Obamacare is great

If it were a good deal, it wouldn't need a mandate to work.

This part especially.

I don't know if psychologists or scholars in church and state politics see what is going on here.

How a group, especially which espouses prochoice rhetoric can turn right around
and defy that by imposing antichoice legislation; and justify both at the same time.

And how people who normally decry imposing religious beliefs or biases through the state
can do this themselves and still juggle both arguments in their head at the same time.

This is either a complex case of cognitive dissonance and rationalization at an extreme,
or if people really do believe in these things, religiously, where for whatever reason they are not seen as contradictory (such as believing it's okay to kill animals but not people when some religions see that as conflicting while others do not), they believe this is consistent to them.

That's fine, but shouldn't such religious beliefs be kept out of the public sector
when so many people are vocally dissenting and defending their own beliefs in opposition.

To override that dissension is yet another layer of cognitive dissonance.
Somehow justifying that these ppl's opinion's don't count, or majority rule allows
party politics and beliefs to "trump" constitutional inclusion.

Upon deeper analysis of where the denial is coming from, people may be used to having their opinions overrun, such as with Bush's policies pushed that even Republicans contested as outside Constitutional limits and protocol. So if people believe that is still within govt authority to do so by majority rule and political coersion, then they keep justifying this.

but two wrongs don't make a right. it means they both took turns violating the constitution.

If Democrats, liberals or other constitutionalists were against Bush administration abusing authority and public resources to push politically biased agenda, they should go after that contested funding the same way opponents of ACA are resisting funding this policy that violates constitutional limits. But instead, it seems they oppose it but allow it to go through.
so if this is what they believe, they should separate their beliefs and quit imposing publicly.

very curious. if there is a field for political and religious psychology, and the phases of realization people go through as they resolve conflicts, this whole battle back and forth over the Bush administration and the Obama backlash, and the role of the media would make an interesting case study of collective psychology and impact on individual perception. it could basically prove the process by which people's perceptional biases are determined to some extent by external factors, and not completely within their control to change by themselves. I would also like to study the factor of forgiveness in conflict resolution, and perhaps prove that the people who do have free will to change their thinking to overcome biases also correlate with ability to forgive past issues; while those who do not forgive but project onto other groups in a divisive way have a lower rate of resolving conflict and report this kind of biased bullying mentality back and forth as what they believe to be their only option. These ppl cannot seem to perceive of free choice, but believe it is physically necessary to go through govt and party to establish their choices.

The idea of organizing resources and investing in local business development and economy without going through govt does not even exist as a real choice in their minds. yet they complain when other people want to push church policy for everyone, while they abuse the state to push policy instead of reflecting consent that includes all interests equally. Strange.

And the saddest thing, it seems this habit of politically bullying over opposition by majority rule is directly correlated or caused by unforgiveness and fear of that opposing group.

So this type of abuse of govt policy and resources PUNISHES the people who DO forgive and are well capable of pursuing reforms by free choice by working on solutions with all groups without conflict. Those people are forced to fund bullying garbage of people who DON'T BELIEVE it can be done any other way because they won't FORGIVE each other. this bias caused by fear and unforgiveness is then imposed on everyone else. Very disturbing.

Sad this habit of imposing biases is not challenged globally, since people siding against each other use it to impose on each other. They can hardly complain if they do the same, they keep getting back what the give, punishing each other, as well as costing others who believe in resolving conflicts to prevent such wasteful abusive imposition back and forth.

Hopefully we will outgrow such dual onesidedness. And move toward the real meaning of constitutional inclusion and equal representation and protection of laws for all views. Not just one party trying to get majority rule votes to overrule and exclude the other!

If that were allowed with religious groups, it would be stopped immediately.
but somehow we allow it with political groups thinking that is normal?
I just got a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield, and I will quote it directly....

"Preventive care with no out of pocket costs including checkups, cholesterol checks, even mammograms."

"Guaranteed acceptance with no medical exams required."

"Choice of doctors."

"No lifetime limits on covered services."

Thanks, President Obama.

Why are you thanking him?
Who is going to pay for this coverage?
A bunch of people who didn't agree to sign their names to a contract
to do forced business with insurance?

Can you imagine if any other private company or business lobby
got the govt to require that people buy their product?

If people like you and Obama believe in it so much,
why not pay for it yourself?

I find spiritual healing works so well, I give out books for free that
I pay for because it is worth it. And let people CHOOSE by proving it works first.
That's how confident I am. I don't impose and expect people to believe without proof.

Why is this being pushed on people without their consent or without proof
so they can choose it freely? Why can't supporters pay for it similar to
how the Catholic church pays for its own services and programs?

That is the part I really don't get.
Especially with prochoice people!
How is this NOT OBVIOUS govt is being abused to restrict choices
and impose limitations on people's health care?

The only thing I can imagine is causing this level of denial and cognitive dissonance
is people rationalized away similar contested issues with the bush administration
and chalked it all up to people just not liking Bush. So now the shoe's on the other foot.

That still makes both cases of denial WRONG.
So it doesn't fix the problem but may explain where the skewed psychology is coming from.
Glad things have worked out for the OP.

Can't say the same though about pretty much everyone else I've talked to when it comes to Barrycare.
I just got a letter from Blue Cross Blue Shield, and I will quote it directly....

"Preventive care with no out of pocket costs including checkups, cholesterol checks, even mammograms."

"Guaranteed acceptance with no medical exams required."

"Choice of doctors."

"No lifetime limits on covered services."

Thanks, President Obama.

i have had Blue Shield since last Century Chris.....always have had preventive care with no cost to me.....was accepted with no exam.....always had a BIG choice of Doctors and Med Centers.....i dont know about lifetime limits never been there yet but they have never rejected anything the Doctor wants for me or the wife while Kaiser sure as hell did.....so what else is new?....
I was just reading that doctors and hospitals are beginning to demand the deduction portion of your bill up front.

Now that's gonna leave a mark.


just wondering will fat moore make a new documentary and for a change won't lie?
Obamacare is great? How do you freakin' know?

Ya gotta come to grips with the simple fact that it's NOT a matter of knowledge; only a matter of FAITH.

and LIES.

all points in his OP except the last one were there BEFORE and much cheaper than under the obozocare.

colonoscopies were also included :D

so he does not have that - that's a big FAIL on the part of obozocare as colonoscopies are the only screening methods which have proved to really reduce morbidity and mortality from colon cancer ( unlike any other screening, including mammography and pap smear)

i had a $50 co-pay on them.....now its $250.....i wonder why?....
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Few Obamacare enrollments on federal site: analysis

Obamacare has a 99.6 percent rating—and not in a good way.

A paltry 36,000 people managed to enroll in the federal online health-insurance marketplace in its first, software-glitch-ridden week of operation, a grim new analysis found Wednesday.

That's "far fewer than one percent of all visitors to HealthCare.gov" for the week ended Oct. 5, wrote Matt Pace, managing director of research firm Millward Brown Digital, on a blog post entitled "A Bleak First Week."

What a clusterfuck.
I was just thinking.....

Should not Congress be exempt from the public plan? After all, they are the political leaders of our country and medical issues with any member can become a national security issue.

In other words, Congress members and staff should get the best possible medical attention at the expense of the tax payer for national reasons, and we all know that Obamacare just doesn't cut it.

They pass it without reading it...
They exempt just about anyone who asked for it.
Then they want it for the rest of us but not for the people who work for them....

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