Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

View attachment 335133

Why do you support a corrupt leader just because you don’t like Trump? It’s really bizarre.

Obama was a very corrupt President and we have a ton of evidence to support it.

What is the evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump is a Russian spy? Specifically lay it out.

No one will because it’s bullshit,
In trumpoholic tea bagger world, a black President can never be allowed.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.
Remember what Obama did here...he tried to fuck over half the nation and steal their vote from them...a man that took 6 months to prove where he was born.....if any republican tells you we can't do whats right here let them know you disagree strongly.....
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Oh please...GRU hang out on Facebook
I don't facebook. Nobody realized they were working facebook until 2016, either. But of course, why would they ever think dabbling on a low traffic, local message board, that nobody pays any attention to as this one, right?
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

How about calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy?

Hillary is trash, and 65 million stupid assholes voted for her.
Grenell is hot onto Obama and his staff...he delivered smoking guns to the justice dept. this morning on the unmasking of Flynn which is a felony with mandatory prison time.....
haha, desperate nonsense. You know, even Gowdy had to admit that there are no prosecutions coming from the Durham farce. He made this surprising announcement in hopes of saving the trump machine from embarrassment. He clearly miscalculated the amount of embarrassment they are willing to endure, to get the base all lathered up.
Tulsi is a Russian Spy because she called out HIllary and Obama and Bush for their illegal wars.

Just let that marinate, you liberal assholes who voted for HIllary.

If you think Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian spy you are absolutely fucked in the head,
Grenell is hot onto Obama and his staff...he delivered smoking guns to the justice dept. this morning on the unmasking of Flynn which is a felony with mandatory prison time.....
haha, desperate nonsense. You know, even Gowdy had to admit that there are no prosecutions coming from the Durham farce. He made this surprising announcement in hopes of saving the trump machine from embarrassment. He clearly miscalculated the amount of embarrassment they are willing to endure, to get the base all lathered up.
Gowdy has been exposed as someone that's been wrong for three years...he is a swamper....look it up and see Grenell marching the unmasking data over to the DOJ this morning....mandatory prison time for whoever unmasked Flynn and that would be Yates...she has already thrown Obama under the bus and she will sing like a bird to stay out of prison...your boy is toast sucker.....
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

How about calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy?

Hillary is trash, and 65 million stupid assholes voted for her.
Nuremberg 2021
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!
Did I defend anyone or attack either, for that matter? Feeling fragile this morning, Oldstyle?
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

How about calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy?

Hillary is trash, and 65 million stupid assholes voted for her.
Nuremberg 2021

Just following orders.
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

How about calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy?

Hillary is trash, and 65 million stupid assholes voted for her.
Yes, the Tulsi shit was nuts. Both whacked out ends do it. As I said.

And some think Trump is trash. You're not required to agree.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

So you're saying the manufactured story built by Obama interests leading to Russia-gate is a fabrication, and Obama didn't instruct our "justice" department to investigate and circumvent Trump's authority? How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

Aint my first rodeo dude, I know how to deal with PROG-think - You only need be direct and clear. Come at me with a spin.

Tulsi is a Russian Spy because she called out HIllary and Obama and Bush for their illegal wars
No. "Russian asset". Please try to keep it straight.

Which in PROG-speak means Russian Spy treasonous, projection & propaganda.
Last edited:
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

How about calling Tulsi Gabbard a Russian spy?

Hillary is trash, and 65 million stupid assholes voted for her.
Nuremberg 2021

Just following orders.
I KNOW NOTHING. I love this clip.
I will Venmo any liberal $100 if they can provide evidence that Flynn lied to the FBI or Trump and Putin stole the election. Or that Russia hacked the DNC server.

What’s the hard evidence?

Just amazing. You liberals all know you are liars.

Just no moral compass. Absolute scum.

$100, any evidence that Flynn lied or Trump and Putin conspired to steal the 2016 election.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

So you're saying the manufactured story built by Obama interests leading to Russia-gate is a fabrication, and Obama didn't instruct our "justice" department to investigate and circumvent Trump's authority? How the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

Aint my first rodeo dude, I know how to deal with PROG-think - You only need be direct and clear. Come at me with a spin.

Tulsi is a Russian Spy because she called out HIllary and Obama and Bush for their illegal wars
No. "Russian asset". Please try to keep it straight.

Which in PROG-speak means Russian Spy treasonous, projection & propaganda.

No, sorry nutball, i dont agree with a word of that. And neither will anyone else who is not a diehard trump cultist who is already going to vote for trump. So i see no substance or benefit to the latest crusade by the mentally ill president, except for benefit to his opponent, as he goes full crazy for the next 6 months.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

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