problems with the National Health Service are pointed out here...

Happy Birthday To Great Britain s Increasingly Scandalous National Health Service - Forbes

Access to medical care is so poor in the NHS that the government was compelled to issue England’s 2010 “NHS Constitution” in which it was declared that no patient should wait beyond 18 weeks for treatment – four months – after GP referral. Defined as acceptable by bureaucrats who set them, such targets propagate the illusion of meeting quality standards despite seriously endangering their citizens, all of whom share an equally poor access to health care. Even given this extraordinarily long leash, the number of patients not being treated within that time soared by 43% to almost 30,000 last January.

BBC subsequently discovered that many patients initially assessed as needing surgery were later re-categorized by the hospital so that they could be removed from waiting lists to distort the already unconscionable delays. Royal College of Surgeons President Norman Williams, calling this “outrageous,” charged that hospitals are cutting their waiting lists by artificially raising thresholds.
before we had obama care or single payer we ha 20 million plus that didn't get any health care at all .... before obama care we had people with health care losing everything they own .... at least these people had access to health care ... at least these people didn't lose everything they owned ... what good is have health care if you don't have a pot to piss in... I ve seen these post before I don't want to take the time to disprove your sources ... the source you used Scott W. Atlas, M.D. Contributor is well know for his distortion of facts ... he is bought and paid for by insurance companies ... We could go back and forth here all day I see it as a pissing match...
we ha 20 million plus that didn't get any health care at all

Sorry, that's not true...they had inefficient healthcare because they went to the E.R. but fixing their healthcare needs did not require changing the whole system...as to losing everything...that can be addressed with better insurance policies...

what good is have health care if you don't have a pot to piss in.

What good is healthcare if it is healthcare by name only....that when you get sick you can't get actual health care....and have to wait for life saving procedures...
Its obvious you don't know anything about single payer and the government involvement ... the governments involvement has nothing to do with health care ... there job is to give the money to the hospitals and doctors nothing more ... they pay the bill...

Sorry...the government makes decisions about access...because they are the ones paying the bills...they have the same government types you are complaining about making decisions about treatments...you do realize that don't you...

Like obamacare...they set the rules on which policies you can have...and if your policy doesn't meet their standard..you lose it...you do know that...right?

. every time a program by the government works well we have some house member or some senate member screw it up ...

You just walked past the answer...government can't do anything well because of the people who run it...they are protected from any consequence of their actions so they have no reason to do things efficiently or effectively...nothing the government does is done well...or ever will be...that is why we can't let them control healthcare...
I will say this once more again .... government single payer has nothing to do with providing your health care or how you go about getting your doctor... all they do is pay for your health care bill to hospitals and doctors .... thats it ... they don't make government run hospitals, they don't have government paid doctors.... they only foot the bill .... they don't set up your appointments they just foot the bill ... thats it... how many times have we heard that Obama care is government run health care ... its not ... its only the means where you go to buy health care from private company and if you get a subsidy they pays the subsidies thats it ... the don't get involved in anything that has to do with your health care or you making and appointment for you

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