Obamacare just ruined my life


Clearly the Op is out of order. Malfunctioning.

Kinda like Obamacare. Malfunctioning from the get go.
And as usual, the op is ignored by Diversion.

No matter what they say or spew forth, the fact is that America is becoming a PART TIME EMPLOYMENT society.

The BLS backs it up, and so does article after article. Completely ignored by the left because it's against their mantra.

If Obama and the Dems are so smart, then why do we still have less people employed now than in 2007......................And Millions of those that are counted are Part Time Employees.

But who cares, RIGHT? Who cares that the 2ad is losing overtime pay. It's for his and the public's best interest, RIGHT..............................

Power is temporary, and so is your temporary power. Eventually the tables will turn, and you'll be put back in your place by the people.

Please! It's all Bush's fault, dontcha' know? :lol:
And some people...like Templar Cupcake.....don't work any shifts.

And some people like you, have no arguments. I honestly wouldn't wish your type of stupidity on anyone.

You do seem to be avoiding the question.

Do you actually have a job, or do you spend all day trolling the net about them "Welfare people"?

He has no job. He has admitted that. He will not respond to questions about who pays his rent, provides his food and buys his man diapers.

But he is really smart and has a lot of rep!
And some people like you, have no arguments. I honestly wouldn't wish your type of stupidity on anyone.

You do seem to be avoiding the question.

Do you actually have a job, or do you spend all day trolling the net about them "Welfare people"?

He has no job. He has admitted that. He will not respond to questions about who pays his rent, provides his food and buys his man diapers.

But he is really smart and has a lot of rep!

I'm sure the spin will be that he's an eccentric millionaire who stopped after making his 50th million.

Clearly the Op is out of order. Malfunctioning.

Kinda like Obamacare. Malfunctioning from the get go.

It is what they do. I still maintain there is something in the water liberals drink that prevents them from being able to focus on a concept or topic but they will almost invariably deflect it into something entirely unrelated. And that more often than not is via saying the most hateful and horrendous things to or about people who they don't know and know nothing of their circumstances. And THEN they claim to be nicer, more noble, more righteous, more compassionate, more sensistive, more caring people.

ARRRGH!!!! It is enough to make a body scream.

The fact is Obamacare is a train wreck and public approval of Obamacare is steadily dropping, most especially as it becomes apparent that it is hurting the lower income Americans the most. As more and more employers choose to scale back, postpone expansions, and do away with full time jobs in favor of part tme employment, the chickens are coming home to roost.

How do the leftwingers continue to support that? Why isn't it obvious that unless this boondoggle is reversed or sidelined, the economy will continue to suffer? Why do they think that is okay?
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Clearly the Op is out of order. Malfunctioning.

Kinda like Obamacare. Malfunctioning from the get go.

It is what they do. I still maintain there is something in the water liberals drink that prevents them from being able to focus on a concept or topic but they will almost invariably deflect it into something entirely unrelated. And that more often than not is via saying the most hateful and horrendous things to or about people who they don't know and know nothing of their circumstances. And THEN they claim to be nicer, more noble, more righteous, more compassionate, more sensistive, more caring people.

ARRRGH!!!! It is enough to make a body scream.

The fact is Obamacare is a train wreck and public approval of Obamacare is steadily dropping, most especially as it becomes apparent that it is hurting the lower income Americans the most. As more and more employers choose to scale back, postpone expansions, and do away with full time jobs in favor of part tme employment, the chickens are coming home to roost.

How do the leftwingers continue to support that? Why isn't it obvious that unless this boondoggle is reversed or sidelined, the economy will continue to suffer? Why do they think that is okay?

Because that is not obvious and your characterization is inaccurate.

Your opinion is that Obamacare is a train wreck. That is clearly not a fact. Public approval of the various components of Obamacare remains high. It is helping lower income Americans....who previously did not qualify for Medicaid....to obtain affordable health insurance.

The job numbers do not support your contention that more and more employers are scaling back....nor do they support the claim that anyone is doing away with full time jobs in favor of part time jobs. That is a nutter lie that you have believed.

This thing that you are participating in....knowingly or not....where you mischaracterize the law and the effect that is has already had....has grown to the point of insanity. Your numbers are incorrect, your understanding of the law is minimal and your dire predictions are simply that....predictions. And that, my verbose friend.....is not something that nutters have proven to be very good at.
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Clearly the Op is out of order. Malfunctioning.

Kinda like Obamacare. Malfunctioning from the get go.

It is what they do. I still maintain there is something in the water liberals drink that prevents them from being able to focus on a concept or topic but they will almost invariably deflect it into something entirely unrelated. And that more often than not is via saying the most hateful and horrendous things to or about people who they don't know and know nothing of their circumstances. And THEN they claim to be nicer, more noble, more righteous, more compassionate, more sensistive, more caring people.

ARRRGH!!!! It is enough to make a body scream.

The fact is Obamacare is a train wreck and public approval of Obamacare is steadily dropping, most especially as it becomes apparent that it is hurting the lower income Americans the most. As more and more employers choose to scale back, postpone expansions, and do away with full time jobs in favor of part tme employment, the chickens are coming home to roost.

How do the leftwingers continue to support that? Why isn't it obvious that unless this boondoggle is reversed or sidelined, the economy will continue to suffer? Why do they think that is okay?

Because that is not obvious and your characterization is inaccurate.

Your opinion is that Obamacare is a train wreck. That is clearly not a fact. Public approval of the various components of Obamacare remains high. It is helping lower income Americans....who previously did not qualify for Medicaid....to obtain affordable health insurance.

The job numbers do not support your contention that more and more employers are scaling back....nor does it support the claim that anyone is doing away with full time jobs in favor of part time jobs. That is a nutter lie that you have believed.

This thing that you are participating in....knowingly or not....where you miss characterize the law and the effect that is has already had....has grown to the point of insanity. Your numbers are incorrect, your understanding of the law is minimal and your dire predictions are simply that....predictions. And that, my verbose friend.....is not something that nutters have proven to be very good at.

Even the complaint that it is causing employers to cut back on hours to escape being part of the program is easy to fix. All that needs be done is to have employers pay into they system by an hourly basis with the employee paying the difference. Employers no longer will benifit from cutting hours and more employee's would be responsible for paying a portion of their insurance. It could prevent many from having to use medicaid.
There is usually something in ANY legislation that most people will approve. That something good within any legislation is what dishonest politicians (and their supporters) use to justify the legislation.

Reasonable, honest, and logical people point to the something good and ask why don't we do THAT and dump all the rest?

And as for approval ratings for Obamacare lately the recent polls show:

Rasmussen - September 14/15 - 43% favor - 53% oppose.

ABC/Washington Post - September 12-15 - 42% favor - 52% oppose

CNN - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 57% oppose

Fox News - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 54% oppose

NBC/WSJ - September 5-8 - 31% favor - 44% oppose

USA Today/Pew - September 4-8 - 42% favor - 53% oppose

Which of course, since this is just about the ONLY legislation Obama puts out there as something good he has accomplished, is why his own approval ratings are sliding into consistently negative territory.
It is what they do. I still maintain there is something in the water liberals drink that prevents them from being able to focus on a concept or topic but they will almost invariably deflect it into something entirely unrelated. And that more often than not is via saying the most hateful and horrendous things to or about people who they don't know and know nothing of their circumstances. And THEN they claim to be nicer, more noble, more righteous, more compassionate, more sensistive, more caring people.

ARRRGH!!!! It is enough to make a body scream.

The fact is Obamacare is a train wreck and public approval of Obamacare is steadily dropping, most especially as it becomes apparent that it is hurting the lower income Americans the most. As more and more employers choose to scale back, postpone expansions, and do away with full time jobs in favor of part tme employment, the chickens are coming home to roost.

How do the leftwingers continue to support that? Why isn't it obvious that unless this boondoggle is reversed or sidelined, the economy will continue to suffer? Why do they think that is okay?

Because that is not obvious and your characterization is inaccurate.

Your opinion is that Obamacare is a train wreck. That is clearly not a fact. Public approval of the various components of Obamacare remains high. It is helping lower income Americans....who previously did not qualify for Medicaid....to obtain affordable health insurance.

The job numbers do not support your contention that more and more employers are scaling back....nor does it support the claim that anyone is doing away with full time jobs in favor of part time jobs. That is a nutter lie that you have believed.

This thing that you are participating in....knowingly or not....where you miss characterize the law and the effect that is has already had....has grown to the point of insanity. Your numbers are incorrect, your understanding of the law is minimal and your dire predictions are simply that....predictions. And that, my verbose friend.....is not something that nutters have proven to be very good at.

Even the complaint that it is causing employers to cut back on hours to escape being part of the program is easy to fix. All that needs be done is to have employers pay into they system by an hourly basis with the employee paying the difference. Employers no longer will benifit from cutting hours and more employee's would be responsible for paying a portion of their insurance. It could prevent many from having to use medicaid.

Why should we pay for YOUR health care when YOU don't work for us? I have a better idea. Why don't YOU get a job looser.
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There is usually something in ANY legislation that most people will approve. That something good within any legislation is what dishonest politicians (and their supporters) use to justify the legislation.

Reasonable, honest, and logical people point to the something good and ask why don't we do THAT and dump all the rest?

And as for approval ratings for Obamacare lately the recent polls show:

Rasmussen - September 14/15 - 43% favor - 53% oppose.

ABC/Washington Post - September 12-15 - 42% favor - 52% oppose

CNN - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 57% oppose

Fox News - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 54% oppose

NBC/WSJ - September 5-8 - 31% favor - 44% oppose

USA Today/Pew - September 4-8 - 42% favor - 53% oppose
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Which of course, since this is just about the ONLY legislation Obama puts out there as something good he has accomplished, is why his own approval ratings are sliding into consistently negative territory.

Do you think those numbers would be the same if every lie that opponents have fabricated was never circulated?

Wait.....let me say it this way......

Can you cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA? Are there any well publicized claims made by Obamacare opponents that you personally know are false and should never have been made?

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There is usually something in ANY legislation that most people will approve. That something good within any legislation is what dishonest politicians (and their supporters) use to justify the legislation.

Reasonable, honest, and logical people point to the something good and ask why don't we do THAT and dump all the rest?

And as for approval ratings for Obamacare lately the recent polls show:

Rasmussen - September 14/15 - 43% favor - 53% oppose.

ABC/Washington Post - September 12-15 - 42% favor - 52% oppose

CNN - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 57% oppose

Fox News - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 54% oppose

NBC/WSJ - September 5-8 - 31% favor - 44% oppose

USA Today/Pew - September 4-8 - 42% favor - 53% oppose
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Which of course, since this is just about the ONLY legislation Obama puts out there as something good he has accomplished, is why his own approval ratings are sliding into consistently negative territory.

Do you think those numbers would be the same if every lie that opponents have fabricated was never circulated?

Wait.....let me say it this way......

Can you cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA? Are their any well publicized claims made by Obamacare opponents that you personally know are false and should never have been made?


No, I can't cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA as a group. Seems to me they're getting it pretty spot on, and because I have done some extensive reading on it and have access to opinions of those in the insurance and medical fields who are dealing with it, there's a lot of stuff the opponents are missing too.

Will any given individual get a fact wrong here and there? Of course. Intelligent people are not infallible any more than are the morons who are buying into Obamacare as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

For those who want a well written, comprehensive, and intelligent synopsis summarizing what is including in the ACA, I recommend Nick J. Tate's booklet: "Obamacare Survival Guide." Just google it and you'll find a number of ways to buy it at a very reasonable cost. It has been on the New York Times best seller list for many weeks. It translates the legaleze in the legislation to everyday English, and I am not finding anything in it that distorts the facts in any way. 221 pages and thoroughly indexed.

Don't forget that the things you suggest are 'lies' and 'distortions' are being reported in the mainstream media that has been in bed with Obama since Day #1. The same media who has bent over backwards to shield him from negative press and has exalted his every word. When THEY concede that Obamacare is a disaster, you can take it to the bank that Obamacare is a disaster.
There is usually something in ANY legislation that most people will approve. That something good within any legislation is what dishonest politicians (and their supporters) use to justify the legislation.

Reasonable, honest, and logical people point to the something good and ask why don't we do THAT and dump all the rest?

And as for approval ratings for Obamacare lately the recent polls show:

Rasmussen - September 14/15 - 43% favor - 53% oppose.

ABC/Washington Post - September 12-15 - 42% favor - 52% oppose

CNN - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 57% oppose

Fox News - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 54% oppose

NBC/WSJ - September 5-8 - 31% favor - 44% oppose

USA Today/Pew - September 4-8 - 42% favor - 53% oppose
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Which of course, since this is just about the ONLY legislation Obama puts out there as something good he has accomplished, is why his own approval ratings are sliding into consistently negative territory.

Do you think those numbers would be the same if every lie that opponents have fabricated was never circulated?

Wait.....let me say it this way......

Can you cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA? Are their any well publicized claims made by Obamacare opponents that you personally know are false and should never have been made?


No, I can't cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA as a group. Seems to me they're getting it pretty spot on, and because I have done some extensive reading on it and have access to opinions of those in the insurance and medical fields who are dealing with it, there's a lot of stuff the opponents are missing too.

Will any given individual get a fact wrong here and there? Of course. Intelligent people are not infallible any more than are the morons who are buying into Obamacare as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

For those who want a well written, comprehensive, and intelligent synopsis summarizing what is including in the ACA, I recommend Nick J. Tate's booklet: "Obamacare Survival Guide." Just google it and you'll find a number of ways to buy it at a very reasonable cost. It has been on the New York Times best seller list for many weeks. It translates the legaleze in the legislation to everyday English, and I am not finding anything in it that distorts the facts in any way. 221 pages and thoroughly indexed.

Don't forget that the things you suggest are 'lies' and 'distortions' are being reported in the mainstream media that has been in bed with Obama since Day #1. The same media who has bent over backwards to shield him from negative press and has exalted his every word. When THEY concede that Obamacare is a disaster, you can take it to the bank that Obamacare is a disaster.

Dishonest human.
There is usually something in ANY legislation that most people will approve. That something good within any legislation is what dishonest politicians (and their supporters) use to justify the legislation.

Reasonable, honest, and logical people point to the something good and ask why don't we do THAT and dump all the rest?

And as for approval ratings for Obamacare lately the recent polls show:

Rasmussen - September 14/15 - 43% favor - 53% oppose.

ABC/Washington Post - September 12-15 - 42% favor - 52% oppose

CNN - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 57% oppose

Fox News - September 6-8 - 35% favor - 54% oppose

NBC/WSJ - September 5-8 - 31% favor - 44% oppose

USA Today/Pew - September 4-8 - 42% favor - 53% oppose
RealClearPolitics - Election Other - Public Approval of Health Care Law

Which of course, since this is just about the ONLY legislation Obama puts out there as something good he has accomplished, is why his own approval ratings are sliding into consistently negative territory.

Do you think those numbers would be the same if every lie that opponents have fabricated was never circulated?

Wait.....let me say it this way......

Can you cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA? Are their any well publicized claims made by Obamacare opponents that you personally know are false and should never have been made?


No, I can't cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA as a group. Seems to me they're getting it pretty spot on, and because I have done some extensive reading on it and have access to opinions of those in the insurance and medical fields who are dealing with it, there's a lot of stuff the opponents are missing too.

Will any given individual get a fact wrong here and there? Of course. Intelligent people are not infallible any more than are the morons who are buying into Obamacare as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

For those who want a well written, comprehensive, and intelligent synopsis summarizing what is including in the ACA, I recommend Nick J. Tate's booklet: "Obamacare Survival Guide." Just google it and you'll find a number of ways to buy it at a very reasonable cost. It has been on the New York Times best seller list for many weeks. It translates the legaleze in the legislation to everyday English, and I am not finding anything in it that distorts the facts in any way. 221 pages and thoroughly indexed.

Don't forget that the things you suggest are 'lies' and 'distortions' are being reported in the mainstream media that has been in bed with Obama since Day #1. The same media who has bent over backwards to shield him from negative press and has exalted his every word. When THEY concede that Obamacare is a disaster, you can take it to the bank that Obamacare is a disaster.

What is the sixth word in the third paragraph of the 59th page of that Tate book?
Do you think those numbers would be the same if every lie that opponents have fabricated was never circulated?

Wait.....let me say it this way......

Can you cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA? Are their any well publicized claims made by Obamacare opponents that you personally know are false and should never have been made?


No, I can't cite any falsehoods or misrepresented facts circulated by opponents of the ACA as a group. Seems to me they're getting it pretty spot on, and because I have done some extensive reading on it and have access to opinions of those in the insurance and medical fields who are dealing with it, there's a lot of stuff the opponents are missing too.

Will any given individual get a fact wrong here and there? Of course. Intelligent people are not infallible any more than are the morons who are buying into Obamacare as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

For those who want a well written, comprehensive, and intelligent synopsis summarizing what is including in the ACA, I recommend Nick J. Tate's booklet: "Obamacare Survival Guide." Just google it and you'll find a number of ways to buy it at a very reasonable cost. It has been on the New York Times best seller list for many weeks. It translates the legaleze in the legislation to everyday English, and I am not finding anything in it that distorts the facts in any way. 221 pages and thoroughly indexed.

Don't forget that the things you suggest are 'lies' and 'distortions' are being reported in the mainstream media that has been in bed with Obama since Day #1. The same media who has bent over backwards to shield him from negative press and has exalted his every word. When THEY concede that Obamacare is a disaster, you can take it to the bank that Obamacare is a disaster.

What is the sixth word in the third paragraph of the 59th page of that Tate book?

Well, the third complete paragraph on Page 59 is:

(Referring to the incentives Obamacare puts out there to win converts):

"The first one is straightforward enough. Under ObamaCare, the doors of Medicaid will be thrown wide open and millions of Americans will now qualify for the program. That's because the income threshhold to qualify for Medicaid will be raised in 2014 to 133 percent of the federal poverty line ($29,327 for a family of four in 2010) in most states in the country."

The fourth paragraph on that same page goes on to discuss states opting out despite threats of losing all their Medicaid funding, a provision of the ACA law that the Supreme Court subsequently ruled unconstitutional.

These paragraphs are included in a comprehensive discussion in Chapter 5 entitled "The Individual Mandate."
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Because that is not obvious and your characterization is inaccurate.

Your opinion is that Obamacare is a train wreck. That is clearly not a fact. Public approval of the various components of Obamacare remains high. It is helping lower income Americans....who previously did not qualify for Medicaid....to obtain affordable health insurance.

The job numbers do not support your contention that more and more employers are scaling back....nor does it support the claim that anyone is doing away with full time jobs in favor of part time jobs. That is a nutter lie that you have believed.

This thing that you are participating in....knowingly or not....where you miss characterize the law and the effect that is has already had....has grown to the point of insanity. Your numbers are incorrect, your understanding of the law is minimal and your dire predictions are simply that....predictions. And that, my verbose friend.....is not something that nutters have proven to be very good at.

Even the complaint that it is causing employers to cut back on hours to escape being part of the program is easy to fix. All that needs be done is to have employers pay into they system by an hourly basis with the employee paying the difference. Employers no longer will benifit from cutting hours and more employee's would be responsible for paying a portion of their insurance. It could prevent many from having to use medicaid.

Why should we pay for YOUR health care when YOU don't work for us? I have a better idea. Why don't YOU get a job looser.

Employers don't 'pay' for an employee's health insurance, the employee DOES. It is a deferred wage.

Personal Freedom, Responsibility, And Mandates

by Robert E. Moffit - The Heritage Foundation senior fellow

A Snare And A Delusion

Employer-based health insurance in this country is the product of wartime economic and tax policy of the 1940s. There is no reason why health reform in the 1990s should be governed by those unique circumstances and outdated tax policies.

Uwe Reinhardt and Alan Krueger tell us that the tax treatment of employment-based health insurance now is sharply regressive. And, Mark Pauly confirms, it contributes to market distortions, high costs, and lack of portability in health insurance. Americans today get tax relief for health insurance on only one condition: that they get it from their employer. This has tied health insurance to the workplace in a way that no other insurance is treated. It means that if we lose or change a job, we lose our health coverage.

Pauly also tells us that employer-based insurance hides the true costs of health care. Thus, there is no normal collision between the forces of supply and demand on even the most basic level. Most workers do not purchase health insurance; it is purchased by somebody else, usually the company. For most workers, it is a “free good,” an extra, that automatically comes with the job. At least, we live with that comfortable illusion. But, in fact, it is not free at all, and the employer gives us nothing. Because too many people think that the employer’s contribution is the employer’s money and not theirs, the consumer’s perception is distorted (as is the provider’s), and health spending is not subject to market discipline. Likewise, because too many people still do not understand this reality, “hidden taxes” through the employer mandate are politically attractive. Such a mandate thus serves as a psychological snare and an economic delusion.

Karen Davis and Cathy Schoen suggest a payroll tax to finance reform, whereby the employer pays 8 percent and the employee pays 2 percent. If one of our tasks is to make the true costs transparent, this suggestion does not help very much.

In his otherwise enlightening paper, Reinhardt calls attention to the virtues of a “mandated purchase” of health insurance. And he warns that calling an employer’s “mandated purchase” a “tax” comes close to debasing the English language. But, in a similar context, Reinhardt uses the word contribution to describe suspiciously similar functions. Suffice it to say, the campaign for linguistic precision is hardly advanced by using the word contibution to describe the state’s forcible extraction of citizens’ money.

In another context, Reinhardt proposes perhaps the best single reform idea to date. He suggests a simple financial disclosure on the part of the nation’s employers, requiring every employer to put periodically on the pay stub of every worker in America something like the following: “We have paid you X thousand dollars in health benefits. This has reduced your wages by X thousand dollars.” We would add: “Have a nice day!„5

Do you have a job?

I am unemployed no thanks to your guy, Barry. But this isn't about me, is it? You can't answer the question can you?


You must have missed this post in this thread.

You silly boy. You speak of my life experience.....as if you come close.
I don't "assail" people who struggle.....I call out liars. I especially like to fuck with blowhards like you.

A liar accusing other people of lying. How cute.

I am unemployed no thanks to the "savior" you call Obama. He has literally done nothing to help me improve my prospects of employment. I've been in and out four different jobs since he became president. He is too busy starting wars to keep his promises and ensure my job security.

Go ahead, ask him what he does now...


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