Obama's 13 impeachable offenses

Uh..you guys think that men walking into a store with weapons is so scary that they should be stopped at the door.

But you're perfectly okay with armed convicts waving billy clubs near voting booths.

Got it.
Not one mention of Abdulrahman al-Awlaki. Americans are fucking retarded.

Yeah if your putting together a phony list of impeachable offenses, that one should def. be on the list.

June 17 2013: Obama's National Labor Board recess appointment deemed unconstitutional by the courts. Thus far, Obama has ignored this ruling. .


The US Supreme Court has not ruled on NLRB v. Noel Canning yet.

Besides, this is a downright idiotic benchmark to be setting for impeachment. Every President has been challenged in court, and some have even had their actions deemed unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court. Including Obama's immediate predecessor.
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news flash .. Republican legislators vote to impeach Obama 55 times !!!!!

nothing yet, same result, just like when the Republicans voted 55 times to defund Obamacare

55 times ... LMAO

Impeachment only requires a simple majority of the House, so the GOP has the numbers. They're just not that stupid. Then we'd have to have a trial in the Senate where the President would be acquitted. End of Story.
From the OP link:

The Obama administration announced it will stop deporting illegal immigrants under the age of 30 in a “deferred action” policy to circumvent immigration laws.

Again, FAIL. Obama is not the first president to do this.

You really need to know American history before establishing these benchmarks for impeachment.
Uh, yeah. Ok, lol.

The progressive mantra..."sure it's illegal but it's been done before so it's okay for us to do it!"
Most of the 13 seem to be just Obama using his executive powers

If Conservatives are upset, they are free to use the court system or Legislative action to overrule the President. I have yet to see anything near a "high crime or misdemeanor"
The 13 REAL Reasons to impeach President Obama

1. Teleprompter Reading
2. Excessive Golf
3. Free Stuff
4. Taking two vacations a year
5. Using Air Force 1
6. Failure to salute the flag
7. Attending a black church
8. Caring about the sick and the poor
9. Winning a Nobel Prize without approval of the Conservative media
10. Being mean to BP
11. Refusing to provide a birth certificate for the tenth time
12. Excessive bowing
13.Governing while black

Did I leave anything out?

Not wearing his designated flag-pin on his lapel.
Proposing a Beer summit.
Some people will never accept the reality that Barack Obama is our legitimate president.

First, they tried to deny him with their birth certificate bullshit.

Now, they are treating impeachment with all the seriousness of a jaywalking ticket.

It was the same with Bush. The Left couldn't accept that Gore lost the 2000 election, and so they screamed for Bush's impeachment every six months.

These hacks demonstrate the epitome of sore losership.
Uh, yeah. Ok, lol.

The progressive mantra..."sure it's illegal but it's been done before so it's okay for us to do it!"

Yea....precedent does come into play

Why do you think it wouldn't?
Most of the 13 seem to be just Obama using his executive powers

If Conservatives are upset, they are free to use the court system or Legislative action to overrule the President. I have yet to see anything near a "high crime or misdemeanor"
You wouldn't see a high crime if he slashed his wife's throat on tv.
They were a President acting as President.

That is not a crime.
Obstructing justice is one of his duties, I forgot.

There was no obstruction of justice

Once again, no crime was committed. Prosecution is at the discretion of the Justice Department
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News
Obstructing justice is one of his duties, I forgot.

There was no obstruction of justice

Once again, no crime was committed. Prosecution is at the discretion of the Justice Department
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News

People who work in an Embassy are asked to sign non-disclosure agreements?

Never heard of that one before
Obstructing justice is one of his duties, I forgot.

There was no obstruction of justice

Once again, no crime was committed. Prosecution is at the discretion of the Justice Department
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News

There were a lot of 'may have' and 'might have beens' in there.

Additionally, what is the premise of any so-called non-disclosure agreement or confidentiality agreement? I mean, I've heard it when it comes to matters of national security or when it comes to the exact provisions of a payment in response to a law suit, but Wolf seems to be implying there was another nefarious reason without actually saying anything about what that reason might be. I also don't see any indication that anyone actually DID sign any kind of non-disclosure agreement. There aren't even any names mentioned.

With that said, it all sounds like little more than posturing nonsense, probably meant as a prelude to a fundraising letter.
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There was no obstruction of justice

Once again, no crime was committed. Prosecution is at the discretion of the Justice Department
Only a partisan hack like you would claim there have been no cover-ups by this administration.

Rep. Wolf says Benghazi survivors were asked to sign non-disclosure agreements | Fox News


sign right here Mr Ambassador

I'm glad you find the president's cover up of his incompetency that resulted in the murder of American citizens so fucking funny.

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