ObamaCare/HIV and Society's Burden for Deviant Lifestyle Choices


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
This is from another Thread and I don't want to retype it... HIV is a Homosexual Disease in the US... End of List... A Costly one at that. Why is it 95% of the Population's Burden that Gay Men can't seem to stop Spreading it here?

For real... Their sicko lifestyle killed just how many by AIDS in the 80's?


Aside from the Tragedy that is Ignorance and lack of Proper Medicine in the 3rd World...

Homosexuals still Dominate the New HIV Cases in the US... Dominate. Followed by Homosexual/IV Drug Users... Followed by IV Drug Users...

The CDC Qualifies most Non-MSM HIV Trasnmissions, specifically the Women, as having Contracted it from Men who also have Sex with Men or are MSM/IV or IV users.


"c "Heterosexual contact with a person known to have, or to be at high risk for, HIV infection."

32,000 of the 39,000 HIV Infections in 2011 were Directly MSM Related... 30,000 of them were without question, 100% MSM Related.

We are talking about, at best, 5% of the Population that is Spreading 82% of a Fatal Disease in this Country 30 years after Knowing how not to.

Considering all of these Factors and the FACT that we are past 3 Decades now of Knowing EXACTLY how NOT to get it, why are Homosexuals still Contracting/Spreading it in the 1st World at he rate that they are?...

As a "Minority" they are the Most Educated and Well-to-do of any...

Ignorance can't be the Excuse.

Inherently Self-Destructive by Nature is... It's how the APA used to View them and then Suddenly stopped back in the 70's without Qualification or Reasoning... The only thing that was Happening was Political Pressure and Protests at their Meetings.

When someone finds that Conclusion by the APA that had them take Homosexuals off the Mentally Ill list, let me know. :thup:



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