Obamacare Rates to Rise 13.5% in 2015. Didn't Obama Promise ACA Would Lower Costs?

U.S. Employers Expect Health Care Costs to Rise 4% in 2015

Companies plan to continue subsidizing and managing benefits while taking aggressive action to keep costs down

But...but...but...90 million people are going to be thrown off their employer insurance in 2015. Remember all that bogus hysteria about grandfathered insurance plans?
Millions lost their plans AND their full time jobs over Obamacare.

It will get worse next year.

I agree and that assent rests in my BEING ONE OF THOSE WHO LOST THEIR PLANS.

54 years on the planet and have never been without medical insurance until the SOCIALIST FIXED THE INSURANCE BUSINESS!
go on an exchange then duh...

No power on this earth could force me to go to one of those exchanges. I do not accept subsidies from those intent upon destroying me.

And anyone who does... is a fool and the enemy of every free sovereign on earth.
BTW, health costs doubled under Booosh (like public college costs), so nothing has changed even in NC, except you get a good policy and health care is guaranteed- except if you lose your job...no Medicaid! Great job, Pubbies!

Absolute NONSENSE!
As for the topic title: It is factually correct for the rates we know of. Should you get any further facts...please post. It is not the American's People fault Obama will not tell them the truth.

Why, I am glad you asked!

ACA state exchanges

By contrast, the average premium increase across all reporting states is 5.9% and the average premium is $382.


So even the rosiest of scenarios means rates are still going to increase?

That's not what was promised.

Republicans had nothing to do with this fuck up
That is my point. When they had all the power, the Republicans decided to do nothing about the problem, thus completely abdicating the health care problem to the Democrats when the baton was passed.
When in the hell did the Republicans have any power when the democrats were pushing obamacare? What in the hell are you smoking?
Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The rising health care cost problem has been with us for decades. Are you telling me you cannot remember when Republicans had all the power during that period? Seriously?

Republican President. Republican House. Republican Senate. Conservative court. You could not ask for a more advantageous position to be in to solve problems.

Yet what did they do about the rising cost of health care outpacing inflation?

OK dumb ass it's not the place of the government to play with the private sector Insurance. Getrich tried that back in 1998, and America said hell no.

In the case of health care, private sector insurance has amply demonstrated it's incompetance.

That would be a great talking point if the government version of healthcare wasn't so much worse.

VA investigators Delayed care is everywhere
SO, 6% is a far cry from "saving $2,500 per family" as the propaganda said.

Oh, you were definitely lied to by the ObamaCare bots.

As I said, neither side has been honest about this issue.
Which leads us right back to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"..
Our system is not perfect. Far from it. INsurance is expensive on the single purchaser private market.
ACA is not anywhere close to an answer.
If the government officials REALLY were interested in lowering the price of insurance and making the system better for everyone, those in DC would have passed legislation which would have created a competitive marketplace where insurance companies and medical professionals would have to adjust their pricing in order to attract customers.
All health insurance carriers could do business without regard to state boundaries. Doctors and hospitals could choose to form groups where members could pay a yearly fee to join the group and then pay for services out of pocket if they wish to do so.
Customers would be permitted to buy tailored insurance coverage instead of federally mandated coverage.
In order to make a product less expensive for the vendor to dispense and the consumer to buy, the marketplace should be opened up. Government mandates and regulations choke it down.

Four simple changes would have done far more than the ACA has been able to do:

1. Allow insurance companies to create risk groups that span state lines.
2. Outlaw non coverage for pre-existing conditions as long as the insured had a catastrophic plan.
3. Automatically enroll the uninsured into catastrophic plans and deduct the premiums from their Social Security entitlement, provide an opt-out.
4. Increase the MLR for insurance companies to 85% if they paid claims for delinquent customers for 5 months.

That's the problem with the current law, it wasn't designed to solve the problem. It was designed to cause disruption to usher in single payer.

I know we're all shocked. :cool-45: But BCBS of North Carolina released rates for 2015 for ACA plans in their State. The rates will rise 13.5% The Obama Administration is desperately trying to keep the rate increases hidden until after the mid-term elections. Official sign ups and new rates nationally will not be available until November 15th....a full week after the election.

Funny how that turned out....isn't? :D

Please read the full story here. It should be sobering for all of us....but particularly for the dupes who voted for the lying sack of shit the Obumbler.

Blue Cross reveals 2015 health insurance rates
North Carolina's Blue Cross: 2015 rates to rise 13 percent on average for individual ACA plans

By Jonathan Drew, Associated Press 2 hours ago

  • RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) -- North Carolina's largest health insurer said on Wednesday that 2015 rates will rise by more than 13 percent on average for buyers of individual Affordable Care Act policies.

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina discussed the expected rate increases in a teleconference several weeks ahead of the Nov. 15 kickoff for the enrollment period for coverage starting in January.

    Blue Cross said rates would rise an average of 13.5 percent for 315,000 customers who enrolled this year in individual plans that comply with President Barack Obama's health insurance law. It cautioned that the actual increase for each person will be affected by factors including age, location and plan level.

    As an example, the insurer said a 45-year-old nonsmoking man in the Raleigh area who didn't receive subsidies would see his monthly premium rise by about $57 to $421.32 per month on a typical individual ACA silver plan. Most customers, however, receive the subsidies.

    "It is important for customers to understand their health care needs, update their information to get the subsidy amount they are eligible to receive and select an insurance plan with the level of coverage they want at a price that works for them and their family," said Patrick Getzen, vice president and chief actuary for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina.

    Aside from the those policies, the insurer is maintaining pre-existing plans that don't conform to the Affordable Care Act's requirements but that customers wanted to keep. The Obama administration said in March that it was allowing a two-year extension for individual policies that don't meet the health law's requirements.

    The insurer said its rates for those pre-existing individual plans will rise by an average of 13.4 percent for policies sold before the federal law was signed by Obama in March 2010. Individual plans sold by the insurer between then and October 2013 — when the health overhaul exchanges opened — will have rate increases of 19.2 percent on average.

    Blue Cross said about 239,000 people were enrolled in those pre-existing individual plans in 2014.

    One factor affecting premiums is how costs are spread among the mixture of people of varying ages and health care needs. Blue Cross said in a news release that the group buying its individual ACA plans was older than expected because many younger, healthier customers stayed in pre-existing plans.

    "There needs to be a mix of customers within each category to balance risk and expected costs," Getzen said.

    Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is the only insurer to offer ACA plans in all 100 of North Carolina's counties.
They are lucky. My costs are going up by 30%.

The only people the ACA will be affordable to are those the rest of us will be subsidizing. Medicaid baby.

We will be paying for out benefits at higher cost and theirs. Yup. Its affordable for those on Medicaide but no one else.

Oh and don't mention those high deductables we'll have to pay.

I hope the voter remember who foisted this POS bill on the American taxpayer come election time.

"The insurer said its rates for those pre-existing individual plans will rise by an average of 13.4 percent for policies sold before the federal law was signed by Obama in March 2010. Individual plans sold by the insurer between then and October 2013 — when the health overhaul exchanges opened — will have rate increases of 19.2 percent on average."

So the pre-existing plans that some people were clamoring to keep, instead of going to the exchange, are going up as much or more than the exchange plans.

Sometimes you should read the stuff you post.

What part of this can't you grasp?

" North Carolina's largest health insurer said on Wednesday that 2015 rates will rise by more than 13 percent on average for buyers of individual Affordable Care Act policies." Line one of the article.

and the average increase for those who got to keep their pre-ACA plans is BIGGER.

Give us the % increase each of the last 15 years state wide and nationally, then we will talk.

"The insurer said its rates for those pre-existing individual plans will rise by an average of 13.4 percent for policies sold before the federal law was signed by Obama in March 2010. Individual plans sold by the insurer between then and October 2013 — when the health overhaul exchanges opened — will have rate increases of 19.2 percent on average."

So the pre-existing plans that some people were clamoring to keep, instead of going to the exchange, are going up as much or more than the exchange plans.

Sometimes you should read the stuff you post.

What part of this can't you grasp?

" North Carolina's largest health insurer said on Wednesday that 2015 rates will rise by more than 13 percent on average for buyers of individual Affordable Care Act policies." Line one of the article.

and the average increase for those who got to keep their pre-ACA plans is BIGGER.

Give us the % increase each of the last 15 years state wide and nationally, then we will talk.

Quit being lazy and go get it yourself.
Well, ACA penalizes those studying unless they are working to the bone studying and working at the same time.

It also penalizes those that are required to file for income tax, meaning the underclass homeless that live under bridges. Who are meant to sign up to ACA or be fined each year, if they are caught.

Though there are a lot more groups that don't get any subsidies, simply on the basis they don't earn enough or earn too much.

The ACA is a farce, known that from day one. It forces the underclass poor to pay fines, and they still don't get health insurance; plus everyone else has to pay more. A money making scheme for health insurers basically.
translation: iamwhatiam just bumped into the wall of reason and hurt his nose
Well, ACA penalizes those studying unless they are working to the bone studying and working at the same time.

It also penalizes those that are required to file for income tax, meaning the underclass homeless that live under bridges. Who are meant to sign up to ACA or be fined each year, if they are caught.

Though there are a lot more groups that don't get any subsidies, simply on the basis they don't earn enough or earn too much.

The ACA is a farce, known that from day one. It forces the underclass poor to pay fines, and they still don't get health insurance; plus everyone else has to pay more. A money making scheme for health insurers basically.

The ACA is just one more Liberal vehicle aimed toward wealth redistribution. Another example where the few pay the tab for the many. 83.3% are receiving this wealth redistribution of which they did not earn themselves. Moochers is a good word. The mere fact that one is receiving subsidies has to really be a major boost to one's self esteem and ego. Real men, right?
ObamaCare bots implied that ObamaCare would reduce the cost of health care in America. They posted chart after chart after chart of per capita spending on health care by country during the debate over ObamaCare leading up to its passage.

Bait and switch. The cost is not coming down. It continues to rise.

As for the topic title, it implies ObamaCare rates are going to rise by 13.5% everywhere in 2015. That, too, is misleading.

There is very little honesty on either side of the debate.

Maybe you can get Obama to release the rates nationally before the election? :lol: As for the topic title: It is factually correct for the rates we know of. Should you get any further facts...please post. It is not the American's People fault Obama will not tell them the truth.

Not for those of us that didn't vote for him. For those that did and still defend him, it is. He couldn't have been re-elected without enough of them believing what he said.

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