Obamacare woes widen as insurers get wrong data

Right on cue, the diversionary tactic of attacking the source of actual information.

Q) Why won't Obama tell us how many people have enrolled?

A) Because the results are dismal. The Obamanoids had a forecast of 500K by the end of October and over 3M by then end of December. They are so far off the mark it's a total humiliation.

Tea Party: 1
Obama: 0

Those of us who knew this was going to be an Epic Fail are being proven quite prescient.

Yes, yes we did.....:eusa_clap:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9airckwqA8]Max Baucus, Obamacare's Lead Author, Sees "Huge Train Wreck Coming" - YouTube[/ame]
Sebelius on the Run
The HHS Secretary refuses to testify about ObamaCare's rollout.

The Affordable Care Act's botched rollout has stunned its media cheering section, and it even seems to have surprised the law's architects. The problems run much deeper than even critics expected, and whatever federal officials, White House aides and outside contractors are doing to fix them isn't working. But who knows? Omerta is the word of the day as the Obama Administration withholds information from the public.
Sebelius on the Run
The HHS Secretary refuses to testify about ObamaCare's rollout.

The Affordable Care Act's botched rollout has stunned its media cheering section, and it even seems to have surprised the law's architects. The problems run much deeper than even critics expected, and whatever federal officials, White House aides and outside contractors are doing to fix them isn't working. But who knows? Omerta is the word of the day as the Obama Administration withholds information from the public.

Perhaps she's the person behind the Unicorn Logistics scam...and will flee the country to live in a luxurious exile on the $6B of fraudulent funding.
Not sure

but she may be the one who came up with

the left's Yogi Berra spin on why the website does not work

"Nobody goes there anymore, it's too crowded."
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any sane person, left or right, whow'd like a sane look at options and whys and where fores may want to read this article;

Obamacare Needs a Drop-Dead Date
By Megan McArdle Oct 14, 2013 1:53 PM PT


-- The administration delayed writing major rules until after the 2012 election, because it didn’t want to give Republicans any ammunition for their campaign. (This actually was noted at the time: http://www.nationaljournal.com/white...tions-20121101 “When it comes to health care, delaying regulations could help the president politically by avoiding discussion of the controversial health reform law. But that makes life difficult for states and industries that need to prepare for the coming changes,” wrote the National Journal. But most of us didn’t understand just how badly this was affecting implementation.)

-- Despite evidence to the contrary, the administration kept insisting that everything was absolutely on track to launch Oct. 1.

-- The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services inexplicably decided to take on the role of central project manager itself, assuming responsibility for integrating all the various software pieces they’d subcontracted, rather than assigning that role to a lead contractor. CMS is not known to maintain a pool of crack programming talent with extensive project management experience that can be deployed to this sort of task.

-- Henry Chao, the Health and Human Services Department's digital architect of the insurance marketplace, seems to have been sounding the alarm bells internally. (He certainly was externally; he famously told a group of insurers in March that “I’m pretty nervous -- I don’t know about you. … Let’s just make sure it’s not a third-world experience.”) Chao was worried that the systems wouldn’t work, a concern to which higher-ups apparently responded by basically telling him in effect that, according to the Times piece, “failure was not an option.”


If the exchanges don’t get fixed soon, they could destroy Obamacare -- and possibly, the rest of the private insurance market. The reason that the exchanges were so important was that they were needed to attract young, healthy people into the insurance system. The worry was that if insurance is hard to buy -- if you have to do your own comparison shopping and then call the insurance company, and fax in some paperwork and two years of tax returns -- that the young and the healthy simply won’t do it. Sick people and old people who were getting huge subsidies -- and maybe the ability to buy insurance on the private market for the first time in a long while -- would overcome any obstacles, because if you’re spending $15,000 a year on health care, it’s worth a lot of your time to make sure that you have insurance. But if your biggest annual health-care expense is contact lens solution, you may just decide to skip it and pay the fine.

The administration estimates that it needs 2.7 million young healthy people on the exchange, out of the 7 million total expected to apply in the first year. If the pool is too skewed -- if it’s mostly old and sick people on the exchanges -- then insurers will lose money, and next year, they’ll sharply increase premiums. The healthiest people will drop out, because insurance is no longer such a good deal for them. Rinse and repeat and you have effectively destroyed the market for individual insurance policies. It’s called the “death spiral,” and the exchanges, like the mandate, were designed to keep it from happening.

more at

Obamacare Needs a Drop-Dead Date - Bloomberg
This mess known as ObamaCare needs to be put on hold at least...
Until they get the web site running the way it was supposed to.
They need to fix much more than the website. The back end data integration and processing is a nightmare.

Papa Obamacare was never about healthcare or affordability.

The radical left would be content with a 'crisis' to make more radical changes
Ruling by crisis has always been a tool of the left
They need to fix much more than the website. The back end data integration and processing is a nightmare.

Agreed...This whole program and all the effects it has on the country is a disaster.
They can't even get the people signed up so why not stop it now.
Wonder how long this will be allowed to continue before Kathleen Sebelius has to appear before Congress
and let everyone know why this happened.

And it's more then people rushing the website and crashing it with high traffic.
OMB director: Er, no, I can’t gaurantee that HealthCare.gov will be running smoothly by mid-December

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQy-6x8ismI]OMB Director Sylvia Burwell Twice Refuses To Say If ObamaCare Website Will Be Fixed By December - YouTube[/ame]
The website is a failure.

The law is still an improvement.

Such is life.

The irony of it all is that the parent company of CGI is the web developer for Canada's online healthcare access. Try taking a Canadian's universal health care system away. You could fuck up their website and they would be the first one to tell they still want to keep their system in place and get new programmers.

I think heads need to roll and then if we don't have the programmers who can handle it in this country, and I'm sure those who can are all H1 visa holders who work for Google in Silicon Valley, for instance, then we need to tap into the online expertise of the other 1st world countries who obviously have it working.
Of course then there's the present reality: Dealing with a large, impersonal health care insurance company THAT PURPOSEFULLY has phone and online reps who deflect, dodge and delay claims and procedures to the detriment of the policy holder's health and well being, all in the name of profit.

I say fix the damn website and get on with it.
Very often people who live under some form of tutelage
find themselves dependent.

Lifers in prison who are afraid to leave, for example.

A leftist "stockholm syndrome" based on gov't dependency is a symptom of a problem
not a solution.
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They need to fix much more than the website. The back end data integration and processing is a nightmare.

The whole thing was started and based on lies

they have a lot more to 'fix"


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