Obamacare Prices; UNBELIEVABLE!


ObamaCare Subsidies To Explode As Cheapest Bronze-Plan Costs Surge 28%

President Obama last week called for subsidies for the middle class who are excluded from the law's help. Yet IBD explained why Obama's ObamaCare prescription misses the law's most fundamental problem: Two in three people who earning a working-class income from 150% to 250% of the poverty level remain either uninsured or woefully underinsured.

Even consumers who are eligible for subsidies and don't face a premium increase may find other reasons to be unhappy about the new offerings at HealthCare.gov. Plan choice is down dramatically as UnitedHealth (UNH), Aetna (AET) and Humana (HUM) exited most exchanges where they are doing business this year, and many nonprofit co-ops went out of business. Even if people can get a plan at the same after-subsidy cost, it may force them to change doctors.

UnitedHealth lost 0.5% to 144.69 on the stock market today. Aetna gained 0.7% to 112.02 while Humana ticked up 0.2% to 176.27.

The average deductible for the cheapest bronze plan in each of these 38 markets will rise to $6,358, up 5% from $6,045 this year. But that's nothing compared to the rise in deductibles among the cheapest silver plan, which will jump 18% to $4,261 from $3,613 in 2016. That jump is no small part due to the impact of Ambetter plans from Centene (CNC), which carry silver-plan deductibles of up to $7,050. Although the plans do offer some predeductible benefits, most big-ticket items aren't covered until the deductible is exhausted.

and? what do the subsidies bother you?

maybe if the rightwingnut hacks worked with democrats they could fix things,

but why would wingers do that. easier to shriek and whine and obstruct for the past six years.

and the reality is, the more the states work with the program the better the program does....which is why it fails whenever repubilcans touch anything.

and most people don't get their insurance on the exchanges. most get their insurance from work. is this what the rightwingnut blogosphere is telling you to rant about today?

Dimocraps forced this screwed up law on us, they are the retards that didn't work with others. Everything we said would happen with it is happening. Bad bill by bad people.

ObamaCare Subsidies To Explode As Cheapest Bronze-Plan Costs Surge 28%

President Obama last week called for subsidies for the middle class who are excluded from the law's help. Yet IBD explained why Obama's ObamaCare prescription misses the law's most fundamental problem: Two in three people who earning a working-class income from 150% to 250% of the poverty level remain either uninsured or woefully underinsured.

Even consumers who are eligible for subsidies and don't face a premium increase may find other reasons to be unhappy about the new offerings at HealthCare.gov. Plan choice is down dramatically as UnitedHealth (UNH), Aetna (AET) and Humana (HUM) exited most exchanges where they are doing business this year, and many nonprofit co-ops went out of business. Even if people can get a plan at the same after-subsidy cost, it may force them to change doctors.

UnitedHealth lost 0.5% to 144.69 on the stock market today. Aetna gained 0.7% to 112.02 while Humana ticked up 0.2% to 176.27.

The average deductible for the cheapest bronze plan in each of these 38 markets will rise to $6,358, up 5% from $6,045 this year. But that's nothing compared to the rise in deductibles among the cheapest silver plan, which will jump 18% to $4,261 from $3,613 in 2016. That jump is no small part due to the impact of Ambetter plans from Centene (CNC), which carry silver-plan deductibles of up to $7,050. Although the plans do offer some predeductible benefits, most big-ticket items aren't covered until the deductible is exhausted.

and? what do the subsidies bother you?

maybe if the rightwingnut hacks worked with democrats they could fix things,

but why would wingers do that. easier to shriek and whine and obstruct for the past six years.

and the reality is, the more the states work with the program the better the program does....which is why it fails whenever repubilcans touch anything.

and most people don't get their insurance on the exchanges. most get their insurance from work. is this what the rightwingnut blogosphere is telling you to rant about today?

Right wing hacks work with left wing hacks to fix things?

Last I heard your heroes changed the locks on the doors and barred Republicans from participating.

I'm not a rightwinger or Republican and call bullshit.

Where was the compromise and "reaching across the aisle" during its conception?

You truly are clueless.
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.
And now they are fucked. Thank you Obama and his supporters. They cannot afford the insurance or the deductible we are forced by law to pay. Go Trump!

And who is responsible for raising the rates of the ACA premiums? Hint it isn't Oblamacare..it is the same guys that raised it annually before Oblamacare.....

Hold on, are you forgetting that the Affordable Care Act specifically requires healthcare insurance companies to spend 85% of the premiums on healthcare and refund anything above that to the insured? No, this isn't the greedy insurance companies upping their profits. It is the price of healthcare going up. When you suddenly add a lot of people to the insurance roles that aren't in the best of health it gets costly. In addition, you now have people who are going to the doctor for anything. Why not, they are covered, they got a premium subsidy to take care of it.

If I recall correctly ACA included some expenses to the docs as well... uhm pharmaceutical tax? I think there was more as well - all driving the costs up higher.

And yea, for us "healthy" folks it's not worth 8-9 grand a year to go to the doctors every other year (if that, I haven't been to the doctors in like seven or eight years myself) So pay $95 bucks or 1% depending on your situation 1% is a hell of a lot cheaper than the premiums. My husband hit a moose and the grand total was $15k (this is for reference - we don't have health insurance, but our auto insurance covered some of the medical bills; and no they didn't raise our rates after, USAA rocks.)

Then you figure in deductibles - I think I heard 5-7k deductible which is absolutely pointless. Essentially unless you get in a major wreck (or are a top 10% earner) you're looking at spending $9-10k before you even get coverage. So basically you get jack shit for the money, no kidding healthy folks aren't buying into it...

Freeloader, so tax payers will pay if you get ill or your husband or kids.

Whom me? HA

Sweetheart I've always paid out of pocket for my medical. I invested $50k each into IBM, Intel, and Microsoft in 1990.

My eldest two children have insurance through work. Not that we wouldn't pay for anything if something happened - we've been trying to pay their rent and crap since they left us, but nooo the little shits are too independent to take money from mommy and daddy. The youngest turns 18 in January and thankfully we've convinced this one to stay here and go to college; the other two shits immediately had to get their own apartment's and got stuck in that "must have job to pay rent, job pays to well to work and go to school" crap. I suppose I can't blame them too much one's making $25/h the other $23/h w/benefits. idk I was raised in a time when you were supposed to go to college, but I guess now-a-days the kids think it's semi useless in the long run. Meh. The youngest wants to be a teacher so college is required for him, else all their college funds would just sit there forever >.<

Good for you , you pay cash for healthcare, not everyone can.

Maybe, but Obama did promise. And they did force the bill on us. And the Dems are making all the rules.
When will they admit they know nothing about healthcare ?

Well obviously they know more than the GOP.
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.
It was mandated on Medicaid, but the Republican states took it to court and the Supreme court ruled it could be voluntary, and that alone screwed the ACA healthcare costs and made them higher.
You cannot blame any of this on republicans. This was a Democrat failure you own this. Now get in the backseat while Trump fixes it.
Trump is not God, nor your savior, no matter how much, you wish it to be.....
No shit, but Trump can fix what your party totally screwed up. You own this heath care failure. Tell me how many will die because they can't afford Obama care?
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.

Spoken like a real Liberal subsidy sucker.
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.

Spoken like a real Liberal subsidy sucker.

Actually I want people to pay their fair share and have health insurance.
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.

Spoken like a real Liberal subsidy sucker.

Actually I want people to pay their fair share and have health insurance.

Their fair share is the same as mine is. It's the cost of the premium.
Anyone getting subsidies will not see a rise in their costs, the subsidies pick up the costs of a higher premium.... more govt money being spent but not for the policy holder.

Also, anyone with low income needs to buy in to a silver plan NOT a bronze plan, and the ACA will come in and pick up a good deal of the cost of their high deductibles and high out of pocket expenses.
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.

Spoken like a real Liberal subsidy sucker.

Actually I want people to pay their fair share and have health insurance.

Their fair share is the same as mine is. It's the cost of the premium.

Who do you have insurance with?
So the tax payer gets screwed again? This is a Democrat failure and people will die.

The taxpayer gets screwed so much more when someone does not have insurance and gets ill with cancer and then they could not get insurance before the ACA . Who cares about Republicans, since they refused to ever do anything about the healthcare problem , the Democrats finally did, gone are the pre existing clauses, and now copays, and deductibles are counted towards the OOP max. Actually Obama should of mandated all states to expand Medicaid.

Spoken like a real Liberal subsidy sucker.

Actually I want people to pay their fair share and have health insurance.

Their fair share is the same as mine is. It's the cost of the premium.

Who do you have insurance with?

Blue Cross Blue Shield and Medicare.

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