Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

Correct, normal in the sense of not being a diehard trump cultist, like you.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

Correct, normal in the sense of not being a diehard trump cultist, like you.

Did you enjoy your $2500 Obomacare savings?
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

Correct, normal in the sense of not being a diehard trump cultist, like you.

Did you enjoy your $2500 Obomacare savings?

Oops, the Obama Tourettes Symdrome is really flaring up. Must be the polls.
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!
Holy Moly!! You want AG Barr arrested and charged, along with Trump!!!

Who would have thunk it? :D
Compared to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, AG Barr is a choirboy! Those two were corrupt to the core! They turned a blind eye to more blatant abuses of power than any two AG's in the history of this country!
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
Well, that is what happens when your AG is your personal lawyer and wingman. Obama managed to find a loyal Toadie, two, in fact, to ensure that no indictment, lawsuits or accusations were brought to official light.

BTW, you can thank the Republican's for the zero articles of impeachment. Not because there wasn't cause, but because they were smart enough to let the electorate do their thing.
From 2014:

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) has a succinct response when asked about impeaching President Obama: "Have you met Joe Biden?"
Gowdy was asked on Fox News Thursday night about the possibility of impeachment, if Obama acts without Congress on immigration.
"Have you met Joe Biden, is my response to that," Gowdy replied. "So, no. Nobody's discussing impeachment except pundits and commentators. First of all, impeachment is a punishment; it's not a remedy. Second of all, the only people who want us to talk about impeachment are the president's allies."
Referring to the idea of impeachment as bait, Gowdy said, "I'm not going to take it because I've met Joe Biden."
Gowdy is strongly opposed to Obama's expected executive action giving legal status to millions of people who entered the United States illegally.
He pointed to the confirmation process of Obama's attorney general nominee, Loretta Lynch, as a place where Republicans could fight, suggesting the GOP could use Obama's decision against her.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

Correct, normal in the sense of not being a diehard trump cultist, like you.

Did you enjoy your $2500 Obomacare savings?

Oops, the Obama Tourettes Symdrome is really flaring up. Must be the polls.

Yes, trust the polls....they'll never get your Hope's up then smash them into little pieces causing you to scream at the sky.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Of course obama wont go to jail, or even be charged, because there is no crime to charge. This is nothing more than election year garbage that will only play with the most diehard cultists. I.E., votes trump already has. So good, i hope you and your State media FOX spend an inordinate amount of time on this laughable nonsense. It helps distinguish you nutballs from the normal people and throws the election into sharp relief.

The normal people? Like the ones who beleive Russian collusion, Ukraine, pee pee tapes, Putins puppet, Binders full of women, Romney never paid taxes, Algore won Florida..............

Correct, normal in the sense of not being a diehard trump cultist, like you.

Did you enjoy your $2500 Obomacare savings?

Oops, the Obama Tourettes Symdrome is really flaring up. Must be the polls.

Yes, trust the polls....they'll never get your Hope's up then smash them into little pieces causing you to scream at the sky.

I didnt say the polls wouldnt change. I said they are causing your obama tourettes syndrome to flare up. Trump's, too. Thus the latest joke of an attempt by Trump.
Compared to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, AG Barr is a choirboy! Those two were corrupt to the core! They turned a blind eye to more blatant abuses of power than any two AG's in the history of this country!
Next time you regurgitate a bunch of right wing media mythology do yourself a favor and use a barf bag.
Anyone? I will send you $100 on Venmo if you provide us evidence that Flynn lied or Putin and Trump stole the election.

There are at least 2 dozen liberals reading this. Just show the evidence.
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
swing bata bata bata a swing and a miss
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy. The acts in furtherance of the goal of the conspiracy are separate charges. The fraud on the FISA court, Operation Crossfire Razor is another. This onion is just beginning to be peeled. The Ukraine fraud is just starting to leak pus.

They did more than just organize and advocate-
They actively worked to overthrow and remove a sitting President - it's Treason.
No. It is sedition. If they had worked with a foreign power in time of war it would be treason. The Democrat alliance with China would be treason.

Why do you think that a foreign power needs to be involved for it to be treason?
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Nope because the repubs in the senate already said no investigation
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!
Did I defend anyone or attack either, for that matter? Feeling fragile this morning, Oldstyle?
Calling you out for not recognizing how the Obama White House outdid the Nixon White House when it comes to abuse of power is me feeling "fragile"? The evidence is overwhelming what took place. Now it's just a question of what we do about it so that future Administrations don't feel free to use powerful governmental agencies like the IRS and the Justice Department against their political opponents!
Compared to Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, AG Barr is a choirboy! Those two were corrupt to the core! They turned a blind eye to more blatant abuses of power than any two AG's in the history of this country!
Next time you regurgitate a bunch of right wing media mythology do yourself a favor and use a barf bag.
Oh, let me guess...you actually BELIEVE Lorretta Lynch and Bill Clinton only talked about their grandchildren in that secret meeting on the tarmac in Arizona?
You have asked to talk to the fringe cult on a core belief. Would not be surprised if some on this board were GRU or IRA. You will get nothing for your time on this one Bulldog.:(
Are you really going to defend what the Obama Administration did, White? This goes way beyond Party politics! When you've got a sitting President using the IRS to handicap his political opponents. When you've got a sitting President using his supporters in the FBI, CIA and NSA to use fabricated "dossiers" to spy on the opposition Party's nominee. You've got something far more insidious than some bungling "burglars" breaking into the Watergate offices of the DNC back in the Nixon days!
Did I defend anyone or attack either, for that matter? Feeling fragile this morning, Oldstyle?
Calling you out for not recognizing how the Obama White House outdid the Nixon White House when it comes to abuse of power is me feeling "fragile"? The evidence is overwhelming what took place. Now it's just a question of what we do about it so that future Administrations don't feel free to use powerful governmental agencies like the IRS and the Justice Department against their political opponents!
I don't see any evidence that Obama tried to sabotage any peace talks W was making with Iraq. Iraq had decided all on its own that they were done with "our help."
"When you put together the last 24 hours, the comments by former President Obama, that ‘this is a threat to the rule of law’, which is an utter joke coming out of his mouth. When you put together Mary McCord’s op-ed, and then some of the statements from people associated with Mueller, you realize that the Mueller probe was at the beginning, nothing more than a pretext to get the President impeached. And you realize than anybody in the senior FBI and DOJ levels were in on it, and what’s really fascinating, is when you go back and you look at January 5th, 2017, in the Oval Office, all Intelligence Community leaders, the Vice President [Joe Biden], Sally Yates, Comey, Brennan and Susan Rice – the President of the United States in that meeting, Barack Obama, is discussing the ongoing investigation into the Trump campaign, the inter transition and the Trump Presidency.

And, [Obama] says in that meeting, according to Susan Rice, he wants to be kept informed so he can decide whether or not they are going to withhold classified information from the incoming administration involving Russia. That is sedition. That is beyond anything we ever heard about a President leaving office, doing this to his successor. What Obama did in that office was sedition on that day.

President Obama’s hands are dirty. They are beyond dirty. He has judicial blood on his hands.
He is responsible for this injustice. He could have stopped it. He could have said, ‘what are you idiots doing. This is against the duly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump. Why are you doing this?’

He didn’t he encouraged it. And he had the brazen, talk about a brazen plot. How brazen they are sitting in the Oval Office on January 5th and saying they might not share intelligence with the incoming administration. And you know what that means? THAT MEANS THEY DID NOT WANT TO GIVE IT TO FLYNN."

Barry knew Flynn was going to have access to EVERYTHING - all their dirty little secrets, all their collaboration with Steele, the propaganda gotten from the Russian Intel Service they CHOSE to use, Hillary and the DNC paying Fusion GPS-Steele-The Russians for the Dossier, collaboration with foreign Intel services to set up Papadopoulos, the specifics about how they went after Carter Page yet withheld exculpatory evidence, how Brennan, Clapper, and Strzok collaborated to author and control the ICA and the ICR which were based on the known RIS propaganda....

And if Flynn got access to that their collective asses would be in hot water....like it is now.

All this evidence coming out has all but screwed all of them and could land them all in prison.


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