Obamacare Implosion? Congress paralyzed as insurers look for massive premium increases

Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...
It's all Trump's fault!
Obamacare has already passed the SCOTUS. Add in Medicare and Medicaid and I am pretty sure that charging non-constitutional isn't going to win.
Nope, only the mandate has... and even that only "passed" after the Supremes rewrote it (usurping the power of Congress) and legislated from the bench without asking Congress to re-pass it with the USSC's changes as they are required to by the Constitution. Thanks for pointing out one area where Obamacare violates the Constitution.

There has been no judgement on whether the Fed govt has the authority to regulate health insurance plans and dictate their terms. Of course, it's obvious there is no authority in the Constitution giving that power to Congress, only the States have that power. So now we're up to 2 areas where it violates the Const.

Anyone want to try for three? :deal:
There has been two law suits before the SCOTUS and both were defeated.

As I said, and Obama agreed, Obamacare is here to stay thanks in a larger part to Roberts who did as you said and rewrote law. To me that was as wrong as the SCOTUS making law with gay marriage.

Never the less the SCOTUS has ruled, you will be hard pressed to now say ACA is unconstitutional. I don't like what they did but facts be the facts.

Supreme Court ObamaCare | Ruling on ObamaCare
Until Trump gets more Judges.....and when there is too little demand because of its inherent flaws it will be cancelled just as his MYIRA was
What is your suggestion for a solution? Do we need a solution? Does a person who is fired or laid off because their job was shipped to Mexico really need health care? Certainly a service industry job is enough?

1. Do you have health care?
2. How is it delivered?
3. If Obamacare ended tomorrow how would it effect YOU?
Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...
It's all Trump's fault!
You are not paying attention, it is the Russian's fault, Trump is just their puppet.
couple of questions:

1. How do you receive your health care today? i.e. through company sponsored plans?

2. What, in you opinion is the alternative?
a. covering the poor with Medicaid and have those self-employed or just out of work paying huge sums of money?
b. every man for themselves?
c. go back to what we had with some improvements?
d. would you just repeal Obamacare and let those with pre-existing condition go without?
For one, making it illegal to connect healthcare benefits with your job.

That practice rose out of wage controls and has corrupted the ability of people to purchase insurance coverage on their own. It only makes sense for insurance companies to drive people to employers where the person using the care is not the one represented by the insurance company.
So you see the sense in a system like Medicare where the person is responsible for their own health care? Where everyone would be on the same playing field? Where everyone, required or not, would be able to get insurance regardless of employment?
give it up dopes, ACA is here to stay .. a LAW.
Slavery was law also. Although I don't believe an entitlement program will ever go away, even as flawed, as expensive and as bad as ACA that does not mean it shouldn't. Maybe Dred Scott needs asked about laws that are here to stay.
Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...

The problem is that Republicans are causing most of the turmoil in the markets. The public will hold Republicans responsible for it. They want it fixed not replaced.
How are the Republicans causing turmoil? Who are you to say what people want? But I am glad to see you admit that Obamacare needs fixed.
Congress is not paralyzed!

The Left Establishment decided to be OBSTRUCTIONISTS because they are owned by Big Pharma and The Health Insurance Industry.

The Right Establishment decided to make a FAKE ATTEMPT at repealing Obamacare because they are owned by Big Pharma and The Health Care Industry.

Big Pharma and The Health Care Industry are making money hand over fist while pulling out of Obamacare.... They are more profitable than ever.
They are looking for more taxpayer money and are now claiming they all need bailed out.

The whole thing is a scam.

I am sure President Trump really meant and intended to repeal and replace, but none of these establishment politicians really wanted anything to change.

And you know why I know this?

These fuckers will get together to sanction Russia over alleged "attempts" to influence our election "ALLEGEDLY" through social media... i.e. mean tweets, and we cannot even PROVE THAT.

The House vote to do this was 419-3
The Senate vote to do this was 98-2

But ask them to actually do their jobs and do something for THE AMERICAN PEOPLE and they will PRETEND like they want to all the while looking for convenient excuses not to do a damn thing.

Oh, their hands are tied! Washington is as corrupt as it gets. It's a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. That is how far American has fallen!

These pieces of shit will only work together when it benefits them and intentionally divide themselves against each other when they don't feel like doing anything.
It's a damn Dog and Pony Show.

Why haven't "WE THE PEOPLE" been shown not even one shred of evidence?

These FUCKERS will get together and conduct Investigation after Investigation month after month, conducting a "show trial" learning nothing, and just so they can get on the nightly news with a sound bite or video clip.

These FUCKERS will refuse to use their Subpoena powers to Investigate ACTUAL crimes committed, and Ignore FELONIES, even help to sweep them under the rug, and instead focus on petty minutia so they can make daily pronouncements from their pulpits.

They love this shit. They could care less if it accomplishes anything. They are lazy and cowardly and petty. They waste our time and our money daily.

Ask them to actually do something important, like their jobs, and they balk at it. Congress is really only interested in superficial appearances, and legislation which enriches them and expands their power.

Ask then to serve "WE THE PEOPLE" and they fucking pretend like they haven't got a clue about how to do that.....and tell us it's too complicated, too this....too that....or the other side won't help. Any excuse they can use to deflect from actually having to do their jobs!
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Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...
Sucks to be a Democrat. They own the mess known as Obamacare. Trump was right all along, leave it in place and let it implode. The RINO's in congress were to chicken shit to repeal it, so let it die on the vine and move on to other issues.
Obamacare has already passed the SCOTUS. Add in Medicare and Medicaid and I am pretty sure that charging non-constitutional isn't going to win.
Nope, only the mandate has... and even that only "passed" after the Supremes rewrote it (usurping the power of Congress) and legislated from the bench without asking Congress to re-pass it with the USSC's changes as they are required to by the Constitution. Thanks for pointing out one area where Obamacare violates the Constitution.

There has been no judgement on whether the Fed govt has the authority to regulate health insurance plans and dictate their terms. Of course, it's obvious there is no authority in the Constitution giving that power to Congress, only the States have that power. So now we're up to 2 areas where it violates the Const.

Anyone want to try for three? :deal:
There has been two law suits before the SCOTUS and both were defeated.

As I said, and Obama agreed, Obamacare is here to stay thanks in a larger part to Roberts who did as you said and rewrote law. To me that was as wrong as the SCOTUS making law with gay marriage.

Never the less the SCOTUS has ruled, you will be hard pressed to now say ACA is unconstitutional. I don't like what they did but facts be the facts.

Supreme Court ObamaCare | Ruling on ObamaCare
Until Trump gets more Judges.....and when there is too little demand because of its inherent flaws it will be cancelled just as his MYIRA was

You just don't cancel legislation.
Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...

First thing, these increases are just proposals. The chances of the company being approved for them are slim.

Second, this kind of shit was happening even before the ACA was passed. The ACA sure as hell didn't fix it, but it also in no way caused it.
Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...

The problem is that Republicans are causing most of the turmoil in the markets. The public will hold Republicans responsible for it. They want it fixed not replaced.
How are the Republicans causing turmoil? Who are you to say what people want? But I am glad to see you admit that Obamacare needs fixed.

Trump plays games and threatens to withhold payments to insurance companies and the Republican Congress refuses to step in. That causes uncertainty.

All the polls including Rasmussen show that a plurality of voters want it fixed. Only around 30% or less want it repealed.
Forget Obama's LIE about how the ACA would lower American's insurance approx. $2,500... Those premiums are going UP another 30%!

Insurers seeking huge premium hikes on ObamaCare plans

"Top health insurance companies in numerous states are looking to hike premiums by double-digits – some by roughly 30 percent or more – for ObamaCare plans in 2018, according to newly released figures that could light a fire under stalled efforts on Capitol Hill to fix the program.

“A lot of us have lost focus on the fact that the system we have doesn’t work,” White House Budget Director Mick Mulvaney" stated, referring to the proposed premium hikes."

Everytime Obamacare is mentioned banjo music should be playing in the background with Ned Beatty squealing like a pig...

The problem is that Republicans are causing most of the turmoil in the markets. The public will hold Republicans responsible for it. They want it fixed not replaced.
How are the Republicans causing turmoil? Who are you to say what people want? But I am glad to see you admit that Obamacare needs fixed.

Trump plays games and threatens to withhold payments to insurance companies and the Republican Congress refuses to step in. That causes uncertainty.

All the polls including Rasmussen show that a plurality of voters want it fixed. Only around 30% or less want it repealed.
Obamacare has already passed the SCOTUS. Add in Medicare and Medicaid and I am pretty sure that charging non-constitutional isn't going to win.
Nope, only the mandate has... and even that only "passed" after the Supremes rewrote it (usurping the power of Congress) and legislated from the bench without asking Congress to re-pass it with the USSC's changes as they are required to by the Constitution. Thanks for pointing out one area where Obamacare violates the Constitution.

There has been no judgement on whether the Fed govt has the authority to regulate health insurance plans and dictate their terms. Of course, it's obvious there is no authority in the Constitution giving that power to Congress, only the States have that power. So now we're up to 2 areas where it violates the Const.

Anyone want to try for three? :deal:
There has been two law suits before the SCOTUS and both were defeated.

As I said, and Obama agreed, Obamacare is here to stay thanks in a larger part to Roberts who did as you said and rewrote law. To me that was as wrong as the SCOTUS making law with gay marriage.

Never the less the SCOTUS has ruled, you will be hard pressed to now say ACA is unconstitutional. I don't like what they did but facts be the facts.

Supreme Court ObamaCare | Ruling on ObamaCare
Until Trump gets more Judges.....and when there is too little demand because of its inherent flaws it will be cancelled just as his MYIRA was
What is your suggestion for a solution? Do we need a solution? Does a person who is fired or laid off because their job was shipped to Mexico really need health care? Certainly a service industry job is enough?

1. Do you have health care?
2. How is it delivered?
3. If Obamacare ended tomorrow how would it effect YOU?
As some lib post is asking...do you know the difference......between care and insurance
Whatever is wrong with Obamacare, we now know for certain that the Republicans can't fix it.
The implosion is the fault of the stupid Democrat Congress and idiot President in 2009 that signed that disasterous bill that none of them even bothered to read before voting for it.

Now you have 46 nitwit Democrats joined by two Independents and three weak minded Republicans that refused to allow even minor impreovements to the bill.

The Democrats own this disaster lock, stock and barrel.
The implosion is the fault of the stupid Democrat Congress and idiot President in 2009 that signed that disasterous bill that none of them even bothered to read before voting for it.

Now you have 46 nitwit Democrats joined by two Independents and three weak minded Republicans that refused to allow even minor impreovements to the bill.

The Democrats own this disaster lock, stock and barrel.

The issue is: US healthcare insurers directly or indirectly derive profit from 90+/- of healthcare providers who set the costs. ie; robbing Peter (you) to pay Paul (themselves) to pay Paul (themselves).
The implosion is the fault of the stupid Democrat Congress and idiot President in 2009 that signed that disasterous bill that none of them even bothered to read before voting for it.

Now you have 46 nitwit Democrats joined by two Independents and three weak minded Republicans that refused to allow even minor impreovements to the bill.

The Democrats own this disaster lock, stock and barrel.

The issue is: US healthcare insurers directly or indirectly derive profit from 90+/- of healthcare providers who set the costs. ie; robbing Peter (you) to pay Paul (themselves) to pay Paul (themselves).

Well of course they make profits. If they weren't making profits then there would be no reason for them to be in business, would it?

The cost of private insurance should reflect the risk pool, amount of converge of an individual and the profits of the company making the insurance available.

I trust the private market and a profit incentive to provide a good health care product a whole lot more than I trust the filthy ass government bureaucrat whose boss is s corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. Do yiou really think some government weenie really gives a shit about you? If you do then you are dumber than a door knob.

An example of what I am talking about. My primary care physician use to have a practice with him, his nurse and a receptionist. He provided good services at a low cost. When that shitass Obamacare came along he had to join a physicians group with bigger overhead and more useless regulations that did nothing to improve health care. He has to charge a significant amount of more money for a visit. He hates Obamacare. That is government intervention for you. Single payer run by the corrupt and inefficient government will be ten times as bad. No thank you.
The implosion is the fault of the stupid Democrat Congress and idiot President in 2009 that signed that disasterous bill that none of them even bothered to read before voting for it.

Now you have 46 nitwit Democrats joined by two Independents and three weak minded Republicans that refused to allow even minor impreovements to the bill.

The Democrats own this disaster lock, stock and barrel.

The issue is: US healthcare insurers directly or indirectly derive profit from 90+/- of healthcare providers who set the costs. ie; robbing Peter (you) to pay Paul (themselves) to pay Paul (themselves).

Well of course they make profits. If they weren't making profits then there would be no reason for them to be in business, would it?

The cost of private insurance should reflect the risk pool, amount of converge of an individual and the profits of the company making the insurance available.

I trust the private market and a profit incentive to provide a good health care product a whole lot more than I trust the filthy ass government bureaucrat whose boss is s corrupt politician elected by special interest groups. Do yiou really think some government weenie really gives a shit about you? If you do then you are dumber than a door knob.

An example of what I am talking about. My primary care physician use to have a practice with him, his nurse and a receptionist. He provided good services at a low cost. When that shitass Obamacare came along he had to join a physicians group with bigger overhead and more useless regulations that did nothing to improve health care. He has to charge a significant amount of more money for a visit. He hates Obamacare. That is government intervention for you. Single payer run by the corrupt and inefficient government will be ten times as bad. No thank you.

You're paying your health insurance company twice. Once for a policy, and again for care.

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