Obama's 13 impeachable offenses

Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.
Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.

Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

So my question is...why hasn't he been? I wish he were out of office NOW. I shudder at the damage he can and probably will do in his remaining days as POTUS.

Because the lies, ignorance, and stupidity exhibited by you and others on the right don’t constitute ‘impeachable offensives.’

For example, the lie that the president is ‘damaging the country,’ it’s ignorant partisan stupidity, devoid of merit or fact.
Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.
If Whitey can't handle a few scary ******* then he needs a thicker skin. People die to vote when all they had to do was keep walking.
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Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

So my question is...why hasn't he been? I wish he were out of office NOW. I shudder at the damage he can and probably will do in his remaining days as POTUS.

Better than impeaching him NOW -- I suggested in 2010 that the Repugs give the Dems EVERYTHING they were asking for. All the stimulus and pork and taxes and regulations they cared to suggest. By now -- the Dem party would be a carcass if Repugs were smarter.
Liberals are finally having to admit that an impeachment is becoming increasingly more likely, even if only so they can joke about it and dismiss it.​
They somehow still seem to think that Obama has done absolutely nothing wrong, and all of the scandals that he stands accused of are nothing more than made-up, fictitious, conservative conspiracy theories."

"now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover. It has no other business to distract it, and it will be led by Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor who excels at channeling conservatives’ outrage.
The author makes note that Speaker Boehner and the GOP establishment most likely don’t want to proceed with an impeachment, remembering that the failed impeachment of President Clinton hurt them politically, but may go along with it to placate their base."

"... whether they dismiss the Benghazi Committee or not, whether they admit that the IRS is breaking the law in an unethical manner or not, whether Obama has stepped outside his Constitutional bounds or not, they are being compelled to admit that impeachment proceedings are looking more and more likely."

"Democrats should be worried about the impeachment of Obama, because it very likely could begin to happen in 2015."

Liberal Newspaper Worried The ?Impeach Obama? Movement is Exploding | The Liberty Beacon
Liberals are finally having to admit that an impeachment is becoming increasingly more likely, even if only so they can joke about it and dismiss it.​
They somehow still seem to think that Obama has done absolutely nothing wrong, and all of the scandals that he stands accused of are nothing more than made-up, fictitious, conservative conspiracy theories."

"now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover. It has no other business to distract it, and it will be led by Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor who excels at channeling conservatives’ outrage.
The author makes note that Speaker Boehner and the GOP establishment most likely don’t want to proceed with an impeachment, remembering that the failed impeachment of President Clinton hurt them politically, but may go along with it to placate their base."

"... whether they dismiss the Benghazi Committee or not, whether they admit that the IRS is breaking the law in an unethical manner or not, whether Obama has stepped outside his Constitutional bounds or not, they are being compelled to admit that impeachment proceedings are looking more and more likely."

"Democrats should be worried about the impeachment of Obama, because it very likely could begin to happen in 2015."

Liberal Newspaper Worried The ?Impeach Obama? Movement is Exploding | The Liberty Beacon
Ah Jewbitch, get a fucking clue. He's out in the time it would take to file the paperwork.
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Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.
If Whitey can't handle a few scary ******* then he needs a thicker skin. People die to vote when all they had to do was keep walking.
That's not the point, dickwad. Voter intimidation is illegal. I'm sure you would be singing a different song if they had been KKK members intimidating black voters, you fucking hack.
Liberals are finally having to admit that an impeachment is becoming increasingly more likely, even if only so they can joke about it and dismiss it.​
They somehow still seem to think that Obama has done absolutely nothing wrong, and all of the scandals that he stands accused of are nothing more than made-up, fictitious, conservative conspiracy theories."

"now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover. It has no other business to distract it, and it will be led by Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor who excels at channeling conservatives’ outrage.
The author makes note that Speaker Boehner and the GOP establishment most likely don’t want to proceed with an impeachment, remembering that the failed impeachment of President Clinton hurt them politically, but may go along with it to placate their base."

"... whether they dismiss the Benghazi Committee or not, whether they admit that the IRS is breaking the law in an unethical manner or not, whether Obama has stepped outside his Constitutional bounds or not, they are being compelled to admit that impeachment proceedings are looking more and more likely."

"Democrats should be worried about the impeachment of Obama, because it very likely could begin to happen in 2015."

Liberal Newspaper Worried The ?Impeach Obama? Movement is Exploding | The Liberty Beacon
Ah Jewbitch, get a fucking clue. He's out in the time it would take to file the paperwork.

Out of where?

Meanwhile, you do realize I'm Southern Baptist, not Jewish. Right?

You'll have to adjust your misogynistic bigotry accordingly.
Liberals are finally having to admit that an impeachment is becoming increasingly more likely, even if only so they can joke about it and dismiss it.​
They somehow still seem to think that Obama has done absolutely nothing wrong, and all of the scandals that he stands accused of are nothing more than made-up, fictitious, conservative conspiracy theories."

"now we have the Benghazi select committee, and a select committee is what you form when there may be crimes and misdemeanors to uncover. It has no other business to distract it, and it will be led by Trey Gowdy, a former prosecutor who excels at channeling conservatives’ outrage.
The author makes note that Speaker Boehner and the GOP establishment most likely don’t want to proceed with an impeachment, remembering that the failed impeachment of President Clinton hurt them politically, but may go along with it to placate their base."

"... whether they dismiss the Benghazi Committee or not, whether they admit that the IRS is breaking the law in an unethical manner or not, whether Obama has stepped outside his Constitutional bounds or not, they are being compelled to admit that impeachment proceedings are looking more and more likely."

"Democrats should be worried about the impeachment of Obama, because it very likely could begin to happen in 2015."

Liberal Newspaper Worried The ?Impeach Obama? Movement is Exploding | The Liberty Beacon
Ah Jewbitch, get a fucking clue. He's out in the time it would take to file the paperwork.

Out of where?

Meanwhile, you do realize I'm Southern Baptist, not Jewish. Right?

You'll have to adjust your misogynistic bigotry accordingly.
Nah, stupid Jewbitch fits your fine, just another worthless Zionist ****. Anyway. he's on vacation until the next fool enters the Oval Office. Take your impeachment nonsense to where it belongs, the tub where you jerk off while the kids are watching SpongeBob.
[MENTION=19170]Coyote[/MENTION] [MENTION=23905]Trajan[/MENTION] Every post since I posted this thread is a flame/trolling post. None addresses anything in the OP, none of the comments have anything at all to do with the subject.

Koshercunt, nonsense post = nonsense responses. You are worse than a liberal...absolutely pathetic and devoid of any original thought. It is absolutely ridiculous to scream impeachment just because you disagree with Obama. You and your ilk are destroying conservatism and the GOP with all of your nonsense. If you would spend more time making rational arguments against policies you disagree with instead of screaming and yelling like a 2 year old, people might take you seriously and change might be possible. Instead, you spew nonsense and want to tell on everyone because they call you out for being pathetic.

I thought the liberals went overboard when W was elected...you take the cake. You are PATHETIC.

How is that insurrection going? Stupid bitch.

I sure hope the lefties and independents don't think you represent anything close to mainstream conservatism...because you don't and you are an embarrassment to true conservatives. Its a headache dealing with their nonsense, you don't help and are the biggest obstacle to the GOP and conservatives regaining control of this nation.

Oh my.
Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.
If Whitey can't handle a few scary ******* then he needs a thicker skin. People die to vote when all they had to do was keep walking.
That's not the point, dickwad. Voter intimidation is illegal. I'm sure you would be singing a different song if they had been KKK members intimidating black voters, you fucking hack.

Well, the left believes whites deserve to be intimidated and beat. You have to understand that these people were trained in public school to hate white people.
Ah Jewbitch, get a fucking clue. He's out in the time it would take to file the paperwork.

Out of where?

Meanwhile, you do realize I'm Southern Baptist, not Jewish. Right?

You'll have to adjust your misogynistic bigotry accordingly.
Nah, ****** ********* fits your fine, just another worthless Zionist ****. Anyway. he's on vacation until the next fool enters the Oval Office. Take your impeachment nonsense to where it belongs....

Wow, I really lost all respect I ever had for you with this post. How unbelievably childish of you.

I certainly have had issues with this poster, but what the fuck is wrong with you to say something like that?

Disgraceful ... . :mad:

If members of this site want to post impeachment garbage, it's their right - YOU-ALMIGHTY don't get to make that call ... you cad!!!
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Aug. 14 2013: Delayed provision in Obamacare to cap out-of-pocket costs, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, which is to exceed authority (per Article 2 Section 3 of the Constitution).

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .

And there are many more.

'Article 2, Sec. 3 of the Constitution charges the President “shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” It doesn’t say that he “should” execute the laws of the United States; it uses the imperative “shall.”
Nor does the Constitution say that the President can pick and choose to enforce some of the laws, or just the ones he likes.
Nor does the Constitution give the President the authority to create new laws. Article 1, Sec. 1 is clear on that point; “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.”

Absolutely zero of these "offenses" are impeachable.

You should read the Constitution.
Obama was derelict in his duties as soon as he took office when he dropped charges against the NBP thugs in Philadelphia for voter intimidation. It set the tone for his divisive and corrupt policies that have now gone on for 6 years.

He didn't "drop" anything.

They also had nothing to charge this guys with.

They weren't intimidating voters.

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