Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Not bad for a community organizer

too stupid!!
1) Obama opposes fracking and horizontal drilling so he is not responsible for huge increase in supply of oil and gas

2) his socialist anti business FDR policies are responsible for slowest recovery since FDR so he can take credit for recession and the lower oil prices it caused.

Do you understand?


Proof is in the pudding.......$1.94 Obamagas

Best President EVER[/QUOTE]
When it was 1.64 under bush....that means.....

sent from 1999
It should be $3-$4/gallon by this time next year.
Only because of panic at the impending loss of Obama Leadership in the White House.
Oh, is that why gasoline prices doubled near the end of Clinton's stint in the Whore House? [emoji38]

Interesting....when Obama took office the price climbed up immediately
Not bad for a community organizer

too stupid!!
1) Obama opposes fracking and horizontal drilling so he is not responsible for huge increase in supply of oil and gas

2) his socialist anti business FDR policies are responsible for slowest recovery since FDR so he can take credit for recession and the lower oil prices it caused.

Do you understand?


Proof is in the pudding.......$1.94 Obamagas

Best President EVER

Cheaper under Eisenhower, the best President ever![/QUOTE]

9 months now. Op is terrible at predictions. Good at licking the dingleberries off of Obamas ass tho

sent from 1999
It should be $3-$4/gallon by this time next year.
Only because of panic at the impending loss of Obama Leadership in the White House.
Oh, is that why gasoline prices doubled near the end of Clinton's stint in the Whore House? [emoji38]

That chart bears no relationship to reality. The day Clinton left office gas was $1.09 in North Florida and $0.99 over the border in Georgia.

I paid up to $4.30 under Bush. That's a quadruple.
What was it when bush left office...and how much have you paid since....lol

sent from 1999
It should be $3-$4/gallon by this time next year.
Only because of panic at the impending loss of Obama Leadership in the White House.
Oh, is that why gasoline prices doubled near the end of Clinton's stint in the Whore House? [emoji38]

That chart bears no relationship to reality. The day Clinton left office gas was $1.09 in North Florida and $0.99 over the border in Georgia.

I paid up to $4.30 under Bush. That's a quadruple.
What was it when bush left office...and how much have you paid since....lol

sent from 1999
Was it so cheap because it was President-Elect ObamaGas™?

Or was it because Bush crashed the world economy, which crashed demand for oil?
It should be $3-$4/gallon by this time next year.
Only because of panic at the impending loss of Obama Leadership in the White House.
Oh, is that why gasoline prices doubled near the end of Clinton's stint in the Whore House? [emoji38]

That chart bears no relationship to reality. The day Clinton left office gas was $1.09 in North Florida and $0.99 over the border in Georgia.

I paid up to $4.30 under Bush. That's a quadruple.
What was it when bush left office...and how much have you paid since....lol

sent from 1999
Was it so cheap because it was President-Elect ObamaGas™?

Or was it because Bush crashed the world economy, which crashed demand for oil?
Lmao....of course you would be intellectually dishonest about this and not give bush credit where you give Obama credit for the same thing

sent from 1999
If, because Obama is President, lower gas prices is to HIS credit, then that means the addition of over $6 trillion in new debt in only 4 years is to HIS credit as well, that the 1st downgrade in US history of our Federal Credit rating, the 1st Ambassador to be murdered in over 30 years, the rise of ISIS, the on-going War on Cops, etc...ALL of this is to OBAMA'S credit because he happened to be in the WH when all of this happened....or are we just 'cherry picking' the good things (as I pointed out) for which to give Obama credit?

And Bush stood by while the towers were attacked and lied to start a war

Bush also sold out to Big Oil and gave them $4.35 gas prices
Is that why gas was cheaper in Dec 2008 than it is now?

sent from 1999

A thinly veiled attempt by Bush to buy votes during an election

More telling is how he gave Oil executives $4 a gallon gas for the only time in history
Projected gas prices based on Presidential candidates

Hillary Clinton $0.98
Bernie Sanders $1.26
Jeb Bush $6.72
Ben Carson $7.99
Marco Rubio $8.01
Carly Fiorina $14.99
Donald Trump $21.52
Anyone suggesting that the way the price of gas climbs to over $4 a gallon is because a President 'sells out' and 'gives the oil companies the 'ok'' to set the price of gas to whatever they want obviously knows NOTHING about how the market works.

Remember when the price of oil per barrel was spiking through the roof...and it was the oil speculators driving up the cost?

Remember when oil prices again rose...and it was OPEC driving up the price?

Remember years ago when the oil prices began to climb another time and it was because of fear during conflict that the Strait would be closed by UAE and Iran and oil could / would not make it through?

Remember how the price of gas went up because one of the limited number of refineries we have in the US had a fire and had to shut down for a while and another time when the hurricane was coming through the refinery down at the Gulf was shut down for a bit?

Perhaps we should file this whole 'Bush's Fault' cr@p under 'Conspiracy Theories'?!
I thought you'd know better than to make a statement like that.
You disappoint, Padawan. :slap:
If a Republican gets elected President, gas will rise to $8 to $10 a gallon
Thanks for further exposing your ridiculous logic for all to see.


I use the same logic Republicans used when they predicted gas would rise to $8 to $10 a gallon if Obama was reelected

It's a science really
Your words not mine. You are an idiot. If you had logic of your own to use you wouldn't be left with nothing of your own to contribute.

Ps. What is it? Nine months or so since this prediction? I have yet to see it below 2 bucks. Funny thing is if I used your idiotic logic I could tell you it's going to rain when you ask me about the weather. Then the next day you'll say I was wrong & I'll correct you and say at some point it will rain. Then as you have, I would promote myself as a genius but in the end you're just a dumbfuck liberal tool
I pay $1.84 for my Obamagas......

You need to go in and say......Fill it up with Obamagas please

Did you try that?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Anyone suggesting that the way the price of gas climbs to over $4 a gallon is because a President 'sells out' and 'gives the oil companies the 'ok'' to set the price of gas to whatever they want obviously knows NOTHING about how the market works.

Remember when the price of oil per barrel was spiking through the roof...and it was the oil speculators driving up the cost?

Remember when oil prices again rose...and it was OPEC driving up the price?

Remember years ago when the oil prices began to climb another time and it was because of fear during conflict that the Strait would be closed by UAE and Iran and oil could / would not make it through?

Remember how the price of gas went up because one of the limited number of refineries we have in the US had a fire and had to shut down for a while and another time when the hurricane was coming through the refinery down at the Gulf was shut down for a bit?

Perhaps we should file this whole 'Bush's Fault' cr@p under 'Conspiracy Theories'?!

Damn, are you ever stupid

First for taking this thread seriously and second for thinking anyone gives a damn
Anyone suggesting that the way the price of gas climbs to over $4 a gallon is because a President 'sells out' and 'gives the oil companies the 'ok'' to set the price of gas to whatever they want obviously knows NOTHING about how the market works.

Remember when the price of oil per barrel was spiking through the roof...and it was the oil speculators driving up the cost?

Remember when oil prices again rose...and it was OPEC driving up the price?

Remember years ago when the oil prices began to climb another time and it was because of fear during conflict that the Strait would be closed by UAE and Iran and oil could / would not make it through?

Remember how the price of gas went up because one of the limited number of refineries we have in the US had a fire and had to shut down for a while and another time when the hurricane was coming through the refinery down at the Gulf was shut down for a bit?

Perhaps we should file this whole 'Bush's Fault' cr@p under 'Conspiracy Theories'?!

Damn, are you ever stupid

First for taking this thread seriously and second for thinking anyone gives a damn

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Damn, are you ever stupid

First for taking this thread seriously and second for thinking anyone gives a damn

There are so many stupid Liberals on this board saying stupid things all the time, like you, that it is hard to tell when you are kidding...or when you get called out for saying stupid stuff and then insist you were kidding.
Damn, are you ever stupid

First for taking this thread seriously and second for thinking anyone gives a damn

There are so many stupid Liberals on this board saying stupid things all the time, like you, that it is hard to tell when you are kidding...or when you get called out for saying stupid stuff and then insist you were kidding.

For the life of me, I can't understand conservatives

EVERYTHING is taken literally
Sarcasm or satire goes right over their heads

Other kids used to laugh at you when you were in school didn't they? You were the kid who had to have the joke explained to him
Projected gas prices based on Presidential candidates

Hillary Clinton $0.98
Bernie Sanders $1.26
Jeb Bush $6.72
Ben Carson $7.99
Marco Rubio $8.01
Carly Fiorina $14.99
Donald Trump $21.52

This just in:

Cruz $17.26
Christie $8.53 but they will pump it for you
Paul $13.13
Projected gas prices based on Presidential candidates

Hillary Clinton $0.98
Bernie Sanders $1.26
Jeb Bush $6.72
Ben Carson $7.99
Marco Rubio $8.01
Carly Fiorina $14.99
Donald Trump $21.52

$0.98? Lol! I think federal and state taxes are close to that. So gas will be free and oil companies will give it away? :lmao: one of your better posts.
Projected gas prices based on Presidential candidates

Hillary Clinton $0.98
Bernie Sanders $1.26
Jeb Bush $6.72
Ben Carson $7.99
Marco Rubio $8.01
Carly Fiorina $14.99
Donald Trump $21.52

$0.98? Lol! I think federal and state taxes are close to that. So gas will be free and oil companies will give it away? :lmao: one of your better posts.


The United States federal excise tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon and 24.4 cents per gallon for diesel fuel.

However, if you show your Liberal Card you can get the gas tax waived


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