Obamacare “Train Wreck” GOP's Fault, Reid Says

Thousands of small businesses are planning to bust full time employees down to part time--32 hours or less per week--to avoid the requirements of Obamacare. It is that or go out of business because the costs of Obamacare will wipe out what profits they have. Or, they are limiting any expansion and hiring to stay under the 50-employee threshhold. Doctors are leaving formal medical practice in record numbers.

Meanwhile, the rules and regs to implement Obamacare passed 13,000 pages some time ago and are growing by hundreds of pages every week that passes. Only a fraction of what will ultimately be in place currently exist, so we have no idea of what all the ramifications will be.

I would encourage everybody to pick up or order a little booklet Obamacare Survival Guide that provides a pretty clear, reader friendly, synopsis of what we know we are in for. We got ours for $4.95 plus shipping from Amazon and it can probaby be found in most bookstores now.

Train wreck indeed. And is destroying the finest medical system in the entire world as we speak.

It's the finest in the world if you are independently wealthy, can pay cash for your care or you are a member of Congress (no waiting at Bethesda). Otherwise, the health insurance companies destroyed our medical system long before Obama every even thought of running for president.

Case in point: my spouse and Ruth Bader Ginsburg arrived at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC on the same week and needing the same procedure. Our health insurance dithered and was refusing to cover it. Guess who got the procedure? Guess who lived and guess who died?

my sympathies on your spouse dying, but my wife died also in 2008. the cancer spread to far and my health insurance didnt deny coverage. I think you would have to elabrate {spl?} more? think your trying to compare apples and oranges in your post.
It really is difficult to comprehend the incredible chutzpah of turds like Harry Reid. ACA passed without a single Republican vote, but Reid claims Republicans are responsible for the resulting train wreck.

Indications that President Obama's Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), his signature legislative accomplishment, is turning into a fiasco of major proportions has Democrats uneasy.

A man instrumental in its enactment, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont), labeled it a “train wreck. The implementation is a total shambles. It's as if Secretary Sebelius has no idea of what she's doing. She's been quick to ensure that everyone is entitled to abortion coverage, but how the average person is supposed to cope with unforeseen medical contingencies is up in the air. On top of this, employers across the nation are cutting employees hours in order to evade their responsibility to pay for health insurance.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) laid the blame squarely on the GOP. “We did our part to create this new entitlement, it's the Republicans' turn to step up and vote for the funding needed to finance it,” Reid said.

SEMI-NEWS: A Satire of Recent News, May 5, 2013 Edition

That takes nerve and the sad part is that some people will believe what idiot Reid said.

The Dems took a bill passed by the house, completely gutted it and put in the mess known as Obamacare, then shoved it through without being read. They own it 100%. Now that some have read it, they realize how bad it is. Congress wants to be exempt. It costs way more than they claimed. The fact that this revenue raising bill didn't originate and pass through the house should make it unconstitutional. They pulled a fast one by switching Obamacare with the original bill that passed. No way should such an underhanded tactic be legal.

So many lies told about this bill and now they can't deny that it will make things worse, so they go to their favorite tactic of blaming others for it.

It needs to be repealed and they need to start over. First, they have to be honest about the number of people who want insurance, but don't have it. Expanding Medicaid would have solved the problem, but that wasn't the real reason behind Obamacare.

The biggest changes it will make are people paying lots more for insurance and health care and the government will confiscate more money because of all the new taxes imposed. They will have more control over our lives and real time access to our money.

Getting health insurance and care just became more expensive and complicated. Government interference in our personal lives just became easier. Now they are using it as an excuse to confiscate another huge sum of our money. Mission accomplished. That is what Obamacare is really all about.
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Thousands of small businesses are planning to bust full time employees down to part time--32 hours or less per week--to avoid the requirements of Obamacare. It is that or go out of business because the costs of Obamacare will wipe out what profits they have. Or, they are limiting any expansion and hiring to stay under the 50-employee threshhold. Doctors are leaving formal medical practice in record numbers.

Meanwhile, the rules and regs to implement Obamacare passed 13,000 pages some time ago and are growing by hundreds of pages every week that passes. Only a fraction of what will ultimately be in place currently exist, so we have no idea of what all the ramifications will be.

I would encourage everybody to pick up or order a little booklet Obamacare Survival Guide that provides a pretty clear, reader friendly, synopsis of what we know we are in for. We got ours for $4.95 plus shipping from Amazon and it can probaby be found in most bookstores now.

Train wreck indeed. And is destroying the finest medical system in the entire world as we speak.

It's the finest in the world if you are independently wealthy, can pay cash for your care or you are a member of Congress (no waiting at Bethesda). Otherwise, the health insurance companies destroyed our medical system long before Obama every even thought of running for president.

Case in point: my spouse and Ruth Bader Ginsburg arrived at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC on the same week and needing the same procedure. Our health insurance dithered and was refusing to cover it. Guess who got the procedure? Guess who lived and guess who died?

my sympathies on your spouse dying, but my wife died also in 2008. the cancer spread to far and my health insurance didnt deny coverage. I think you would have to elabrate {spl?} more? think your trying to compare apples and oranges in your post.

(oranges) If you die quickly from cancer the insurance companies don't give you a hard time. But if you deign to drag on for a few years, they get testy. They start finding reasons to delay and deny claims. You're costing them money.

On the other hand (apples) the big cancer centers don't like people dying while in their care. If it looks like you're terminal, they want to flip you back to your primary/oncologist so you can die on their books. This way when they advertise they can say their patients have a "more favorable outcome" than other cancer centers. It's all bullshit.

But if you have money and/or are a high profile individual, you get only the best surgeons and care, for the obvious reasons. Hospitals LOVE people who pay cash.

It's the finest in the world if you are independently wealthy, can pay cash for your care or you are a member of Congress (no waiting at Bethesda). Otherwise, the health insurance companies destroyed our medical system long before Obama every even thought of running for president.

Case in point: my spouse and Ruth Bader Ginsburg arrived at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC on the same week and needing the same procedure. Our health insurance dithered and was refusing to cover it. Guess who got the procedure? Guess who lived and guess who died?

my sympathies on your spouse dying, but my wife died also in 2008. the cancer spread to far and my health insurance didnt deny coverage. I think you would have to elabrate {spl?} more? think your trying to compare apples and oranges in your post.

(oranges) If you die quickly from cancer the insurance companies don't give you a hard time. But if you deign to drag on for a few years, they get testy. They start finding reasons to delay and deny claims. You're costing them money.

On the other hand (apples) the big cancer centers don't like people dying while in their care. If it looks like you're terminal, they want to flip you back to your primary/oncologist so you can die on their books. This way when they advertise they can say their patients have a "more favorable outcome" than other cancer centers. It's all bullshit.

But if you have money and/or are a high profile individual, you get only the best surgeons and care, for the obvious reasons. Hospitals LOVE people who pay cash.

Dude give me a break. yea your hurting but their is no cure for cancer. your still hating. I let it go.....after a few years. of course, my wife had the best doc's and nurses I could ask for.....Walter Peyton had all the money he could ask for and it couldnt save him.
That's funny, I would swear I remember the President, Reid and Pelosi telling us that this piece of shit was going to pay for itself. Something about not a dime's worth of increase in the deficit. Why is it now the Republican's responsibility to fund it?

Reid's an idiot.


That additional funding is going to be their downfall because Republicans are not going to vote for any additional funds for this pig. Any that do will have their asses handed to them at election time.

Unfortunately, I don't think it will matter. The dumb shits will just stick their thumbs up their rear ends and add it to the deficit. They'll probably just tell us that once we see the value in this piece of shit we will all come around. Sort of like, "we have to pass it so the people know what is in it".


Obama can't spend a dime if it isn't authorized by Congress. A bill specifically authorizing this spending will have to be passed. The chances of that getting through are zero.
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It's the finest in the world if you are independently wealthy, can pay cash for your care or you are a member of Congress (no waiting at Bethesda). Otherwise, the health insurance companies destroyed our medical system long before Obama every even thought of running for president.

Case in point: my spouse and Ruth Bader Ginsburg arrived at Sloan Kettering Cancer Hospital in NYC on the same week and needing the same procedure. Our health insurance dithered and was refusing to cover it. Guess who got the procedure? Guess who lived and guess who died?

As I have worked in the system for a good chunk of my adult working life, and quite a bit of that time was dealing with people of limited means, your opinion is noted. And politely discounted as you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I see you don't bother to explain your comments. That's because you can't.

If you worked in the system and think the system works, then you're not only clueless but also part of the problem.

You didn't bother to explain your comments when you made a wrong statement about the healthcare system. Ruth Bader Ginsberg gets the best care because those in government provide themselves with the very best of everything at our expense and do not have to follow the rules that everybody else does.

And there is an element of truth that those of means can afford more perks and niceties than those of limited means can afford. My Aunt, for instance, in her last recent hospitalization, would have been assigned a shared room that Medicare would pay for, but she could afford to pay extra for a private room. The care she received, however, was just as miserable and incompetent as the Medicaid patient in the next room over.

The system has been breaking down the more government becomes involved in it, and Obamacare threatens to rip it to shreds altogether. But before Medicare and Medicaid and other government medicine, the poor got every bit as good a care as the rich. I've seen it first hand. But as the years have passed, so many new and stupid rules and regulations are mixed in with the corruption and graft that I am amazed if people get any dedicated care at all.

It is government that has created this miserable situation and to think that even more government control will fix it simply doesn't meet the rational clue test.

But I am not part of the problem.
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my sympathies on your spouse dying, but my wife died also in 2008. the cancer spread to far and my health insurance didnt deny coverage. I think you would have to elabrate {spl?} more? think your trying to compare apples and oranges in your post.

(oranges) If you die quickly from cancer the insurance companies don't give you a hard time. But if you deign to drag on for a few years, they get testy. They start finding reasons to delay and deny claims. You're costing them money.

On the other hand (apples) the big cancer centers don't like people dying while in their care. If it looks like you're terminal, they want to flip you back to your primary/oncologist so you can die on their books. This way when they advertise they can say their patients have a "more favorable outcome" than other cancer centers. It's all bullshit.

But if you have money and/or are a high profile individual, you get only the best surgeons and care, for the obvious reasons. Hospitals LOVE people who pay cash.

Dude give me a break. yea your hurting but their is no cure for cancer. your still hating. I let it go.....after a few years. of course, my wife had the best doc's and nurses I could ask for.....Walter Peyton had all the money he could ask for and it couldnt save him.

And so did Linda McCartney. I'm not sure what your point is. Are you saying we should tolerate having large insurance companies dictate our medical care since cancer is a serious and sometimes deadly disease? WTF kind of logic is that? We should tolerate the wealthy getting better care because they are rich? Really?
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As I have worked in the system for a good chunk of my adult working life, and quite a bit of that time was dealing with people of limited means, your opinion is noted. And politely discounted as you don't have a clue what you are talking about.

I see you don't bother to explain your comments. That's because you can't.

If you worked in the system and think the system works, then you're not only clueless but also part of the problem.

You didn't bother to explain your comments when you made a wrong statement about the healthcare system. Ruth Bader Ginsberg gets the best care because those in government provide themselves with the very best of everything at our expense and do not have to follow the rules that everybody else does.

And there is an element of truth that those of means can afford more perks and niceties than those of limited means can afford. My Aunt, for instance, in her last recent hospitalization, would have been assigned a shared room that Medicare would pay for, but she could afford to pay extra for a private room. The care she received, however, was just as miserable and incompetent as the Medicaid patient in the next room over.

The system has been breaking down the more government becomes involved in it, and Obamacare threatens to rip it to shreds altogether. But before Medicare and Medicaid and other government medicine, the poor got every bit as good a care as the rich. I've seen it first hand. But as the years have passed, so many new and stupid rules and regulations are mixed in with the corruption and graft that I am amazed if people get any dedicated care at all.

It is government that has created this miserable situation and to think that even more government control will fix it simply doesn't meet the rational clue test.

But I am not part of the problem.

Try medical care in Switzerland or Canada. I have and it's much better than here and at a fraction of the cost. I've received medical care in Mexico, too. Still better than here, but ....OOops, that's not my opinion. The W.H.O. now ranks the U.S. as 38th in the world. Yeah, the best medical care anywhere.
It’s the GOP’s fault to the extent that the incessant foot-dragging by most on the right concerning this and other issues for purely partisan reasons only makes matters worse.

It's a piece of shit bill and no one was given time to read it. The Republicans were wise to go against it. Those who voted for it are the ones with some serious explaining to do now. They fucked up and need to own up to it. Don't point at the right for not successfully stopping the left from making a gigantic mistake. The left was just as hellbent on passing something, anything, as the right was on wanting to take time and do it right. The Dems didn't give a shit what the Repubs had to say and merely wanted to pass this unprecedented power grab by government. The bill was written and understood by a few people and the Dems blindly followed party lines without regard to the harm that would be done. Now we know how bad it is and all they can do is point fingers. It's on them. Period.
I see you don't bother to explain your comments. That's because you can't.

If you worked in the system and think the system works, then you're not only clueless but also part of the problem.

You didn't bother to explain your comments when you made a wrong statement about the healthcare system. Ruth Bader Ginsberg gets the best care because those in government provide themselves with the very best of everything at our expense and do not have to follow the rules that everybody else does.

And there is an element of truth that those of means can afford more perks and niceties than those of limited means can afford. My Aunt, for instance, in her last recent hospitalization, would have been assigned a shared room that Medicare would pay for, but she could afford to pay extra for a private room. The care she received, however, was just as miserable and incompetent as the Medicaid patient in the next room over.

The system has been breaking down the more government becomes involved in it, and Obamacare threatens to rip it to shreds altogether. But before Medicare and Medicaid and other government medicine, the poor got every bit as good a care as the rich. I've seen it first hand. But as the years have passed, so many new and stupid rules and regulations are mixed in with the corruption and graft that I am amazed if people get any dedicated care at all.

It is government that has created this miserable situation and to think that even more government control will fix it simply doesn't meet the rational clue test.

But I am not part of the problem.

Try medical care in Switzerland or Canada. I have and it's much better than here and at a fraction of the cost. I've received medical care in Mexico, too. Still better than here, but ....OOops, that's not my opinion. The W.H.O. now ranks the U.S. as 38th in the world. Yeah, the best medical care anywhere.

Switzerland is about the size of New York State and has a population approximating New York City. Not a practical comparison. W.H.O. was uncomplimentary re the USA, but the reasons are related to our size and complexity in 2000 which was the last evaluation of world health systems that it has done. And the experts who analyzed W.H.O's evaluation and rankings 2000 found a lot of problems with it:
WHO's Fooling Who? The World Health Organization's Problematic Ranking of Health Care Systems | Cato Institute

As for whether Mexico--administering a program similar to our Medicare for the elderly only and beginning to find it not paying its way any better than ours is--and Canada with a single payer system that has Canadians coming here for care to escape unconscionable long waiting lists for certain proceures. . . .

Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Health Care Systems

Mexico's health care lures Americans - USATODAY.com
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That additional funding is going to be their downfall because Republicans are not going to vote for any additional funds for this pig. Any that do will have their asses handed to them at election time.

Unfortunately, I don't think it will matter. The dumb shits will just stick their thumbs up their rear ends and add it to the deficit. They'll probably just tell us that once we see the value in this piece of shit we will all come around. Sort of like, "we have to pass it so the people know what is in it".


Obama can't spend a dime if it isn't authorized by Congress. A bill specifically authorizing this spending will have to be passed. The chances of that getting through are zero.

We have been going for five years without a budget and not a dime spent by our government has even been questioned by Congress. This travesty forced upon the citizens of the United States will be treated just the same.

Unfortunately, I don't think it will matter. The dumb shits will just stick their thumbs up their rear ends and add it to the deficit. They'll probably just tell us that once we see the value in this piece of shit we will all come around. Sort of like, "we have to pass it so the people know what is in it".


Obama can't spend a dime if it isn't authorized by Congress. A bill specifically authorizing this spending will have to be passed. The chances of that getting through are zero.

We have been going for five years without a budget and not a dime spent by our government has even been questioned by Congress. This travesty forced upon the citizens of the United States will be treated just the same.


Yup. Harry Reid is on record that the last budget years ago provides sufficient guidelines and the debt ceiling is now the budget. So bureaucrats who have not been elected to anything and who are accountable to pretty much nobody have pretty much a free rein to spend whatever they want on whatever they want.

The Obama administration, however, has been systematically canabalizing funds from various departments, mostly in defense, to shift the money to pet projects and targeted interests that no doubt include a lot of payola.

And they do this with absolutely no fear because they can count on a surrogate media to slavishly report it all as they want it reported whether or not what is reported includes even a grain of truth. The No. 1 mantra of course is that it would all be wonderful if it wasn't for those eeeeeeevil Republicans.

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