Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide


Gas at Sam's Club way up North has hit $2.04 a gallon, holy smokes....that's the lowest I've seen it way up here in Maine, evah! Well, at least since we moved here!

I wish we had another 250 gallon tank, or 2 extra ones for heating oil, as a reserve tank or two, so we could hoard the cheaper heating oil!!!! :D
No Republican has yet denied that gas will rise to $8 a gallon if a Republican gets elected
No Republican has yet denied that gas will rise to $8 a gallon if a Republican gets elected
Because it is a moronic speculative statement that doesn't bear any more response than THIS one...

Don't claim you haven't been warned

Meanwhile.....$1.84 for Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!
Meanwhile.....$1.84 for Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

Your ignorance regarding how gas prices are determined and how the market works is astounding!

Reminds me of how the price of oil suddenly dropped before a Bush election - Liberals were screaming about how Bush HAD to have cut a deal with Saudi and OPEC just before the election in order to help him win..... But now when oil prices are down the same Liberals are claiming it is because of Obama's masterful Presidency and leadership.

Meanwhile.....$1.84 for Obamagas

Thanks President Obama!

Your ignorance regarding how gas prices are determined and how the market works is astounding!

Reminds me of how the price of oil suddenly dropped before a Bush election - Liberals were screaming about how Bush HAD to have cut a deal with Saudi and OPEC just before the election in order to help him win..... But now when oil prices are down the same Liberals are claiming it is because of Obama's masterful Presidency and leadership.


You are totally clueless as to how the price of Obamagas is established

Ever hear of an executive order?
You are totally clueless as to how the price of Obamagas is established

Ever hear of an executive order?

you mean Obama used an Executive Order to force the world to lower the cost of a barrel of oil, that the United States lower the cost of gas at the pump. Well hell, if it was that easy why hasn't any President done so before now? :rolleyes:
You are totally clueless as to how the price of Obamagas is established

Ever hear of an executive order?

you mean Obama used an Executive Order to force the world to lower the cost of a barrel of oil, that the United States lower the cost of gas at the pump. Well hell, if it was that easy why hasn't any President done so before now? :rolleyes:
You are so naive when it comes to the powers of the President

Don't you realize that as Dictator, Obama can do as he wishes?

Thankfully, he wishes to give us $1.84 Obamagas.......Thanks President Obama
Anyone suggesting that the way the price of gas climbs to over $4 a gallon is because a President 'sells out' and 'gives the oil companies the 'ok'' to set the price of gas to whatever they want obviously knows NOTHING about how the market works.

Remember when the price of oil per barrel was spiking through the roof...and it was the oil speculators driving up the cost?

Remember when oil prices again rose...and it was OPEC driving up the price?

Remember years ago when the oil prices began to climb another time and it was because of fear during conflict that the Strait would be closed by UAE and Iran and oil could / would not make it through?

Remember how the price of gas went up because one of the limited number of refineries we have in the US had a fire and had to shut down for a while and another time when the hurricane was coming through the refinery down at the Gulf was shut down for a bit?

Perhaps we should file this whole 'Bush's Fault' cr@p under 'Conspiracy Theories'?!

Damn, are you ever stupid

First for taking this thread seriously and second for thinking anyone gives a damn
So you were shown to be a liar....and poof, suddenly you were only kidding... lol

sent from 1999
Another moron chimes in

No wonder this thread has gone 2000 posts.......I never run out of morons


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I thought you'd know better than to make a statement like that.
You disappoint, Padawan. :slap:
If a Republican gets elected President, gas will rise to $8 to $10 a gallon
It's obvious that a Republican would lead us to higher gas prices

Right now the GOP has blocked Obama and have gas prices going down!

Thanks GOP!

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


Because Republicans are in the pocket of Big Oil and have no clue on how to maintain the low cost of Obamagas. Even the best Republican would give us $8 a gallon gas if elected President
OMG :rofl:

There is every indication that electing a Republican president would lead to $8 a gallon gas

I have not heard a single Republican deny it

Only for liberals. For the Republicans the gas will be below $0.75 a gallon.

Liberals will feel good about high oil and taxes and conservatives will feel good about low gas prices.

It will be a win win.
If a Republican gets elected President, gas will rise to $8 to $10 a gallon
Right now the GOP has blocked Obama and have gas prices going down!

Thanks GOP!

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


Because Republicans are in the pocket of Big Oil and have no clue on how to maintain the low cost of Obamagas. Even the best Republican would give us $8 a gallon gas if elected President
OMG :rofl:

There is every indication that electing a Republican president would lead to $8 a gallon gas

I have not heard a single Republican deny it

Only for liberals. For the Republicans the gas will be below $0.75 a gallon.

Liberals will feel good about high oil and taxes and conservatives will feel good about low gas prices.

It will be a win win.
He's playing you. :slap:

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