ObamaCare Shock

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

The Affordable Care Act, a k a Obamacare, goes fully into effect at the beginning of next year, and predictions of disaster are being heard far and wide. There will be an administrative “train wreck,” we’re told; consumers will face a terrible shock. Republicans, one hears, are already counting on the law’s troubles to give them a big electoral advantage.

No doubt there will be problems, as there are with any large new government initiative, and in this case, we have the added complication that many Republican governors and legislators are doing all they can to sabotage reform. Yet important new evidence — especially from California, the law’s most important test case — suggests that the real Obamacare shock will be one of unexpected success.

The rabid rw's won't read any further and that's a shame. But, its their loss.
California had ridiculous high price estimates right from the start.
It's something that Calif. does all the time in order to make the policies look better.
They did the same thing in 2006.
The prices listed on the California State Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development website often are not what people actually pay for a procedure. Insured patients would pay a smaller amount than listed on the site

Read more: Californians Struggle To Find Accurate Medical Pricing - California Healthline

It's never been accurate or correct.
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California had ridiculous high price estimates right from the start.
It's something that Calif. does all the time in order to make the policies look better.
They did the same thing in 2006.
The prices listed on the California State Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development website often are not what people actually pay for a procedure. Insured patients would pay a smaller amount than listed on the site

Read more: Californians Struggle To Find Accurate Medical Pricing - California Healthline

It's never been accurate or correct.

The same has been true across the country but that's an old article. You might want to read more current info - like what is already posted here in this forum.
I used that older article to show how Calf. has always been incorrect.
It's a very old trick that Democrats have used for a very long time.
I used that older article to show how Calf. has always been incorrect.
It's a very old trick that Democrats have used for a very long time.

Actually, you used that incorrect article as a shiny object to draw brainless knee jerker's attention away from facts.

Oh, look ... it worked:

we are supposed to thrilled over california?

Bet neither of you actually read the op article.

Yep. Still predictable.
Paul Krugman is a good Globalist, Banker Stooge just like Obama is.

And they've both won Nobel Prizes! What a coincidence!
I dunno. Sure there could be some math totally screwed up. Hopefully not.

Besides being federal instead of state run, how is this different than Romneycare and how is that going?
They're afraid. And they should be. They've made a serious miscalculation and at this point it's virtually impossible for them to back down:

Heritage Action for America, the advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, and the Tea Party-aligned group FreedomWorks will push Congress to cut off funding for the exchanges in the debate later this year over raising the debt ceiling, the Washington-based groups said. The chairman of the advocacy group Restore America’s Voice, Ken Hoagland, said he plans to warn people through advertising about the “dysfunctional” exchanges.

While opposition to the health-care program is nothing new, the tactics are changing. Rather than focusing on repealing the law in Congress and the courts, two avenues that have failed so far, the groups are aiming to prevent the cornerstone of the legislation, the insurance exchanges, from succeeding. Their goal is to limit enrollments, drive up costs, and make it easier to roll back all or part of the law later.

Opposing the power of well-performing markets was always going to be a mistake and they of all people should've understood that. Now they're making a last ditch plug to get someone--anyone!--to pull the plug on the exchanges so they don't have to answer for their idiocy.
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The Affordable Care Act, a k a Obamacare, goes fully into effect at the beginning of next year, and predictions of disaster are being heard far and wide. There will be an administrative “train wreck,” we’re told; consumers will face a terrible shock. Republicans, one hears, are already counting on the law’s troubles to give them a big electoral advantage.

No doubt there will be problems, as there are with any large new government initiative, and in this case, we have the added complication that many Republican governors and legislators are doing all they can to sabotage reform. Yet important new evidence — especially from California, the law’s most important test case — suggests that the real Obamacare shock will be one of unexpected success.
The rabid rw's won't read any further and that's a shame. But, its their loss.

Paul Krugman? If he is the best you can come up with to defend Obamacare you have already lost.
They're afraid. And they should be. They've made a serious miscalculation and at this point it's virtually impossible for them to back down:

Heritage Action for America, the advocacy arm of the Heritage Foundation, and the Tea Party-aligned group FreedomWorks will push Congress to cut off funding for the exchanges in the debate later this year over raising the debt ceiling, the Washington-based groups said. The chairman of the advocacy group Restore America’s Voice, Ken Hoagland, said he plans to warn people through advertising about the “dysfunctional” exchanges.

While opposition to the health-care program is nothing new, the tactics are changing. Rather than focusing on repealing the law in Congress and the courts, two avenues that have failed so far, the groups are aiming to prevent the cornerstone of the legislation, the insurance exchanges, from succeeding. Their goal is to limit enrollments, drive up costs, and make it easier to roll back all or part of the law later.

Opposing the power of well-performing markets was always going to be a mistake and they of all people should've understood that. Now they're making a last ditch plug to get someone--anyone!--to pull the plug on the exchanges so they don't have to answer for their idiocy.

Yeah, we are AFRAID, of your bull you spread about ObamaCare
when you don't see anything wrong with a Government FORCING you to purchase something and if you don't they will FINE YOU...we should be very afraid of you
shouldn't you be looking for more articles smearing people who are against ObamaCare?
My insurance jumped 85% and some medications that used to be covered at 100% no longer are, we must pay for everything now. Thanks OBAMA! Asshole!
My insurance jumped 85% and some medications that used to be covered at 100% no longer are, we must pay for everything now. Thanks OBAMA! Asshole!

Buy a different plan.

wow..you're something else..
some people have been with their insurance companies FOR YEARS..but what do you give a shit...you are pushing government health care for people
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My insurance jumped 85% and some medications that used to be covered at 100% no longer are, we must pay for everything now. Thanks OBAMA! Asshole!

Buy a different plan.

How offensive.

He had a plan he liked. Obama said "if you like your plan, you can keep it".

Well - that was clearly a Big Fat Lie.

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