Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

I'm sorry that you find it unaccepatble that I'm not sensitive and dont make political decisions based on that. I think about stuff sometimes and you're right I should take offense to things that dont reflect who I am because you want me too.

I'll get right on that in a second
Well little things do mean a lot which obviously you don't believe.

No what I'm saying is that you wanting me to be upset means a great deal and I'm working on letting overt sensitivity guide my decision making.

For example, lazy thinking people like you totally ignore little details and it general is true that the devil is in the details...i.e. Gruber,Obama, et.al. really do think you are a stupid voter.

Me? Closed Caption? They said that? Boy now I'm hopping mad!

I think based on your simple ignoring of very easy tools like the little red dotted line this built in spell checker provides. You ignore this very helpful tool and as a result it shows how
irresponsible voters like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black so he must be elected!

I know so, like I said, I am trying to vote based on other superficialities like you demanding I be upset. Also before complaining about words being spelled wrong, you should double check yours. If its really important, I mean

You have shown me that
your insensitivity along with the other "stupid Obama voters" are though a danger directly to me as because of your lack of interest in Obama's lack of experience you put this shaman into office. Count me as one that would never trust your judgement if I had to depend on you!

I know, you're afraid and let that fear guide you. Its totally cool bro.

I was showing you how your laziness in paying attention to the little red dotted line is an indication of your overall shiftless attitude.
99.9% of the time I do pay attention to the little red dotted line and if there is a misspelled word that is not underlined with the little red dotted line that is the spell checking fault not mine. Most likely YOU don't know the correct spelling even when you see the dotted line and that
really shows your ignorance. "unaccepatble" not the red dotted line?
My point I'm sure goes way over your head because obviously you care little about the little things! A characteristic frequently exhibited
by Obama supporters as it's the perception rather then reality is what you people think are important. But now Gruber, Van Jones, Ayers, et.al. are obviously like you so confident you can gloss over details as it is the "big idea" the Big picture... that's all your ilk are concerned.

Again superficial because you typify the elitists attitudes that don't bother with cleaning up crap... that's for us peon 'bros" to do!
I'm sorry that you find it unaccepatble that I'm not sensitive and dont make political decisions based on that. I think about stuff sometimes and you're right I should take offense to things that dont reflect who I am because you want me too.

I'll get right on that in a second
Well little things do mean a lot which obviously you don't believe.

No what I'm saying is that you wanting me to be upset means a great deal and I'm working on letting overt sensitivity guide my decision making.

For example, lazy thinking people like you totally ignore little details and it general is true that the devil is in the details...i.e. Gruber,Obama, et.al. really do think you are a stupid voter.

Me? Closed Caption? They said that? Boy now I'm hopping mad!

I think based on your simple ignoring of very easy tools like the little red dotted line this built in spell checker provides. You ignore this very helpful tool and as a result it shows how
irresponsible voters like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black so he must be elected!

I know so, like I said, I am trying to vote based on other superficialities like you demanding I be upset. Also before complaining about words being spelled wrong, you should double check yours. If its really important, I mean

You have shown me that
your insensitivity along with the other "stupid Obama voters" are though a danger directly to me as because of your lack of interest in Obama's lack of experience you put this shaman into office. Count me as one that would never trust your judgement if I had to depend on you!

I know, you're afraid and let that fear guide you. Its totally cool bro.

I was showing you how your laziness in paying attention to the little red dotted line is an indication of your overall shiftless attitude.

But....dude, you misspelled a word too. Are you shiftless also or just did it on purpose as a "test"?

Dont answer, actions speak louder than excuses.

99.9% of the time I do pay attention to the little red dotted line and if there is a misspelled word that is not underlined with the little red dotted line that is the spell checking fault not mine.

I know, its not your fault you misspelled a word. Its Obamas fault maybe?

[quote Most likely YOU don't know the correct spelling even when you see the dotted line and that
really shows your ignorance. "unaccepatble" not the red dotted line?[/quote]

Do you remember that you misspelled a word too or nah? lol

My point I'm sure goes way over your head because obviously you care little about the little things! A characteristic frequently exhibited
by Obama supporters as it's the perception rather then reality is what you people think are important. But now Gruber, Van Jones, Ayers, et.al. are obviously like you so confident you can gloss over details as it is the "big idea" the Big picture... that's all your ilk are concerned.

Again superficial because you typify the elitists attitudes that don't bother with cleaning up crap... that's for us peon 'bros" to do!

Hey, look, its ok if you misspell a word but whats not ok is crying about it in 4 paragraphs that basically boils down to "aint my fault" lol
Nancy Pelosi marched right along with the architect of the stool sample when she said, "We have to pass it to see what's in it". Obviously, she didn't want anyone doing a rectal exam on the thing, recoiling in horror and stopping it from becoming law.
This is not about health care. It was about passing a disaster of a bill and the real intent was transferring power from the people to government. In order to seize more power and chip away at our rights, they lied about it being about health care and knew that even congress would not read or understand it. Pelosi was just one Dem who was okay with blindly passing legislation without even the most fundamental understanding of what was in it.

Jonathan Gruber, who helped write Obamacare, admitted that lack of transparency and stupidity of the American people was crucial in getting this law past the American people. They also had to lie to the CBO by saying the mandate was not a tax. If they had labeled it a tax, the bill would have died.

This is all about lying to the American people to push through an oppressive bill that was never meant to work as stated. It is not health care. It is power for those in office and a trampling of rights.

There is video of the guy admitting that we were lied to and that stupidity on part of the voters was critical for them to do this to us.

"Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage," says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."

But wait, there's more!

Gruber also brags about how the bill was written to slip past the CBO watchdogs.

"This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scores the mandate as taxes, the bill dies."
Full repeal will be a difficult challenge now that the law is providing health insurance for millions of people. McConnell suggested during his reelection race that Kentucky's website for purchasing insurance, Kentucky Kynect, could stay even if the healthcare law is rolled back.


Hellooooo. Knock knock. The very popular Kentucky "Kynect" IS Obamacare. Wonder how he will explain that to the State of Kentucky.

Sorry people, to screw over millions in America, we are going to have to screw over Kentucky. I'm sure you'll understand. It's how we show America how much we hate Obama.

McConnell unveils plan to dismantle ObamaCare TheHill
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.

…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”

Obamacare Architect Admits Deceiving Americans to Pass Law
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Full repeal will be a difficult challenge now that the law is providing health insurance for millions of people. McConnell suggested during his reelection race that Kentucky's website for purchasing insurance, Kentucky Kynect, could stay even if the healthcare law is rolled back.


Hellooooo. Knock knock. The very popular Kentucky "Kynect" IS Obamacare. Wonder how he will explain that to the State of Kentucky.

Sorry people, to screw over millions in America, we are going to have to screw over Kentucky. I'm sure you'll understand. It's how we show America how much we hate Obama.

McConnell unveils plan to dismantle ObamaCare TheHill

Yeah....providing healthcare to 7 mill while fucking over 270 mill.
Great plan....
Full repeal will be a difficult challenge now that the law is providing health insurance for millions of people. McConnell suggested during his reelection race that Kentucky's website for purchasing insurance, Kentucky Kynect, could stay even if the healthcare law is rolled back.


Hellooooo. Knock knock. The very popular Kentucky "Kynect" IS Obamacare. Wonder how he will explain that to the State of Kentucky.

Sorry people, to screw over millions in America, we are going to have to screw over Kentucky. I'm sure you'll understand. It's how we show America how much we hate Obama.

McConnell unveils plan to dismantle ObamaCare TheHill

Yeah....providing healthcare to 7 mill while fucking over 270 mill.
Great plan....
Gotta love fascism....or cannibal capitalism..
Government ALWAYS lies and deceives....that is its nature.

Surprisingly...millions of Americans are incapable of understanding this simple fact, even though history clearly reveals the truth.
The ACA consists of 2400 pages..(in 2011) it had over 400 pages of "regulations" with more being written all the time.
Who knows how big it is now.
Anything that takes that many pages to execute and "regulate" is not good for the people.
Well, I thought this bill was going to be revised reformed and corrected.

Now it looks like the way the system responded was to vote a majority of conservative
opponents into Congress and address and correct it that way.

Had Democrats listened, worked with and included the objections instead of denying them,
maybe they wouldn't have to be replaced and removed from office to fix the problems with health care and the bill.

What a shame that half the nation can be screaming in objection to losing our free choice to pay for health care
without govt mandates penalties, and this is shrugged off as not really objecting for any valid reasons....
Government ALWAYS lies and deceives....that is its nature.

Surprisingly...millions of Americans are incapable of understanding this simple fact, even though history clearly reveals the truth.

But the proud admission was an eye opener coming from the transparent presidency
CNSNews.com estimates the legislation itself contains approximately 381,517 words and the additional regulations released as of Oct. 14, 2013 equal 11,588,500 words.

Put simply, health care reform is now 30x larger than when it was signed into law - and there is more growth yet to come.

Cloward-Pivens in action.
Full repeal will be a difficult challenge now that the law is providing health insurance for millions of people. McConnell suggested during his reelection race that Kentucky's website for purchasing insurance, Kentucky Kynect, could stay even if the healthcare law is rolled back.


Hellooooo. Knock knock. The very popular Kentucky "Kynect" IS Obamacare. Wonder how he will explain that to the State of Kentucky.

Sorry people, to screw over millions in America, we are going to have to screw over Kentucky. I'm sure you'll understand. It's how we show America how much we hate Obama.

McConnell unveils plan to dismantle ObamaCare TheHill

Yeah....providing healthcare to 7 mill while fucking over 270 mill.
Great plan....

we'll get the chance to find out exactly how 270 million feel about it when the newly elected Republican majority in Congress follows through, and repeals ACA ....
won't we?

Lets go Mitch, shut r' down sport. I dare you.
“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.

…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”

Could you give the credentials of this person and a supply a link that indicates he was one of the authors of ACA?
Government ALWAYS lies and deceives....that is its nature.

Surprisingly...millions of Americans are incapable of understanding this simple fact, even though history clearly reveals the truth.

Not as directly and often as in this piece of legislation.

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