Obamais one of the worst presidents in American history

President Obama has opened up a six-point lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup. This is the widest gap between the two men since mid-August.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Obama earning 44% support from Likely Voters, while Romney receives 38% of the vote.

2012 Presidential Matchups - Rasmussen Reports™

Does not change the fact that his approval ratings are going down.

Even Chris Matthews says he is toast.

All your polls and crap right now don't mean squat.

In 12 months, it is highly probable he becomes a one-termer.

Want to bet?

I already am...with several folks.
President Obama has opened up a six-point lead over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup. This is the widest gap between the two men since mid-August.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds Obama earning 44% support from Likely Voters, while Romney receives 38% of the vote.

Does not change the fact that his approval ratings are going down.

Even Chris Matthews says he is toast.

All your polls and crap right now don't mean squat.

In 12 months, it is highly probable he becomes a one-termer.

His approval ratings go up and down nothing new there. i bet you're wettin your pants over the rasmussen survery, eh? and chris matthews said the same thing when he was running against hillary clinton. you are scared shitless. :lol:
Getting us back to the good old days. Pubs REALLY suq these days- hopeless...McGovern would have been great- no brainer.
The right hates Obama because he's black and the Republican Party, 90% white and centered in the deep south leads the charge.

When the "real" debates start between whoever the Republican candidate is, there will be close comparison between the GOP and the Democrats. Should be interesting.

GOP has two policies:
1. Cut taxes for rich people
2. Subsidies for corporations.

The right says Obama is lying when he says, "You will be on your own if you elect a Republican". Only Republicans are running on:
1. Let him die
2. End Medicard
3. End Social Security

Before the right wingers start, a voucher program is ending Medicare. Throwing Social Security into the Stock Market is simply a "speedier" way of transferring the wealth from the middle class to the top 1% where the Republican leadership feels it belongs.

Republicans and Republican policies got us into this mess and they have no new ideas for getting us out. Americans know this. Saying "vote for us because it's all Obama's fault" isn't going to cut it. You have to have a "reason" for voting Republican.

Republicans hate Obama so much, they feel everyone should. They don't need a reason. They believe the hate is more than skin deep. But I say it IS skin deep.

Born 1953. During Ike's first term.

Some others before like Buchanan , Grant and Harding were pretty bad - but Obama is by far the worst in my lifetime.
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Born 1953. During Ike's first term.

Some others before like Buchanan , Grant and Harding were pretty bad - but Obama is by far the worst in my lifetime.

You may also be the worst in his lifetime.
The worst POTUS is not obama. its the guy that sat on his self rightous a$$ and allowed over 3,000 americans to lose their lives on 9/11 started two unfunded costly wars- lots of lives lost there-, took this country on the brink of total economic collapse, billions in tax cuts for the wealthiest that produce NO jobs, squandered a surplus left by the previous democratic POTUS, medicare prescription plan UNPAID FOR, lied about iraq- more bloodshed there-, and then there's Enron. this is just a FEW of the f'ups of your GOP POTUS!

"allowed over 3,000 americans to lose their lives on 9/11???" Show usa the link that he allowed 3,000 deaths when you can post a link. I'd like to see that!
The worst POTUS is not obama. its the guy that sat on his self rightous a$$ and allowed over 3,000 americans to lose their lives on 9/11 started two unfunded costly wars- lots of lives lost there-, took this country on the brink of total economic collapse, billions in tax cuts for the wealthiest that produce NO jobs, squandered a surplus left by the previous democratic POTUS, medicare prescription plan UNPAID FOR, lied about iraq- more bloodshed there-, and then there's Enron. this is just a FEW of the f'ups of your GOP POTUS!

"allowed over 3,000 americans to lose their lives on 9/11???" Show usa the link that he allowed 3,000 deaths when you can post a link. I'd like to see that!

Over 3,000 dead in Iraq. Over 30,000 maimed for life from Iraq. Bush, in his book, said his greatest disappointment was not finding WMDs. If he said they weren't found, then there were none. If there had been, he would have known it. He tore that country apart and found none. He wrote it in a book.

Of course, our CIA already knew that. All he had to do was ask his father.
The right hates Obama because he's black and the Republican Party, 90% white and centered in the deep south leads the charge.

When the "real" debates start between whoever the Republican candidate is, there will be close comparison between the GOP and the Democrats. Should be interesting.

GOP has two policies:
1. Cut taxes for rich people
2. Subsidies for corporations.

The right says Obama is lying when he says, "You will be on your own if you elect a Republican". Only Republicans are running on:
1. Let him die
2. End Medicard
3. End Social Security

Before the right wingers start, a voucher program is ending Medicare. Throwing Social Security into the Stock Market is simply a "speedier" way of transferring the wealth from the middle class to the top 1% where the Republican leadership feels it belongs.

Republicans and Republican policies got us into this mess and they have no new ideas for getting us out. Americans know this. Saying "vote for us because it's all Obama's fault" isn't going to cut it. You have to have a "reason" for voting Republican.

Republicans hate Obama so much, they feel everyone should. They don't need a reason. They believe the hate is more than skin deep. But I say it IS skin deep.

Is your brain really that disconnected.

First, to your racebaiting.....it has nothing to do with his skin color. If he were white, he'd be just as bad. What makes this argument on your part so disgusting is the very counterpoint that many people voted for him just because he was black. Somehow they thought that made them more progressive. Never mind his lack of experience or his positions.

Second, I suspect that most of those who understand this election will tell you (as it is the case in most situations where people are running for re-election) it is about their records. So saying it is President Obama's fault is more than enough to cut it.

He ran on a platform that did not take into account the issues we faced and are facing. He promised Hope and Change and all kinds of freebies.

And he has not delivered. He had one of the strongest democratic congresses in a long time and for two years....he could not deliver.

All your other talking points make you sound like a Chris Matthews parrot.

History will judge him. It usually takes quite a while to really understand what a President did or did not do.

All your hatred of the rich is also quite clear in your posts. Republicans and republican policies have given this country quite a run (in terms of overall wealth). It just happens that the amount of wealth (which is growing....it is not a zero sum game) has concentrated in the hands of a few largely aided by democratic policies. And yet you somehow are able to twist the "facts" to suite your own world view.

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