Obamacare passed because of"basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter "

“Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage,” says the MIT economist who helped write Obamacare. “And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass.”

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure the CBO didn’t score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes the bill dies.

…If you made it explicit that healthy people pay in [and] sick people get money it would not have passed.”

Could you give the credentials of this person and a supply a link that indicates he was one of the authors of ACA?

Sure, why not?

Dr. Jonathan Gruber is the Ford Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he has taught since 1992. He is also the Director of the Health Care Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research, where he is a Research Associate, and President Elect of the American Society of Health Economists. He is a member of the Institute of Medicine, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Social Insurance. He has published more than 150 research articles, has edited six research volumes, and is the author of Public Finance and Public Policy, a leading undergraduate text, and Health Care Reform, a graphic novel. In 2006 he received the American Society of Health Economists Inaugural Medal for the best health economist in the nation aged 40 and under.

During the 1997-1998 academic year, Dr. Gruber was on leave as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the Treasury Department. From 2003-2006 he was a key architect of Massachusetts’ ambitious health reform effort, and in 2006 became an inaugural member of the Health Connector Board, the main implementing body for that effort. During 2009-2010 he served as a technical consultant to the Obama Administration and worked with both the Administration and Congress to help craft the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In 2011 he was named “One of the Top 25 Most Innovative and Practical Thinkers of Our Time” by Slate Magazine. In both 2006 and 2012 he was rated as one of the top 100 most powerful people in health care in the United States by Modern Healthcare Magazine.

MIT Economics Jonathan Gruber
Why is this making the rounds again? This happened more than a year ago.

Did you guys run out of current talking points?

and a year ago ..

Americans Approval of Healthcare Law Declines

270 million ?

Republican math.

Progressive reading comprehension...
Of course those 270 mill haven't seen the real hit on their wallets yet.
How about we wait until then to gauge it's popularity?

Lets go Mitch, shut r' down sport. I dare you
I'm sorry that you find it unaccepatble that I'm not sensitive and dont make political decisions based on that. I think about stuff sometimes and you're right I should take offense to things that dont reflect who I am because you want me too.

I'll get right on that in a second
Well little things do mean a lot which obviously you don't believe.

No what I'm saying is that you wanting me to be upset means a great deal and I'm working on letting overt sensitivity guide my decision making.

For example, lazy thinking people like you totally ignore little details and it general is true that the devil is in the details...i.e. Gruber,Obama, et.al. really do think you are a stupid voter.

Me? Closed Caption? They said that? Boy now I'm hopping mad!

I think based on your simple ignoring of very easy tools like the little red dotted line this built in spell checker provides. You ignore this very helpful tool and as a result it shows how
irresponsible voters like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black so he must be elected!

I know so, like I said, I am trying to vote based on other superficialities like you demanding I be upset. Also before complaining about words being spelled wrong, you should double check yours. If its really important, I mean

You have shown me that
your insensitivity along with the other "stupid Obama voters" are though a danger directly to me as because of your lack of interest in Obama's lack of experience you put this shaman into office. Count me as one that would never trust your judgement if I had to depend on you!

I know, you're afraid and let that fear guide you. Its totally cool bro.

I was showing you how your laziness in paying attention to the little red dotted line is an indication of your overall shiftless attitude.

But....dude, you misspelled a word too. Are you shiftless also or just did it on purpose as a "test"?

Dont answer, actions speak louder than excuses.

99.9% of the time I do pay attention to the little red dotted line and if there is a misspelled word that is not underlined with the little red dotted line that is the spell checking fault not mine.

I know, its not your fault you misspelled a word. Its Obamas fault maybe?

[quote Most likely YOU don't know the correct spelling even when you see the dotted line and that
really shows your ignorance. "unaccepatble" not the red dotted line?

Do you remember that you misspelled a word too or nah? lol

My point I'm sure goes way over your head because obviously you care little about the little things! A characteristic frequently exhibited
by Obama supporters as it's the perception rather then reality is what you people think are important. But now Gruber, Van Jones, Ayers, et.al. are obviously like you so confident you can gloss over details as it is the "big idea" the Big picture... that's all your ilk are concerned.

Again superficial because you typify the elitists attitudes that don't bother with cleaning up crap... that's for us peon 'bros" to do!

Hey, look, its ok if you misspell a word but whats not ok is crying about it in 4 paragraphs that basically boils down to "aint my fault" lol[/QUOTE]

The ONLY word that was misspelled that had a red dotted line was my quoting YOUR misspelling of "unaccepatble"!
I am 99.9% confident that if a red dotted line appears I correct it! Other then my misspelling your word on purpose and giving my
error acceptance of 1/10th of one percent... Please point it out!
I'm sorry that you find it unaccepatble that I'm not sensitive and dont make political decisions based on that. I think about stuff sometimes and you're right I should take offense to things that dont reflect who I am because you want me too.

I'll get right on that in a second
Well little things do mean a lot which obviously you don't believe.

No what I'm saying is that you wanting me to be upset means a great deal and I'm working on letting overt sensitivity guide my decision making.

For example, lazy thinking people like you totally ignore little details and it general is true that the devil is in the details...i.e. Gruber,Obama, et.al. really do think you are a stupid voter.

Me? Closed Caption? They said that? Boy now I'm hopping mad!

I think based on your simple ignoring of very easy tools like the little red dotted line this built in spell checker provides. You ignore this very helpful tool and as a result it shows how
irresponsible voters like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black so he must be elected!

I know so, like I said, I am trying to vote based on other superficialities like you demanding I be upset. Also before complaining about words being spelled wrong, you should double check yours. If its really important, I mean

You have shown me that
your insensitivity along with the other "stupid Obama voters" are though a danger directly to me as because of your lack of interest in Obama's lack of experience you put this shaman into office. Count me as one that would never trust your judgement if I had to depend on you!

I know, you're afraid and let that fear guide you. Its totally cool bro.

I was showing you how your laziness in paying attention to the little red dotted line is an indication of your overall shiftless attitude.

But....dude, you misspelled a word too. Are you shiftless also or just did it on purpose as a "test"?

Dont answer, actions speak louder than excuses.

99.9% of the time I do pay attention to the little red dotted line and if there is a misspelled word that is not underlined with the little red dotted line that is the spell checking fault not mine.

I know, its not your fault you misspelled a word. Its Obamas fault maybe?

[quote Most likely YOU don't know the correct spelling even when you see the dotted line and that
really shows your ignorance. "unaccepatble" not the red dotted line?

Do you remember that you misspelled a word too or nah? lol

My point I'm sure goes way over your head because obviously you care little about the little things! A characteristic frequently exhibited
by Obama supporters as it's the perception rather then reality is what you people think are important. But now Gruber, Van Jones, Ayers, et.al. are obviously like you so confident you can gloss over details as it is the "big idea" the Big picture... that's all your ilk are concerned.

Again superficial because you typify the elitists attitudes that don't bother with cleaning up crap... that's for us peon 'bros" to do!

Hey, look, its ok if you misspell a word but whats not ok is crying about it in 4 paragraphs that basically boils down to "aint my fault" lol

The ONLY word that was misspelled that had a red dotted line was my quoting YOUR misspelling of "unaccepatble"!
I am 99.9% confident that if a red dotted line appears I correct it! Other then my misspelling your word on purpose and giving my
error acceptance of 1/10th of one percent... Please point it out![/QUOTE]

Reply to this post and look at the word you used superficialities then tell me if its spelled correctly. When you see it isnt, what will be your new excuse? Is it that you're lazy and have a shiftless attitude?

Great thread! I hope we can keep it alive for a long time.
The thread title being descriptive of how the elitists like Gruber, Obama think most Americans are...stupid!
And the issue is it really shows the low opinion of these pompous people that honestly Americans voting Obama in twice may appear valid!
Those "Stupid American voters" that didn't consider Obama had NOT one iota of actual executive experience and the ONLY capability he had was knowing how to scam people to vote for him, or ACA or whatever else his expertise in campaigning would require!

As I've often said here most whites voted for Obama because they had NOTHING to vote for i.e. no experiences,etc. except they didn't want
to be thought of racist by NOT voting for Obama! It started in Iowa where Iowans literally had to stand for their candidate with microphones stuck in their faces they would be too embarrassed to say I don't know anything about Obama other then he is black and I'm standing for him because I don't want to perceived by the MSM as an ignorant hick Iowan racist!
Last edited:
Well little things do mean a lot which obviously you don't believe.

No what I'm saying is that you wanting me to be upset means a great deal and I'm working on letting overt sensitivity guide my decision making.

For example, lazy thinking people like you totally ignore little details and it general is true that the devil is in the details...i.e. Gruber,Obama, et.al. really do think you are a stupid voter.

Me? Closed Caption? They said that? Boy now I'm hopping mad!

I think based on your simple ignoring of very easy tools like the little red dotted line this built in spell checker provides. You ignore this very helpful tool and as a result it shows how
irresponsible voters like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black so he must be elected!

I know so, like I said, I am trying to vote based on other superficialities like you demanding I be upset. Also before complaining about words being spelled wrong, you should double check yours. If its really important, I mean

You have shown me that
your insensitivity along with the other "stupid Obama voters" are though a danger directly to me as because of your lack of interest in Obama's lack of experience you put this shaman into office. Count me as one that would never trust your judgement if I had to depend on you!

I know, you're afraid and let that fear guide you. Its totally cool bro.

I was showing you how your laziness in paying attention to the little red dotted line is an indication of your overall shiftless attitude.

But....dude, you misspelled a word too. Are you shiftless also or just did it on purpose as a "test"?

Dont answer, actions speak louder than excuses.

99.9% of the time I do pay attention to the little red dotted line and if there is a misspelled word that is not underlined with the little red dotted line that is the spell checking fault not mine.

I know, its not your fault you misspelled a word. Its Obamas fault maybe?

[quote Most likely YOU don't know the correct spelling even when you see the dotted line and that
really shows your ignorance. "unaccepatble" not the red dotted line?

Do you remember that you misspelled a word too or nah? lol

My point I'm sure goes way over your head because obviously you care little about the little things! A characteristic frequently exhibited
by Obama supporters as it's the perception rather then reality is what you people think are important. But now Gruber, Van Jones, Ayers, et.al. are obviously like you so confident you can gloss over details as it is the "big idea" the Big picture... that's all your ilk are concerned.

Again superficial because you typify the elitists attitudes that don't bother with cleaning up crap... that's for us peon 'bros" to do!

Hey, look, its ok if you misspell a word but whats not ok is crying about it in 4 paragraphs that basically boils down to "aint my fault" lol

The ONLY word that was misspelled that had a red dotted line was my quoting YOUR misspelling of "unaccepatble"!
I am 99.9% confident that if a red dotted line appears I correct it! Other then my misspelling your word on purpose and giving my
error acceptance of 1/10th of one percent... Please point it out!

Reply to this post and look at the word you used superficialities then tell me if its spelled correctly. When you see it isnt, what will be your new excuse? Is it that you're lazy and have a shiftless attitude?


OH BOY! Thank you thank you!
Once again you don't comprehend the concept of little details hence you voted blindly for Obama!

Noun plural form of superficiality
Superficialities dictionary definition superficialities defined

NOW for further PROOF of your really showing your "superficiality"!
This is what I wrote: "like you are for voting based on superficialities like Obama is black"
Now YOU said I misspelled it right?
Do you see a little red dotted line under "superficialities"? NO.
Now if I had written like you are for voting based on superficalities like Obama is black"
SEE THE RED DOTTED LINE???? That means it is misspelled!
So thank you thank you thank you!

You have proven my point that you don't pay attention to even the aids given you i.e. the red dotted line.
Case in point are you that totally lazy you won't spell "don't" correctly but being the lazy person spell it "dont" or in your recent lazy display.."isnt"!

See my point is it is so easy to be attentive to the details especially when there is a help like this little spell checker!
But people like you are TOO busy to pay attention to the details and Obamacare took advantage of your laziness nay... counted on you
being lazy and in his opinion "stupid"! You've proven them right!
ClosedCaption... You won't I'm sure respond as I've totally embarrassed you and I apologize for that.

I generally don't like to get that snippy but your defense of Obamacare while ignoring even the simple spell checker just struck me what
Obama et.al. were counting on...i.e. people being too stupid or too lazy to comprehend this 2,000+ monstrosity that Pelosi said
“But we have to pass the [health care] bill so that you can find out what’s in it.... "
Pelosi et.al. were counting on your laziness and stupidity NOT to ask simple questions like:
How can there be 46 million uninsured when
1) 10 million PER the census of the 46 million are not citizens!
2) 14 million Per the Census were undercounted and should not be included in the 46 million!
3) 18 million under 34, make over $50,000 don't want,don't need even though can afford employers' health plan.. WHY were they bogusly counted?
Because Obama et.al. had to pass the bill and if the truth there were less the 4 million that truly needed and wanted... would not have passed by just 7 votes!
But Obama et.al. were counting on people being lazy and stupid!
This is the cold unvarnished truth of how the Prog Elites view The Masses.
Was it misspelled or not? lol[/QUOT

Once again you are showing total validation of Gruber's "stupidity of the American voter"!
Did I not provide a link to the dictionary showing correct spelling being "superficialities"? YES
Was there a red dotted line under "superficialities"?? NO
Did I provide you a link to show you it was NOT misspelled?? YES!
NOW for final proof which I am sure you obviously will IGNORE.... "superficalities" is there a red dotted line? YES that means it is misspelled!
Would you please continue this dialogue because this is truly showing how Gruber et.al. took advantage of the "stupidity of the American Voter"!
Good thing you edited your post to the correct spelling. Maybe next time you'll pay attention to the red line under the words before complaining about someone else
To all others on this forum... ClosedCaption is totally showing how the Obama machine wired the elections.
Her ignoring the simplicity of the "red dotted line" shows how little details are ignored by people of this short attention span, 30 second sound bite,
headline reading voter allowed Obama to fool them!
I am showing her and her ilk's inability to handle the little details screwed up their efforts for the "BIG PLAN"..i.e Obamacare! Little details folks!
Good thing you edited your post to the correct spelling. Maybe next time you'll pay attention to the red line under the words before complaining about someone else
So NOW you are a liar!
I didn't have to do any corrections because it was correct in the first place! YOU had no knowledge of the correct spelling! You were guessing.
There never was any editing but that's your squirming.
Good try ClosedMinded.. Why is it people like you that think you know so much but when your ignorance is showing i.e.
the little red line would have shown me if the word superficialities was misspelled and THAT was my whole point!

It is so easy to correct right away with the little red line but pompous ignorant people like you IGNORE the little details..like you did with "dont" and with "unaccepatble". Keep on this effort going because it is just further discrediting people like yourself. It is further reinforcing the premise that the Grubers,Obamas of the world WERE right in knowing they could fool lazy totally stupid people and these lazy stupid people wouldn't even know they were being scammed!
Keep it up CloseMinded as you are simply digging a deeper hole.
So how do you Obamacare supporters feel knowing that , Jonathan Gruber, who served as a technical advisor to President Obama during the ACA’s planning phases, revealed during a panel discussion that Obamacare was not designed as a tax, and that the lack of transparency about the new law was the only thing that saved
the controversial legislation from an untimely death in Congress.
Gruber said:
This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes.
If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. Okay, so it’s written to do that.
In termsof risk rated subsidies, if you had a law which said that healthy people are going to pay in –you made explicit healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed…
Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage.
And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass…
Look, I wish Mark was right that we could make it all transparent, but I’d rather have this law than not.”
Obamacare Gruber video stupid voters transparency

And I agree with HIM!!! Basically the stupid people that believed when Obama said:
“I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”

Even though the Census AGREED:
10 million of the 46 million were not legal Americans!
Proof: Income Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States 2009 - Income Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Even though the Census AGREED...
14 million Medicaid eligible Americans were counted erroneously as "uninsured"!
Even though 18 million people didn't want, need health insurance were bogusly counted as wanting health insurance!
Gruber, Obama et.al. counted on stupid Americans who don't read, can't do simple arithmetic and simply think HOPE and CHANGE"!!!
How much you want to bet, the lib networks and newspapers do not report this story?
As CloseMinded and their ilk will do they will divert from the real issue i.e. how Gruber,Obama et.al. perceive the "Stupid American Voter" as being too dumb to comprehend what was being pulled over their eyes.
As many realists have pointed out that just like Hans Christian Anderson's "The Emperor's New Clothes,..http://deoxy.org/emperors.htm
Obamacare is a sham! There are absolutely so many holes in Obamacare starting with the first premise...i.e. a health crisis as 46 million people were uninsured. Like "The Emperor's New clothes", the sham being pulled was the fact The Census disclaimed their own figure of
46 million uninsured by stating 10 million of the 46 million were not citizens! SHAM and for shame in fooling people!
The Census also acknowledge they undercounted by 14 million people eligible for Medicaid/Schip! 9 million children counted as "uninsured" were eligible for SCHIP! SHAM as that was part of the 46 million phony number!
Finally 18 million people don't want health insurance. Can afford it. But don't want to spend as they have no need!
YET they were included in bogus number of 46 million!
In truth less the 4 million are really in need and THAT is not a crisis.

But Obama double down by making this bogus statement:"Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition," he told the crowd in Maryland.
Another phony crisis! half of all Americans would be 155 million!
YET even Obama admits 85% of Americans have Medicare/Medicaid/employers health or private insurance all without "pre-existing conditions"!
85% is 263 million! So how could there then be 155 million with a pre-existing conditions that prevents them from coverage.
But stupid american voters NEVER questioned that statement and furthermore the insurance industry has proven that
a total of 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama s Pre-existing Conditions Whopper - Forbes
1.5 million NOT 155 million!

Once again folks... when will stupid american voters learn they have been victims of history's largest scam job!

That video is pretty nasty, pretty damning.

Who knows if anyone cares at this point, we're pretty much used to bullshit from DC.

We both know this would be a huge story if it involved the signature legislation of an R potus. The lib media would go berserk.

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