Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

I'll take your quote with no comment as confirmation that no, you don't understand the implication of that.

I ran a business for well over a decade, and posted 7 figure quarters EVERY quarter EVERY year I retired before I was 50. Iv'e had more lawyers and accountants than you'll ever have BIG SHOT.

IMO, you're a blowhard nothing. NOTHING !

I always like people who comparative claims like that based on nothing but your ego. What a blowhard.

So how did you do that without learning anything at all about economics or business? You were a janitor, be honest.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.

As a man who spent his 50 year career in health insurance, I can assure you that there has NEVER been a free market for it in this country.

You can thank FDR for that
I'll take your quote with no comment as confirmation that no, you don't understand the implication of that.

The Left hasno trouble
I'll take your quote with no comment as confirmation that no, you don't understand the implication of that.

I ran a business for well over a decade, and posted 7 figure quarters EVERY quarter EVERY year I retired before I was 50. Iv'e had more lawyers and accountants than you'll ever have BIG SHOT.

IMO, you're a blowhard nothing. NOTHING !

The fact you really don't know how Insurance works,we get it you love the ACA but you don't know how it works.
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that
The problem is complex, and so any comprehensive solution will be complex. I do not understand the idiocy which opposes a law just because of page count. This suggests a fear of reading. Perhaps this is the reason the GOP has never put a plan on the table. They no longer have in their ranks the intellectual weight required to straighten out the health care mess. And this is the biggest reason which makes single payer inevitable: sheer laziness.

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone who speaks on this subject has never actually read the law. So if "nobody knew the complexities" it is because they did not read it.

This is also why so many tards ate the manufactured bullshit they were fed about ObamaCare. Since the rubes had not read it, they believed what they were told to believe, e.g. "death panels".

Rubes and tards are intellectually lazy by nature, and thus easily fooled. It is simpler and easier to get the mindless minions angry than it is to actually come up with solutions.

That's the GOP standard operational procedure for all of our problems today: Get the rubes whining and angry to distract from the fact their leadership has no answers.

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!
Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
The insurance premiums at my company rose 15% this year and they specifically stated that ObamaCare was one of the reasons for it.
Yeah, mine went up 25% for the same reason. It had been about 10% per year previously. This is company of about 10,000 workers, so not one of the giants, but fair sized. That's what gets me for the whole "premiums going down" talking point: yeah, for people getting subsidized in the exchanges, their premiums are lower, but the rest of us are getting royally screwed, and we can't even opt out. That is not a free market.
if you knew what the hell you were talking about this is how stupid people like you are ... any one who is working for any company can opt out ... health care is a benefit that the company offers ... if you choose to opt out you can .... you can go to any health care provider and buy insurance.... heres where you are lying ... you can go to any insurance company and it will show they were going up 30 to 40 percent a year, not 10 %... 25 % is less then the norm ... so I would say its lower
You gotta admit...there wasn't really any chance of selling Obamacare to congress because it's waaay to complex to boil down into a speech that would last less than a year.

Nancy's words were accurate...we have to pass it to find out whats in it. She was the only one who told the truth.

Now it's time to tweek it.
if you're going to quote nancy then get her quote right ...you failed here....

she was speaking to the public, in reference to when it gets totally written and passed then you all will get to see what in it ... she wasn't hiding anything ... she wasn't trying to keep it a secrete ... but you uniformed nut jobs quote its like a religion ... go look at the total interview
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that

Then they shouldn't have voted on it until they did.
Intelligent people understand that.
Nobody forced Walmart do screw over its workers. It just posted a record profit. It could easily give every employee a 50% raise, give full top-notch healthcare coverage to every one of them, toss in some break time and humane treatment generally, and still the Waltons would make billions of dollars a year in profits.

That isn't hyperbole- BILLIONS. With a B. The Waltons raked in over $6 billion last year just in dividends alone and about the same again in increased value of their stock holdings in the company.

This has nothing to do with the ACA, it is the result of a choice by the Waltons that it is more important to heap more billions on top of their insane $130 billion stack of cash than it is to treat their employees humanely. Everybody who shops at this vicious company's stores needs to take a step back and consider whether that is the right thing to do.
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway
Ultimately, if you really want Walmart to pay its people more, and offer more benes, the best way is to convince millions of people not to shop there unless they do. That's the only reason they're in business.
That is not the the best way. It is the least efficient, longest and unfairest way. It gives the poorest people the task of making the richest people adhere to morals and decency and stop being obscenely greedy mooches who profit off the federal government.

That's kind of dumb, because IF you actually succeeded, the end result would be higher priced goods at Walmart, fewer employees at Walmart, and fewer poor people able to afford stuff. I mean, go ahead and pass laws forcing Walmart to pay higher wages. Just don't be surprised when the inevitable result happens.
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that

Then they shouldn't have voted on it until they did.
Intelligent people understand that.

The GOP never came up with a comprehensive solution to the rising cost of healthcare which exceeded the rate of inflation for decades. Even when they held all the reins of power, they did nothing.

The Democrats telegraphed during that same period exactly what they would do if given the chance. Did the GOP respond? Nope. The Republicans completely abdicated on the issue. All this outrage from the GOP leadership these days is just theater for rubes like you. We were all sold down the river by the GOP, into the hands of the Democratic "solution".

The Democrats' logic went like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This (ObamaCare) is something.

3. We must do this.

And that is how we ended up with the pile of dung that is ObamaCare. This could all have easily been avoided by the GOP enacting reforms long before anyone even heard of Obama.

But they didn't. They shoved their thumbs up their asses and called it a day instead.
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
Psssst. The insurance industry has been posting record profits ever since ObamaCare passed. So if you have some evidence of "how much the ACA has hurt the industry", now is the time to post it.

Otherwise your claim is just another piece of shit you pulled out of your ass.
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
Psssst. The insurance industry has been posting record profits ever since ObamaCare passed. So if you have some evidence of "how much the ACA has hurt the industry", now is the time to post it.

Otherwise your claim is just another piece of shit you pulled out of your ass.

Yes your Article from October 2013 is relevant.

PSSSTTTTT, the full law kicked in on Jan 1 2014...
"Forces"? Really? A cadre of money-grubbing corporatist scumbags choose to deliberately screw over thousands of working-class cytyzyns in order to further maximize their own profit, and you blame President Obama for this?

Your racism has taken hold of your infinitesimally small manpig "brain" and destroyed all sense of logic and fairness. You are truly beyond reason.
thats something these repub-lie-cans don't get ... when a corporation does something thats bad for its employees, its obamas fault ... and these repub-lie-cans are fine with that kind of thinking ...

Obama raising and regulating the cost of healthcare to where WalMart can't afford it isn't on Obama? Serioiusly? If he craps in his pants, is he responsible for that or would that be WalMart too?
Walmart can't afford it? Do you have a calculator? How much would it cost to insure 30,000 employees at lets say, $6,000 per year?

Ah, wealth envy, your go to strategy. Blame the victim. As long as there's money to plunder, plunder you will do.

No, they can't afford it. They work in competitive markets.
That's the best. The richest family in America are victims because folks don't want to give them corporate welfare.

Church's Fried Chicken simply is not a large enough corporation to provide anything even close to the number of jobs Walmart provides for the Black community. You Blacks need to lighten up on Walmart or brush up on your chicken frying skills.
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that

Then they shouldn't have voted on it until they did.
Intelligent people understand that.

The GOP never came up with a comprehensive solution to the rising cost of healthcare which exceeded the rate of inflation for decades. Even when they held all the reins of power, they did nothing.

The Democrats telegraphed during that same period exactly what they would do if given the chance. Did the GOP respond? Nope. The Republicans completely abdicated on the issue. All this outrage from the GOP leadership these days is just theater for rubes like you. We were all sold down the river by the GOP, into the hands of the Democratic "solution".

The Democrats' logic went like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This (ObamaCare) is something.

3. We must do this.

And that is how we ended up with the pile of dung that is ObamaCare. This could all have easily been avoided by the GOP enacting reforms long before anyone even heard of Obama.

But they didn't. They shoved their thumbs up their asses and called it a day instead.

Democrats settled. You must know this.
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
Psssst. The insurance industry has been posting record profits ever since ObamaCare passed. So if you have some evidence of "how much the ACA has hurt the industry", now is the time to post it.

Otherwise your claim is just another piece of shit you pulled out of your ass.

Just yesterday g was saying how this was going to collapse the system and usher in Single Payer ;)
]Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Then you know full well how much the ACA has hurt the industry
This is just something you want to believe. In fact, the opposite is true.

Despite Glitches, Obamacare Profit Windfall To Insurers Well Underway

PSSSST, look at the date of the Article.
Psssst. The insurance industry has been posting record profits ever since ObamaCare passed. So if you have some evidence of "how much the ACA has hurt the industry", now is the time to post it.

Otherwise your claim is just another piece of shit you pulled out of your ass.

Just yesterday g was saying how this was going to collapse the system and usher in Single Payer ;)
It won't collapse the system because of insurance profits. It will collapse the system for other reasons.

Getting the facts straight about ObamaCare is not the same thing as supporting ObamaCare. I am congenitally opposed to ObamaCare and to single payer. But I am also smart enough and realistic enough to know that single payer is inevitable. The reason it is inevitable is because of extreme stupidity, laziness, willful ignorance, and incompetence on the part of the Right.

The Left is going to win on this issue through sheer attrition.

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