Obamacare woes widen as insurers get wrong data

They need to fix much more than the website. The back end data integration and processing is a nightmare.

Yup, my best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he's a freakin' basket case (a condition which usually requires at least one extra beer when we get together). He tells me I "don't want to know" what's going on, on that end of it. So we change the subject.

At the same time, the GOP is declaring the entire law dead on arrival because of the startup, and that's gonna be a big mistake. They'll fix the software & website bullshit at some point, and if the Republicans are hanging their hat on that, they're gonna look silly. They may want to consider easing up on the gloating.

Obama also made this promise:

“I will sign a universal health-care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tvBxCeGtf4]You Lied To Me - YouTube[/ame]
Even the NY Times ran a piece on it

In speech after speech, Senator Barack Obama has vowed that he will lower the country’s health care costs enough to “bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family.”
This mess known as ObamaCare needs to be put on hold at least...
Until they get the web site running the way it was supposed to.

The Republicans tried that on September 30th . But Obama and his Senate bitch, Geezer Reid, said "No".

The longer this website continues to exist as a piece of shit, the GOPers in the House get more vindicated while Congressional Dumbos and the Head Dumbo (Obama) are more and more humiliated.
They need to fix much more than the website. The back end data integration and processing is a nightmare.

The troubles will only grow

Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of Obamacare

But the president's promise is turning out to be false for millions of Americans who have had their health insurance policies canceled because they don't meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoV0NeHNklk][FLASHBACK] Obama: If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan - YouTube[/ame]
This mess known as ObamaCare needs to be put on hold at least...
Until they get the web site running the way it was supposed to.

The Republicans tried that on September 30th . But Obama and his Senate bitch, Geezer Reid, said "No".

The longer this website continues to exist as a piece of shit, the GOPers in the House get more vindicated while Congressional Dumbos and the Head Dumbo (Obama) are more and more humiliated.
Elderly patients sick over losing doctors under ObamaCare

ObamaCare is making seniors sick.
Elderly New Yorkers are in a panic after getting notices that insurance companies are booting their doctors from the Medicare Advantage program as a result of the shifting medical landscape under ObamaCare.

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