Obamagas to drop below $2 a gallon nationwide

Be thankful for the wonders of free enterprise and open markets at work. To think the private sector, regardless of the road blocks of government and the anti fossil fuel president were able to provide the volume of supply to force a reduction in oil prices. Can you imagine if the private sector had been provided with the ability to build refineries what the price of gas would be? No thanks to the clown on the hill.
Be thankful for the wonders of free enterprise and open markets at work. To think the private sector, regardless of the road blocks of government and the anti fossil fuel president were able to provide the volume of supply to force a reduction in oil prices. Can you imagine if the private sector had been provided with the ability to build refineries what the price of gas would be? No thanks to the clown on the hill.

Wrong you duped dipshit! Under Obama.Multi Bore Drill Pads "EcoPad" exploded & became the norm only after the removal of setback boundaries on "EcoPad drillers" US oil production fell under Bushpublicans.

Under Obama US oilsands production also takes off. Utah’s oil sands are being extracted for $25/barrel “without creating the expensive toxic wastelands that have resulted from oil sands projects in Western Canada.” In the USA we are using solvent to efficiently separate 99% of oil from crushed rock and sand. The process does not use any water eliminating “massive tailing ponds filled with millions of gallons of toxic sludge”. Oil is extracted cheaply & virtually without a trace or toxic footprint on the environment.

Coal plants are gaining more revenue streams by capturing & selling CO2. Coal fired power plants are SELLING CO2 to Oil Producers. "Enhanced Oil Recovery" creating a major demand for Carbon Dioxide from Coal Power Plants. CO2 from Coal Power Plants is unlocking more oil for customers & profits for Oil Producers.

ExxonMobil lets contract for Texas refinery expansion

Joint venture advances plan for grassroots refinery in North Dakota
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No, you cut your own bullshit.
Statement and retort to the statement.
Don't like it. now...tough shit.

Now, tell your right wing nutjobs that when gas prices go up. It is not the presidents fault.

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot
Cut the bullshit.
The facts are Democrats Carter & Obama had domestic energy policies that increased US Oil, Gas & energy production. Republicans Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush 1 & Bush 2 destroyed US oil production. Read it & weep!


Congressional Republicans have twice attached provisions to roll back or tweak parts of Dodd-Frank to legislation that the president ultimately signed into law: the government spending bill and a bill to reauthorize a federal terrorism risk insurance program, known as TRIA. This is to bring back Enron style energy trading schemes taxing US heavily through higher prices.

Republicans killed US oil production.

- Republican president Nixion & Ford enacted price controls that killed US oil production in the 1970's. Us oil production has declined under every Republican president since.

- Republican president Nixion created the EPA that helped kill US oil production in the 1970's. Us oil production has declined under every Republican president since.

- Democrat President Carter got rid of Republican price controls & signed into law the U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation Act & imposed oil import fees. This boosted US oil production that Republicans had destroyed.

- Republican president Reagan abolished U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation in 1985 & caused US oil production to fall for 24 more years until Democrat President Obama took power.

- Republican president Bush senior signed EO12777 banning drilling. Horizontal fracking setback borders were enforced under Republicans, not under Obama. This Bush EO tanked US oil production gains made under Carter.

- 60% in Republican Texas town that is the birthplace of fracking & has been supported by fracking just voted to ban it.

- Under Democrat President Obama horizontal drilling boundaries setbacks were removed for Eco-Pad drilling reducing the cost of drilling & producing oil in the USA by $15/barrel. That made oil shale in the USA competitive creating the first rise in US oil production since the Carter administration.

- Under Democrat President Obama Utah’s oil sands are being extracted for $25/barrel “without creating the toxic wastelands that have resulted from oil sands projects in Western Canada.”Using solvent to separate 99% of oil from crushed rock and sand. The process does not use any water eliminating “massive tailing ponds filled with gallons of toxic sludge”. Oil is extracted cheaply & virtually without a trace or toxic footprint on the environment.

- Since 1970 US oil production fell under every Republican administration due to their policies & only rose under Carter & Obama. Machiavelli would be proud of how Republicans lies have their sheeple believing the exact opposite.

- Republicans believe in powerful police state spending trillions of tax dollars to steal oil from others instead of increasing domestic energy.
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Looks like Obama was right about not approving the completion of the Keystone pipeline. :thup: Prices came down without it.
Looks like Obama was right about not approving the completion of the Keystone pipeline. :thup: Prices came down without it.
Wise move by President Obama

It ensured low prices for Obamagas
Looks like Obama was right about not approving the completion of the Keystone pipeline. :thup: Prices came down without it.
Wise move by President Obama

It ensured low prices for Obamagas
Jesus Christ.....
No, you cut your own bullshit.
Statement and retort to the statement.
Don't like it. now...tough shit.

Now, tell your right wing nutjobs that when gas prices go up. It is not the presidents fault.

National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer

Federal oil & gas creation IS DOWN dumbass. The increase is from the PRIVATE SECTOR.

Gas prices are low DESPITE Obama.

Fucking lib idiot
Cut the bullshit.
Hey, I can't help you if you are a pot committed Obamabot..
Filled up my 750 bike today and it was a pittance. Thank you Mr. President
None of you lefties can produce a single statement or policy made up by Obama that had anything to do with the falling price of oil and gasoline .
If anything, Obama is seething over the low prices. because low fuel prices puts us farther away from being cowed into his stupid green energy bullshit.
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
If it were $4 you'd be singing a different time sister. Racist shit
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
If it were $4 you'd be singing a different time sister. Racist shit
"If"......If if's and buts were candy and nuts, every day would be Christmas...
And from where do you get the gumption to play the race card?
Are we having a meltdown, little one?
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
If it were $4 you'd be singing a different time sister. Racist shit
"If"......If if's and buts were candy and nuts, every day would be Christmas...
And from where do you get the gumption to play the race card?
Are we having a meltdown, little one?
I thought it'd be funny to call her a racist just for disagreeing with obama
When gas was $4 a gallon under Obama....he had nothing to do with it according to libtards....now.....LoL

Rank hypocrisy

sent from 1999
As President Obama continues to drop the price of Obamagas, Republicans can remind us how we would be paying 50 cents a gallon more if they were in charge

Excuse me while I stand over here and LMAO.

Obama has absutely nothing to do with gas prices up or down.

Domestic production is up and the price of crude overseas is down hence the low gas prices.

Your an idiot.
If it were $4 you'd be singing a different time sister. Racist shit

LMAO idiot. If it were $4 a gallon I'd be in the same shitty boat as you would be in.

Domestic production is up and that's why gas prices are low and your racist bullshit is just that. Bullshit.
National gas prices to soon fall below 2

Nationally, regular unleaded gasoline currently averages about $2.12 a gallon, down 46 cents from just four weeks ago and $1.01 cheaper than year-ago levels.
Gas prices are also expected to fall more than previously forecast for the full year

Not bad for a community organizer


Not bad for someone who has absolutely nothing to do with the price of gas up or down.

Jesus you are an idiot.

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