Obamagate? Exactly what crime did Obama commit?

Piles of accusations about an x president, Why now? don't we have a Huge problem with this virus & and the overwhelming chaos it is creating, is this just political misdirection?
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.
Obamagate will be outed by Barr and Durham, in detail.
The democrats will scream that Barr and Durham are political hitmen, and that the US is turning into a "banana republic".
The "investigative facts" will need to not only get indictments, but convictions, for the biggest scandal in US history to be confirmed for the history books.
This is why we need to grow a pair and prosecute Obama...skin color should not be a get out of jail free card in politics....its too dangerous for our nation.....and if don't do the right thing this will happen again....

He'll never be convicted, no way.
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment

Classic example of PROG-think. First you provide information under false pretenses, then ignore context. PROGS are supposed to be creative and intelligent, I know cuz they say so. Somehow they can't see beyond A to B anyway, how come?
Now we need to grill OBiden when he comes out of his self imposed quarantine in his basement.....the man is afraid of the virus how can we think he will not cower to China?....
Trump was asked yesterday about the crimes Obama committed and he could not give an answer. That's because there were none. So barr is trying his best to make some up to please his boss.

Had Trump cited one you would have crucified him for it. Now he lets the DOJ decide, as it should be, and allows them to make that determination.

As for me Obama is a traitor. He has intentionally tried to destroy the US Constitution and its protections. He needs to swing from a gallows along side his coconspiritors.
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
Obama has finally achieved what he so wanted to attain....his legacy. (The most corrupt president in our history)
Historians will have raised eyebrows.
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.
I saw in Hillary’s emails that she was emailing Obama from her private server.

Obama is most corrupt President in history.

He knew about Flynn and he knew about Trump. He ran them.

Obama should be in prison.
Obama's actions were that of a shadow government about to take total control and had Hillary won he would have.. Trump disrupted his takeover of the US. Obama responded by pushing a lie to discredit Trump. People need to meet the gallows over this...

Trump is Hitler though, so it’s ok to break the law.
The USA was just a few thousand votes from perpetual tyranny. It’s amazing.
The crime is sedition, not treason. Conspiracy to commit sedition. The operation known as Crossfire Hurricane was a conspiracy.
The IG has already stated the investigation was completely justified given the number of suspicious contacts between Russia and members of the campaign.
Trump's latest whine is about something he calls Obamagate. Despite being asked several times, he can't say what crimes he thinks Obama committed. I'm sure there are a lot of smart Trump supporters who can shed light on what Trump is talking about since Trump is incapable of doing that himself. I'm not asking for a list of everything you want to whine about. Just specifically what Obamagate is supposed to refer to, and what definable crime you think Obama committed to deserve gate to be added to his name. Also, show any evidence you might have that proves he committed any crimes you might mention.

Ordering the illegal spying on the opposition campaign during an election......using the FBI, CIA, DOJ and State Department to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Trump and his people........ordering the FBI to illegally target General Flynn, and having them lie to get a perjury conviction against him.......

But don't worry, it is all coming out now and his exact involvement will be made clear as we go along.....

Trump's own FBI chief said there wasnt any spying on Trump campaign.
This was a year ago: so still beating this dead horse?

And Wray is wrong...as the new information is showing....They used illegal FISA warrants you doofus...and went in there to trap Flynn......you know...information is coming out now in a wave.....you can't lie about this anymore.

Can you show me some proof?
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
He'll never go to jail, but surely his crimes against country are clear. Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie. Unlike PROG-reporting Tucker actually reports on things that are real & matter.

Weeks before Trump took over Obama instructed our "justice" departments to HIDE classified information from the incoming POTUS. Always the con-man the PROG-President "felt" Trump was a Russian spy or some shit, all under false pretenses. Unbelievable. Crime against country.

The Obama admin. decorated a story to investigate Trump's people under false pretenses. All while it was they who were collaborating with foreigners. Crime against country.

For years the Demonicrats decorated a story Trump was a Russian spy under false pretences. We all heard how it was certain. It wasn't of course, so they impeached Trump anyway. Crime against country.

Susan Rice, the MFing security advisor essentially told PROG news the POTUS was a Russian asset. Under oath the appointed because she's a black she and corrupt PROG said essentially she lied. Crime against country.

Before leaving office Obama instructed the head of the FBI to investigate the incoming POTUS under a witch hunt, and to report not to Trump but to the former POTUS. So MFers, stick your Trump's a dumb idiot for suggesting "Obama spied on me" where the sun doesn't shine. Gee, I wonder why Trump asked Comey for some loyalty, you dumb rocks. You're always wrong, Trump is right often, Comey works for Obama, he's proved to be an embarrassment. Crimes against country.

Former head of CIA receives large sums of money to entertain PROG-speak by declaring Trump a Russian spy, all under false pretenses. Crimes against country.

Like many associated in anyway with Trump, Flynn was entrapped under false pretenses set up to prosecute on anything possible or not. So what does PROG-president weak corrupt piece of shit POTUS say? He says "Ah shucks, it's injustice to declare injustice injustice".

It all points to Obama. Not because it makes a partisan happy to say so, but because the FACTS & reason dictate so. Repeat after me PROGS, your favorite POTUS was the most incompetent corrupt con-POTUS hacks in our nation's history. He sucks & his legacy is a trail of crap.

Like Trump, NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW...I heard that by the MUELLER TEAM!!!!
I saw in Hillary’s emails that she was emailing Obama from her private server.

Obama is most corrupt President in history.

He knew about Flynn and he knew about Trump. He ran them.

Obama should be in prison.
Obama's actions were that of a shadow government about to take total control and had Hillary won he would have.. Trump disrupted his takeover of the US. Obama responded by pushing a lie to discredit Trump. People need to meet the gallows over this...

That's real interesting.
Kicker is PROGS love to share how stupid Trump is. I guess you have a choice where Obama is concerned, he either proved to be the most corrupt POTUS in our nation's history or like many PROGS he was just dumb-foolish to buy into a fucking story book intent to take down a POTUS under text-book treason. Difference being he acted on it.

You know the answer, Obama is plain corrupt.
Obama: 8 yrs

0 indictments 0 lawsuits 0 rape accusations 0 articles of impeachment

Trump: 3 yrs

34 indictments 3500 lawsuits 22 rape accusations 2 articles of impeachment 1 impeachment
Well, that is what happens when your AG is your personal lawyer and wingman. Obama managed to find a loyal Toadie, two, in fact, to ensure that no indictment, lawsuits or accusations were brought to official light.

BTW, you can thank the Republican's for the zero articles of impeachment. Not because there wasn't cause, but because they were smart enough to let the electorate do their thing.
Watch Carlson, he doesn't lie.
This is the kind of sentiment that really is disturbing. The same kind of thing is said about Maddow and any other lefty by their fans.

Clearly, the fans of these people don't realize that they're getting a one-sided view of reality. The TV/Radio host is providing "facts" in such as way as to support their partisan agenda. They are highlighting those facts, and ignoring or avoiding or downplaying or distorting facts to the contrary.

But because some of the fundamental facts being presented are in fact true, they can claim to be "speaking the truth", and the fans will simply assume that they're getting the full and intellectually honest story.

This is how these people -- those with a professional vested interest in dividing and making us angrier -- are able to be so damn successful.

Point taken, but I'd like to know what you think Carlson is leaving out.
There is no way to know what they've seen.

When a story like this is researched, they'll stumble across all kinds of contrary information. But they don't reveal it when they're trying to make a point.

Actually, Carlson and Maddow are very similar in their approaches when they present this stuff. Very calm, studious, respectful. But if they are interviewing someone from the other side, all that happens is that each of them is arguing a different set of actual facts, and the other is just saying "yeah, but..."

I'd like to see what people like this would produce if they had to work with the other, and had to agree on all material being presented. I guarantee you it would look damn different, and less accusatory.

I've only seen Maddow a few times. She sets the table the way she wants you to see it of course. I doubt she entertains opposing views very much, and if so I doubt they're tough opponents. In the end Maddow is a hack. WTF breaks down and cries mainstream because their "guy" lost an election? She's has her job because she's a she, she's a lesbian, and of course she's emotional and enjoys story-books.
She went nuts on the Russia thing, and lost many fans on the Left as a result.

That's what happens when an ideology takes over for common sense and reason.

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