Obamacare Hater Gets Pwnd!

4 min, 10 seconds is the clincher, but it's best to watch the whole thing.
This organization fills a void without government help (as far as I can tell). I've never heard of them before but from what I gleaned on their website they are an outstanding charity.

So ... why did the government upend the health insurance system for 85% of people who had no problem with it to try and fix it for the 15% who did not have access to it, instead of fostering and promoting more programs like this?

"We empower, inspire, and lead communities to serve those in need in their own backyard. We are committed to equipping communities to work together to confront healthcare problems in their area."

"We are built through the power of compassionate volunteers - they are our heroes. We are driven by people who want to bring needed change to communities. RAM® provides those people with the perfect opportunity to witness community transformation. This generates a people movement made up of dynamic and caring people who want to change their world."

^ This is what America needs, not government taking over and mandating.
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Dear Howey:
Also look at the disparity in our education systems.
The private schools have long outperformed the public schools
at a lower cost per student than public schools.

Does this mean we have to force all people to regulate the private
schools through govt so all people can be served?

Can't we uplift the under served communities and segments of our population
WITHOUT mandating that all education be regulated through govt?

Why not help all the public schools work at the same efficiency as private schools?
Why not help all health care systems work at the same efficiency as private systems?
As soon as I read where "36 other countries have better healthcare" I left the page knowing it is 100% bull shit. That ancient study has been debunked many times. Only a dim witted left wing nutjob still places any credence on that nonsense.
That was great. "If you're poor just stop being poor".

There is a lot of truth to that but it is pretty cold.
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Dear Howey:
Also look at the disparity in our education systems.
The private schools have long outperformed the public schools
at a lower cost per student than public schools.

Does this mean we have to force all people to regulate the private
schools through govt so all people can be served?

Can't we uplift the under served communities and segments of our population
WITHOUT mandating that all education be regulated through govt?

Why not help all the public schools work at the same efficiency as private schools?
Why not help all health care systems work at the same efficiency as private systems?

UNIONS that's why!
I can't watch the video but what's up with this? Fancy universal healthcare? Kiss my ass. I live in the worst province for receiving treatment in an ER. Up to 30 hours. They closed my ER down in the south east corner of the province. Hell's bells my funeral home is closer than the ER we have to go to now.

If you live in Canada and have fancy universal health care, you can watch it here.

Watch 15 Magically Awkward Seconds Roll By While A Man Panics After Accidentally Insulting America
I don't know why I need to keep repeating this. It's a comedy show. Those interviews are edited for maximum hilarity. Often they even use doubles for the back of the interviewee. For all anyone knows he was responding to a completely different question.

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