Obamacare protester gives the finger to MOveOn.org

65 isn't "old" these days, and obviously the gentleman in question is not "feeble".

If he punched me in the face, twice, you can be damn sure I'd beat the crap out of him.

If you get punched in the face twice - you don't know much about fighting.

You post like a pussy - and I am willing to bet dimes to dollars you fight like one too...

(I apologize for the profanity folks...)

Oooh, big man talking through the computer screen. Why don't you stow it, fool?

Yeah - so says the midget who states how much they know about fighting and would have beat the hell out of a 65 year old man.

You're so easy there isn't even any sport in it...
The pinkyless man was the person who commited the violence. The man bit in self defense. It worked. The guy stopped punching.

And that same evening, a Right wing thug in a pick up truck socked a 65 pro-health care advocate in the jaw. Passerby's punch mars peaceful healthcare rally - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Nice going, you violent jerks.

Hopefully it won't escalate, people are that crazy over this issue.

Agreed. We have a mixture of scared citizens along with hired guns - unions, Acorn, etc.

Not a good combination...
If you get punched in the face twice - you don't know much about fighting.

You post like a pussy - and I am willing to bet dimes to dollars you fight like one too...

(I apologize for the profanity folks...)

Oooh, big man talking through the computer screen. Why don't you stow it, fool?

Yeah - so says the midget who states how much they know about fighting and would have beat the hell out of a 65 year old man.

You're so easy there isn't even any sport in it...

Oh, well, I apologize Sinatra, I didn't realize that stating the plain truth was "bragging".

What would you have done? Gotten on your knees and begged for mercy from a guy who was punching you in the face?

Sorry dude, I'm just not going to bend over like that. If that makes me a "pussy", well then so be it.
I heard about it on Rush. Wow. Obama Supporters resorting to cannibalism to win the day. Fire up the Barbi and break open the A-1 Steak sauce. Where's Grand Pa? ... Be quiet and turn the spit honey or Grand Pa will burn. We do it to serve our leader Darling. Remember Hope and Change?

Typical of the lunatic fringe, an Obamacare supporter has bitten off the finger of a protestor speaking out against Obama's health care disaster. The story can be found here.

Also, a caller on the Rush Limbaugh show, who found the man's finger, reported the odd behavior of the individual. He reported that the Obamacare supporter walked across the street and provoked the elderly protestor. And as the scuffle proceeded, the Obamacare supporter bit off the finger of the elderly gentleman.

The attacker fled, but as the article above reports, police fortunately have a good description.

Democrats love to call Republicans extremists and call them crazy, but time after time we see it is the left who acts in an irrational, lunatic fashion. This is absolutely ridiculous behavior. Good thing Obamacare hasn't been passed yet, otherwise the man who lost the finger might have been even more out of luck.

It is about time that Obama pulls his thugs and enforcers off of the streets. None of the conservatives with handguns or rifles at protests caused any real problems, yet Obamacare supporters assault and bite off limbs. Which side is in fact made up of sane people? That's a rhetorical question
Obamacare supporter bites off finger of protester

Intense, do you actually read the threads you jump into?
Oooh, big man talking through the computer screen. Why don't you stow it, fool?

Yeah - so says the midget who states how much they know about fighting and would have beat the hell out of a 65 year old man.

You're so easy there isn't even any sport in it...

Oh, well, I apologize Sinatra, I didn't realize that stating the plain truth was "bragging".

What would you have done? Gotten on your knees and begged for mercy from a guy who was punching you in the face?

Sorry dude, I'm just not going to bend over like that. If that makes me a "pussy", well then so be it.

If you know actually know how to handle yourself, you ain't gonna let a 65 year old man punch you in the face - twice.

Guys who say things like, "I know how to fight" most likely don't. Your reaction to the proceeding points has proven you to be among that group. You attempted to talk big about beating up an old man.

That doesn't make you tough kid - that makes you a wuss, and your numbers are legion...
The pinkyless man was the person who commited the violence. The man bit in self defense. It worked. The guy stopped punching.

And that same evening, a Right wing thug in a pick up truck socked a 65 pro-health care advocate in the jaw. Passerby's punch mars peaceful healthcare rally - Miami-Dade - MiamiHerald.com

Nice going, you violent jerks.

So ... nonclinical amputation is nicer than a punch to the gut ... good to know where you priorities are. I am guessing you are all for people shooting kids just for running through their yard to?
The puncher stuck his fist in the guys mouth, on the second punch, this by his own admission, in his interview with Cavuto linked on the first page.

If he got his finger bitten off because he was trying to shove it down some guy's throat, well that seems like self defense to me.
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If you know actually know how to handle yourself, you ain't gonna let a 65 year old man punch you in the face - twice.

Guys who say things like, "I know how to fight" most likely don't. Your reaction to the proceeding points has proven you to be among that group. You attempted to talk big about beating up an old man.

That doesn't make you tough kid - that makes you a wuss, and your numbers are legion...

Look man, I've been sucker punched, and hit twice before I got my licks in. And some 65 year old men are pretty tough. It's not like 65 is over-the-hill in this day and age by a long shot.

I've had my ass kicked quite a bit, and kicked some ass back. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't know how to fight. And I'd be lying if I said I would have had the self-control not to crack this guy after he hit me. That's not bragging, it's just the simple truth.

There's no poiont getting in my face about it and starting a "My dick is bigger than yours argument" with me, when it's clear that neither one of us can prove how large our respective members are.
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The puncher stuck his fist in the guys mouth, on the second punch, this by his own admission in his interview with cavuto linked on the first page.

If he got his finger bitten off because he was trying to shove it down some guy's throat, well that seems like self defense to me.

So ... nonclinical amputation is nicer than a punch to the gut ... good to know where you priorities are. I am guessing you are all for people shooting kids just for running through their yard to?
The puncher stuck his fist in the guys mouth, on the second punch, this by his own admission in his interview with cavuto linked on the first page.

If he got his finger bitten off because he was trying to shove it down some guy's throat, well that seems like self defense to me.

So ... nonclinical amputation is nicer than a punch to the gut ... good to know where you priorities are. I am guessing you are all for people shooting kids just for running through their yard to?
It was a HARD punch to the FACE, not the gut. Get it straight.
Are you all for punching someone in the FACE cause the call you an idiot?

The biter could have just called the cops you know, instead of escalating, period. Self defense would have been punching back.

He would have been way ahead, had He called the cops. Tabu to escalate violence at a protest. Too many unintended consequences. Sure hope this guy is HIV Negative.
Are you all for punching someone in the FACE cause the call you an idiot?

The biter could have just called the cops you know, instead of escalating, period. Self defense would have been punching back.

You think the BITER should have called the cops, instead of suggesting the fucking asshole who threw the hard punch to the face could have pulled back after he was so 'threatened' by someone calling him an idiot.

Simply freakazoididly amazing.
Are you all for punching someone in the FACE cause the call you an idiot?

The biter could have just called the cops you know, instead of escalating, period. Self defense would have been punching back.

You think the BITER should have called the cops, instead of suggesting the fucking asshole who threw the hard punch to the face could have pulled back after he was so 'threatened' by someone calling him an idiot.

Simply freakazoididly amazing.

Someone broke a rule concerning Non Violent Protest and the Law. The Biter should have called the cops rather than bite off a finger. Which ever side of the dispute he was on is insignificant. That action could easily have escalated out of control. The potential is always there. It is critical to remember and adhere to that. If you can't control yourself, spare everyone else. Yes I would take a hit, I would take ten hits, rather than start something that overfills the emergency rooms. You have a responsibility to those around you.
The asshole threw a second punch - and he was going for more. You can't go call the freaking cops WHEN YOUR GODDAM FACE IS BEING PUMMELED IN.
Holy jezus, do you even hear yourself when you talk?
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