Obamacare Forces Walmart To Cancel Health Insurance Coverage For 30,000 Workers

Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that

Then they shouldn't have voted on it until they did.
Intelligent people understand that.

The GOP never came up with a comprehensive solution to the rising cost of healthcare which exceeded the rate of inflation for decades. Even when they held all the reins of power, they did nothing.

The Democrats telegraphed during that same period exactly what they would do if given the chance. Did the GOP respond? Nope. The Republicans completely abdicated on the issue. All this outrage from the GOP leadership these days is just theater for rubes like you. We were all sold down the river by the GOP, into the hands of the Democratic "solution".

The Democrats' logic went like this:

1. We must do something.

2. This (ObamaCare) is something.

3. We must do this.

And that is how we ended up with the pile of dung that is ObamaCare. This could all have easily been avoided by the GOP enacting reforms long before anyone even heard of Obama.

But they didn't. They shoved their thumbs up their asses and called it a day instead.

1999 - 2009 insurance premiums increased 131%

the right never even said a word much less do anything about it.

I'm no big fan of ACA either but it is as you say "something", and personally, I'd rather someone have something insurance than I would them go to a county hospital and get over a 100k$ heart attack at taxpayer expense ..
Massachusetts health insurers blame Obamacare for $152M operating loss in Q1
Massachusetts health insurers blame Obamacare for 152M operating loss in Q1 - Boston Business Journal

Blue Cross parent expecting losses in 2014 due to Obamacare
Subscription Center ChicagoBusiness.com

10% of Large Employers May Drop 2014 Health Benefits
10 of Large Employers May Drop 2014 Health Benefits

Insurers’ Obamacare Losses May Reach $5.5 Billion in 2015
Insurers Obamacare Losses May Reach 5.5 Billion in 2015 - Bloomberg

Obamacare 'Bailout' For One Insurer Will Cost Up To $450 Million In 2014
Obamacare Bailout For One Insurer Will Cost Up To 450 Million In 2014 - Forbes
What's your problem?.....nobody knew the complexities of the law, it's just that simple, and nobody who supported it would admit that
The problem is complex, and so any comprehensive solution will be complex. I do not understand the idiocy which opposes a law just because of page count. This suggests a fear of reading. Perhaps this is the reason the GOP has never put a plan on the table. They no longer have in their ranks the intellectual weight required to straighten out the health care mess. And this is the biggest reason which makes single payer inevitable: sheer laziness.

I'm pretty sure that almost everyone who speaks on this subject has never actually read the law. So if "nobody knew the complexities" it is because they did not read it.

This is also why so many tards ate the manufactured bullshit they were fed about ObamaCare. Since the rubes had not read it, they believed what they were told to believe, e.g. "death panels".

Rubes and tards are intellectually lazy by nature, and thus easily fooled. It is simpler and easier to get the mindless minions angry than it is to actually come up with solutions.

That's the GOP standard operational procedure for all of our problems today: Get the rubes whining and angry to distract from the fact their leadership has no answers.

Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!
Thank you!.....I work for a large California based medical insurer, and I get so tired of hearing righties cite anything that goes wrong with the inusrance industry as a whole was caused by Obamacare. If anyone loses their job anywhere, or companies cut back on anything, it's because of Obamacare.

Hate to burst your balloon but the data proves it. We have more part-time jobs now than ever and more people on SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare, etc. More people having to accept lower paying full time jobs as well. Obama's economic policies have hurt the country.
You haven't proved that more part-time jobs now than ever and more people on SNAP, Medicaid, Medicare, etc was caused by Obamacare.

Once again, you're just listing everything bad, and saying it's because of Obamacare

I don't have my head in the sand either. I keep up with the news on he economy, the jobs markets, etc.
be that as it may, you haven't proved cause and effect
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

I'm a liberal. I never expect anyone to take care if me. You fail.
That isn't hyperbole- BILLIONS. With a B. The Waltons raked in over $6 billion last year just in dividends alone and about the same again in increased value of their stock holdings in the company.

I don't love wally either but they do a good job. You have to admit that. They sell everything and at great prices.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Nope. It means that health care isn't driven by a profit motive. It means we all pay into the system and we all benefit from a healthier America. Win-win.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

several threads today with RW's bitching about how the POTUS isn't taking care of THEM ..
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Nope. It means that health care isn't driven by a profit motive. It means we all pay into the system and we all benefit from a healthier America. Win-win.

didn't Clinton want single payer and the RW hammered him for it?
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

I'm a liberal. I never expect anyone to take care if me. You fail.

Sure you do, that's why you are BEGGING for Single Payer.
ObamaCare promised to lower the cost of health care. Remember all those charts in 2009 comparing per capita spending on health care by country, and how we had the highest? This was supposed to convince us that ObamaCare was the way to go.

You don't hear or see those charts any more. Per capita spending is not going down, and ObamaCare will never make it go down.

So that was all a Big Lie.

However, it is a simple fact that the cost of health care was rising faster than inflation for decades. It is also a fact that the Republicans never once put a comprehensive plan on the table to solve this problem. Not even when they controlled all three branches of government. They did NOTHING to solve the problem. In fact, Bush and the GOP Congress enacted a trillion dollar medical government entitlement program for seniors. Blatant vote buying.

Therefore, to claim Walmart is dropping its part time employees from health insurance "because Obama" is total bullshit. In a Universe where ObamaCare never existed, Walmart would still be facing the identical problem of out of control rising health care costs.

Walmart isn't fucking over their part timers "because Obama". They are fucking them because NONE of our politicians did a fucking thing to solve the problem. Ever.

ObamaCare promised to lower the cost of health care. Remember all those charts in 2009 comparing per capita spending on health care by country, and how we had the highest? This was supposed to convince us that ObamaCare was the way to go.

You don't hear or see those charts any more. Per capita spending is not going down, and ObamaCare will never make it go down.

Per capita spending is falling among the publicly insured and is about as close to it among the privately insured population as we've ever gotten.

Um, take a look at your chart again. You must have a different definition of GROWTH than I do. Per capita spending is NOT falling. It is still GROWING.


...negative growth (which is what the public payers--Medicare and Medicaid--are experiencing) does mean per capita spending is falling for those payers.

If structural changes in the health care delivery system are playing a role in that, as seems likely, spending growth in private insurance will continue to hover near historic lows as well. Negative growth in per capita private sector spending would be nice but a more realistic near term goal is keeping it at or below per capita GDP growth.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

I'm a liberal. I never expect anyone to take care if me. You fail.

Sure you do, that's why you are BEGGING for Single Payer.

You fail again. I've never gone uninsured. I'm concerned about those who have. I want every American to have access to first class health care. That's because I love this country AND the people in it.

Single payer makes fiscal sense. It is the right thing to do.

Sorry about your job. You'll be OK. You are really smart and shit.
Single payer works better than Obamacare. Nations that have it have better outcomes at lower costs.

We'll find out in a few years just how good it can be in the US by watching what happens in Vermont. Step by step........

Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

I'm a liberal. I never expect anyone to take care if me. You fail.

Sure you do, that's why you are BEGGING for Single Payer.

You fail again. I've never gone uninsured. I'm concerned about those who have. I want every American to have access to first class health care. That's because I love this country AND the people in it.

Single payer makes fiscal sense. It is the right thing to do.

Sorry about your job. You'll be OK. You are really smart and shit.

LOL, Britain surely agrees with you that it "makes fiscal sense"

Never said you ever went uninsured,said you just wanted daddy gov to pick up our costs
Single payer means the govt controls your health care which means they control you. THINK

Liberals don't think, they just want the Prez to take care of them.

Single Payer is coming.

I'm a liberal. I never expect anyone to take care if me. You fail.

Sure you do, that's why you are BEGGING for Single Payer.

You fail again. I've never gone uninsured. I'm concerned about those who have. I want every American to have access to first class health care. That's because I love this country AND the people in it.

Single payer makes fiscal sense. It is the right thing to do.

Sorry about your job. You'll be OK. You are really smart and shit.

LOL, Britain surely agrees with you that it "makes fiscal sense"

Never said you ever went uninsured,said you just wanted daddy gov to pick up our costs

Tell me about Britain. I'm all ears.
I don't love wally either but they do a good job. You have to admit that. They sell everything and at great prices.
No, that isn't necessarily true. A lot of studies have found that what they do is what is called "price sharking." They move into a town and drop prices down to the point where they're actually losing money. After a couple years of that, all of the local businesses and competitors are driven out of business. Then they crank the prices up to a point notably higher than the prices that the town had before Walmart came. That tactic is fairly common for the big chains, but Walmart is particularly aggressive about it.

Not to mention, all those people that were employed by or owned those local businesses are now working for Walmart for a fraction of the pay and benefits, so now they are unable to afford prices that they could have before.

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